

The True Power of the Blood of Jesus: A Life-Changing Revelation

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Today, I want to share with you a powerful revelation about the power of the blood of Jesus that has the potential to transform your faith and ignite a new passion for evangelism. Let’s dive deep into the scriptures and explore the true power of the blood of Jesus.

The Life is in the Blood: Understanding Leviticus 17:11

Leviticus 17:11 states, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls. For it is the blood that makes atonement for the life.”

This verse reveals a fundamental truth: blood establishes covenant. It brings people together. In the spiritual realm, blood is powerful. While there are demonic covenants shed through human blood, we have access to a greater blood – the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.

The blood of Jesus breaks demonic vows and covenants. We need this blood over our cities, our families, and our lives. The enemy knows the power of blood, which is why practices like abortion can be seen as a form of counterfeit blood covenant. But the blood of Jesus is infinitely more powerful.

Isaiah 53:12 – The Blood Shed for Many

In Isaiah 53:12, we read, “Therefore I will divide him a portion with many, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong, because he poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors.”

This prophecy about Jesus reminds us that His blood was shed for many. In our diverse church, we see people of every color, age, and background united by one thing: the blood of Jesus. While the world tries to divide us along political, racial, or gender lines, what truly matters is who’s covered by the blood.

The Passover: A Pattern for the New Testament

Exodus 12:21-23 describes the Passover, which serves as a pattern for understanding the power of Jesus’ blood in the New Testament. The Israelites were instructed to take a lamb, slay it, and apply its blood to their doorposts using hyssop.

This act of applying the blood is crucial. Many Christians today have left the blood in the basin, so to speak. We need to actively apply the blood of Jesus to our lives through testimony and declaration.

Testifying of the Blood

One of the most powerful ways to apply the blood of Jesus is through testimony. When we share our stories of redemption and transformation, we’re essentially sprinkling the blood of Jesus in the spiritual realm.

At our church, we’ve seen former witches, warlocks, and individuals from various backgrounds testify about the power of Jesus in their lives. This act of testimony not only brings freedom to others but also produces division – just as Jesus’ ministry did. Some receive it as freedom, while others see it as foolishness.

Persecution and Unity

As Christians in 2024, we need to be prepared to live in tension. We may face persecution for our faith, but this persecution can also bring unity among believers. When external threats are greater than internal divisions, we unite with people we might not typically associate with.

We’re experiencing a time of both division and unity. People leaving various lifestyles and communities to follow Christ may face persecution from their former associates. At the same time, others from those same communities are becoming sons and daughters of the King. We must learn to live in this tension and stand firm in our faith.

Being Disruptive for the Kingdom

It’s time for Christians to take a stand in their workplaces, communities, and social circles. While everyone else seems to have an opinion, we often remain silent. But revival is disruptive, and the blood of Jesus is disruptive.

We need to break free from people-pleasing spirits and be willing to make a scene for the Kingdom. If we don’t apply the blood through our testimony and actions, people around us may fall victim to the very things we were afraid to help them overcome.

Splattering the Blood

When people are in our proximity, are we spraying them with the saliva of gossip, or are we dispersing the blood of Jesus to cover them? Our conversations should leave people covered in the blood of Jesus, not in shame, guilt, or condemnation.

We need to multiply grace and peace by sprinkling and splattering the blood through our testimony. Everyone with a testimony is qualified to share it.

The Humility of the Blood

One of the most powerful aspects of the blood is how it brings humility. When we remember who we were before the blood and who we are after, it cultivates a deep sense of humility in our hearts.

We live in an era where people are trying to build fame and influence, but they’ve lost the revelation of who they were before the blood. When you never forget where you came from, there’s a joy in your salvation that gets renewed regularly.

The Call to Evangelism

I believe that the mantle of evangelism is about to be deposited upon many people. We don’t need more talking heads or Christian commentators. We need people who can testify and lead others to Jesus.

My challenge to every Christian is this: Within the next year, lead as many people to Jesus as possible. When you pursue this goal, you’ll find that you need the Holy Spirit more than ever. The Holy Spirit isn’t just for feel-good worship experiences; He empowers us to be witnesses.

