

The Power to Cast Out Demons: Walking in Your Divine Purpose

By | Deliverance, Demons, Tough Questions | No Comments

For part 1 of this blog, click here

As believers, we all have access to the same Holy Spirit power that Jesus operated in to set the captives free. It’s time we walk in our divine purpose as believers and commissioned Breakers [for more information on The Breakers course, click here]

Confronting Sin through True Repentance

The first step in the deliverance process is confronting sin. Merely confessing sins is not enough. We need true repentance that produces lasting heart transformation. Repentance goes beyond feeling guilty – it’s actively changing your mind and purpose when you gain new knowledge of God’s ways. 

This involves renouncing selfish behaviors and anything that partners with demons. We can’t just want freedom from demons – we must hate the sin that gave them access in the first place. Deliverance without repentance leaves the door wide open for demons to return. When we repent, it legally cancels their access.

Breaking Generational Curses 

The next phase in deliverance is identifying and breaking any generational curses that have taken root in our bloodline. Demons gain access through 10 primary sources:

  1. Willful, unrepentant sin
  2. Occult practices 
  3. Inherited family iniquity
  4. Unforgiveness 
  5. Unhealed wounds and trauma
  6. False religions
  7. Ungodly soul ties
  8. Curses spoken over our lives
  9. Addictions
  10. Fears and phobias

As we thoroughly examine our past and family history, the Holy Spirit will bring revelation of what needs to be broken. We must verbally cancel any contracts and renounce activities that allowed demons to gain legal rights. The sins of our ancestors can’t be ignored; they open doors that require active shutting.

Casting Out the Demons

After doing the groundwork of repentance and breaking curses, casting out demons itself becomes much easier. Their legal rights have been revoked! We can boldly command them to leave in Jesus’ name, sending them to the abyss. 

Deliverance is not a special gift reserved for elite believers – it’s the birthright of every Spirit-filled Christian. We all have access to the resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead. There’s no need for more training or to wait for ordination. We develop authority through hands-on practice as we step out in boldness. 

Activate Your Divine Purpose  

God desires to use every one of His children in the deliverance ministry. There are countless people afflicted and oppressed who need freedom – including unsaved loved ones, coworkers, friends, and strangers in public places. Don’t wait for them to come to you; take the deliverance power of Christ out into your everyday world. Hospitals, prisons, schools, streets, businesses – the commission is unlimited.

We have the same Holy Spirit who enabled Jesus to cast out demons with a word. As we repent of sin, break curses, and cast out evil spirits, we fulfill our divine purpose as Breakers and change agents in this hurting world. No matter your background, experience, or education, if you’re a born-again follower of Christ, you have everything needed to confront the forces of darkness. It’s time to walk in boldness, step into your authority, and do the greater works promised in Scripture!

Your key takeaways are the absolute necessity of repentance preceding deliverance, the diverse ways generational curses operate, and our authority as believers to cast out demons through the Spirit’s power. May we apply these insights, stepping into our true identity and purpose as breakers! The world is waiting for the manifested sons and daughters of God to arise.

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Why Do Demons Come Back After Deliverance?

By | Deliverance, Demons, Tough Questions | No Comments

Have you ever experienced deliverance from demonic oppression, only to find yourself struggling with the same issues again later on? You’re not alone. Many believers have gone through deliverance and casting out of demons, yet found themselves in bondage again soon after. 

I want to provide crucial insight into why demons can return after deliverance. Understanding the reasons why will equip you to stand strong when the enemy tries to regain ground in your life.

Emotional Trauma Gives Demons Legal Ground

One of the most common reasons demons return is unresolved emotional trauma. New York City is known for the critters that lurk in the walls and underground – rats.  My city has a major rat problem, partly because of the garbage accumulation on streets without alleys. No matter how many rats you remove, if the trash remains, it creates a breeding ground that attracts more rats.  

In the same way, casting out demons deals with the “rats,” but if you don’t take out the “trash” of emotional wounds and trauma, it gives demons legal rights to keep entering your life. Deliverance is meant to work hand in hand with inner healing, counseling, repentance, and renewing the mind.  Removing demons through deliverance doesn’t eliminate the need to work through root issues that give them access.

