I feel compelled to address a crucial question that the Lord placed on my heart: What do we believe about the blood of Jesus? In these times of confusion and turmoil within the body of Christ, we need to return to this fundamental truth.
The Lost Message of the Blood
Many churches today have stopped talking about the blood of Jesus. We’ve become so focused on delivering inspirational and motivational messages that we’ve shied away from this vital truth. Some worry that speaking about blood might seem strange to visitors or reinforce misconceptions about Christianity being a cult. But I’m convinced that what we need most right now is a fresh revelation of the blood of Jesus.
As the Apostle Paul declared in Galatians 6:14, “But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” This is our only boast – the cross of Jesus Christ and the power of His blood.
Understanding Forgiveness vs. Justification
There’s a crucial distinction we need to understand: forgiveness operates in the realm of mercy, but justification operates in the realm of justice. When we receive Christ’s blood, we don’t just receive forgiveness – we receive justification. This means we become “just as if we’d never sinned.” The blood of Jesus doesn’t just cover our sins; it removes them completely.
The Seven Sprinklings of the Blood
Through deep prayer and study, the Lord revealed to me the seven ways Jesus’s blood was sprinkled, each securing a unique form of freedom in our lives:
1. The Garden of Gethsemane
In Luke 22:44, we read that Jesus’s sweat became like great drops of blood. This first sprinkling came from internal agony, not external wounds. For those battling anxiety, panic attacks, and internal torment, this sprinkling of blood demonstrates Christ’s power to free us from mental anguish. When you find yourself lying awake at night, tormented by thoughts of the future or paralyzed by anxiety, remember that Jesus’s blood flowed from the inside out. You don’t need external substances or coping mechanisms – His blood provides internal freedom. Declare this truth over your mind: “The blood of Jesus flowed in Gethsemane to set my mind free from anxiety and fear of the future.”
2. The Crown of Thorns
Matthew 27:29 describes how they placed a crown of thorns on Jesus’s head. This sprinkling represents freedom from external mental pressure – the thorns that others try to press into our minds. The crown covered His entire head, symbolizing complete mental protection through His blood. When people’s words, expectations, and judgments feel like thorns pressing into your mind, remember that Jesus wore a crown of thorns that covered His entire head – not just the front, but a full 360-degree protection. Apply His blood over every thought, every memory, every area where others’ words have wounded you. Let His blood wash away the impact of their criticism and judgment.
3. The High Priest’s House
In Mark 14:65, Jesus was struck and mocked in the high priest’s house. This sprinkling reminds us that even religious persecution and church hurt falls under the cleansing power of His blood. Sometimes our deepest wounds come from within the church, but His blood covers even these painful experiences.
4. The Plucking of His Beard
Isaiah 50:6 prophesied, “I gave my back to those who strike, and my cheeks to those who pull out the beard.” This sprinkling gives us the strength to advance when we want to retreat, to stand firm in the face of disgrace and shame.
5. Pilate’s Scourging
John 19:1 records that Pilate had Jesus flogged. This sprinkling reminds us that we can overcome political and systemic opposition through the power of His blood.
6. The Piercing of Hands and Feet
Psalm 22:16 describes how they pierced His hands and feet. What was meant to immobilize Jesus actually released the blood that mobilizes an army of believers. His blood frees our hands and feet from every sin we’ve committed.
7. The Spear in His Side
Finally, John 19:34 tells us that a soldier pierced Jesus’s side, and blood and water flowed out. This sprinkling represents both cleansing and permanent transformation. The combination of blood and water signifies complete renewal.
Applying the Blood Today
In Revelation 12:11, we read, “And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.” The power of the blood isn’t automatic – it must be applied through our testimony and complete surrender to Christ.
Like the Israelites during Passover who had to apply the blood to their doorposts, we must actively apply the blood of Jesus to our situations. As Leviticus 17:11 declares, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.”
Practical Steps to Apply the Blood
- Speak the Blood: Just as the Israelites used hyssop branches to apply the blood, we use our testimony to apply the blood of Jesus. Declare His blood over your situations, your mind, your family, and your future.
- Live Surrendered: The scripture says they overcame “because they loved not their lives unto death.” The blood’s power is released through complete surrender. Stop trying to preserve your reputation, protect your ego, or maintain control.
- Stand in Faith: When accusations come, when memories of past sins arise, when shame tries to overtake you – stand firmly on the truth that the blood has made you just as if you’d never sinned.
- Apply it Daily: The blood isn’t just for salvation – it’s for daily victory. Start each day by applying the blood over your mind, your decisions, your relationships, and your work.
- Pray the Blood: When praying for healing, freedom from addiction, mental clarity, or any other need, plead the blood of Jesus. The old saints understood this powerful practice – it’s time for our generation to rediscover it.
A Father’s Role in Applying the Blood
Just as the fathers in Israel had to apply the blood to their doorposts during Passover, fathers today have a crucial role in applying the blood over their households. Men, rise up and take your place as spiritual leaders. Declare the blood of Jesus over your wife, your children, your home. When you do this, you create an atmosphere where your family can flourish under the protection and power of His blood.
Understanding the Blood’s Power
Before we make our final call to action, it’s crucial to understand what happens when we apply the blood. The blood of Jesus operates in two powerful ways:
- Redemption: Ephesians 1:7 tells us, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.” The blood doesn’t just forgive – it redeems. It buys back what was lost and restores what was stolen.
- Cleansing: 1 John 1:7 declares, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” Notice it says “all sin.” The blood reaches to the lowest valleys of our lives, flowing like water to the places of least resistance.
A Call to Return to the Blood
I believe the Lord is calling His church to return to a deep understanding and application of the blood of Jesus. We need more than inspiration or motivation – we need the regenerating power of His blood. Whether you’re battling anxiety, facing persecution, dealing with church hurt, or fighting addiction, the blood of Jesus has power to set you free.
The old-time saints understood this when they would “plead the blood.” It’s time for a new generation to rediscover this truth: the blood of Jesus hasn’t lost its power. It still flows to the lowest valleys of our lives, bringing cleansing, healing, and complete transformation.
Let’s return to boasting in nothing but the cross of Christ and the power of His precious blood.