

From Darkness to Light: Ex-Witches and LGBT Individuals Share Their Journey to Christ

By | Deliverance, Demons, New Age | No Comments

I’ve had the privilege of witnessing countless lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Recently, I sat down with three remarkable individuals who have powerful testimonies of leaving behind witchcraft and LGBT lifestyles to follow Jesus. In this blog post, we’ll explore their journeys and the profound truths they’ve discovered along the way.

Meet Our Guests

Before we dive into their stories, let me introduce you to our guests:

1. Naela Rose: An ex-blood witch who had a radical face-to-face encounter with Jesus
2. Richard (Richie): Came out of the LGBT lifestyle and now hosts the Redempt1on Podcast
3. Angela Scafidi: A former New Age practitioner and host of the “Heaven and Healing” podcast

Each of these individuals has a unique story of transformation, but they all share one thing in common: the life-changing power of Jesus Christ.

The Dark Reality of Blood Witchcraft

Naela’s story is particularly striking. As a former blood witch, she was deeply involved in occult practices that centered around the use of blood in rituals and spells. She explains:

“I was obsessed with blood. I mean, I was doing witchcraft and magic and spells with blood daily, and that was my life. I could manifest anything I wanted. I manifested my relationship with my ex. I manifested my house. I manifested the money I wanted, all using blood spells.”

This shocking revelation highlights the very real and dangerous nature of occult practices. Naela emphasizes that while these practices seemed to “work” in the short term, they came at a terrible cost:

“The devil will give you whatever you want, but of course you pay with your soul.”

The Counterfeit Gospel of the New Age Movement

Angela, a former New Age practitioner, sheds light on the deceptive nature of New Age spirituality. She explains how practices like yoga, astrology, and “womb magic” are actually counterfeits of true spiritual power.

Naela shared:

“There’s a whole movement called womb work and womb wisdom in the new age where women like me who were yoga teachers and who worshiped the goddess and the creation and the stars and just misplaced worship and devotion, the devil has used that to make these women obsessed with blood.”

This misplaced worship and fascination with blood rituals is a perversion of the true power found in the blood of Jesus Christ. As Christians, we understand that only the blood of Jesus has the power to cleanse, redeem, and give eternal life.

The Empty Promises of the LGBT Lifestyle

Richard shares his perspective on coming out of the LGBT lifestyle. He emphasizes the cyclical nature of constantly seeking identity and fulfillment:

“I see a lot of people, they get older. They’re not saying that marriage is called for everyone, but people who are older and they’re just so sad and oppressed, and then they start grooming other young men because they want that emotional or some kind of connection.”

This cycle of searching for identity and fulfillment outside of God’s design ultimately leads to emptiness and despair. Richard’s testimony highlights the freedom found in surrendering to Christ and finding one’s true identity in Him.

The Power of Surrender: Finding True Identity in Christ

A common theme among all three guests is the transformative power of surrendering to Jesus Christ. Richard emphasizes the importance of full surrender:

“There are stages and levels of surrender. So I just also want to encourage people to fully surrender. And when you fully surrender and die to yourself, that’s freedom. You truly have freedom. You truly have life, otherwise you’ll continue to go in cycles.”

This concept of dying to self and finding life in Christ is at the heart of the Gospel message. It’s a radical departure from the world’s emphasis on self-discovery and self-actualization.

Breaking Free from Spiritual Bondage

For those involved in witchcraft or New Age practices, breaking free often requires a deliberate renunciation of past involvement. Naela shares:

“When Jesus saved me, he gave me such a profound revelation of the blood of Jesus because I had been so obsessed with blood in the occult.”

This revelation of the power of Christ’s blood is crucial for those seeking deliverance from occult bondage. Believers need to understand that the blood of Jesus is more powerful than any demonic force or spiritual practice.

Finding Joy and Purpose in Christ

One of the most striking aspects of our conversation was the evident joy and purpose these individuals have found in Christ. Despite facing rejection and misunderstanding from their former communities, they radiate a peace and happiness that comes from knowing their true identity in God.

Angela explains:

“Happiness is synthetic. There’s a lot of enjoyment and synthetic things like that. Candy floss stuff or synthetic clothes are fine, but it’s not the real thing. You have something that’s authentic, organic. It has depth and quality and power.”

Joy is a powerful testimony to the transformative power of the Gospel. It stands in stark contrast to the temporary pleasures and fleeting happiness offered by the world.

The Burden of Self-Assigned Identity

As we discussed the struggles faced by many in our culture today, I shared an insight about the burden of self-assigned identity:

“Everybody’s trying to define themselves, and I think the burden of this generation is self-assigned identity. Because I’m a dad, I never had a dad. I had multiple stepdads. And so you want to make something of yourself. And that’s really what we’re seeing with the culture now, is I’m going to define myself as new age. I’m going to define myself within LGBT.”

This desire to create one’s own identity is ultimately exhausting and unfulfilling. In contrast, the Gospel offers us an inherited identity as children of God, freeing us from the endless cycle of self-definition.

A Message of Hope for Those Still Searching

To those still involved in witchcraft, New Age practices, or struggling with LGBT identity, our guests offer a message of hope. Nala encourages:

“If you are truly hungry for truth, you will arrive at Jesus Christ because he is truth. That’s literally one of his names. So I cried out for truth, and He’s like, here I am. So if you really, really want to know, just ask from your soul.”

Angela adds:

“Just allow yourself to embrace the idea of what if what we are saying is true. And all of this witchcraft, all this New Age stuff that I’ve been doing is not the way. Jesus is the way.”

Richard reminds us of God’s love:

“I just want to let you know that you are loved and that you’re seen and that you’re valued, that he loves you so much. Your identity is not that of an outcast. Your identity is not being alienated or feeling like you’re not seeing that you’re hidden. Your identity is that you’re son and daughter of the Lord, and He loves you so much.”

The Wild Adventure of Following Christ

As we concluded our time together, I shared a phrase that God gave me when we launched our church: to call those who say yes to Jesus “the wild ones.” Following Christ is not about losing your edge or becoming boring. It’s about embarking on the greatest adventure of your life.

Naela beautifully sums it up:

“There’s nothing more exciting than walking with Jesus and knowing God.”

When you accept the love of the Father, you wake up each day saying, “Abba, Papa, what adventure are we going to have today? What miracle are you going to do today?” This perspective breaks anxiety and fills us with anticipation for what God will do.

An Invitation to True Freedom

The testimonies of Naela, Richard, and Angela serve as powerful reminders of the transformative power of Jesus Christ. No matter your background – whether you’ve been involved in witchcraft, New Age practices, or struggled with LGBT identity – there is hope and freedom in Christ.