Embracing the Power of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism

When we evangelize, we need the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. Prophecy isn’t just for confused Christians; it’s a declaration to the lost that God knows them intimately. The word of knowledge isn’t something to be exploited for profit; it’s evidence that people are known by God.

We need to shift our understanding of the Holy Spirit from a luxury for spoiled Christians to a necessity for an army of evangelists. When we begin to evangelize, we’ll discover the true power and purpose of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Stepping into Your Evangelistic Role

If you feel the Holy Spirit convicting you right now, respond to that conviction. Maybe you are seeing the faces of those God wants you to lead to Him. He’s given you favor with them, and as you share your testimony, you’ll splatter them with the blood of Jesus, and they will come to Him.

It’s time to step out of the accusation room and into the room of testimony. Let’s make this declaration together:

“Heavenly Father, I submit and surrender to your will and your way. Wash me with your blood. Renew my mind. Holy Spirit, empower me to be your witness, to lead those that you have placed around me, to splatter them with your blood. Father, I’m available. Father, I’m willing. Where I am weak, You are strong. Where I am deficient, You’ll give me the words. I will obey. I will walk out Your will in Your way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

In conclusion, the power of the blood of Jesus is not just a theological concept – it’s a life-changing reality that should impact every aspect of our lives. As we embrace this truth and allow it to transform us, we’ll become powerful witnesses for Christ, leading others to experience the same freedom and redemption we’ve found. Let’s commit to applying the blood, sharing our testimonies, and living as bold evangelists in a world that desperately needs the hope only Jesus can provide.


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How to Win Souls with Confidence

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In our walk of faith, few topics are as simultaneously exhilarating and intimidating as evangelism. The act of sharing one’s faith with others can be a deeply rewarding experience, but it can also be fraught with challenges and moments of uncertainty. Today we’ll explore the transformative power of evangelism, the importance of embracing rejection, and the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding our efforts to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Foundation of Evangelism: Acts 1:8

At the core of the Christian call to evangelism lies a powerful promise found in Acts 1:8: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This verse serves as a foundation for understanding the source of our ability to share our faith effectively.

The key takeaway from this passage is that the power to be witnesses for Christ comes directly from the Holy Spirit. It’s not about our own eloquence, charisma, or persuasive abilities. Instead, it’s about allowing ourselves to be vessels through which the Holy Spirit can work. This understanding can be incredibly liberating, as it takes the pressure off us to perform or to have all the answers.

Embracing Rejection: A Counterintuitive Approach

One of the most challenging aspects of evangelism is the fear of rejection. However, a paradigm shift in how we view rejection can transform our approach to sharing our faith. Consider the following points:

1. Christ was rejected: As followers of Christ, we should expect to face rejection just as He did. This doesn’t mean we’re doing something wrong; rather, it aligns us more closely with our Savior’s experience.

2. Being “peculiar”: The Bible describes believers as a “peculiar people, a royal priesthood, a chosen generation” (1 Peter 2:9). Embracing our uniqueness in Christ can help us weather the inevitable moments when others may think we’re strange or crazy for our beliefs.

3. Rejection as a positive: Instead of fearing rejection, we can learn to see it as a sign that we’re stepping out in faith and obedience. It’s an opportunity to grow in our trust in God and to develop resilience in our spiritual walk.

The Secret to Evangelistic Freedom

Perhaps the most liberating truth about evangelism is this: our obligation is simply to share the gospel, not to control the results. This realization can free us from the burden of feeling responsible for whether someone accepts or rejects the message. Here’s why this matters:

1. Celebrating obedience: When we shift our focus from results to obedience, we can celebrate both acceptance and rejection. The key is that we were faithful in sharing the message.

2. Quality of soil, not seed: Jesus’ parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-23) reminds us that the effectiveness of the gospel message often depends on the receptiveness of the hearer (the soil) rather than the quality of the message (the seed). The gospel itself is perfect; our job is simply to sow it.

3. Shared responsibility: The Bible teaches that in the process of bringing someone to faith, “One plants, another waters, but God gives the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:6-7). This means that our individual interactions with people may be just one part of their journey to faith, relieving us of the pressure to “close the deal” in every encounter.