So if you’ve gone through deliverance, take time for honest self-reflection. Is there any unforgiveness, bitterness, rage, rejection, or other emotional trauma you haven’t resolved? These can provide footholds for demons to return. Bring these areas to Jesus, ask Him to reveal roots that need healing, and seek biblical counseling. Removing debris clears out breeding grounds so demons have no place to inhabit.

You Have a God-Given Purpose and Destiny

Another eye-opening reason for demons returning is simply that you have a major purpose and destiny from God. The enemy wants to do anything possible to prevent you from fulfilling your calling.

Therefore, the degree of spiritual warfare and demonic attack you face is an indicator of how powerfully God wants to use you! The devil would not waste time harassing people who pose no threat to his kingdom. But when he sees you have an anointing that could change lives, he pulls out all the stops to discourage and immobilize you. 

Start to see the battles you face as confirmation of who you are and how God wants to use you for His glory. Persevere in the power of the Holy Spirit knowing your struggles mean you are called and equipped to do damage to the enemy’s kingdom through fulfilling your God-given assignment. Lean into Jesus and let Him fight for you as you walk out your purpose. The enemy wouldn’t be bothering you if you weren’t a serious threat!

Some Demons Pretend to Leave

When doing deliverance ministry, we have to remember that demons are deceitful. Sometimes a demon will pretend to leave during deliverance, and the person manifests relief. But upon closer discernment, it becomes clear the demons actually remained. 

As Jesus said, Satan is the father of lies! Demons can put on quite a show and fool people into thinking they left, when in reality they are lying low, waiting for the next opportunity. 

This is why we must rely fully on the Holy Spirit, not just formulas and rituals. Trusting discernment from the Holy Spirit rather than assuming the demons are gone is key. Pay attention to any check in your spirit indicating more work may be needed. Don’t be deceived by demonic tricks – only the Holy Spirit truly knows if they have left.

You Must Resist Demons After Deliverance 

Getting free of demons through deliverance is just the starting point. Maintaining freedom requires learning to stand your ground against them. We must resist the enemy so he will flee (James 4:7). We can’t be passive; we must fight back!

Practical ways to resist include reading Scripture out loud, praying in the Spirit, declaring God’s truths aloud, and renouncing any footholds the enemy tries to use against you. Put on worship music to fill the atmosphere with praise. Don’t give demons any place in your thought life, conversations, or decisions.

The battles won’t end after deliverance; you must keep resisting actively. But the more you fight back, the more victory you will walk in! Submit to God wholeheartedly and keep your sword (the Word of God) sharp through studying Scripture. Embrace the fights knowing you are called and empowered to win them!

Surround Yourself with Others Who Will Stand with You

Finally, we can’t fight alone. We need trusted brothers and sisters in Christ to stand in agreement with us. There is exponential power when even just two or three join together in Jesus’ name.

David defeated Goliath alone, but later he needed help from his mighty friend Abishai to defeat Goliath’s brothers. Humility requires recognizing you need support. Seek out wise, seasoned believers who can fight alongside you in prayer and encouragement.

And know that as you change, God often brings new spheres of relationships with those who can run at your pace. Don’t isolate; God’s army advances together. The enemy wants to make you feel alone, but you have comrades in arms. Stand firm together and victory is assured!


The next time you face demonic oppression after deliverance, remember these insights. Deal with emotional wounds that give demons legal rights. See the attack as a compliment confirming your destiny. Remember demons lie and pretend to leave. Commit to actively resisting through God’s Word and Spirit. And surround yourself with trusted believers who will fight with you. Jesus is with you, and His power ensures you will walk in ultimate victory!

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Prayers that Rout Demons: My Interview with Apostle John Eckhardt

By | Deliverance, Demons, Prayer | No Comments

Deliverance ministry has become increasingly mainstream in recent years, even being depicted in major Hollywood films. Yet dangerous misconceptions about deliverance persist. In this interview, I have the supreme honor of speaking with deliverance pioneer Apostle John Eckhardt to set the record straight. We discuss foundational prayers and principles for effective deliverance.  

Introducing Apostle John Eckhardt

Apostle John Eckhardt is a father of deliverance ministry. When I first got involved with deliverance in the 1990s, I turned to Apostle John for wisdom. Apostle John graciously trained Pastor Mike despite his young age, equipping him for deliverance ministry. 

This interview promises to impart some of that same wisdom to us today. Apostle John has decades of experience casting out demons and setting captives free. He is also a prolific author, with books like Prayers That Rout Demons teaching foundational deliverance principles. Let’s glean some of his hard-earned insights.

