

New Days, Old Demons: A Conversation on Spiritual Warfare with Pastor Mark Driscoll

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I recently had the honor of sitting down with Pastor Mark Driscoll to discuss spiritual warfare and ancient demonic spirits that are infiltrating modern society. Driscoll has been a leading voice exposing these dark forces through his new book New Days, Old Demons which released in the summer of 2023.

Our conversation focused on how ancient pagan idol worship is being revived today under the guise of progressive ideologies. Specifically, we see the resurgence of child sacrifice through abortion, sexual immorality, and confusion over gender roles – all trademarks of archaic cults like the worship of Baal and Asherah.

Revival of Child Sacrifice

Pastor Mark Driscoll

Child sacrifice was a common practice in ancient pagan religions, often done to secure favor from demonic spirits. Sadly, we see the same thing happening today through abortion, only now it’s state-funded and justified as “women’s healthcare.” As Driscoll said, “Pro-choice is the name of a demon.”

Just as in Old Testament times, today’s ruling authorities have partnered with pseudo-prophets spreading lies that abortion is acceptable or even virtuous. Scripture warns us that liars and sorcerers will not inherit God’s kingdom (Revelation 22:15), yet pro-abortion advocates are given platforms to spread their lethal message.

During COVID, this upside-down morality was on full display. As Driscoll noted, “We needed to close the church but keep the abortion clinics open because they’re essential. So worship was not essential, but murder was.”

The parallels between child sacrifice then and now are tragically clear. Powers and principalities have been deceiving people into believing the murder of infants is permissible, just as the worshipers of Molech shed innocent blood at their pagan altars.

Sexual Immorality Run Amok

Sexual sin often goes hand in hand with occult practices, numbing people’s consciences and allowing greater depravity. The Old Testament frequently mentions pagan fertility rituals being accompanied by temple prostitution and sexual orgies.

This is not unlike today, where America has plunged headfirst into an abyss of unbridled lust. Pornography, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and gender confusion have become normalized, celebrated, and even promoted to children.

It’s the same demonic spirit of Jezebel, who used her sexuality to manipulate and control others while draining their spiritual power. Sexual sin leaves people weakened and unable to fight evil.

Driscoll traced this back to King Solomon, who disobeyed God by accumulating 1,000 wives and concubines who worshiped false gods. “If you worship the wrong god, then you have power to do evil,” he explained. “If you worship the right God, you have power to do good.”

When we pursue sexual pleasure instead of God, we forfeit His supernatural ability to resist wickedness. The proliferation of sexual sin we see today is directly tied to exchanging the worship of the Creator for the worship of lust.

Gender Confusion and “Woke” Politics

Part and parcel with these ancient demonic spirits is an assault on gender and promotion of radical leftist ideologies. Driscoll stated it well: “Mutilation of children is not a left-right issue. It’s a good and evil issue.”

Supernatural forces are working overtime to blur the distinctions between men and women. Whether it’s transgenderism, pronoun policing, or claiming there are dozens of genders, the goal is dismantling God’s design for masculinity and femininity.

This has opened the door to the “Jezebel spirit” described in Driscoll’s book, which aims to control and castrate men while empowering women to usurp authority over them. Feminism and LGBTQ activism are just modern vessels being exploited by these ancient demons that despise God’s created order.

Make no mistake – progressive politics are greatly influenced by these satanic beings. “Woke” philosophies that sound enlightened on the surface have much deeper roots in the demonic realm.

Spiritual Warfare is Imperative

Confronting these dark agendas requires us to put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). The battle is not merely between opposing human factions – it is a cosmic clash of kingdoms.

Christians must engage in intercessory prayer and expose these ancient evils for what they are. Standing on God’s truth is the only way to dispel the lies.

This will provoke spiritual attacks, as evil spirits finance and empower those who do their bidding. But we must remember demons are defeated foes, and the risen Jesus has given believers authority to tread on serpents and scorpions (Luke 10:19).

God is still on the throne, no matter how depraved society becomes. When we align ourselves with His kingdom purposes, we can rest assured the forces of darkness will not prevail.

I’m very grateful to Pastor Mark for shining a light on these urgent matters. I hope these insights will spur all of us to greater prayer awareness and spiritual boldness in these times of demonic resurgence.

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Is Your Mind Being Controlled? What You Need to Know About Marine Spirits, With Jenny Weaver

By | Deliverance, Demons | One Comment

Many people are under the control of demonic entities that lie, manipulate, and deceive. These entities are called mind-binding spirits, and some refer to them as the octopus spirit. I’ve learned that demons find access points to invade human lives. Imagine a spirit that turns the head of someone and exercises control. This person, under the influence of an octopus spirit, doesn’t know why they do things they truly don’t want to do in their heart of hearts, but something is controlling them. For instance, many people deal with this type of spirit when it comes to perversion.

Pastor Mike Signorelli sat down to interview Jenny Weaver, founder of Core Group Mentorship, on the subject of marine spirits or octopus spirits.

Jenny Weaver

Jenny Weaver

Where the Head Goes, The Body Goes

Jenny shared that demons have been studying humans for quite some time, and they know how to bring on an attack. Wherever the head goes, the body is going to go. So demons will get into the mind of a person as a way of controlling their bodies. This demon’s tentacle-like arms go into their ear gate to stop them from hearing the truth of the gospel. They go into the eye gate, controlling what they see, or the mouth gate, controlling what they speak. These octopus spirits control every aspect of people’s lives, from the way they sleep to the way they interact with their spouse.

If you cut off the tentacle of an octopus, it grows back. Therefore, you have to find the root. And if you don’t get to the root, it will continuously grow more fruit. You have fruit, but there’s a root somewhere. So mind-controlling spirits will try to get into the mind of a person because once they nest there, they have the person.

You Have The Mind of Christ

Philippians 2:5 says, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” God has given us an instruction. Our mind is supposed to match His mind; the mind that’s in Christ is supposed to be in you. You’re supposed to have God-like thoughts. You’re supposed to have your thoughts under the lordship of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

People are dealing with the spirit of insanity. They’re dealing with nonstop confusion. And they even know the truth of God. Some of them have received prophecy, some of them have had prophetic dreams. But then there’s double-mindedness because the mind of Christ is trying to compete with this demonic control. And what do they end up surrendering to almost every time? They resign themselves to the demonic. Maybe you’re heavily medicated, spending tens of thousands of dollars in therapy and nothing is changing.