If you’re reading this and feeling a stirring in your heart, I encourage you to take that step of faith. Cry out to Jesus and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He is faithful to answer those who seek Him with a sincere heart.

Remember, in Christ, you are not losing yourself – you are finding your true self. You are becoming who you were always meant to be. The adventure of following Jesus is the most thrilling, fulfilling journey you could ever embark upon.

Are you ready to become one of the “wild ones” who say yes to Jesus? The invitation is open. The choice is yours. True freedom, joy, and purpose await you in Christ.

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The Power of the Blood: 7 Ways to Break Demonic Curses and Find Freedom

By | Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare | No Comments

As a pastor and deliverance minister, I’ve witnessed countless lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Today, I want to share with you a powerful message about the blood of Jesus and how it can break demonic curses in your life. This teaching is based on a recent sermon I delivered, and I believe it will revolutionize your understanding of spiritual warfare and deliverance.

The Spiritual Battle We Face

Before we dive into the specifics of how the blood of Jesus breaks curses, it’s crucial to understand the nature of the spiritual battle we’re engaged in. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

This battle is real, and it’s happening all around us. The enemy is constantly seeking to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). But here’s the good news: Jesus has already won the victory on the cross, and His blood is the key to our freedom.

The Seven Sheddings of Jesus’ Blood

In the Old Testament, we see that the blood of sacrificial animals was sprinkled seven different ways. This foreshadowed the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Let’s explore the seven ways Jesus shed His blood and how each one brings freedom and deliverance:

1. Gethsemane: Freedom from Anxiety and Fear

In Luke 22:44, we read that Jesus sweat drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane. This represents His internal struggle and the immense pressure He faced. When we apply the blood of Jesus to our minds, we can find freedom from anxiety, fear, and mental torment.

Prayer point: Place your hand on your mind and declare, “Anxiety, go in Jesus’ name. Fear, loose my mind in Jesus’ name. I plead the blood over my mind.”

2. The Crown of Thorns: Complete Mental Freedom

Matthew 27:29 describes how a crown of thorns was placed on Jesus’ head. This caused His blood to flow 360 degrees around His head, symbolizing complete mental freedom. No area of your mind is beyond the reach of Christ’s healing power.

Declare: “I receive complete mental freedom through the blood of Jesus.”

3. The High Priest’s House: Healing from Church Hurt

In Mark 14:65, we see Jesus bleeding at the high priest’s house. This provision addresses the pain and hurt many have experienced within the church. If you’ve been wounded by leaders or fellow believers, know that Jesus made a way for your healing.

Prayer: “Lord, I release forgiveness for those who have hurt me in the church. I receive your healing for church hurt.”

4. The Plucking of His Beard: Strength to Endure Rejection

Isaiah 50:6 prophesied that the Messiah’s beard would be plucked out. This painful experience represents the rejection Jesus faced. Through His blood, we can find the strength to endure rejection and remain faithful to our calling.

Declare: “I am unoffendable because I am crucified with Christ. Rejection has no power over me.”

5. Scourging by Pilate: Freedom in the Political Arena

John 19:1 recounts how Jesus was scourged by Pilate, a political leader. This shedding of blood provides us with favor and freedom in the realm of government and politics. We can influence our society for God’s kingdom.

Prayer: “Lord, give me favor with leaders and authorities. Use me to bring Your kingdom influence into the political sphere.”

6. Nails in His Hands and Feet: Redemption of Our Actions

Psalm 22:16 prophetically describes the piercing of Jesus’ hands and feet. This blood redemption transforms our actions. What was once used for sin can now be used for God’s glory.

Declare: “My hands and feet are redeemed by the blood of Jesus. I use them to advance God’s kingdom.”

7. The Spear in His Side: Continual Cleansing and Renewal

John 19:34 tells us that blood and water flowed from Jesus’ side when pierced with a spear. This dual flow represents both permanent cleansing (blood) and daily renewal (water). We can walk in purity and freshness every day.

Prayer: “Thank You, Jesus, for Your blood that cleanses me once and for all, and for Your Spirit that renews me daily.”

Breaking the Power of Addiction and Demonic Bondage

One of the most powerful moments in our service came when people began bringing forward their drugs, alcohol, and paraphernalia. This act of surrender opened the door for true deliverance. If you’re struggling with addiction, know that the blood of Jesus is more powerful than any substance or demonic stronghold.

Key truth: The blood of Jesus provides a greater “high” than any counterfeit comfort the enemy offers.

Steps to Freedom:

1. Acknowledge your need for deliverance
2. Surrender the addictive substances or behaviors to God
3. Renounce any agreements made with the enemy
4. Receive the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood
5. Walk in the newfound freedom, relying on the Holy Spirit’s strength

The Importance of Forgiveness in Deliverance

Unforgiveness is one of the main footholds the enemy uses to maintain control in our lives. Jesus’ blood provides the power to forgive even the deepest hurts and offenses. When we forgive, we break the chains that bind us to our past and open the door for complete deliverance.

Prayer for forgiveness: “Lord, I choose to forgive (name the person) for (specific offense). I release them and myself from the bondage of unforgiveness. I receive Your forgiveness and healing in exchange.”

Activating the Gifts of the Spirit

As we experience deliverance and freedom through the blood of Jesus, we’re also empowered to walk in the gifts of the Spirit. The same power that breaks chains also equips us for ministry. Here are some of the gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:

– Prophecy
– Healing
– Words of wisdom and knowledge
– Discerning of spirits
– Speaking in tongues
– Interpretation of tongues

If you haven’t received the baptism of the Holy Spirit or the gift of tongues, simply ask God to fill you afresh. Open your mouth in faith and begin to speak, trusting that the Holy Spirit will give you utterance.

Testimonies of Healing and Deliverance

Throughout our service, we witnessed numerous healings and deliverances. People were set free from chronic illnesses, addictions, and demonic oppression. Here are a few examples:

– Neuropathy healed
– Tumors and cysts dissolved
– Mental health conditions improved
– Addictions broken instantly

Remember, these miracles aren’t limited to a church service. The same power is available to you right now as you read this blog post. Reach out in faith and receive your healing and deliverance.

The Power of Agreement in Prayer

One powerful moment in our service was when we had people FaceTime their sick friends and family members. We joined our faith together and prayed for healing, even for those who weren’t physically present. This demonstrates the power of agreement in prayer (Matthew 18:19-20).

Action step: Find a prayer partner or join a prayer group to increase your faith and effectiveness in intercession.