Letting the Holy Spirit Lead

One of the most exciting aspects of evangelism is learning to rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our interactions. This can manifest in several ways:

1. Spontaneous speech: Instead of meticulously planning out what to say, we can trust that God will fill our mouths with the right words at the right time. This approach allows for more genuine, Spirit-led conversations.

2. Prophetic insights: Sometimes, the Holy Spirit may give us specific words or insights for the people we’re talking to. These can be powerful moments that demonstrate God’s personal knowledge and care for individuals.

3. Unusual promptings: Occasionally, the Spirit may lead us to do something that seems unconventional or even foolish by worldly standards. Being obedient to these promptings can lead to surprising and impactful encounters.

The Art of Treasure Hunting

An innovative approach to evangelism that has gained traction in recent years is the concept of “treasure hunting.” This method involves:

Seeking divine guidance: Before going out to evangelize, spend time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit for specific details about the people you’ll encounter.

Recording impressions: Write down any insights you receive, including descriptions of people’s appearance, locations, or situations they might be facing.

Following the leads: As you go out, look for individuals who match the descriptions you’ve received. When you find them, share your experience and the insights you’ve been given.

Trusting the process: Many practitioners of this method report a high degree of accuracy in their “treasure hunts,” which can serve as a powerful testament to God’s foreknowledge and care for individuals.

The Importance of Street-Level Ministry

While platform ministry and large-scale evangelistic events have their place, there’s immense value in engaging in one-on-one, street-level evangelism:

1. Humility: Engaging with strangers on the street keeps us grounded and prevents us from developing a “celebrity pastor” mentality.

2. Authenticity: Street evangelism strips away the trappings of formal ministry settings, allowing for more genuine interactions.

3. Shared suffering: Experiencing rejection and challenges in evangelism helps us identify more closely with Christ’s sufferings and can deepen our spiritual growth.

4. Increased power: Paradoxically, the humility that comes from street-level ministry can lead to a greater flow of spiritual power in our lives and ministries.

Practical Tips for Effective Evangelism

As we conclude, here are some practical tips to keep in mind as you engage in evangelism:

1. Be willing to pray for people: Offering to pray for someone’s needs can be a powerful way to demonstrate God’s love and open doors for deeper conversations.

2. Practice generosity: Sometimes, a simple act of kindness like buying someone a meal can create opportunities to share your faith.

3. Listen for the Spirit’s strategies: Be open to creative and unconventional approaches that the Holy Spirit may suggest.

4. Share your personal story: Your testimony of how God has worked in your life can be a powerful tool for connecting with others.

5. Stay biblically grounded: While being open to the Spirit’s leading, always ensure that your message aligns with biblical truth.

6. Follow up: When possible, find ways to continue building relationships with those you’ve shared with, providing ongoing support and encouragement.

7. Celebrate every step: Remember that every act of obedience in sharing your faith is a victory, regardless of the immediate outcome.

The Joy of Finding Lost Sheep

Evangelism, at its core, is about participating in God’s mission to seek and save the lost. As we step out in faith, embracing both the challenges and the joys of sharing the gospel, we have the privilege of being part of something far greater than ourselves. We get to witness the transformative power of God’s love in action, and in the process, we often find our own faith strengthened and deepened.

So let’s take to heart the encouragement to go find some lost sheep. As we do, may we approach evangelism not with fear or trepidation, but with excitement and anticipation, knowing that the Holy Spirit is with us, empowering us to be effective witnesses for Christ. Whether we’re sowing seeds, watering, or harvesting, every act of obedience in sharing our faith is a cause for celebration and a step towards fulfilling our calling as followers of Jesus.


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Muslim To Christian: My Interview with Farzana Abraham (The Breakers Challenge)

By | Evangelism, The Breakers Challenge, The Holy Spirit, Tough Questions | No Comments

If you’re a Muslim and you’re curious about Christ and Christianity, I believe that you came to the right place to hear her story.  Farzana’s story is not just about converting from Muslim to Christian, but it’s about finding freedom and healing.  It’s also about breaking through trauma and different pains from the past.  Here’s my interview with Farzana Abraham, who experienced a radical conversion from Islam to Christianity.  