The Root System

Here are some ways Jenny believes that people can come under the demonic influence of mind-controlling demons:

1. Secular music. 

This is an open door for mind-controlling spirits because it sets your mind on the things of the world. The Bible says that those who walk after the Spirit set their mind on the things of the Spirit. But those who walk after the flesh set their mind on the things of the flesh, and they’ll go after those things. So when you’re listening to “Let’s get crunk,” or, “Twerk this, twerk that,” you’re opening up doors for these mind-binding spirits to come in.

2. Gossip.

People don’t even realize that gossiping is a sin. That isn’t a prayer request; it’s veiled gossip. That’s a sin.

3. Witchcraft.

Witchcraft isn’t identified by painting your nails black and wearing a witch hat over a cauldron. Witchcraft is identified by the acronym D.I.M. – domination, intimidation, and manipulation. The Bible talks about the works of the flesh, and it puts domination, intimidation, and manipulation in the category of bewitching and witchcraft.

4. Pharmakeia.

This is a Greek word used in the Bible that means “the use or the administering of drugs, poisoning, sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it.” I find that many people’s issues begin with recreational drug use. They open up these doorways that alter their mind. And even though there may be biological implications to what they’re suffering from, they need deliverance because it’s a spiritual issue.

Conclusion and Prayer

You can find freedom from marine spirits or octopus spirits today. But first, Jenny says, you need to surrender to Christ. You need to bend your knee to Him and come under the submission of God so that you can resist the devil, and he’ll flee. Pray this:

God, I’m turning away from [insert names of sins here]. I’m not going to participate in it any longer or be connected to it. God, I’m committing to you. I’m giving you my word. Lord, forgive me for I have not followed you the way that I need to. God, forgive where I have grown lukewarm or even cold in my walk with You. I used to be on fire, but I’m not on fire. I come to the end of myself today and I’m coming back to the heart of worship. I’m coming back to the foot of the cross. I thank you, Jesus, that you died for me. You rose again and you’re seated at the right hand of the Father. I submit my whole life to you now, every part of me, every relationship, I give you everything now, every single thing.

I command every mind-controlling demon to go to the pits of hell and never return again. I come for the very root of this thing and sever every tentacle, every other demon that is associated and has linked up with the mind-controlling demons. Go now in the name of Jesus as I submit myself fully to God. You must obey the word now and you must flee in the name of Jesus.

I have the mind of Christ. The peace of God will surround me and will guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus. I have a spirit of power, love, and of a sound and sober mind in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

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The TRUE Origins of the Nephilim with Apostle Alexander Pagani

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The mysterious origins of the Nephilim, often debated and seldom explored within the church, have become a subject of discussion in contemporary Christian circles. In a recent exploration of this intriguing topic, best-selling author, digital creator, pastor, and preacher Apostle Alexander Pagani engaged in a conversation shedding light on the Nephilim with Pastor Mike Signorelli.

Apostle Alexander Pagani

Apostle Alexander Pagani

Before delving into the discourse, it’s essential to establish that beliefs regarding the existence of a pre-Adamite race do not impact salvation. This conversation revolves around scriptural interpretations, providing an interesting dialogue rather than a doctrinal necessity.

The Origins of the Demonic Realm

Apostle Pagani introduces the discussion by connecting the Nephilim to Ephesians 6, where principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places are addressed. According to Pagani, understanding the Nephilim involves acknowledging the belief that the sons of God intermingled with human daughters, leading to a broader understanding of the demonic realm and multiple angelic rebellions.

Apostle Pagani introduces the concept of hybridization, drawing parallels with the Holy Spirit overshadowing Mary during the conception of Christ. He terms this phenomenon “Theo Anthropo,” emphasizing the dual nature of Jesus as both fully God and fully man. This, according to Pagani, aligns with the idea of angels mating with humans.

The biblical reference to the Nephilim in Genesis 6:4 is brought into focus, describing them as the offspring of the union between the sons of God and human daughters—heroes of old, men of renown.

Angelic Rebellions

The discussion then delves into angelic rebellions, starting with the morning stars rejoicing and the sons of God singing for joy at the time of creation. Pagani posits that this pre-fall state changed with the first angelic rebellion led by Lucifer, resulting in the creation of hell. The subsequent rebellion, as mentioned in Genesis 6, involves the sons of God, also referred to as watchers.

According to Pagani, these fallen sons of God shared forbidden knowledge and technology with humanity, creating a unique second rebellion. He suggests that these angels, originally created to help govern the earth, fell in love with the newly created female species, leading to a distinct rebellion.

The conversation explores the idea that angels possess free will and emotions, emphasizing that their ability to choose to serve is an expression of their love for God. 

Angels Unaware

They then delve into the idea that, according to New Testament scriptures, believers can entertain angels unaware. This phrase, not disputed among theologians, suggests the possibility of engaging in full human dialogues with angels without recognizing their celestial nature.

Drawing parallels from biblical examples, such as Abraham’s interaction with the Lord and two angels in Genesis, the conversation emphasizes the tangible interactions between celestial beings and humans. Even unbelievers in Sodom engaged in dialogues with angels, highlighting the complex dynamics between different realms.

The discourse then navigates into the New Testament, where Paul speaks figuratively about women covering themselves not only as a display of submission but also “because of the angels.” This phrase raises questions about the ongoing free will of angels and the potential for rebellion, emphasizing that angels, including Michael and Gabriel, still retain the opportunity to rebel, although scripture suggests they never will.

The Watchers

The logical progression leads to the discussion of angels observing the newly created species—humans, particularly the female, referred to as the “Woo man.” The rarity of this creation increases its value in the eyes of the sons of God. This unique species, capable of procreation in the image and likeness of God, becomes a point of curiosity and, eventually, obsession for the watchers.

The sons of God, captivated by the concept of family and covenant, choose to leave their heavenly abode and descend to Earth. Here, we delve into the idea that marriage, often considered an earthly institution, originated on Earth and was later incorporated into heavenly concepts.

