

Confronting Jezebel: A Prophetic Call for Discernment

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The recent situation involving Pastor Mark Driscoll’s rebuke at a men’s conference hosted by John Lindell’s church has sent shockwaves through the body of Christ. In an unexpected turn of events, Driscoll confronted what he perceived as the spirit of Jezebel manifesting through a male performer’s provocative acrobatic routine.

As prophetic voices, Jeremiah Johnson and I felt compelled to weigh in, offering insights that transcend the specific incident and underscore the urgent need for spiritual discernment and courage within the church.

The Apostolic Dimension

There is an apostolic dimension often overlooked in modern church dynamics.  Driscoll, operating as an apostolic voice, was within his rights to correct publicly what had occurred publicly – even if it meant seeming to violate the prescribed Matthew 18 process often misapplied.

Within the apostolic dimension, you sometimes have to correct publicly what happens publicly. Just as Paul openly rebuked individuals in his inspired epistles, modern-day apostles may need to confront matters openly when warranted.

A Missed Opportunity

Johnson raised a profound perspective: Given the long-standing friendship between Driscoll and Lindell, could this situation have been an opportunity to model biblically confronting principalities and powers in love?

“They missed a moment we could have demonstrated to the body of Christ – that through relationship and love, we give each other a voice to speak truth,” Johnson reflected. Instead of an adversarial stance, imagine if it had catalyzed corporate repentance and revival?

The Weight of Prophetic Rebuke

We both agreed – rarely do we witness the weight of genuine prophetic rebuke and repentance nowadays. It’s hard to predict what one might do in a similar situation, but I might have doubled down rather than backing off, sensing a divine moment that could have birthed national deliverance for men struggling with sexual temptation.  True prophetic acts can shift spiritual atmospheres, but such courage is sorely lacking.

Heed the Voices You Received

Personally, I’ve been in a similar situation as Pastor John when I received and then heeded my apostolic overseers’ rebuke – even when I didn’t fully understand it – and watched incredible fruit and favor manifest as a result. Testing the spirits is crucial; when discerned prophetic voices bring adjustments, the wise embrace them.

Some of the favor I carry flows from how I receive rebuke.  I would be wise to listen, even if I disagree, because I see the fruit in their lives.

The Wilkerson Prophecy

Johnson quoted a startling prophecy from David Wilkerson’s 1973 book, The Vision, which seemed to foreshadow the controversy:

“Public nudity in any form is creature worship. Nudity in the church will not go unanswered by God…creating a new form of mental illness that will not respond to any kind of treatment.”

Wilkerson’s words proved disturbingly accurate – demonic manifestations can ensue when the church caters to the flesh. We can see the mental illness he referred to is here and it’s the consequence of worshiping the creation, not the Creator.

Misplaced Correction

One glaring issue, however, lies in the widespread trend of self-appointed “discernment” authorities taking it upon themselves to rebuke leadership publicly – often from impure motives like garnering views and profit.

In contrast, true prophetic correction flows from duly ordained voices with proven fruit and relational accountability. The solution isn’t no accountability but governmental accountability with real apostolic leadership.

A Coming Martyrdom

Looking ahead, we both sensed the Lord highlighting a heightened season of persecution and”martyrdom” – not merely physical death but a company willing to pay any cost to see God’s purposes prevail.

Those having resolve in their spiritual spine, unwavering servants who bow only to God – not man’s systems.  Such unstoppable ones will emerge as human vessels for the Spirit’s most profound workings.

A United Prophetic Army

Ultimately, our dialogue revealed the pressing need for unity among proper prophetic voices as steep days loom for the American church. The rousing call?  Shed petty differences, discern accurately, and lock shields as one prophetic army advancing the Kingdom without compromise or fear.

We need to lock arms – true pray-ers and doers, representing with the passion of a Taylor Swift fanbase. Are you ready to rise up as one of the unstoppable ones? The call has gone out – now is our time to respond!

This prophetic conversation provided a sobering yet empowering challenge: Will the church embrace the authentic, God-ordained prophetic voices being raised up for such a pivotal hour? The stakes have never been higher; may we be swiftly perfected into His faultless likeness.


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Urgent Prophetic Word: A Call To Fervent Prayer

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As I sat down to record another broadcast, the Holy Spirit stirred something deep within me with an overwhelming sense of urgency. I had to drop everything and go live immediately to deliver this critically important prophetic word from the Lord. If you’re watching the replay or reading this after the fact, it’s not too late – God is rallying His people into focused prayer like never before.