Pastor Mike:  What was it like being raised in a Muslim family in America?

Farzana: Growing up, my parents always believed in Allah, but they didn’t follow the religion. They worked a few jobs to make ends meet. So, because of that, they didn’t have time to teach us, and they would send us to Sunday school and we would learn from other imams.

My parents would fight and argue a lot, and it would turn into abuse.  

My dad’s anger worsened. In the meantime, while that was happening, I was learning from other imams and teachers about the Quran. I felt my parents were forcing their religion on me but weren’t doing their part. So they were like, you need to follow Allah, you need to do this or that, but they weren’t praying or reading the Quran. We didn’t go to mosque. So, that made me think, “Why should I follow the religion if you’re not following yourself, as well?”  And I remember telling my mom that I didn’t believe in Allah and that I didn’t care if I went to hell because I was already living in one.  

I didn’t want to follow a religion just because someone else was following it or just to look like I was following it. It was kind of like oh, what is this person gonna think? What is the community going to think? You’re breaking my heart as a parent if you don’t follow and stuff like that. 

There was one point when I was curious about Christianity, but the way my dad approached it, it was as if I shouldn’t be questioning Quran or Islam. Like, you’ll go to hell if you learn about Christianity.  So, it was just like a lot of fear, but I was still curious about it. I just never really pursued it, because I was worried about what he was going to do. 

Pastor Mike:  I have a question that a lot of people would like to know, especially people that don’t have a window into the Muslim world.  Islam is a global religion, but many people might be watching right now that have never been in a Muslim family. You’ve described your experience, your thoughts, and your beliefs growing up, being forced to go to mosque, but not wanting to be there and questioning and challenging all these things. Do you feel like that’s a common thing within Muslim families, especially in the United States?

Farzana: I feel that it’s very common.  Like, because you’re born into a Muslim family, you have to follow the religion. You’re not allowed to know about the other religions and then it goes back to, what is the community gonna think? You could lose all of your community and your family.  So instead of worrying about your salvation, you’re worried about what everyone else is going to do.  

Especially with 9-11 happening, I began to look at Islam differently, because it didn’t make sense to me. Why would they crash into a building in the name of Allah?  Islam is all about peace. So, when 9/11 happened, I began questioning if it was peace or if it was covering up something.  Pastor Mike:  So you’re dealing with that in the world and then, at home, you’re also dealing with personal pain, and then you’re feeling like you’re forced to learn these things and it’s not even adding up.  And you’re feeling like you’re never good enough, your efforts are never good enough for your dad and your family, never enough for your religion, and you feel the weight of condemnation, guilt, shame, and works.  

Now the gospel of Jesus Christ is that we’ll never be good enough.  We can’t pray enough, fast enough, give enough, or earn enough money.  because you think about Jesus, the gospel of Jesus Christ is that we’ll never be good enough. We can’t pray enough, we can’t fast enough, we can’t give enough, we can’t earn enough money, but we are saved because Jesus was perfect. He died on the cross and three days later, rose again.  If we accept him as our savior, we’re saved and so, it’s the opposite of every other religion. Every other religion’s message is that if you do this list of things, maybe you’ll go to heaven, maybe you’ll have the acceptance of God, but Jesus said, “No, I took your place. You should be punished, you should die, and you should go to hell, but you are going to have eternal life because I took your place. I took the punishment upon me and that’s what it means to be saved, to have a savior.”   

How did you make that transition, Farzana, from being raised Muslim and then almost being an atheist where you’re not even sure God exists, to then now becoming a Christian?  What happened?  

Farzana:  So, when I met my husband, he told me that he’s not an Indian Muslim, he’s an Indian Christian. And I didn’t realize South Asians could be Christians. I thought they could only be Muslims and Hindus.  And after he told me that, I didn’t give much thought to it.  At one point, we went from being friends to the relationship zone.  As things progressed, we were trying to figure out if we should start a relationship.  One of the things he mentioned is that his parents were looking for a Christian girl, so when he told me, I told him I would never convert to Christianity.  Even though I didn’t believe in Islam wholeheartedly, just the idea of converting for a man was not my thing.  