The Nature of the Demonic Realm

Apostle John first explains that demons have names and unique functions, just as described in Scripture. Some are more wicked or “high-ranking” than others. But all are subject to the authority of Jesus’ name. As believers, we have power over every demonic entity.

Some of the most common spirits Apostle John encounters in deliverance include spirits of rejection, rebellion, bitterness, lust, pride, and fear. These demons often work together in groups. For example, rejection can open the door for lust or pride to take root. Identifying the root issue is key.

His bestselling book Prayers That Rout Demons contains sample prayers targeting each of these areas. By using our authority to forcibly evict demons in Jesus’ name, we can find freedom. But passivity and unrepentant sin gives demons legal access to remain in our lives.

The Power of Self-Deliverance

After being trained by Apostle John, I was shocked to manifest demons during self-deliverance. This prompted a discussion about self-deliverance. Apostle John confirms that self-deliverance is biblically valid and important for maintaining freedom. 

Jesus told us to first remove the plank from our own eye before helping others (Matthew 7:5). This implies dealing with our own demons before setting others free. While we can seek deliverance ministers for help, learning to exercise authority over the enemy personally is vital. 

Self-deliverance primes us to walk in consistent freedom. Through renouncing sin, breaking curses, and audibly commanding demons to leave in Jesus’ name, we can evict the enemy from our lives. Of course, not all demons leave automatically or easily. Deliverance is often a lifestyle and process over time. But self-deliverance equips us for the journey.

Breaking Curses and Legal Rights 

Building on this topic, I asked Apostle John about overcoming curses and legal rights. He explains that demonic curses give demons a foot in the door. Sins like bitterness or witchcraft involvement can allow demons to stubbornly remain in a person’s life. 

Even after renouncing the sin, any resulting curses must also be broken in Jesus’ name, removing the enemy’s legal access. Jesus’ death and resurrection redeem us from every curse. But we must verbally activate that redemption through faith.

When deliverance seems hindered, curses may be the culprit. We should ask Holy Spirit to reveal any areas where the enemy has legal rights. Once identified, curses can be broken, shutting the door to further demonic control.

Maintaining Order in Deliverance Ministry

Given the rise of deliverance ministry today, I asked Apostle John for wisdom. He wants to ensure this new generation practices deliverance with Biblical order, not chaos. Apostle John offers several valuable recommendations.

First, build a solid Biblical foundation and get trained by reputable ministers who walk in wisdom. Remain submitted to good local church leadership and accountable relationships. Don’t go off as a renegade minister without oversight or covering.

Also, keep deliverance simple – no gimmicks, just exercise authority in Jesus’ name with compassion. Rely on gifts of the Spirit while staying grounded in the Word. Maintain holiness and a lifestyle of prayer, worship, and obedience. Demons hate holy believers walking in genuine authority.

Finally, integrate deliverance into the full context of Christian ministry. Deliverance works hand-in-hand with preaching the gospel, healing the sick, and operating in all the Spirit’s gifts. Let love and the Word guide every aspect of deliverance.

Prophesying a New Move of God

In closing, Apostle John prophesies that God is releasing “new things” in this season. New authority, favor, revelation, and more are coming to equip believers for revival. A fresh prophetic wind will blow. The old religious structures will crumble.

God is anointing new voices and new generations to go further than ever before. There will be new worship, new songs, new miracles, new salvations! The prophets are arising with kingdom declarations on their lips!

Get ready for the new move of the Spirit. Our King of Glory is doing unprecedented wonders in the Earth!

Key Takeaways

Here are some key takeaways from Apostle John Eckhardt’s wisdom and prophetic insights:

  • Deliverance ministry centers on exercising Jesus’ authority to evict demons in His name. 
  • Self-deliverance is vital for walking in consistent freedom and victory.
  • Solid Biblical foundation protects against deliverance errors and excess. Stay submitted.
  • Break all curses and legal rights giving demons access to someone’s life.
  • Demons hate holy believers operating in genuine Spirit-led authority and power. 
  • A fresh prophetic move of God’s Spirit is coming with new miracles and revival.

Apostle John’s decades of deliverance ministry experience shine through this interview. May we apply these lessons to see captives set free and revival blaze across the nations!