A Pivotal Window of Permission

I truly believe we are in the final moments of a special window where God is giving us permission to deal with matters through prayer. He is enabling intercessors to do deep spiritual work, granting us the authority to take dominion, step in, rearrange, reallocate, and restructure things in the spiritual realm.

Something profound is happening in the earth right now. I hear the Lord clearly saying, “It doesn’t have to go this way. If the righteous will rise up, it can go another way.” We still have a chance to change the trajectory through concerted prayer. Can you feel that stirring in your spirit like when John the Baptist leapt in Elizabeth’s womb? The spiritual wombs of intercessors are leaping, conceiving something new – there is still time to deal with this situation through wholehearted prayer.

An Urgency to Pray

Some of you have backed off from fervent prayer recently. Maybe you faced disappointments or unanswered prayers that led to frustration with God. But the Lord is saying, “My will was done, and now I need you to participate in my will through passionate intercession.”

I saw a sobering reality – two cries are arising. The first is the cry of the remnant church, the intercessors treading the narrow path. But then I saw a second cry, the cry of humanity experiencing turmoil and destruction across many borders. This is not going to be an easy season – we are entering a period of difficulty.

The Lord impressed on me, “Take care of your affairs.” By the time the devastation materializes in the natural realm, it will be too late for many. But in the spiritual realm, there is still an opportunity to pray through, contending for breakthroughs. As you persevere through opposition in prayer, you will begin to see immediate releases – properties, opportunities, relationships, and more. But only for those who pray!

A Realignment and Release for Intercessors

God is going to align together those who diligently pray -Business people, entrepreneurs, ministry leaders, and all who prioritize the secret place will unite across borders. The Lord declared, “I will separate those who pray from those who do not pray.”

To those who pray, the Lord promises to release heavenly strategy, wisdom, revelation, and prophetic insights to avert dangers. He will multiply your efforts exponentially – not just a one-to-five increase, but one act will be multiplied by ten! As you have been faithful with tithes and first fruits, God will release a tenfold multiplication into your life, but for the sake of His kingdom cause.

You Have Lost Touch with the Call

The Lord gave me a sobering word: “You have lost touch with the command. You have lost touch with the call, but I have desired more of you. I will give you diverse gifts, but I will require much from you.”

Some of you have been carrying divine assignments like smooth stones in your pockets, but you haven’t released them toward the giants you face. It’s time to take out those prophetic words, books, songs, and sermons you’ve been sitting on and send them forth, for the spirit of fear has been tormenting you, vexing you at night to keep you silent.

But the Lord promises, “I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.” Your first assignment is to war against the spirit of fear blanketing the earth and keeping God’s people hostage.

A Coming Boldness Like the Martyrs

Many have been afraid to speak up – afraid to share with family, bosses, or co-workers. But like Esther, God is summoning you to boldness, for on the other side of your voice is the liberation of nations! You must break through fear and speak life, for you cannot operate in fear and faith simultaneously.

The Lord is breaking the spell of Jezebel – the spirits of accusation, manipulation, control, and deception being released against you. He is delivering you from the soothsayer’s spells and removing barriers like cotton from your ears so you can walk in clarity and confidence like never before.

As boldness rises, the Lord says, “Even as martyrs, there will be a spirit of martyrdom in the earth…those who bow only to Me will never bow to man or man-made systems.” An unstoppable company is emerging who will say, “I will do whatever it takes” to see the Lord’s purposes fulfilled, no matter the cost.

An Invitation to Join the Army

After receiving this powerful, eye-opening word, I’m going to pray for you, asking the Lord to impart fresh boldness and confidence. But then we must move forward together in obedience! I’m raising up an army, not just building an audience.

This is a pivotal time, and Jesus’ return is drawing near. I’m all in, doing everything I can to spread this life-giving message and see revival blaze across the earth. But I need you to join me, church! Let’s lock arms as pray-ers and doers of the Word.  Together, we’ll see nations shaken and the Kingdom of God accelerated in this critical hour.

Are you ready to rise up as one of the unstoppable ones? The call has gone out – now is our time to respond!


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Prayers that Rout Demons: My Interview with Apostle John Eckhardt

By | Deliverance, Demons, Prayer | No Comments

Deliverance ministry has become increasingly mainstream in recent years, even being depicted in major Hollywood films. Yet dangerous misconceptions about deliverance persist. In this interview, I have the supreme honor of speaking with deliverance pioneer Apostle John Eckhardt to set the record straight. We discuss foundational prayers and principles for effective deliverance.  

Introducing Apostle John Eckhardt

Apostle John Eckhardt is a father of deliverance ministry. When I first got involved with deliverance in the 1990s, I turned to Apostle John for wisdom. Apostle John graciously trained Pastor Mike despite his young age, equipping him for deliverance ministry. 