One day I saw him reading the Bible and I asked him what he was reading. He told me about the parting of the Red Sea and I was curious. The Quran talks about that, and it intrigued me that the Bible talked about it too. So I told him that I wanted to know more about it.  So, he bought me my first Bible. 

With him, he wasn’t forcing his religion on me, he was just telling me who Jesus is, and about the Bible. About six months into our relationship, his parents were against our entire thing because they wanted a Christian girl for him.  It’s really rare for Muslims to convert to Christianity and more common for Christians to come to Islam. 

While that was happening,  I told my mom that I was curious about Christianity.  I wanted to learn more about it.  That’s when I found out about V1 Church. The Holy Spirit was really intriguing to me because I had never heard about the Holy Spirit. When I read about the Holy Spirit, the fact that he is someone who can comfort you, who can bring joy and peace, was something that I was craving.  I never really had joy or peace in my life.   With Jesus, you don’t have to be perfect. You can be the most imperfect person, but he’s still going to love you anyway.

Pastor Mike:  Listening to you talk and explain the love of Jesus; no one will ever convince me that His love isn’t real.  The thing about Jesus is He gets to the root.  So when you talked about your dad with anger issues, Jesus wouldn’t just say, well you did ten good things and give bad things, so you still go to heaven.  Jesus would say, why are you so angry? Why are you doing this? And the Holy Spirit would begin to minister to the person, to your dad, and begin to deal with those issues.  

When you came to V1 Church, I watched God deal with the root. You were experiencing so much freedom.  I think there’s a lot of people who question what their family would think if they turned to Jesus.  But that’s not how you make a decision.  You make a decision based on the question, “What does God truly think?”  And Jesus is proof that He loves us and He cares for us. So, if you want to receive Jesus, it’s not about switching religions, it’s about switching from religion to a relationship.  

As we wrap this up, Farzana, what would you say to people who are in a similar place that you were?  

Farzana:  Don’t just follow religion just because someone told you to follow a religion. Follow it because it’s something that you want to do. When you look at Jesus, He isn’t just a prophet, based on what other people are saying. Jesus is actually a real person who really did die and was resurrected three days later.  He’s not just someone that you read about in the books. He’s a living God. 

Jesus said, “Ask and you shall receive.” So, if you earnestly ask Him, “Lord, truly show me who You are,” He will show Himself to you. That’s what happened to me. When I said to Him, “I want to see who You really are,” all of a sudden, I got this wild vision. First, I saw colors, and then a  lion popped up, and then the second after that, an eagle popped up. It started turning white, and then it turned green, and then I saw Jesus. His body was there, but his face wasn’t there. Then, I saw a hand reaching out and it changed.  Then it disappeared again and a bigger hand came out right afterward. 

From that moment, I knew Jesus was real because this was the second time He showed himself to me. If you are truly asking for Him, He will show Himself to you.  He’s not just a prophet.  He’s a person.  He’s the real Messiah.  He died and came back to life three days later.  

Pastor Mike: You just said He will show Himself to you. Jesus himself said, “Knock and the door will be open. Seek and you will find. Ask and you will receive.” That’s all you have to do right now is just seek, ask, and knock. Say, “God, here I am. I want You. I know that this is true. Jesus, You’ve revealed Yourself to me as the Savior of the world.”  The Bible says that when you accept Christ, when Jesus becomes your Savior, you actually receive a new family, as well, and now, there are brothers and sisters that you have in the faith, and you’re going to receive a new family.  Welcome to the family.  Thanks for speaking with us today, Farzana.  

Further Resources

📝 Does God Still Perform Miracles?

📝 Supernatural Healing as Evangelism

📺 Does God Still Perform Miracles?

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The New Covenant and Evangelism (The Breakers Challenge)

By | Bible Study, Deliverance, Evangelism, The Breakers Challenge | No Comments

This is a guest teaching by Lisa Camme

Before there’s a mass deliverance, there’s a cry that God hears and there’s a counter from the enemy.  