Becoming a Vessel for God’s Power

As we conclude, I want to emphasize that God is calling you to be more than just a recipient of His power. He wants to use you as a vessel to bring deliverance and healing to others. Here are some steps to prepare yourself:

1. Stay filled with the Holy Spirit through prayer and worship
2. Study and meditate on God’s Word
3. Practice using the gifts of the Spirit
4. Be willing to step out in faith and minister to others
5. Maintain a lifestyle of holiness and surrender

Conclusion: Walking in Freedom and Power

The blood of Jesus is our ultimate weapon against the enemy’s schemes. Through His seven-fold shedding of blood, we have access to complete freedom and victory in every area of life. As you apply these truths and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, you’ll experience a new level of authority and effectiveness in spiritual warfare.

Remember, the same Jesus who set captives free 2,000 years ago is alive and active today. His blood has not lost its power. Whether you need deliverance from addiction, healing from sickness, or activation in the gifts of the Spirit, it’s all available to you through the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

I encourage you to take some time now to reflect on what you’ve read. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas where you need to apply the blood of Jesus. Then, step out in faith and begin to walk in the freedom and power that is rightfully yours as a child of God.

Let’s pray:

“Heavenly Father, thank You for the powerful blood of Jesus that cleanses, delivers, and empowers us. I apply the blood of Jesus to every area of my life right now. Break every chain, heal every wound, and activate Your gifts within me. I choose to walk in freedom and authority, bringing Your kingdom wherever I go. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Now, go forth in the power of the Holy Spirit, knowing that you are covered by the blood of Jesus. The enemy is under your feet, and greater things are yet to come!

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Stop Explaining Yourself to Demons: The Power of Silence in Spiritual Warfare

By | Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare | No Comments

As a pastor and spiritual leader, I’ve encountered countless situations where believers find themselves trapped in cycles of explanation and justification. Today, I want to share a powerful revelation that could transform your spiritual walk: Stop explaining yourself to demons.

The Trap of Casting Pearls Before Swine

Matthew 7:6 warns us, “Do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample you.” Many of us quote this verse without considering its full implications. The consequence isn’t just being misunderstood – it’s being trampled. Some of you keep getting trampled by people you’re explaining yourself to. It’s not just that you’re misunderstood; you’re being fought and physically hurt by them.

The devil will often solicit you to explain yourself, and then use those very explanations against you. It’s a spiritual trap designed to keep you in bondage and exhaust you emotionally.

Recognizing Demons in Human Form

One of the most challenging aspects of spiritual warfare is recognizing that we’re not always dealing with people, but with demons using human bodies as vessels. You might think you’re talking to family members or coworkers, but you’re actually having full-blown conversations with demons who have used their physical body as a vehicle to sabotage your next level.

This is why it’s crucial to develop spiritual discernment. Not every conversation is what it appears to be on the surface.

The Power of Silence in Spiritual Warfare

Some of you need to embrace this truth: Silence is a statement. In our eagerness to explain ourselves, we often forget that silence can be more powerful than words.

Remember, everything you say can and will be used against you in the court of heaven. This is the time to say less but to do more. Walk it out. Don’t talk about it. Don’t explain it. Don’t look for their affirmation. If the Lord told you to do it, do it.

Breaking Unhealthy Soul Ties

Many believers struggle with unhealthy soul ties – spiritual connections that bind us to people, places, or things in ways that hinder our spiritual growth. These soul ties can be formed through various means, including:

1. Inappropriate sexual relationships
2. Emotional dependencies
3. Unhealthy spiritual affiliations

To break free from these ties, we need to:

1. Recognize the unhealthy connection
2. Repent for any sin involved in forming the tie
3. Renounce the connection in Jesus’ name
4. Release forgiveness to those involved
5. Receive God’s healing and restoration

Remember, physical intimacy produces spiritual soul ties. This is why God’s design for sexual relationships is within the covenant of marriage.

The Danger of Secondhand Offense

One of the most insidious ways the enemy works is through secondhand offense. Some of you are in bondage to someone else’s misinterpretation or offense. You’ve become infected by getting too close to emotionally and spiritually sick people.

Just as you wouldn’t get close to someone with a contagious physical illness, you need to be cautious about who you allow to influence you spiritually and emotionally.

Shifting from Moses to Joshua: Embracing Decisive Action

In the Bible, we see a stark contrast between Moses’ leadership style and Joshua’s. Moses often found himself explaining and justifying to the people, which led to exhaustion. Joshua, on the other hand, took decisive action based on God’s commands, regardless of popular opinion.

Some of you need to shift from constantly explaining yourself like Moses to executing God’s will like Joshua. It’s time to stop dragging people with you who can’t go where God is calling you to go.

Unity in Christ

Acts 2 describes the disciples gathered in the upper room, in one mind and one accord. This unity was crucial for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. However, not everyone can be part of your upper room experience.

Some people in your life may not be committed to unity or to fulfilling Christ’s prayer that we would be one. It’s okay to recognize this and adjust your relationships accordingly.

Practical Steps to Move in Silence

1. Redirect your words: Instead of explaining to people, talk to God.
2. Set healthy boundaries: You don’t have to entertain every conversation, even with family.
3. Fast from social media: Reduce your exposure to others’ offenses and drama.
4. Study the Word: Ground yourself in Scripture rather than others’ opinions.
5. Pray in tongues: Utilize this spiritual gift to communicate mysteries to God.

A Prayer to Break Free from Explanations

If you’re ready to break free from the cycle of explanation and embrace the power of silence, join me in this prayer:

“Heavenly Father, I thank you for this revelation. I forgive those who have misunderstood or misjudged me. I release the offense and bitterness. I sever every ungodly soul tie. I bind every monitoring spirit, every spirit of pride and haughtiness, every spirit of Leviathan, every spirit of divination, witchcraft, and mind control in the name of Jesus.

I command these spirits to go to the abyss, to outer darkness now in Jesus’ name, never to return. Father, cancel every assignment of strife in my life by the blood of Jesus. Release joy and peace that surpass all understanding to cover me and my home.

Lord, teach me to be a student of your Word, to hear your prophetic words but not to share them carelessly. Help me move in silence and power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Embracing Your Identity as a Breaker

God has called many of you to be breakers in this generation – those who break chains, break through obstacles, and break demonic powers. As a breaker, you may often feel out of place in old environments and relationships. That’s okay. You’re not called to fit in; you’re called to break through.

Remember, what you feed grows, and what you starve dies. By embracing silence and redirecting your words to God, you’re starving the enemy’s plans and feeding your spiritual growth.