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Mcdonald’s Giving Tarot Readings? The Rise of Astrology and the Occult in Mainstream Culture

By | Demons, New Age | No Comments

Astrology and other occult practices like tarot card reading have become increasingly mainstream in recent years. Major brands are now openly embracing and promoting these practices in very overt ways. As a Christian, I find this deeply troubling and believe we must return to God’s Word for guidance. My goal is to expose these deceptive practices and equip fellow believers with discernment.

The Shocking Partnerships Between Brands and the Occult

We have recently seen some shocking partnerships between fast food brands and astrology/tarot practices. For example, McDonald’s offered discounted menu items on specific dates based on a current astrological phenomenon called “Mercury in retrograde.” They also partnered with a TikTok tarot card reader named Madame Adam to provide McDonald’s-themed tarot readings. 

Del Taco similarly offered astrology-based deals during the “Mercury in retrograde” periods this year. Their website promotes turning this “negative time” into a “win-win” with special deals. Dole went even further by publishing 12 zodiac-themed salad recipes for National Salad Month. Each salad supposedly appeals to the personality traits associated with each astrological sign.

There is clearly a double standard here. These companies celebrate astrology and tarot without controversy. Yet other brands like Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby are vilified by mainstream culture for exalting Christian values. The occult influence has now moved from subtle to overt.

The Rise of Astrology and Occultism in Our Culture

A Newsweek article traces the rise of astrology and occult practices in our culture today. Millions of people, including those who consider themselves non-religious, now look to astrology and tarot readings for life guidance. Being a Christian with biblical morals is viewed as controversial. But mainstream brands can now openly promote astrology without much backlash.

For example, I visited a bookstore in Brooklyn that had no Bibles or Christian books in the religion section. Yet it was filled with materials on astrology, tarot, and other spiritual practices. This shows how hostile our culture has become to biblical truth.

The article in Newsweek even admits that food brands are latching onto astrology for marketing purposes. They don’t necessarily believe it. But they know appearing “cool” and “progressive” sells products to impressionable consumers. This further confirms that financial gain, not genuine belief, is motivating much of this promotion.

Biblical Perspective on Astrology and Occult Practices

As Christians, we must filter these trends through the lens of Scripture. The Bible expressly forbids occult practices like astrology, tarot, and sorcery. These are not harmless hobbies but fundamentally deceptive spiritually.

For instance, Isaiah 47:13-14 says:

“You are wearied with your many counsels; Let now the astrologers, the stargazers,And the monthly prognosticators stand up and save you From what shall come upon you. Behold, they shall be as stubble, The fire shall burn them; They shall not deliver themselves…” (NKJV)

The prophet pronounces God’s judgment on those who practice astrology and other occult arts. They will ultimately be burned up like worthless stubble, unable to save themselves.

In Daniel 4:7, King Nebuchadnezzar called on his astrologers and sorcerers to interpret his dream. But they were unable to do so, unlike Daniel who had the true gift from God. This shows astrology is a counterfeit and worthless spiritual practice.

One danger of astrology and tarot is they introduce people to the demonic realm. Even if started innocently, these practices open the door to deeper occult involvement and demonic oppression. I have personally prayed for deliverance for many people previously involved in these things.

The Rise of Perversion as a Sign of Coming Revival

The rise of perversion often precedes true revival. The enemy only promotes his false version so strongly when he knows God is about to move in power. 

This happened in the 1960s, often called the “Occult Explosion,” leading up to the Jesus Movement revival in the 1970s. I believe we may be on the cusp of another great revival today. That is why we are seeing such an upsurge in astrology and other new-age practices. 

The enemy’s strategy is to desensitize people, especially youth, to the occult, as if it’s normal and mainstream. But we must stay grounded in God’s Word and avoid partnering with these practices in any way. The tide is turning. A Third Great Awakening has already begun in the hearts of hungry believers. Let’s keep praying, sharing the Gospel, and exposing the fruitless works of darkness all around us. Jesus will emerge victorious, and every knee shall bow!


What we endorse or oppose spiritually impacts our lives more than we realize. The Bible clearly prohibits astrology, tarot cards, and other forms of sorcery. But the popularity of these practices shows biblical morality declining in our culture today. 

Yet I believe a Great Awakening is coming that will bring millions to Christ. The enemy is terrified by what God wants to do, so he proliferates cheap counterfeits. But they will burn up like chaff when Jesus returns. 