Addressing the Western evangelical view of angels as immaterial beings, the article emphasizes the tangible interaction between extraterrestrial entities and the physical domain. It challenges misconceptions about angels and promotes a Middle Eastern perspective when interpreting scripture.

As the discussion unfolds, Pastor Mike and Apostle Pagani explore parallels between the resurrected Jesus and the potential anatomy of angels, adding layers of complexity to the overall exploration. The descent of the sons of God to Earth becomes a pivotal point in understanding the genesis of the Nephilim and the intricate interplay between celestial beings and humanity.

Giants & Misconceptions

As we traverse through the biblical narrative, we address the misconception surrounding giants like Goliath. Dismissing the notion that these beings could be associated with conditions like gigantism or disability, we emphasize the supernatural characteristics of the Nephilim, distinct from any physical deformity.

The scriptural accounts point to the existence of giants in the post-flood era, referred to as “Rephaim” or “Zuzim.” These beings are considered derivatives of the Nephilim, maintaining a genetic connection but exhibiting variations in their hybrid nature.

The narrative weaves through the descendants of Cain and their increasing darkness, eventually leading to the rise of these post-flood giants. The term “Rephaim” signifies a copy of a copy, indicating a genetic lineage with a majority human composition yet retaining traces of the Nephilim’s divine ancestry.

Examining biblical figures like Ogg, we find the continuation of this genetic strain. Ogg, a giant king, adds another layer to the multifaceted tapestry of Nephilim descendants. His significant stature, combined with references in archeology, suggests a scale beyond the ordinary human dimensions.

Divine Intervention?

God’s instructions to Abraham regarding the conquest of Canaan shed light on the specific targeting of the land inhabited by these giants. The land promised to Abraham was not merely a random geographical area but a strategic strip, a hotspot of Nephilim activity.

The concept of wiping out these beings, often criticized as genocide, is reinterpreted as a divine intervention to eliminate a genetic strain not of earthly origin. The focus shifts from conventional ethical debates to a recognition of the necessity to curtail the resurgence of these hybrid extraterrestrial entities.

The narrative confronts Western interpretations that tend to downplay the supernatural elements, asserting that the biblical accounts speak of an otherworldly species rather than human deformities. The giants, existing as a constant threat to the divine plan, necessitated extraordinary measures to ensure the preservation of humanity’s intended genetic purity.

As we unravel the layers of biblical history, it becomes evident that the giants were not confined to isolated incidents but persisted, requiring divine intervention to maintain the integrity of the human bloodline. The intricate interplay of genetics, divine purpose, and the ongoing battle against these Nephilim descendants forms a compelling narrative that challenges traditional perspectives and prompts a deeper exploration of biblical mysteries.

Going back to the aftermath of the flood, as God wipes out the Nephilim and genetically modified sentient beings, we see the emergence of unregistered spirits, decommissioned and left to wander the earth. These entities, once part of the unauthorized hybrid experiment, become what we now refer to as demons. Their existence is tied to the prince of the power of the air, operating under the rule of fallen angels and principalities.

The term “heroes of old,” used in the Bible, aligns with the Greek concept of demigods. These were beings with a mix of divine and earthly origins, echoing stories found in various mythologies. The Bible, in presenting these narratives, doesn’t dismiss them as fables but underscores a deeper truth behind the myths. It invites us to consider the possibility that similar beings existed, and their stories are reflections of historical events.

Myths Vs. Fables

This exploration challenges us to distinguish between myths (exaggerated truths) and fables (lies). The ancient cities and structures, discovered by modern archaeology, corroborate with indigenous accounts, acknowledging the presence of advanced civilizations predating known histories. The precision in construction and technological aspects suggests a level of knowledge that goes beyond conventional human capabilities.


In summary, the law of only mentions emphasizes the uniqueness of certain biblical narratives, such as Samson’s story, and prompts us to delve deeper into their underlying truths. The existence of demi-gods and advanced civilizations, while often dismissed as myth, aligns with biblical accounts and archaeological findings, urging us to reconsider our understanding of history and the supernatural.

Pastor Mike and Apostle Pagani discuss the supernatural occurrences in Mark chapter five. They delve into the concept that demons could be disembodied spirits of the Nephilim, drawing connections from biblical narratives. The discussion touches on fallen angels, possession, and the unique desires of demons and Nephilim.

As they navigate through the intricacies of the topic, they emphasize the importance of understanding spiritual authority and deliverance. The conversation also extends to the idea that Christians can house decommissioned spirits and the need to exercise authority through Christ. In light of this, we encourage readers to seek deliverance and spiritual freedom.

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A Prophetic Word for Women in Ministry with Jeremiah Johnson

By | Current Events, Demons, Pop Culture, Tough Questions | No Comments

🖥 Find out more about Jeremiah Johnson’s ministry here.

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UFO Activity Shuts Down Military Base: What’s Really Happening in Our Skies?

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In an unprecedented development, Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio—one of America's most critical military installations—temporarily closed its airfield following reports of unauthorized drone activity in restricted airspace. This…

Mysterious Drones in New York: Airport Shutdown Raises Questions About Security and Legislation

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Since mid-November 2024, I've been closely monitoring an intriguing development in the New York/New Jersey area - numerous reports of unidentified drones observed over military installations and residential areas. As…

Recent Drone Sightings Over New York & New Jersey: Examining Multiple Perspectives

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Since mid-November 2024, I've been closely monitoring an intriguing development in the New York/New Jersey area - numerous reports of unidentified drones observed over military installations and residential areas. As…
Woman wearing mask to avoid H5N1

H5N1 Bird Flu and Biblical Prophecy: A Christian Perspective on Preparation

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As someone who's been studying both scientific developments and biblical prophecy for years, I feel compelled to address the growing concerns about H5N1 bird flu and its potential implications. Drawing…


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The Biblical Truth About Aliens (with Dr. Hugh Ross)

By | Current Events, Demons, Pop Culture, Tough Questions | One Comment

💻 For more information on Dr. Ross’ work, visit to find tens of thousands of articles and video clips.  