I encourage you to download the Breakers mobile app for free training in deliverance, healing, evangelism, and supernatural ministry. And if you’re able, join us at the Breakers Conference in Chicago this October.

Let’s commit to moving in silence, power, and purpose. The enemy may have overplayed his hand, but God is raising up an army of breakers who will not be silenced or sidelined. Will you join us?

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Always Starting and Never Finishing? Spiritual Blockage Explained

By | Deliverance, Development | No Comments

As a pastor and speaker, I’ve encountered countless individuals struggling to break free from generational patterns and fully embrace God’s calling on their lives. Today, I want to share some powerful insights from Genesis 11:31 that can help us understand why we often settle for less than God’s best and how we can push through to experience His complete blessing.

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – A Phrase That Never Should Have Been

We’ve all heard the phrase “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” But what if I told you this phrase should never have existed in the first place? God works generationally; one generation’s “no” can become the next generation’s curse. Conversely, one generation’s “yes” can unleash freedom for future generations.

Consider this: Your decision to surrender to Jesus fully has implications far beyond your own life. It transmits down through the generations, shaping the spiritual landscape for your children, grandchildren, and beyond.

Breaking the Cycle: My Personal Journey

Let me share a bit of my own story. My biological father was a murderer, and I didn’t inherit what most would consider a “nice” middle-class lifestyle. On one side of my family, we have Sicilian mob connections. On the other, we’re hillbillies from West Virginia. In other words, I come from a background steeped in “sin of every flavor.”

When I set out to start my own family, I faced a significant challenge: How do you become what you’ve never seen? Many of you can relate. You might be trying to be a loving father without ever having experienced one yourself. Or you’re striving to be a nurturing mother without that example in your own life.

Here’s the tricky part – we often make inner vows never to become like our parents, but the devil has a way of getting us to the same destination by a different route. I vowed never to cheat on my wife, yet I did. I swore I’d never become an addict, but I fell into addiction. The enemy knows us better than we know ourselves, and he’s been playing this game for thousands of generations.

The Power of Humility and God’s Grace

Let this serve as a reminder: If you’re a Christian, you did nothing to save yourself. All of our good works were like filthy rags before the King. We need to start there. If we’re going to have a competition in the local church, let it be a humility competition.

God’s Generational Plan: The Story of Terah and Abraham

Now, let’s dive into Genesis 11:31. It reads, “Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. But when they came to Harran, they settled there.”

The phrase should have been “the God of Terah, Abraham, and Isaac,” but something wasn’t completed in Terah’s generation. That assignment was then passed down to Abraham, who had to figure out how to be what he had never seen.

Settling for Less: The Danger of Partial Obedience

Terah set out for Canaan but settled in Harran – only halfway to his intended destination. This is a powerful metaphor for our spiritual lives. How many of us have made progress but settled for partial obedience?

Maybe you’re thinking, “Pastor, I drink less than I used to,” or “I’ve switched from cigarettes to vaping because it’s healthier.” Perhaps you’re saying, “I only relapse into pornography occasionally now.” But hear me clearly: If the devil can’t stop you completely, he’ll try to make you comfortable enough to settle for partial obedience.

The Holy Spirit is calling you not just away from what you used to be, but into what you’re supposed to be. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed – not partially free, but completely free.

The Blockage in Your Breakthrough: That Last 1%

Here’s a hard truth: 99% surrender and obedience is still 100% disobedience in God’s eyes. The blockage in your breakthrough might be that last 1% you’re holding onto. God wants to bring you over into 100% surrender. That’s where the favor is. That’s where the blessing flows.

You’re Never Too Old for God’s Purpose

Some might argue that Terah didn’t complete his journey because he was too old. But Scripture tells us he lived another 70 years after settling in Harran. Age is never an excuse with God. Just look at Smith Wigglesworth, a plumber who became a powerful healing evangelist in his retirement years.

Obedience is an accelerator. When you give God your complete “yes,” He can make up for lost time and put you right back on track as if you’d never messed up.

The Root of Settling: Idol Worship

Joshua 24:2 reveals the real reason Terah settled: “Long ago your ancestors, including Terah the father of Abraham and Nahor, lived beyond the Euphrates River and worshiped other gods.”

Terah’s settling was evidence of idol worship. He began worshiping other gods, and that spiritual compromise was passed down as an inheritance. This explains so much about our own struggles.

Faith: The Key to Fulfilling God’s Call

Hebrews 11:8 tells us, “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”

Faith is the key. When you feel anxiety, fear, or panic, what you reach for reveals what you worship. Many of us are like Terah, reaching for different “gods” for comfort in various situations. But true faith means reaching for the one true God in every circumstance.

Worship as Spiritual Warfare

Let me share a personal story about the power of faith and worship. As a teenager, my family faced eviction. Instead of panicking, I turned on worship music and began praising God. My mother joined me, and miraculously, while we were still worshiping, someone knocked on our door with a check for the exact amount we needed for rent.

Stop judging my worship if you don’t know my warfare. Worship has gotten me out of situations where no human hand could help. I refuse to worship other gods – I worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Switching from Plans to Commands

The American church often makes plans, but the true church obeys commands. It’s time to switch from our own plans to God’s commands. We don’t need a plan – we have a Savior who has the plan. He’s driving, and our job is to obey.

My journey into full-time ministry wasn’t about asking God to put me there. It was about being faithful with the harvest field right outside my front door. When I was faithful with that, He sent me to an even more challenging field in New York City.

The Power of “Nevertheless”

Jesus, facing the cross, prayed, “Let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but Yours be done.” That word “nevertheless” is the key to transition. It’s not that you don’t feel fear or reluctance – it’s what you do in the midst of those feelings that matters.

We need a “nevertheless” mindset. “I don’t want to evangelize… nevertheless.” “I don’t want to be generous with my finances… nevertheless.” It’s in these moments of choosing God’s will over our own that we step into our true destiny.

Breaking Family Patterns: Sometimes the Old Must Die

Acts 7:2-4 tells us that God appeared to Abraham while he was still in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Harran. God told him to leave his country and his people. But it wasn’t until after his father’s death that Abraham finally left Harran for Canaan.

Sometimes, the previous generations – or their ways of thinking – have to die for us to finish what God started in our bloodline. This isn’t about disrespecting our elders, but about breaking free from limiting patterns and beliefs that hold us back from God’s best.

Dream Bigger: A Personal Story of Faith

Let me close with a personal story that illustrates the power of dreaming bigger. Years ago, when we were struggling financially, I overheard my single mother in the kitchen, pounding her fist on the table and declaring, “Dream bigger, dream bigger!”