Covenant language is God talking to His people from before the foundations of the world.  God said, “I will be God to you.”  God makes the promises and keeps the promises.  Then He works in us and through us.  

The New Covenant frees us from the dominion of sin and the guilt that plagues us.  The New Covenant is between the Father and the Son, not us and God.  

2 Timothy 1:9 (ESV)

Who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began.

He gave it to us according to His own purpose which was given to us in Christ before the world began. You are not happenstance. You are not an accident. I don’t care how you came into this world, God is speaking to you and giving you purpose before you were even born, before you sinned, and before you got into the mess you were in.  

Now we see this conversation that the Father is talking to the Son in Psalm 89. It’s a discourse and He says:

I have found David, my servant;

    with my holy oil I have anointed him,

so that my hand shall be established with him;

    my arm also shall strengthen him.

My steadfast love I will keep for him forever,

    and my covenant will stand firm[d] for him.

I will establish his offspring forever

    and his throne as the days of the heavens.

Psalm 40:7-8

Then I said, “Behold, I have come;

    in the scroll of the book it is written of me:

I delight to do your will, O my God;

    your law is within my heart.”

It’s amazing because when the Old Covenant is obsolete, God comes and begins to write His instructions in your heart and in your mind. He engraves them and He not only gives you the information, but He also gives you the revelation and then gives you the power to do whatever He’s calling you to do.  The cross is the fulfillment of the promise of God and the promise of God is the person of the Holy Spirit.  We were never meant to get free in our own strength. And we were never meant to free people in our own strength. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, it says that when we came to Christ, all things have gone and He makes all things new.  He gives you a new heart, a new mind. He gives you new friends, a new church, new people, and a new prayer life.  He makes all things new. 

In Ezekiel 37, You can see the power and the equipping of the covenant.  He talks about the “I will’s” of God.  Whenever you see the “I Will’s” in the scripture, it is God keeping His covenant. He said: 

  • I will take out your stony stubborn heart 
  • I will give you a new heart  
  • I will put my Spirit in you 
  • I will CAUSE you to obey me  

In short, we’re equipped and enabled to say yes to God.  Sin is subdued, and the dominion of sin is broken. 

Jesus frees us from sin and then He fills us with himself so we can be free, think free, talk free.

Jesus doesn’t want to come and make you a better you.  He came to get rid of you so that you could be a supernatural vessel in this Kingdom.  It’s not behavior modification, it’s total self-renunciation.   You have to renounce self! Get rid of it!

Power was given to you when Jesus rebuked the devil at the cross!  You can renounce self and whatever you need for chains to break. Renounce and rebuke unbelief in your life. 

The Oneness of the Covenant

I want to touch on the oneness of the covenant. Free people free people.  Delivered people deliver people. 

David Wilkerson said, “God sent His Son to redeem a lost world, and Jesus fulfilled His mission through the  Cross. Since every believer is one with Christ through faith, we are also partners In the work and ministry.”

  • We are vessels of the prophetic 
  • We are vessels to evangelize  
  • We are vessels of deliverance  

When that Spirit is flowing through us there’s a free flow of evangelistic deliverance.  The Holy Spirit will lead us to every bound-up, done-with-sin soul.  

Jesus’ Covenantal Prayer Closet

In John 17 we see Jesus in his covenantal prayer closet.  He is pulling us into the Covenant.  He prays for himself, for his disciples, and prays for you and me, before we were ever born.  This is an eternal, evangelistic power.  He says:

Father, I finished the work, I did my work, now do yours. He’s pulling us into the covenant and asking the Father to give us everything He gave His Son.  When you get the son, you get everything – All provision, all power, all protection, and all purity! 

My prayer is not for them alone.  I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message.  We are the answer to Jesus’ prayer.  God has works prepared for us before the foundations of the world.

That all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in me and I am in You.  May they also be in Us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me.  Oneness is the outflow of God’s love and power.  This is evangelistic deliverance.  

I in them and you in me, so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.  When we are walking in covenant, we are walking in the pathway and power of Jesus’ intercession.  When we got saved, we entered the pathway of prepared works that the Father and Son decided before we were born.  Every one of our days were written in a book.  You are not an accident.  You are not a happenstance.  