This interview promises to impart some of that same wisdom to us today. Apostle John has decades of experience casting out demons and setting captives free. He is also a prolific author, with books like Prayers That Rout Demons teaching foundational deliverance principles. Let’s glean some of his hard-earned insights.

The Nature of the Demonic Realm

Apostle John first explains that demons have names and unique functions, just as described in Scripture. Some are more wicked or “high-ranking” than others. But all are subject to the authority of Jesus’ name. As believers, we have power over every demonic entity.

Some of the most common spirits Apostle John encounters in deliverance include spirits of rejection, rebellion, bitterness, lust, pride, and fear. These demons often work together in groups. For example, rejection can open the door for lust or pride to take root. Identifying the root issue is key.

His bestselling book Prayers That Rout Demons contains sample prayers targeting each of these areas. By using our authority to forcibly evict demons in Jesus’ name, we can find freedom. But passivity and unrepentant sin gives demons legal access to remain in our lives.

The Power of Self-Deliverance

After being trained by Apostle John, I was shocked to manifest demons during self-deliverance. This prompted a discussion about self-deliverance. Apostle John confirms that self-deliverance is biblically valid and important for maintaining freedom. 

Jesus told us to first remove the plank from our own eye before helping others (Matthew 7:5). This implies dealing with our own demons before setting others free. While we can seek deliverance ministers for help, learning to exercise authority over the enemy personally is vital. 

Self-deliverance primes us to walk in consistent freedom. Through renouncing sin, breaking curses, and audibly commanding demons to leave in Jesus’ name, we can evict the enemy from our lives. Of course, not all demons leave automatically or easily. Deliverance is often a lifestyle and process over time. But self-deliverance equips us for the journey.

Breaking Curses and Legal Rights 

Building on this topic, I asked Apostle John about overcoming curses and legal rights. He explains that demonic curses give demons a foot in the door. Sins like bitterness or witchcraft involvement can allow demons to stubbornly remain in a person’s life. 

Even after renouncing the sin, any resulting curses must also be broken in Jesus’ name, removing the enemy’s legal access. Jesus’ death and resurrection redeem us from every curse. But we must verbally activate that redemption through faith.

When deliverance seems hindered, curses may be the culprit. We should ask Holy Spirit to reveal any areas where the enemy has legal rights. Once identified, curses can be broken, shutting the door to further demonic control.

Maintaining Order in Deliverance Ministry

Given the rise of deliverance ministry today, I asked Apostle John for wisdom. He wants to ensure this new generation practices deliverance with Biblical order, not chaos. Apostle John offers several valuable recommendations.

First, build a solid Biblical foundation and get trained by reputable ministers who walk in wisdom. Remain submitted to good local church leadership and accountable relationships. Don’t go off as a renegade minister without oversight or covering.

Also, keep deliverance simple – no gimmicks, just exercise authority in Jesus’ name with compassion. Rely on gifts of the Spirit while staying grounded in the Word. Maintain holiness and a lifestyle of prayer, worship, and obedience. Demons hate holy believers walking in genuine authority.

Finally, integrate deliverance into the full context of Christian ministry. Deliverance works hand-in-hand with preaching the gospel, healing the sick, and operating in all the Spirit’s gifts. Let love and the Word guide every aspect of deliverance.

Prophesying a New Move of God

In closing, Apostle John prophesies that God is releasing “new things” in this season. New authority, favor, revelation, and more are coming to equip believers for revival. A fresh prophetic wind will blow. The old religious structures will crumble.

God is anointing new voices and new generations to go further than ever before. There will be new worship, new songs, new miracles, new salvations! The prophets are arising with kingdom declarations on their lips!

Get ready for the new move of the Spirit. Our King of Glory is doing unprecedented wonders in the Earth!

Key Takeaways

Here are some key takeaways from Apostle John Eckhardt’s wisdom and prophetic insights:

  • Deliverance ministry centers on exercising Jesus’ authority to evict demons in His name. 
  • Self-deliverance is vital for walking in consistent freedom and victory.
  • Solid Biblical foundation protects against deliverance errors and excess. Stay submitted.
  • Break all curses and legal rights giving demons access to someone’s life.
  • Demons hate holy believers operating in genuine Spirit-led authority and power. 
  • A fresh prophetic move of God’s Spirit is coming with new miracles and revival.

Apostle John’s decades of deliverance ministry experience shine through this interview. May we apply these lessons to see captives set free and revival blaze across the nations!