She later explained that as she was doing dishes, God challenged her to envision greater things for our family. “What if God could use our family to touch nations? What if God could use my son to preach?” The Holy Spirit kept prompting her to dream bigger.

Years later, I watched my mother’s face appear on movie screens across America in 2,000 theaters, encouraging single mothers to dream bigger. God had been faithful to that kitchen table declaration.

Your Call to Action: Dream Bigger and Go All the Way

It’s time for you to dream bigger. Good is the enemy of great. You are called to be an Abraham, to walk fully into your destiny. The generations that come after you will forever thank you for your “yes” to God.

I challenge you today: Make the decision to go 100% in the direction God has for you. Don’t stop halfway. Surrender all your thoughts, desires, and plans to Him. Declare with me: “Nevertheless, not my will, but Yours be done. I will dream bigger. I’ll go all the way. No turning back.”

Your obedience today could change the course of generations to come. Will you answer the call?


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Breaking Through Demonic Hindrances

By | Deliverance, Demons | No Comments

Do you feel slowed down, lethargic, or like you’re taking two steps forward and three steps back? You may be experiencing demonic hindrances in your life. While some Christians attribute everything to the devil, the Bible shows us that demonic forces can very much hinder our walk with God. In this post, we’ll explore what demonic hindrances are from a biblical perspective, how to discern if you’re dealing with them, and powerful keys to break free.

What Are Demonic Hindrances?

The apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:12, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” We’re in a spiritual battle, plain and simple.

Paul himself experienced being hindered by Satan from reaching the church in Thessalonica, as he stated in 1 Thessalonians 2:18 – “…we wanted to come to you—certainly I, Paul, did, again and again—but Satan blocked our way.” If this great apostle faced demonic resistance, we shouldn’t be surprised when we encounter it too.

Demonic hindrances can manifest in various ways:

Mental Warfare

One way is through increased mental warfare – anxiety, irrational worry, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts, etc. Just when you think you’ve gained victory over anxious thoughts, they can resurface with intensity. This could be a demonic attack on your mind.

Physical Infirmities

In Luke 13, Jesus healed a woman who had been crippled by a “spirit of infirmity” for 18 years. Some physical conditions have spiritual roots that require deliverance, not just medical treatment.

Blockages and Distractions

Hindrances may come as distractions, delays, or blockages trying to keep you from your God-given purpose and destiny.The enemy doesn’t want you advancing in your impact for the Kingdom.

How to Discern Demonic Hindrances

So how can you tell if you’re dealing with a demonic hindrance versus just your own flesh and human limitation? Here are some ways to increase your discernment:

1. Increase Discipline

One key is to increase your discipline, which will increase your discernment. Push yourself to do what your flesh doesn’t want to do. If you’re able to do it through sheer discipline, it may not be a demonic hindrance. However, if you experience intense, supernatural resistance, it could have a spiritual force behind it.

2. Maintain a Disciplined Prayer Life

Those who spend consistent time in prayer and intimacy with God will become more attuned to discerning the Spirit’s voice and spiritual realities. If you find yourself becoming unusually dry or distracted in prayer, it could indicate demonic interference trying to cut you off from the voice of God.

3. Watch for Patterns

Demonic hindrances often arise right before you’re about to go to the next level or advance in your calling and purpose. The enemy doesn’t want you leveling up, so he tries to throw obstacles and distractions in your way. Recognize the patterns and cycles.

Breaking Free from Demonic Hindrances

Once you’ve discerned the reality of demonic hindrances in your life, it’s time to break free! Here are biblical strategies:

1. Repent and Crucify the Flesh

While not everything is the devil, we do open legal grounds for the enemy through unrepentant sin and fleshly desires. Repent wholeheartedly, crucify the flesh daily, and remove any lifestyle habits or toxic connections that could give demonic forces access.

2. Break Soul Ties and Connections

The Bible speaks of being “soul tied” or bound in intimate relationships like marriage (Genesis 2:24). Ungodly soul ties with people through sin give demonic forces permission to oppress. Boldly break these ties in Jesus’ name.

3. Speak the Word of God

Jesus defeated Satan’s temptations by speaking the Word of God. We must do the same, using the sword of the Spirit – the word of God – to directly resist and command demonic forces to be broken off our lives in Jesus’ mighty name.

4. Change Atmospheres

Certain atmospheres and environments can be so saturated with fleshly living and sin that it makes it difficult to break free from oppression. Change locations, cut off toxic relationships, stop consuming unedifying media – change the atmosphere around you to create a space for God’s presence.

5. Stay Connected

We’re not made to fight alone! Stay connected and accountable to other believers who can pray in agreement with you and support you in your journey of freedom. There is power in unified, corporate prayer to tear down strongholds.

Demonic hindrances are very real opposition that all believers face at some level. But we don’t have to stay stuck! Through consistent discipline, discernment, and applying biblical strategies, we can break through every obstacle and experience greater realms of freedom and authority in Christ.

The enemy doesn’t want you operating in your full potential and spiritual inheritance. But Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8) and gave you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions – every force of the enemy (Luke 10:19). Take up the weapons of your warfare, church! It’s time to level up and leave demonic hindrances behind.


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How to Know If You’re Under Spiritual Attack (Spiritual or Natural?)

By | Deliverance, Tough Questions | No Comments

Spiritual warfare is an inescapable reality for every believer seeking to advance God’s Kingdom. The enemy will employ various tactics to try to hinder, discourage, and entrap us. However, we have been given authority in Christ to overcome every scheme of the devil. Today, we’re diving into the topic of spiritual warfare – how to recognize spiritual attacks and break free from ungodly soul ties. Apostle Ryan LeStrange joins me and we’re going to share profound wisdom from our years of experience in deliverance ministry.

Recognizing Spiritual Attacks

Apostle Ryan LeStrange

The first sign of a spiritual attack, according to Apostle LeStrange, is being drawn back into things God has already delivered you from. “If you were once bound by alcoholism, but now find yourself justifying ‘just two drinks,’ that could indicate an enemy attack trying to re-entrap you,” he explains. Other telltale signs include losing your desire for intimacy with God, feeling overwhelmed by lethargy or oppressive heaviness, and having cloudiness where things that were once crystal clear are now uncertain.

Some spiritual attacks manifest as extreme physical fatigue, even when you’re not physiologically depleted. This draining force can be the enemy’s attempt to hinder you from stepping into your next level of assignment and destiny. The more you’re advancing God’s Kingdom, the more resistance you’ll face.

Apostle LeStrange adds, “Attacks can be confirmation of effectiveness, that we are being effective in our momentum, in our movement for God.” So if you’re facing surprising opposition, it could signify you’re making spiritual strides that threaten the enemy’s territory.