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UFO Activity Shuts Down Military Base: What’s Really Happening in Our Skies?

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In an unprecedented development, Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio—one of America's most critical military installations—temporarily closed its airfield following reports of unauthorized drone activity in restricted airspace. This…

Mysterious Drones in New York: Airport Shutdown Raises Questions About Security and Legislation

| Current Events, The Prophetic | No Comments
Since mid-November 2024, I've been closely monitoring an intriguing development in the New York/New Jersey area - numerous reports of unidentified drones observed over military installations and residential areas. As…

Recent Drone Sightings Over New York & New Jersey: Examining Multiple Perspectives

| Current Events, The Prophetic | No Comments
Since mid-November 2024, I've been closely monitoring an intriguing development in the New York/New Jersey area - numerous reports of unidentified drones observed over military installations and residential areas. As…
Woman wearing mask to avoid H5N1

H5N1 Bird Flu and Biblical Prophecy: A Christian Perspective on Preparation

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As someone who's been studying both scientific developments and biblical prophecy for years, I feel compelled to address the growing concerns about H5N1 bird flu and its potential implications. Drawing…


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How Demons Actually Work (Breakers Challenge)

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Further Resources

📝 How to Cast Out Demons By Yourself

📺 Watch This Before You Try Casting Out Demons

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UFO Activity Shuts Down Military Base: What’s Really Happening in Our Skies?

| Current Events, The Prophetic | No Comments
In an unprecedented development, Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio—one of America's most critical military installations—temporarily closed its airfield following reports of unauthorized drone activity in restricted airspace. This…

Mysterious Drones in New York: Airport Shutdown Raises Questions About Security and Legislation

| Current Events, The Prophetic | No Comments
Since mid-November 2024, I've been closely monitoring an intriguing development in the New York/New Jersey area - numerous reports of unidentified drones observed over military installations and residential areas. As…

Recent Drone Sightings Over New York & New Jersey: Examining Multiple Perspectives

| Current Events, The Prophetic | No Comments
Since mid-November 2024, I've been closely monitoring an intriguing development in the New York/New Jersey area - numerous reports of unidentified drones observed over military installations and residential areas. As…
Woman wearing mask to avoid H5N1

H5N1 Bird Flu and Biblical Prophecy: A Christian Perspective on Preparation

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As someone who's been studying both scientific developments and biblical prophecy for years, I feel compelled to address the growing concerns about H5N1 bird flu and its potential implications. Drawing…


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Dream Catcher

10 Cursed Items To Remove From Your Home

By | Deliverance, Demons | No Comments

2 Corinthians 2:11 says, “Do not let the enemy let Satan outwit you for we are not unaware of his schemes.”  The reason why this is in scripture is that many people are unaware of Satan’s schemes. They have no idea what he’s doing and the tactics he uses.  The Bible says in Romans 10:14, “How will we know about these things of the spirit unless a teacher is sent?”  I’ve been sent to teach you about the schemes of the devil so that he does not outwit you and cause you to accept something that looks normal and common but can destroy you.  

Here are the 10 most common cursed objects that you might have in your home. 

1. Dream catchers

Dream CatcherCommonly, dream catchers are placed above beds. People put them there symbolically to catch their bad dreams and enable good dreams.  The Bible says that Satan comes imitating an angel of light.  Witchcraft always comes in the form of false hope and false help.   So just like you see this picture of a dream catcher and it looks peaceful and serene, the reality is, it is witchcraft. 

Oftentimes people will criticize teachings like this and say, “Pastor Mike, you’re not being culturally sensitive.  That’s Native American culture.” Let me be clear: I am not bashing a culture. I am a pastor and I must teach the scriptures. The Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities, powers, and rulers in high places (Ephesians 6:12). I am not fighting a culture or a person.There are demonic spirits behind certain objects. If we are not wise, we will end up being taken captive by these spirits who are operating in, through, and around these objects. 

In Deuteronomy 7:26 it says, “Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be doomed to destruction like it. You shall utterly detest it and utterly abhor it, for it is an accursed thing.”  This verse references how Israel was bordered by many pagan nations. Oftentimes the children of Israel would sin by bringing the other nations’ idols into their homes.  Over and over again in scripture, God said, “You shall not have any other gods beside me.”  I think Deuteronomy 7:26 is very important because it says you always become the thing that you worship. So what happens when you bring these idols into your life is that you begin to conform your identity to the idol.  Instead of becoming more like Christ, you become more like that thing. You’re not putting your trust in Jesus, you’re putting your trust in that idol.  If you have a dream catcher, you need to destroy it.  

2. Sage

SageI’m not referring to what you rub your turkey with at Thanksgiving or what you use to season your chicken soup.  I’m referring to the ritualistic burning of sage.  Some people claim that burning sage has medicinal purposes, that it is antimicrobial, and that when you burn it in your house it helps destroy bacteria. Truthfully, though, there are many other products that you can use to destroy bacteria. 

The enemy is crafty.  In scripture, the enemy first shows up in the garden in the form of a serpent and that means that he is stealthy. He is always stalking and creeping.  The enemy will cause you to normalize things that should not be normalized.  So you’ll say, “Well, I burned sage for anti-microbial and antibacterial purposes.”  But if you have studied witchcraft, sage is a very very common part of the practice.  It’s used for summoning, conjuring, and creating atmospheres and environments that are conducive to witchcraft practices. My advice: get rid of it.  


3. Ouija boards

Ouija BoardSome people say, Pastor Mike, we don’t have an ouija board.  But I want to increase your awareness because there are digital forms of Ouija boards.  Or it’s possible that your child has one hidden in their room and you may not know.  There have been times when I’ve gone into my teenager’s room and played video games with her, and together we have found that the internet browsers within her gaming system will involuntarily bring up horoscopes and things of the occult. So don’t assume that because you don’t see it, it’s not there.  

If your kid lives in your house, that means it’s your house, your rules.  You are not powerless.  You can declare, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  In other words, they don’t get a choice.  If you’re my child, I choose for you. I program you. Some will be offended by that and call it brainwashing, but it’s not. Everyone has a belief system, and the world doesn’t get to determine what my children believe.  If you live in my house, I get to determine what you learn.  