The Power of the Prayer Meeting

The coming revival will start with those who have red hot intercession privately that breaks out in bondage-breaking anointing corporately.  Breakers get the breakthrough privately before they break out publicly.  We must get back to the prayer meeting.  The devil shut the mouth of the church and removed the prayer meeting.  We must get together habitually and continually to push back the darkness and pray the devil back to hell. 

Jesus promised, “greater works we will do.”  Greater works are tied to answered prayer.  Prayer does the work.  Prayer is the work.  Prayer can break any bondage.  Our prayers create a modern-day exodus to bring those out of bondage and sin.  Prayer drowns the devil in his own schemes.  Demons can’t swim!  The Holy Spirit leads us and guides us.  He searches and seeks until every lost coin and lost sheep is delivered.  When I’m moving from prayer, I’m not needs-driven, I’m Spirit-led.  I’m not obligated to talk to everyone, but available to talk to anyone.  It’s the Holy Spirit that does the work.  

He Hears the Cry

Mark 5:1-20

They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes.[a] 2 When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the tombs to meet him. 3 This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain. 4 For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. 5 Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones.

6 When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. 7 He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!” 8 For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you impure spirit!”

9 Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”

“My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” 10 And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area.

11 A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. 12 The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.” 13 He gave them permission, and the impure spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.

14 Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. 15 When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. 16 Those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon-possessed man—and told about the pigs as well. 17 Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region.

18 As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. 19 Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” 20 So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis[b] how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.

In Mark 5, Jesus fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah 61.  He is evangelizing a man and destroying the demonic powers.  There is a cry that reaches Jesus.  God heard the cry and remembered His covenant and was ready to act.  He heard the cry of His children bound in chains, in bitter bondage from taskmasters.  He heard the cry of an addicted and afflicted generation.  The demonized man was able to break the restraints of self-help programs, but he couldn’t break the devil’s chains.

God is raising up breakers to break the spirit of deception and rejection and pray the demons into pigs.  Demons and pigs can’t swim!  A cry was heard in the spirit on the other side of the lake!  Jesus said, “Quick, get in the boat, we’re going to the other side!”  The other side of prayer is deliverance ministry.  The winds and waves were fierce, attempting to hinder deliverance.  Jesus rebuked the elements.  The word rebuked suggests to me that the devil was behind the hindrance.  In another storm, Jesus spoke, “Peace, be still.”  Sometimes before your greatest deliverance ministry, Jesus will allow the devil to whip up a storm so he can show you his power and authority over the elements and the demonic.  In the storm, Jesus puts the devil on notice. He addresses the demons while delivering and evangelizing the demonized.  

He teaches deliverance ministry as he breaks the bondages and breaks satan’s chains.  This is the transforming power of covenantal evangelizing.  He turns the demonized to the evangelized to the evangelist.  Then he says, “Go home and tell your family all that God has done for you, and then go and do the same.”  Free people free people.  

By revealing his covenant to us, God wants to remove any doubts we have about His ability to keep us.  It’s as if He’s saying, “I’m going to treat you as if you have no faith at all.  I’ll make such a strong oath to you, you’ll have no choice but to believe in Me.”

When the Accuser Comes

We are to stay in Christ; abide in Him, trust in Him, and depend on Him.  If we do, we will surely see His glory.  The next time you struggle with a besetting sin, you may hear an accusing voice: “You’ve gone too far and sinned too often. God has turned you over to a reprobate mind.  You’re unclean, unholy, no good, a disgrace to the gospel.  You’ve driven the Holy Spirit from your life completely.”  

When this happens, remind God, the Devil, and yourself: “I am one in covenant with the Father and Son.  Jesus co-signed the covenant with His own blood, and the Father promised to keep me through all my trials.  He’ll hold my hand no matter what comes and will never remove His love from me.  He’ll lead me to victory!” 

Further Resources

To learn more about The Breakers Challenge

📝Supernatural Healing as Evangelism

📝Does God Still Perform Miracles?

My Breakthrough Community is full of people just like you who are hungry for more of God. If you are interested in learning more, consider becoming a part of the Breakthrough Community!