The Danger of Soul Ties

One major doorway for spiritual attack is the forming of ungodly soul ties. Soul ties are spiritual connections, often formed through sexual intimacy or other deep bonds of intimacy where “two become one.” Even non-physical sexual ties, like pornography, can create soul ties that need to be severed.

“Intimacy forms a soul tie,” Apostle LeStrange explains. “Sex is covenant language, covenant activity. If you’ve got one guy that’s had 10 sexual partners and each of them has had 5 sexual partners, you’ve got 50 people involved that potentially there’s all these soul ties with.”

These ties can enable demonic access and influence in someone’s life, like “a lock that is allowing that demon to stay there, or a door that’s allowing it and other demons to pass in and out,” as he describes. Soul ties don’t just form from sex either – they can result from any intimate relationship where we entrust part of our soul and emotions to another person.

Breaking Soul Ties

So how do you break an ungodly soul tie? Apostle LeStrange’s advice: “Pray something like ‘Lord, I break any ungodly soul ties with (name the person), in Jesus’ name. I disconnect from them and apply the blood of Jesus over my soul, mind, will and emotions.'” He stresses it may take persistence – keep renouncing the ties until you’re completely free.

For some people, breaking soul ties is an ongoing process of rewiring thought patterns and neural pathways. Sometimes you even need to go to the extent of rewiring your physical brain, which would be the equivalency of getting six-pack abs. It takes time. It’s not an instantaneous thing.

My own testimony highlights this process.  I took myself through a process and I think it kind of makes you more effective. I don’t know who this is for right now, but sometimes you speak with more authority in the realm that you have brought yourself through because you’re basically looking at somebody and taking them on a journey you took yourself on.

The Journey to Freedom

A key encouragement: Don’t be discouraged by the process! Even we face opposition and moments of vulnerability at times. There will still be times the enemy tries to pop up and attack.

What matters is that you persist and stay the course. The greater your effectiveness for God’s Kingdom, the more confirming attacks may come. Some of my most miraculous meetings happened during periods of tremendous weariness and vulnerability.  When I’ve had nothing left to give, God has reminded me that it’s Him doing the ministering, not me.  

Apostle LeStrange reiterated this perspective: “When we are going through that process and be really yielding to God and saying, ‘Lord, I love you and I give you my yes no matter what I feel, no matter what the warfare is like I give you my yes,’ God can breathe on that and use that in a significant way.”

The path to freedom starts with you, then impacts many through you. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that. Jesus says in John 15, “You have not chosen me. I chose you that you would bear fruit that remains.”

Persevering Through the Process 

So how do you persevere through the process of overcoming spiritual attacks and breaking soul ties? Here are some key principles:

1) Renew your mind consistently with the Word of God.  Apostle LeStrange emphasizes, “Meditate on scriptures, speak them, ponder them, pray over them until they get down in your heart and you begin to think differently.”

2) Align yourself with counselors and ministers who can provide supportive prayer and spiritual covering. Sometimes you may need somebody else to pray for you because your own faith level is buried under heaviness.  

3) Persistently break soul ties and cast out demons in Jesus’ name. Don’t be discouraged if freedoms comes gradually.  The devil is really persistent. Trauma is really persistent. But we need to get to the place saying, “I’m in God’s process and my growth comes in stages, my freedom is coming in stages,” and realize God is walking with me through the process.”

4) Invite the Holy Spirit’s help. I love to pray in the Spirit because it releases the help of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will begin to speak to me and show me how to occupy my freedom.

5) Focus on serving and loving others, not just introspection. I’m trying to OutServe my spouse. We tell hardcore warfare mamas, take all that energy and invest it into their hubby.  Care about what they care about.

The victories in your life will often manifest in the midst of spiritual warfare. God hears your ‘yes’ and God’s going to breathe on you. So keep pressing through the process – greater fruitfulness and miracles await!

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The Power to Cast Out Demons: Walking in Your Divine Purpose

By | Deliverance, Demons, Tough Questions | No Comments

For part 1 of this blog, click here

As believers, we all have access to the same Holy Spirit power that Jesus operated in to set the captives free. It’s time we walk in our divine purpose as believers and commissioned Breakers [for more information on The Breakers course, click here]

Confronting Sin through True Repentance

The first step in the deliverance process is confronting sin. Merely confessing sins is not enough. We need true repentance that produces lasting heart transformation. Repentance goes beyond feeling guilty – it’s actively changing your mind and purpose when you gain new knowledge of God’s ways. 

This involves renouncing selfish behaviors and anything that partners with demons. We can’t just want freedom from demons – we must hate the sin that gave them access in the first place. Deliverance without repentance leaves the door wide open for demons to return. When we repent, it legally cancels their access.

Breaking Generational Curses 

The next phase in deliverance is identifying and breaking any generational curses that have taken root in our bloodline. Demons gain access through 10 primary sources:

  1. Willful, unrepentant sin
  2. Occult practices 
  3. Inherited family iniquity
  4. Unforgiveness 
  5. Unhealed wounds and trauma
  6. False religions
  7. Ungodly soul ties
  8. Curses spoken over our lives
  9. Addictions
  10. Fears and phobias

As we thoroughly examine our past and family history, the Holy Spirit will bring revelation of what needs to be broken. We must verbally cancel any contracts and renounce activities that allowed demons to gain legal rights. The sins of our ancestors can’t be ignored; they open doors that require active shutting.

Casting Out the Demons

After doing the groundwork of repentance and breaking curses, casting out demons itself becomes much easier. Their legal rights have been revoked! We can boldly command them to leave in Jesus’ name, sending them to the abyss. 

Deliverance is not a special gift reserved for elite believers – it’s the birthright of every Spirit-filled Christian. We all have access to the resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead. There’s no need for more training or to wait for ordination. We develop authority through hands-on practice as we step out in boldness. 

Activate Your Divine Purpose  

God desires to use every one of His children in the deliverance ministry. There are countless people afflicted and oppressed who need freedom – including unsaved loved ones, coworkers, friends, and strangers in public places. Don’t wait for them to come to you; take the deliverance power of Christ out into your everyday world. Hospitals, prisons, schools, streets, businesses – the commission is unlimited.

We have the same Holy Spirit who enabled Jesus to cast out demons with a word. As we repent of sin, break curses, and cast out evil spirits, we fulfill our divine purpose as Breakers and change agents in this hurting world. No matter your background, experience, or education, if you’re a born-again follower of Christ, you have everything needed to confront the forces of darkness. It’s time to walk in boldness, step into your authority, and do the greater works promised in Scripture!