4. Tarot cards

Tarot cards are becoming more and more common. And just like Ouija boards, just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not there.  I’ve talked to parents who have gone to their kids and said, “Hey, you don’t own any tarot cards do you?” To their amazement that their kid has said, “I don’t have a full deck, but I do have one because my friend gave it to me. I use it as a bookmark.”

Take inventory of what is in your house because if you don’t, it might hold your family back from the next level. Tarot cards are consulting the demonic realm. To get information about your future and get “wisdom” about your decisions from a counterfeit source is a sin.  The Bible says the Holy Spirit will teach you all things and that God will give you revelation, wisdom, and knowledge, and that He uses the church to make his manifold wisdom known.  We don’t have to consult tarot cards. We have scripture. 

5. Crystals  

CrystalsThe New Age gets packaged with everyday things.  Candles, linens, and home decor are packaged right along with crystals.  You won’t see many Bibles or crosses in home stores, but the New Age is becoming a commonplace piece of decor in people’s homes.  The reason crystals are so popular is that they’re aesthetically beautiful.  You can collect stones and enjoy nature; God created crystals, gems, and stones.  But you need to discern the spirit behind these items. Deuteronomy 7:26 says “Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be doomed to destruction like it. You shall utterly detest it and utterly abhor it, for it is an accursed thing.”  When you purchase these crystals, often they’ll come with packaging that has statements or phrases that have ungodly intentions. These are cursed items because of the system behind them. 

So if you’re a geologist, wonderful.  But if you’re buying something and the source of it has a value system that is cursed, then re-evaluate.  Take, for instance, healing crystals.  As believers, we’re supposed to help the world understand that by the stripes that Jesus Christ bore on his back we are healed. So it’s not healing crystals that help us, it’s our healing Savior. These crystals disconnect the Savior from healing and connect healing to crystals.  It’s pure idolatry.  

6. Religious statues

Religious StatueYears ago, I visited the home of a woman who was experiencing strange phenomena in her home.  There were strange noises and things were falling off the walls.  I set up my GoPro cameras to try to capture demonic activity. Now I knew that the woman needed deliverance, but at the same time, I do believe that there are cursed objects and things that demons draw strength from and create a value system around objects so that they can get access to your life. (In fact, demons don’t even want you to read this right now because after you hear the truth, you’re going to get rid of these items and they’re going to lose a source of power in your life!)

Back to the story.  I remember walking through the house and trying to discern the source of the evil.  In one room, there was a picture that in real-time, while I was praying through the house, fell right off the wall.  It was a bizarre experience. As the picture flew off the wall, I heard it crash down to the ground.  

Oftentimes people purchase religious statues because they represent luck or blessings.  These are cursed items. Now again, I want to be culturally sensitive.  I’m not ignorant or bashing another religion or culture.  Jesus said, ”I am the way, the truth, and the life.”  There is no such thing as truth in Buddha, in the prophet of Islam, or Hinduism. If you are a true Christian, you believe that those gods do not coexist with the one true God.  The only way to heaven is Jesus Christ. 

7. Evil books 

Evil bookI used to document a lot of experiences.  This guy called me and said, “You’ve got to get to my house now.  Something is physically turning off the light switch.” He said, “I turned the light on, took a shower, and I heard it click in the other direction. I came out, and sure enough, it was off.”  He lives alone.  He said, “I turned it on again and then I was walking around the living room and I heard the click and it turned off. I’m hearing all kinds of noises and I’m having these Poltergeist supernatural experiences.”  I told him I would come over and pray for him.  He was a tough guy, a bodybuilder, but he was completely powerless because this thing was spiritual and he didn’t have any resources to fight this spiritual battle. 

As I was driving, I said, “Holy Spirit, give me a revelation as to what the source of this is.  Why is he experiencing this supernatural activity? Why does a demon in his house have the ability to flip a light switch on and off?” Immediately, the Holy Spirit showed me a picture of a book on his bookshelf. I called the guy and I said, “I need you to go into a bedroom. I saw that there was a bookcase in the bedroom. Is that true?”  He said, “Yes, in my bedroom.”  I said, “Go into your bedroom.  I saw on the top shelf somewhere in the middle, a book.” All of a sudden he said, “I know exactly what book you’re talking about. You’re freaking me out right now. I’m so scared. I have goosebumps all over the back of my neck and head. I feel like something is physically standing in front of me.”  He said, “This is a book of Witchcraft and world religions, rituals, incantations, and spells from different cultures.”  He said he bought the book from a sociological perspective, he didn’t buy it to do the Witchcraft in it.  He wanted to learn about these different cultures so he bought this book thinking it was an innocent purchase. But again, it was a cursed object.  

When we talk about evil books, who does the book glorify? What does the book glorify? How do you determine whether or not it’s cursed? A lot of women are addicted to sexual fantasy books. I would say it’s a cursed object because what that book is doing is unrighteously fulfilling a sexual desire. 

You have to be led by the Holy Spirit as you are going on this journey to determine what is cursed and what’s not.  What many people will want me to do is to make a master list of every single item that is cursed so they can be sure to get rid of all of them.  But I’m not the Holy Spirit.  I am a Bible teacher and trying to help you.  So to determine if a book is cursed, ask the question, “Who is this book glorifying? What is this book glorifying?” And then go from there. 

8. Evil toys

Evil ToysIf you grew up in a Pentecostal family where your mom made you throw away your Ninja Turtles, Transformers, and GI Joes, you’re thinking, “I get it, Pastor Mike! You want me to throw away all my toys!” But there are overtly evil toys.  Some toys depict murder, mischief, and evil that have a value system connected to them.  Some of the belief systems behind the creators of these toys, including the comic books and the television series that they come from are antichrist. Do your research and look up the creators of these toys and how they talk about Jesus in interviews.  

If you’re in doubt, just throw it out. Our kids act out the behaviors.  Do you want your kid walking around with a meat cleaver with a mischievous face?  When I was a kid, I was into WWF wrestling and I thought I was Hulk Hogan.  Back in the day, Hulk Hogan said, “Take your vitamins and say your prayers.” So the worst thing I would do is bodyslam my little brother.  There’s a big difference between WWF action figures and some of the things that are systematically programming our kids for murder.  As each generation increases, so do the number of mass shootings. At some point, we’ve got to acknowledge that these things do have a spiritual effect. 