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The Secret to Godly Ambition: Lessons From a Conversation with Ruslan

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Supernatural Healing As Evangelism (The Breakers Challenge)

By | Deliverance, Evangelism, Healing, Miracles, The Breakers Challenge | No Comments

Many Christians claim that miracles happen when they pray: physical bodies are healed, minds are restored, and even diseases like cancer completely disappear.  But many non-Christians claim that these stories are fabricated, or even worse, intentionally made up by ministers to prey on innocent people.  I’m going to teach you how to pray for the sick and how God uses Supernatural healing as evangelism to reach the Lost, including your unbelieving friends and family members.

Luke 13:11-13

And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.” And He laid His hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God.


When The Issue Is Rooted In The Demonic 

When you pray for healing because you’re praying for physical healing but in fact you need to pray that that spirit is removed okay now I’m going to show you.  if you’ve prayed for people to be healed and they have not been healed maybe you are praying for a physical healing but instead you needed to deal with the Demonic so I want to show you what Acts actually happens when you begin to deal with it on that level

There have been instances when people come to me for prayer when I discerned that they needed deliverance so I begin to cast those demons out.  As I cast the demons out, the person began to experience physical healing as well.  Many people go to churches for years, or see psychologists and therapists, or see physical therapists or doctors, but they will not deal with it on the level of the demonic. 

When The Issues Is Simply Physical

There are other instances when people simply need a physical healing.  Their infirmity is not the result of the demonic.  Their physical issue is simply an issue of injury, or wear and tear to the body.  One time I prayed for a woman who, afterwards told me she had a dream that she came in the prayer line and pulled her leg braces off and danced before the Lord.  When she came for prayer she already had expectation for the miracle God would do. As I laid my hand on her head and began to pray, she began shouting and celebrating.  She reached down and grabbed her leg brace and ripped it off, then handed me her cane and started dancing wildly. God put a holy expectation inside of her.  

The Source Of Your Authority 

Matthew 10:1

And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.

You have authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal every disease and every affliction.  Jesus was a rabbi who had followers called disciples.  Those disciples became Apostles, and those Apostles established the first century church.  Miracles have happened from before Jesus to the time of Jesus. But what Jesus did was establish a covenant so that now we gain access to receive authority over unclean spirits and to cast them out and to heal. This is EVERY disease – diseases that there are medicines and treatments for, and diseases that medical science simply cannot heal. 

It means every affliction.  What is an affliction? It means aches and pains. Sometimes people have things wrong with their intestines or have issues with their GI tract and doctors can’t discover what is this affliction is.  Oftentimes it’s connected to trauma, unforgiveness, or pain from the past. But God says he’s given us authority over every affliction. That means there’s no disease, no affliction, and no demon that you do not have authority over.  


I’d like to pray for you:

In the mighty name of Jesus, deaf ears open now, under the sound of my voice. Increase hearing now, in the name of Jesus.  Every spirit of infirmity, every spirit of sickness, I command you to come out of their body now. Loose them and let them go. I break your power right now in the name of Jesus, and I command you to come out of them right now  in the name of Jesus.  Father, I thank you that it’s done.  Amen.  

Jesus still heals.  He still delivers.  He still sets free. 

Further Resources

📝 Does God Still Perform Miracles

📝 Bible Verses About Healing

📺 Casting Out Demons for Beginners

My Breakthrough Community is full of people just like you who are hungry for more of God. If you are interested in learning more, consider becoming a part of the Breakthrough Community!

Request prayer here.

The Secret to Godly Ambition: Lessons From a Conversation with Ruslan

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During a recent conversation with Ruslan, a respected voice at the intersection of faith and culture, we explored the delicate balance between godly ambition and spiritual integrity. As someone who…

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Recently, I had the privilege of sitting down with renowned biblical scholar Rick Renner to discuss his groundbreaking new book, "Fallen Angels, Giants, Monsters, and the World Before the Flood."…

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I recently had the incredible privilege of sitting down with Jonathan Cahn, the New York Times bestselling author and prophetic voice, for an eye-opening conversation about the times we are…


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