Your key takeaways are the absolute necessity of repentance preceding deliverance, the diverse ways generational curses operate, and our authority as believers to cast out demons through the Spirit’s power. May we apply these insights, stepping into our true identity and purpose as breakers! The world is waiting for the manifested sons and daughters of God to arise.

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Why Do Demons Come Back After Deliverance?

By | Deliverance, Demons, Tough Questions | No Comments

Have you ever experienced deliverance from demonic oppression, only to find yourself struggling with the same issues again later on? You’re not alone. Many believers have gone through deliverance and casting out of demons, yet found themselves in bondage again soon after. 

I want to provide crucial insight into why demons can return after deliverance. Understanding the reasons why will equip you to stand strong when the enemy tries to regain ground in your life.

Emotional Trauma Gives Demons Legal Ground

One of the most common reasons demons return is unresolved emotional trauma. New York City is known for the critters that lurk in the walls and underground – rats.  My city has a major rat problem, partly because of the garbage accumulation on streets without alleys. No matter how many rats you remove, if the trash remains, it creates a breeding ground that attracts more rats.  

In the same way, casting out demons deals with the “rats,” but if you don’t take out the “trash” of emotional wounds and trauma, it gives demons legal rights to keep entering your life. Deliverance is meant to work hand in hand with inner healing, counseling, repentance, and renewing the mind.  Removing demons through deliverance doesn’t eliminate the need to work through root issues that give them access.

So if you’ve gone through deliverance, take time for honest self-reflection. Is there any unforgiveness, bitterness, rage, rejection, or other emotional trauma you haven’t resolved? These can provide footholds for demons to return. Bring these areas to Jesus, ask Him to reveal roots that need healing, and seek biblical counseling. Removing debris clears out breeding grounds so demons have no place to inhabit.

You Have a God-Given Purpose and Destiny

Another eye-opening reason for demons returning is simply that you have a major purpose and destiny from God. The enemy wants to do anything possible to prevent you from fulfilling your calling.

Therefore, the degree of spiritual warfare and demonic attack you face is an indicator of how powerfully God wants to use you! The devil would not waste time harassing people who pose no threat to his kingdom. But when he sees you have an anointing that could change lives, he pulls out all the stops to discourage and immobilize you. 

Start to see the battles you face as confirmation of who you are and how God wants to use you for His glory. Persevere in the power of the Holy Spirit knowing your struggles mean you are called and equipped to do damage to the enemy’s kingdom through fulfilling your God-given assignment. Lean into Jesus and let Him fight for you as you walk out your purpose. The enemy wouldn’t be bothering you if you weren’t a serious threat!

Some Demons Pretend to Leave

When doing deliverance ministry, we have to remember that demons are deceitful. Sometimes a demon will pretend to leave during deliverance, and the person manifests relief. But upon closer discernment, it becomes clear the demons actually remained. 

As Jesus said, Satan is the father of lies! Demons can put on quite a show and fool people into thinking they left, when in reality they are lying low, waiting for the next opportunity. 

This is why we must rely fully on the Holy Spirit, not just formulas and rituals. Trusting discernment from the Holy Spirit rather than assuming the demons are gone is key. Pay attention to any check in your spirit indicating more work may be needed. Don’t be deceived by demonic tricks – only the Holy Spirit truly knows if they have left.

You Must Resist Demons After Deliverance 

Getting free of demons through deliverance is just the starting point. Maintaining freedom requires learning to stand your ground against them. We must resist the enemy so he will flee (James 4:7). We can’t be passive; we must fight back!

Practical ways to resist include reading Scripture out loud, praying in the Spirit, declaring God’s truths aloud, and renouncing any footholds the enemy tries to use against you. Put on worship music to fill the atmosphere with praise. Don’t give demons any place in your thought life, conversations, or decisions.

The battles won’t end after deliverance; you must keep resisting actively. But the more you fight back, the more victory you will walk in! Submit to God wholeheartedly and keep your sword (the Word of God) sharp through studying Scripture. Embrace the fights knowing you are called and empowered to win them!

Surround Yourself with Others Who Will Stand with You

Finally, we can’t fight alone. We need trusted brothers and sisters in Christ to stand in agreement with us. There is exponential power when even just two or three join together in Jesus’ name.

David defeated Goliath alone, but later he needed help from his mighty friend Abishai to defeat Goliath’s brothers. Humility requires recognizing you need support. Seek out wise, seasoned believers who can fight alongside you in prayer and encouragement.

And know that as you change, God often brings new spheres of relationships with those who can run at your pace. Don’t isolate; God’s army advances together. The enemy wants to make you feel alone, but you have comrades in arms. Stand firm together and victory is assured!


The next time you face demonic oppression after deliverance, remember these insights. Deal with emotional wounds that give demons legal rights. See the attack as a compliment confirming your destiny. Remember demons lie and pretend to leave. Commit to actively resisting through God’s Word and Spirit. And surround yourself with trusted believers who will fight with you. Jesus is with you, and His power ensures you will walk in ultimate victory!

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Prayers that Rout Demons: My Interview with Apostle John Eckhardt

By | Deliverance, Demons, Prayer | No Comments

Deliverance ministry has become increasingly mainstream in recent years, even being depicted in major Hollywood films. Yet dangerous misconceptions about deliverance persist. In this interview, I have the supreme honor of speaking with deliverance pioneer Apostle John Eckhardt to set the record straight. We discuss foundational prayers and principles for effective deliverance.  

Introducing Apostle John Eckhardt

Apostle John Eckhardt is a father of deliverance ministry. When I first got involved with deliverance in the 1990s, I turned to Apostle John for wisdom. Apostle John graciously trained Pastor Mike despite his young age, equipping him for deliverance ministry. 

This interview promises to impart some of that same wisdom to us today. Apostle John has decades of experience casting out demons and setting captives free. He is also a prolific author, with books like Prayers That Rout Demons teaching foundational deliverance principles. Let’s glean some of his hard-earned insights.

The Nature of the Demonic Realm

Apostle John first explains that demons have names and unique functions, just as described in Scripture. Some are more wicked or “high-ranking” than others. But all are subject to the authority of Jesus’ name. As believers, we have power over every demonic entity.

Some of the most common spirits Apostle John encounters in deliverance include spirits of rejection, rebellion, bitterness, lust, pride, and fear. These demons often work together in groups. For example, rejection can open the door for lust or pride to take root. Identifying the root issue is key.

His bestselling book Prayers That Rout Demons contains sample prayers targeting each of these areas. By using our authority to forcibly evict demons in Jesus’ name, we can find freedom. But passivity and unrepentant sin gives demons legal access to remain in our lives.