9. Evil jewelry 

Evil jewelryThese are items like the all-seeing eye, and Masonic rings that are sometimes handed down from generation to generation.  “But Pastor Mike, it’s supposed to help me, it’s supposed to ward off evil!” No, it’s not, it’s attracting evil! It’s bringing evil into your life!  How do I know that? Because I have helped thousands upon thousands of people be delivered from demons and many times I’ve had to make them take off the jewelry.  

Many times we will excuse keeping these items because of the value of the gold or stones.  But we don’t realize that the cost of keeping it is greater than the value of the gold inside of it.  It’s a form of deception.  One scripture in the Old Testament says don’t even be attracted to the gold that’s in it, get rid of it!

I’ve done deliverance on people and the Holy Spirit has told me to tell them to take their earrings out and then I come to find out that the earrings were bought as a part of a ritual at a music festival. There are a lot of new-age Reiki healers, tattoos, piercings, and things that happen that are associated with ritualistic practices, evil eye jewelry, and jewelry connected to the Saints.  Saints become an idol, they are dead people. Stop praying to the saints! The sacrifice of Jesus Christ means that there’s no veil between you and God.  You can come boldly before the throne of grace. It grieves the heart of God.  Stop praying to Peter. Peter was just a man. Pray to God. He’s the one who adopted you and made you a son or a daughter. Peter was just a person.  

10. Soul tie objects

A soul tie object is an object that is connected to an experience that you had. Maybe a sexual experience, maybe an experience with a lover or a past relationship. There have been instances where people have given me photographs and have said, “Pastor Mike, I’ve got to give this to you. I feel like it’s a form of idolatry because I’ve looked at this picture and longed to be back in that moment. I’ve longed to be with that person.” Some people are even married or have moved on to new relationships, but they can’t get rid of these old pictures. There have been instances where someone committed suicide, unfortunately, and a person who loved them holds onto a single photo, maybe in their wallet, and what that picture ends up representing is not the love that they have for that person but the grief that they’re stuck in. And there’s a demonic connection to the grief.  

In the book of Ecclesiastes, the Bible says there’s a season for everything. There is a season for mourning and then there’s also a time to wash your face, put a fresh anointing on, and move on with your life. We’re going to grieve. But then there comes a point where we need to move on.  

In deliverance, I’ve encountered people having a picture that represents grieving that is turned into demonic grief.  It’s a nostalgic longing and desire to reconnect with a person.  They become so fixated that they can’t get free.   


This is not a to-do list but rather a way to increase your wisdom and discernment to be equipped to go into your home and make the decision to get rid of items.  It’s not just about removing objects, but about removing the belief systems and ideologies that are connected to them. I want you to be free indeed.  You have to take this in phases.  

First, find and destroy the objects.  Don’t keep them.  Second, examine your heart and ask yourself what you were going through in your life, what trauma and pain were you trying to address when you brought that item into your life?  What were you trying to replace the Holy Spirit with?  Then, repent and boldly pray and declare that you are placing Jesus back in his rightful place in your life.  Whatever protection you were seeking from jewelry or crystals or sage, or whatever knowledge or wisdom you were searching for outside of Christ, you now turn to Jesus for, and ask His favor and protection and guidance on your Life.  

Further Resources

📝 How to Cleanse Your House from Evil Spirits

📝 What are Soul Ties And How Do I Get Free

My Breakthrough Community is full of people just like you who are hungry for more of God. If you are interested in learning more, consider becoming a part of the Breakthrough Community!

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How I Cast Out My Own Demons

By | Deliverance, Demons | No Comments

I’ll never forget the first time I ever cast demons out.  I wasn’t in a church service praying for people in a prayer line. I was in my bathroom casting them out of myself!  I violently threw up in my bathtub, and I kept thinking to myself, “I can’t believe how real deliverance is.” It’s been over 20 years since that experience, and it is one of the most powerful moments I have had in my life.

I believe that you’re reading this right now because you need freedom. Sometimes we see other people receiving deliverance, and we think, “I long to experience that in my life.” Demons enter our lives because they have legal rights. So in this blog, I’m going to go through all of the legal rights that give demons access, and then I’m going to take you through a guided process of self-deliverance.

How Do Demons Gain Access?

Demons gain legal rights to our lives.  Proverbs 26:2 says, “Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse without cause shall not alight.”  That is another way of saying curses are never random. They’re not just like a bird that flies away and just flutters away.  It’s not like, “Oh, a curse landed on my life randomly.” A curse is the result of sin.  Many of us have ancestors both on our mother’s and father’s sides, and as a result of their sin, we inherited a curse.  Primarily, demons want to reside in your physical body, and use their legal rights to stay inside.  We see in the Bible that Jesus cast out the spirit of infirmity.  He didn’t just heal sickness.  So some illness is the result of the spirit of infirmity.

Also, some demons want to abide in your soul, meaning your mind and emotions, and they may have legal access.  So I’m going to give you ten ways that they have legal access, and I want you to try to discern which of these you could be dealing with.

Then the last part of this teaching, which is confession, then renouncing, and then casting out, will actually lead you through the process of self-deliverance.  So let’s start with ten ways demons may have legal access to your life:

1. Committing direct willful sin

This means that you are practicing sin.  You are doing things that violate God’s design and God’s plan.  If you are in direct, willful sin, you don’t always become demonized as a result, but I use the analogy of leaving your front door open to your house.  The longer you leave it open, the more a propensity for an animal or a creature to walk into your home.  In the same way, Saul was vexed by demons because he was in repeated, willful sin.  At the same time David also sinned, but we have no biblical account that demons vexed him because what we do know from the Bible that David was quick to repent.

2.  Practices of the occult

This comes in many different forms, meaning you could have done an Ouija board, crystals, or burning sage thinking that you’re ridding your house of evil, but in fact, you’re inviting it in. There are many different forms of the occult in our lives that give demons legal rights. These include going to a psychic medium and reading your horoscope.