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How to Intercede With Power

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As we step into the promising year of 2024, I want to share with you some proven, biblical keys to intercession that have been staples in my prayer life since the age of 15. I believe this year will be unparalleled for those searching to pray powerful and effectual prayers. The devil may not be intimidated by worldly subscriptions or information overload, but what truly unnerves him is the strength of your prayer life.

Let’s walk in boldness this year as we learn to pray power-filled prayers. Here are four key components:

Adoration and Exaltation

Begin by magnifying the Lord. Adore Him, exalt Him above every challenge and above every concern. Let the atmosphere change as you declare His matchless greatness. Start by saying:

Heavenly Father, I exalt you above every name that is a name. Jesus, you are exalted. Lord, I lift you on high, oh God, above all my problems, concerns, and worries. You are high and lifted. I magnify you, God. You are matchless. Lord, you and you alone are worthy of my affection. You and you alone are worthy of my attention. All my focus is on you. Jesus. I’m looking at you, my faith’s author and finisher. I glorify you. I magnify you, God. You are matchless. There is none like you—the fairest of 10,000, the lily of the valley, the rose of Sharon. Lord, you are undefeated. You have all power, all might, all wisdom. 


Move into a phase of gratitude as you enter into intercession. Thank the Lord for every blessing, even the ones you didn’t choose. Express your thanks for family, job, trials, and tribulations – knowing each contributes to your growth. Open a well of gratitude and let it flow. That might sound like this:

I thank you, God, for keeping me another year. I thank you for my children, my car, and my house. I thank you for the things I didn’t choose, but they’re making me more like you. I thank you for my job and my employer. 

If you’re married: I’m thankful for my spouse. If you’re single: God, I thank you that you’re preparing me, and as you prepare me, you are preparing my mate, and you’ll join us together. I thank you in advance for what you’re doing.   

I thank you for the trials. I thank you for the pain. I thank you for the tribulations because you knew that it would make me more like you knew that it wouldn’t destroy me. I’m thankful that they walked out on me because it drove me to the throne to know you more. God, I’m grateful they rejected me because it taught me your acceptance. I’m thankful for my past. I’m thankful for my present. I’m thankful for the future.


Now comes a phase that might feel unfamiliar – declaration. Recognize your delegated authority as a child of God. Jesus commanded us to heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, and preach the gospel. The devil doesn’t respond to your voice; he responds to God’s command through your voice. Proclaim blessings over your life, family, and finances. Speak life into your circumstances, binding every demonic force that opposes you. That might sound like this:

I declare that my spouse will be saved this year. That my spouse will be filled with the Holy Spirit. That my spouse will be activated in the gifts of the spirit. That we will pray together, that we will read the Bible together. 

I declare that my finances will be blessed, that I am a river and not a reservoir, and there will be a multiplication because he gives seed to the sower. I declare that I am going to walk in the favor of God. 

I declare that I am not going to enter this year and carry depression and anxiety. I break the power of every demonic thought in my life. I pull down every stronghold that the enemy has erected in my mind. I speak to every demonic spirit, and I bind you in the name of Jesus and command you to loose my life and let me go. 

I declare that I will operate in faith this year and that God is going to open doors that only he can open and close doors that shouldn’t be open. I declare that I am the seed of Abraham, and I will see God’s promises fulfilled in my life. I declare that I will come into perfect health this year and that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.


The final (and my favorite) phase is praise. Praise is your proof, your spiritual evidence. Dance, shout, and praise God as if the victory has already been won. In the kingdom, we praise before the manifestation, activating our faith.

Praise is your weapon and proof that faith is the substance of things hoped for. So, let’s be undignified in our praise, just like David, knowing that the fight is fixed, and our victory is assured.

As you release a thunderclap of praise, declare boldly that your best days are ahead. The devil cannot silence you; your voice will resound, declaring God’s goodness in the earth.  

Praise might look like dancing in victory. It might look like shouting out loud so your neighbors can hear you. It might look like singing.  

Let’s make 2024 a year of unstoppable prayer, where breakthroughs are the norm and God’s glory is magnified.

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A Biblical Guide to Fasting | My Interview with Pastor Vlad Savchuk

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spiritual lethargy

Prophetic Word: Overcoming Spiritual Lethargy

| Spiritual Warfare, The Prophetic | No Comments
Lately, I've noticed a concerning trend sweeping across our communities. Many people are experiencing unprecedented levels of exhaustion, lethargy, and what social media has dubbed "couch rot." This phenomenon goes…
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The Truth About Soul Ties: What They Are and How to Break Them

| Relationships, Spiritual Warfare, Tough Questions | No Comments
I've encountered many spiritual phenomena over the years, but few are as misunderstood and potentially harmful as soul ties. In this post, I want to share with you my experiences…