The Power of Self-Deliverance

After being trained by Apostle John, I was shocked to manifest demons during self-deliverance. This prompted a discussion about self-deliverance. Apostle John confirms that self-deliverance is biblically valid and important for maintaining freedom. 

Jesus told us to first remove the plank from our own eye before helping others (Matthew 7:5). This implies dealing with our own demons before setting others free. While we can seek deliverance ministers for help, learning to exercise authority over the enemy personally is vital. 

Self-deliverance primes us to walk in consistent freedom. Through renouncing sin, breaking curses, and audibly commanding demons to leave in Jesus’ name, we can evict the enemy from our lives. Of course, not all demons leave automatically or easily. Deliverance is often a lifestyle and process over time. But self-deliverance equips us for the journey.

Breaking Curses and Legal Rights 

Building on this topic, I asked Apostle John about overcoming curses and legal rights. He explains that demonic curses give demons a foot in the door. Sins like bitterness or witchcraft involvement can allow demons to stubbornly remain in a person’s life. 

Even after renouncing the sin, any resulting curses must also be broken in Jesus’ name, removing the enemy’s legal access. Jesus’ death and resurrection redeem us from every curse. But we must verbally activate that redemption through faith.

When deliverance seems hindered, curses may be the culprit. We should ask Holy Spirit to reveal any areas where the enemy has legal rights. Once identified, curses can be broken, shutting the door to further demonic control.

Maintaining Order in Deliverance Ministry

Given the rise of deliverance ministry today, I asked Apostle John for wisdom. He wants to ensure this new generation practices deliverance with Biblical order, not chaos. Apostle John offers several valuable recommendations.

First, build a solid Biblical foundation and get trained by reputable ministers who walk in wisdom. Remain submitted to good local church leadership and accountable relationships. Don’t go off as a renegade minister without oversight or covering.

Also, keep deliverance simple – no gimmicks, just exercise authority in Jesus’ name with compassion. Rely on gifts of the Spirit while staying grounded in the Word. Maintain holiness and a lifestyle of prayer, worship, and obedience. Demons hate holy believers walking in genuine authority.

Finally, integrate deliverance into the full context of Christian ministry. Deliverance works hand-in-hand with preaching the gospel, healing the sick, and operating in all the Spirit’s gifts. Let love and the Word guide every aspect of deliverance.

Prophesying a New Move of God

In closing, Apostle John prophesies that God is releasing “new things” in this season. New authority, favor, revelation, and more are coming to equip believers for revival. A fresh prophetic wind will blow. The old religious structures will crumble.

God is anointing new voices and new generations to go further than ever before. There will be new worship, new songs, new miracles, new salvations! The prophets are arising with kingdom declarations on their lips!

Get ready for the new move of the Spirit. Our King of Glory is doing unprecedented wonders in the Earth!

Key Takeaways

Here are some key takeaways from Apostle John Eckhardt’s wisdom and prophetic insights:

  • Deliverance ministry centers on exercising Jesus’ authority to evict demons in His name. 
  • Self-deliverance is vital for walking in consistent freedom and victory.
  • Solid Biblical foundation protects against deliverance errors and excess. Stay submitted.
  • Break all curses and legal rights giving demons access to someone’s life.
  • Demons hate holy believers operating in genuine Spirit-led authority and power. 
  • A fresh prophetic move of God’s Spirit is coming with new miracles and revival.

Apostle John’s decades of deliverance ministry experience shine through this interview. May we apply these lessons to see captives set free and revival blaze across the nations!

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The Secrets to Generational Curses

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In a recent conversation, I sat down with Apostle Alexander Pagani to unpack the biblical concepts of generational curses and deliverance in a way that will give you a deeper understanding of walking in spiritual freedom.  He explores this subject in his book The Secrets to Generational Curses, released in the fall of 2023. 

What are Generational Curses?

Apostle Alexander Pagani

Apostle Alexander Pagani

A generational curse is a judgment or adverse consequence pronounced in God’s heavenly court against a person, family, place, or group that committed a serious transgression violating His moral laws. While not every sin leads to a generational curse, those that severely breach God’s standards can bring curses that get passed down through bloodlines from one generation to the next. 

Examples include patterns of poverty, chronic illness, mental health struggles, addiction, relationship dysfunction, and untimely death running through a family lineage. These can be signs of generational curses at work, granting demons legal rights to afflict people in these areas of weakness and sin.

How Do Generational Curses Differ from Demons?

An important distinction is that demons are enforcers of generational curses, not the initiators. They gain access to afflict people who are under these curses, after ancestral sins opened the door generations prior. Deliverance sessions can cast out tormenting spirits but do not deal with the root curses giving them continued access.

Even after deliverance brings temporary relief, recurring issues can indicate a generational curse is still in effect, allowing more demons to return. Understanding this difference is key to finding freedom.

How to Identify Generational Curses

If troubling issues remain or return after addressing personal sin patterns and going through deliverance, it likely points to an active generational curse. God can give insight into ancestral roots of curses through dreams, family history, genealogy research, and recognizing generational patterns.

Common signs include:

  • Mental health struggles or breakdowns running in the family line
  • Chronic, life-limiting illness plaguing multiple family members 
  • Poverty, debt, or bankruptcy through generations
  • Divorce, relational dysfunction, abuse recurring in families
  • Early death of ancestors at similar ages
  • Addiction patterns passed down through bloodlines

If these types of issues persist despite personal repentance, deliverance, and spiritual growth, a generational curse may be at work requiring attention.

Breaking Generational Curses Through Christ’s Power

While generational curses are a heavy thing, the life-changing news is that Jesus’ blood sacrifice doesn’t just forgive our personal sins – it also breaks generational curses when applied in faith! We must plead our case in God’s court, appealing to His mercy through Christ’s redemption. 

Confessing and repenting of ancestral sins that opened the door is key. As we proclaim the blood of Jesus over ungodly soul ties and pronounce His finished work, we can spiritually cut ties with generational curses and walk in freedom! God is faithful and just, and His mercy triumphs over any judgment.

Walking in Full Freedom 

In conclusion, by understanding both God’s relational and judicial dimensions, we can access complete freedom in Christ. Through applying God’s promises, principles and processes, we walk in liberty in spirit, mind and body. This encompasses embracing both forgiveness and cleansing from sin’s consequences. As we plead our case before God’s court through Christ, generational curses are broken! The blood of Jesus sets the captives free. Hallelujah!

For a more in-depth exploration on this topic, I urge you to pick up Apostle Pagani’s book The Secrets to Generational Curses today!  

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