Occult items3. Inheritance/generational 

Often people will tell me, “Pastor Mike, I don’t deal in any way, shape, or form with the occult.  I’ve never dabbled in it,” not realizing that in their lineage, both on their mother’s and their father’s side, there there was unrepentant sin,  which gave a legal right.  And so sometimes people need deliverance from demons connected to the occult, even though they have never practiced that sin.

4.  Unforgiveness

As hard as it is to hear this, scripture tells us that if we do not forgive the one that sinned against us, how can we go before God and ask forgiveness of Him?  And so many times, we ask God, “Forgive me for my sins?” But our forgiveness from God is blocked because there is unforgiveness towards somebody who raped or molested us, somebody who abandoned us or divorced us, somebody who said a hard word, or maybe someone who bullied us.  So you may need deliverance as a result of unforgiveness.  And I’m going to challenge you even to say their name.

5. Trauma

We all encounter trauma, but wounds from trauma are open doors for demons. When you experience trauma there is a break in your conscious, there is a wound in your emotions. Trauma includes rejection. That trauma will actually cause an entry point for a demon.  Sometimes a mother will say, “I never wanted you. I never wanted to have you, I thought about aborting you.”  Rejection can sometimes even happen before birth; you may need deliverance because of that trauma.

Sometimes trauma can be experienced sexually, and to deal with the demons that entered through that trauma.  Many people have told me over the years, “Pastor Mike, I never felt a dark presence before, but when my dad abandoned me at seven years old I began to feel a dark presence, and a voice began to speak to me, saying things like, ‘You’re worthless, you have no value.'”  That demon entered through trauma.

6. False religions

Many people were raised in Hinduism, with idolatry, Islam, or various false religions, and what they think is a deity is actually demonic entity.  The Bible says that Satan comes as an angel of light, and so demons always masquerade as benevolent, kind deities. But it’s not a deity, it is a demonic entity.  It’s a false religion. 

I recently took an at-home DNA test, and was surprised to discover that I have ancestors who come from India, and more specifically, a group called the Brahmin, which were responsible for Hindu temple worship. And so again, when you’re doing self-deliverance, you may not be aware of what has been traveling down through the generations.  You may say, “I was always raised as a Christian,” not realizing that genetically, even in your DNA, in your inheritance, you need freedom from false religion.

hinduism7.  Ungodly soul ties

We know that Jonathan and David were knit together in friendship. We know that the two shall become one in marriage.  Therefore, there’s a benefit to a soul tie.  God uses soul ties.  But wherever there are the purposes of God, there are the perversions of the devil.   You’ll often begin to obsessively think about somebody you slept with and had inappropriate sexual relationships with, fornication, adultery. And your heart will go back to that moment because, in the soul realm, there is an ungodly soul tie. 

8. Curses

Curses can come in the form of spoken words.  Frequently people will curse themselves.  The Bible says that the power of life and death is in our tongue.  And so many people speak death over their destiny, and then you have demons that partner with that spoken word, demons that partner with the curse.  People will say things like:

I’m always going to be poor.  

I will never get ahead in life.  

I will never find true love. 

I always get rejected.

As they begin to say statements like that, they pronounce curses in the form of words.  Understand that the Bible says that in the beginning was the word, Jesus. And so if words are that powerful, and if Jesus is The Word, then when we speak a word over our lives that is contrary to The Word, which is Jesus, we could be living under a curse.

As a matter of fact, there are many people who have even been cursed by words by other people.  We often think about witchcraft as a spell, incantation, or a ritual, but words can also come in the form of, “You’re fat, you’re stupid, you’ll always be alone,” and other people can pronounce curses over us.

9.  Addiction

Demons have legal rights to our life as a result of addiction. Sometimes addiction starts as a counterfeit comfort. For example, “I wanted to smoke a cigarette because I was stressed out.” Or, “I needed to take a drink of alcohol because I’m grieving the loss of a loved one.”  But those addictions lead to open doors to demons, giving them a legal right. Why? Because the Bible says that drunkards will not inherit the kingdom. When one drink turns into empty bottles, you become a drunkard.  Now you are a covenant breaker.  Some Christians confess Christ as their Savior, but don’t let the Holy Spirit become their comfort.  As a result of that, addiction creates legal rights.

Drinking wine10.  Fears and phobias

The Bible says in Hebrews 11:6, “For without faith, it is impossible to please God.”  1 John 4:18 says, “Perfect love casts out all fear.” When we operate in the realm of fear we experience phobias that can become a legal right for the demonic. What does that mean? That simply means we are taking our trust away from God, and moving that trust into ourselves, the medical community, or governments.  And as a result of that, we operate in the realm of fear and phobias. 

Some of us have inherited fear and phobia that runs through our family, and a demonic spirit is connected to that.  How do I know?  Because the Bible says, “I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).   What is that talking about? In the soulish realm, there can be a spirit of fear, but God doesn’t give that to us.  He gives us a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind.


We have gone through the major elements of an actual curse that brings legal rights.

Direct willful sin, the occult and occult practices, inheritances generationally, unforgiveness, trauma, false religions, ungodly soul ties, spoken word curses, addictions, and fears and phobias give the demonic legal rights to your life.  If you identify with any of those areas, it’s time to find freedom.  


Here’s how I found freedom 20 years ago: I began to confess those sins.  You might need to do the same.  It might even involve confessing sins on behalf of the people who have gone before you, who may not be alive right now. For example, you begin to say:

In my family, there’s been an abuse of alcohol.  God, instead of seeking you for comfort, we’ve escaped into alcoholism. And Father, I’m asking for forgiveness.

Father, I’ve gone to a psychic medium for a word, but I should have gone to your word. I should have consulted the scriptures. I should have listened to a pastor but instead consulted horoscopes, and Father, I’m sorry.  I confess that sin; forgive me.


Signs of Manifestation

And then you begin to confess. As you begin to do that, there is a likelihood that demons will begin to manifest. What does that mean?  You may begin to twitch, convulse, or yawn.  Your mouth will open because demons will begin to come out.  You may vomit.  Some of you will burp or belch.  You may even want to stop praying or reading this blog.  But I encourage you to continue to go deeper because you’ll get free.