A Call for Unity and Reflection in the Body of Christ

| Spiritual Warfare | No Comments
I feel compelled to address a deeply troubling incident that has shaken many of us to our core. Recently, there was an attack on Pastor Greg Locke's family home, where…
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Preparing for Turbulent Times: A Spiritual Perspective on Current Events

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As a pastor and spiritual leader, I feel compelled to share my thoughts on the critical times we're facing. Many of us sense that we're on the cusp of significant…


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Principles For Praying Powerful Prayers

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Further Resources

📖 Five Reasons You Struggle To Pray

📖 Why Morning Prayer Will Change Your Life

My Breakthrough Community is full of people just like you who are hungry for more of God. If you are interested in learning more, consider becoming a part of the Breakthrough Community!

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spiritual lethargy

Prophetic Word: Overcoming Spiritual Lethargy

| Spiritual Warfare, The Prophetic | No Comments
Lately, I've noticed a concerning trend sweeping across our communities. Many people are experiencing unprecedented levels of exhaustion, lethargy, and what social media has dubbed "couch rot." This phenomenon goes…
Soul Ties

The Truth About Soul Ties: What They Are and How to Break Them

| Relationships, Spiritual Warfare, Tough Questions | No Comments
I've encountered many spiritual phenomena over the years, but few are as misunderstood and potentially harmful as soul ties. In this post, I want to share with you my experiences…

A Call for Unity and Reflection in the Body of Christ

| Spiritual Warfare | No Comments
I feel compelled to address a deeply troubling incident that has shaken many of us to our core. Recently, there was an attack on Pastor Greg Locke's family home, where…
turbulent times

Preparing for Turbulent Times: A Spiritual Perspective on Current Events

| Current Events | No Comments
As a pastor and spiritual leader, I feel compelled to share my thoughts on the critical times we're facing. Many of us sense that we're on the cusp of significant…


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Five Reasons You Struggle to Pray

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Further Resources

📖 Why Can’t I Hear God

📖 How to Host the Holy Spirit

My Breakthrough Community is full of people just like you who are hungry for more of God. If you are interested in learning more, consider becoming a part of the Breakthrough Community!

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spiritual lethargy

Prophetic Word: Overcoming Spiritual Lethargy

| Spiritual Warfare, The Prophetic | No Comments
Lately, I've noticed a concerning trend sweeping across our communities. Many people are experiencing unprecedented levels of exhaustion, lethargy, and what social media has dubbed "couch rot." This phenomenon goes…
Soul Ties

The Truth About Soul Ties: What They Are and How to Break Them

| Relationships, Spiritual Warfare, Tough Questions | No Comments
I've encountered many spiritual phenomena over the years, but few are as misunderstood and potentially harmful as soul ties. In this post, I want to share with you my experiences…

A Call for Unity and Reflection in the Body of Christ

| Spiritual Warfare | No Comments
I feel compelled to address a deeply troubling incident that has shaken many of us to our core. Recently, there was an attack on Pastor Greg Locke's family home, where…
turbulent times

Preparing for Turbulent Times: A Spiritual Perspective on Current Events

| Current Events | No Comments
As a pastor and spiritual leader, I feel compelled to share my thoughts on the critical times we're facing. Many of us sense that we're on the cusp of significant…


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Why Morning Prayer Will Change Your Life

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Further Resources

📖 Why Can’t I Hear God

📖 How to Host the Holy Spirit

My Breakthrough Community is full of people just like you who are hungry for more of God. If you are interested in learning more, consider becoming a part of the Breakthrough Community!

Request prayer here.

spiritual lethargy

Prophetic Word: Overcoming Spiritual Lethargy

| Spiritual Warfare, The Prophetic | No Comments
Lately, I've noticed a concerning trend sweeping across our communities. Many people are experiencing unprecedented levels of exhaustion, lethargy, and what social media has dubbed "couch rot." This phenomenon goes…
Soul Ties

The Truth About Soul Ties: What They Are and How to Break Them

| Relationships, Spiritual Warfare, Tough Questions | No Comments
I've encountered many spiritual phenomena over the years, but few are as misunderstood and potentially harmful as soul ties. In this post, I want to share with you my experiences…

A Call for Unity and Reflection in the Body of Christ

| Spiritual Warfare | No Comments
I feel compelled to address a deeply troubling incident that has shaken many of us to our core. Recently, there was an attack on Pastor Greg Locke's family home, where…
turbulent times

Preparing for Turbulent Times: A Spiritual Perspective on Current Events

| Current Events | No Comments
As a pastor and spiritual leader, I feel compelled to share my thoughts on the critical times we're facing. Many of us sense that we're on the cusp of significant…


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