So, start with confession. Here are a few more example confession prayers:

God, I confess false religions. I admit that, even within Christianity, I spent years in a church that denied the work of the Holy Spirit. I’m sorry, God, I’ve been in false religion.

God, I’m sorry, forgive me; I confess all sins connected to Islam, Hinduism, atheism, agnosticism, whatever that thing is.

God, I confess that I was a fornicator. I slept with these people. I’m obsessively thinking about them, so I sever, and I cut every ungodly soul tie. Forgive me, God.

Father, I’ve been holding unforgiveness against [INSERT NAMES], and I forgive them now.  


The second step is to renounce. When you renounce, you are saying, “I will never go back. I am ripping up the legal contract.”  That is like ripping up a deed or a renter’s contract in the spiritual realm. So as you pray, you’ll say out loud, “I renounce ungodly soul ties. I renounce direct willful sin, occult practices, and false religions.  I renounced spoken word curses. I renounce every word I spoke over my life that was not in alignment with God’s word.” And as you begin to renounce it, you are removing legal rights, which gets you to the last and final step.

Tell the Demons to Come Out

You’ve confessed Jesus as your Savior, the blood of the Lamb has washed you clean. You have now confessed all the sins the Holy Spirit has brought to light. You’ve renounced and broken the curses.  Finally, you need to tell the demons to come out.  You say, “Lust and perversion, come out of me now. You have no legal right; I do not belong to you. You must come out.”  

Be Persistent

The Bible says, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”  So you must resist.  What does that mean? That means demons are stubborn. Even after confessing, even after renouncing, when you cast them out, they will not want to go. So at this point, you might have voices come out of you that are not you.  But I urge you to be persistent.

For example, you’ll say, “You demon of witchcraft, come out of me now. You demon of control, come out of me now. You demon of manipulation, come out of me now.” And you begin to say that, and you just begin it, “Come out of me now.” And go down the list until you’ve addressed everything you struggle with. “You spirit of unforgiveness, come out of me now. You foul spirit of rejection, come out, out, out.” And after you’ve broken the legal rights, you might manifest.  But here’s the thing – do not forget that you have authority over demons!  As a son or a daughter of the King, you have authority.

You Can Cast Out Your Own Demons

I am so thankful for deliverance workers,  pastors, and ministers that do deliverance, but I believe that this process of self-deliverance is your next level.  Start with you.  Cast demons out of yourself.  

And if you need further information on how to break free, check out this video on breaking ungodly soul ties.

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The Truth Behind Shadow People, Explained

By | Deliverance, Demons | No Comments

So you also see shadow people?  Maybe it’s the ominous figure looming in the corner of your room. Maybe it’s the dark mass at the end of your hallway that’s in a human form that seems to be looking in your direction. Or, like many other people, every single time you walk up the stairs, you may feel as if something is chasing behind you. If you’ve experienced shadow people, maybe seeing an apparition out of the corner of your eye, maybe seeing something that you know has to be more than a figment of your imagination, I want to help you. You are not insane.

shadow ghost

As a matter of fact, I’m going to help you understand what are the shadow people, why do you see them, and then how can you be free from them?

What Are They?

Let me just tell you, they are not people, they are demons.  As a matter of fact, one of the biggest deceptions is that you would believe that they are people. 

Hebrews 9:27
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

The Bible says that it is appointed to us to live and then to die.  There is heaven and there is hell, there are demons and there are angels here within this realm.  

Why Are You Seeing This?

You may be experiencing these shadow people as the result of open doors of trauma in your life. Oftentimes I’ll ask people, “When did you start to see shadow people? When did you see apparitions and figures?” And it almost always coincides with the divorce of their parents, with sexual trauma, molestation, or other traumatic events that occurred. Sometimes it starts when people do experimental drug usage.  This doesn’t surprise me because in the Bible, when the word sorcery is used, it’s strictly prohibited that we are not to do sorcery.  The Greek word for sorcery is pharmakeia. Many of you know the word pharmacy because pharmakeia and sorcery, or witchcraft go together.  People say, “I started to see black masses and shadow people when I did drugs, but as the drug-induced trip ended, I still experienced shadow people.”  Yes, because it’s not just biological and physical in nature, but also spiritual.

shadow ghosts

How To Get Free

How can you get free? Go back to the place of pain and trauma.  Go back to the place of the open door. Go back to that place.

In Romans 10:9, it says “Confess with your mouth, believe in your heart that Jesus is the Savior and you will be saved.”  So you go back to that place and you allow the Lord to begin to deal with that.  And then as you get deliverance, you get freedom, you confess your sin, you allow Jesus to heal you and forgive you for the things that you experienced that opened up that trauma.  

Then I believe that you can proceed with Ephesians 6:10-13 which says, “Put on the full armor of God so that you can withstand the wiles and the attacks of the enemy.”  The last and final thing that you do is you confront the works of darkness. 

Now I’ve waited till the last part of this video to tell you that my childhood was filled with these experiences and I was absolutely terrified. I was in so much fear.  As a matter of fact, it wasn’t until I was 15 years old that I learned the secrets that I just told you. I said, “Jesus, I surrender my life to you, I belong to you, but I wanna receive your Holy Spirit.”  

Acts 1:8 says, “After the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power.”  I’ll never forget because I had basically poltergeist-like experiences in my home. But if you knew the trauma, if you knew the witchcraft and things that came through family members, it wouldn’t be any surprise to you what I experienced.  I stood up, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and I’ll never forget, I confronted.  Why?  Because now I had the boldness of the Holy Spirit.

Here’s the thing: You are powerless without Jesus, but you are powerful through Jesus.  You are more than a conqueror. And so I empower you now. I encourage you to begin to step in the direction of confrontation because you don’t have to live under that spirit of fear. Jesus has come to give you love, power, and a sound mind.

Here are some additional videos I suggest if you’d like to dig deeper and get freedom:

Casting Out Demons for Beginners

How to Cast Out Demons By Yourself

What Are Spiritual Spouses?

My Breakthrough Community is full of people just like you who are hungry for more of God. If you are interested in learning more, consider joining the Breakthrough Community!

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