As Christians, we must stay rooted in God’s Word for discernment (Hebrews 5:14). Test everything carefully against Scripture, even when it’s promoted by huge brands and celebrities. Our loyalty belongs to Christ alone. Keep praying for revival and exposing these deceptions, saints. Our King shall reign forever!

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The Truth About Demons: What the Bible Really Teaches

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Have you ever wondered what the Bible really says about demons? In this blog we’re going to dive deep into the biblical foundations of spiritual warfare. From defining demons to how they operate, this teaching will revolutionize your understanding of the invisible realm. Strap in for a wild ride through Scripture that will equip you to engage in victorious kingdom ministry.

What is a Demon?

Let’s start with the basics – what is a demon? We can distill it down to this simple definition: Demons are persons without bodies.

They have distinctive personalities and represent ungodly lusts. Like a hand animating a glove, demons desperately want to inhabit physical bodies. Their goal is to reenact their sinful tendencies through a person.

Some theologians theorize demons could be disembodied spirits from a pre-Adamic race that perished under God’s judgment. Others suggest they are the spirits of the Nephilim – the hybrid offspring of fallen angels and human women in Genesis 6. While fascinating, I want to keep it simple for now. The bottom line: demons are bodiless beings bent on manifesting their evil through humans.

What Do Demons Want?

If demons are persons without bodies, it’s easy to deduce what they want – bodies! I was praying for a woman as a demon manifested. It initially pretended to leave during prayer. But the Holy Spirit tipped me off that the troublesome spirit remained. Sure enough, when I called it out, the demon revealed itself through raucous laughter and a violently contorted body. 

The encounter displays a key truth: demons desperately want to inhabit bodies and will try to deceive deliverance ministers. Like rats or mice seeking cracks and crevices, demons will enter any available portal. And their access points often surprise believers. 

How Do Demons Enter People?

There are three primary pathways for demonic invasion: inheritance, trauma, and willful involvement with dark practices.

1. Inheritance

Generational curses provide legal rights for demons to afflict future generations. While Scripture says no one born of God makes a habit of sinning (1 John 3:9), habitual transgressions become gateways for demons to gain ground over time. One time at a ministry event during a prayer line, after identifying a blood covenant from 50 generations earlier, the team was able to permanently expel the demons. The lesson? Stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading so you can accurately identify demonic strongholds.  

2. Invasion

Severe trauma often becomes an access point for demonic infiltration. Judas is an example. When Judas became offended over how ministry finances were allocated, the Bible says Satan entered him (Luke 22:3). Abuse, broken homes, addiction – these “invasions” frequently open the door to demonic influence. Wherever there is habitual sin, there is habitation.

3. Inclusion 

Surprisingly, willfully dabbling in sinful practices grants legal access too. Despite God’s clear commands to avoid pagan customs, a stunning 60% of Americans now embrace New Age beliefs. Yoga, horoscopes, psychics, crystals – these popular pursuits sound harmless but can expose people to demonic powers. Secular entertainment and substances lower our guard as well. Pornography, drugs, and alcohol numb people to the dangers of demonic involvement. Tragically, incremental exposure and normalized tolerance ends with full-blown bondage for many. Don’t whitewash the Bible’s sober warnings against idolatry and witchcraft. 

Three Keys

  1. Demons are deceptive, bodiless beings desperately seeking embodiment. We must recognize their schemes and ulterior motives.
  2. Multigenerational sin, trauma, and dabbling with the demonic provide legal access for spirit beings. As kingdom citizens, we must close these doors.   
  3. Scripture presents deliverance as a normal part of gospel ministry. As we grow in discernment and authority, we can set captives free.

Deliverance was central to Jesus’ ministry. As His followers, we should embrace this

commissioning as well. Through a courageous, Scripture-centered approach, the church can reclaim its authority to cast out demons and usher in healing.  By grasping the reality of the demonic realm, we position ourselves to send these trespassers packing!

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Demons: Your Questions Answered

By | Deliverance, Demons, Tough Questions | No Comments

Pastor Mike recently held an insightful Q&A session after teaching about spiritual warfare and deliverance. His answers provide practical wisdom for engaging in victorious kingdom ministry. Let’s dive into some frequently asked questions believers ask about demons, deliverance, and living free.

Q: What happened to the demons after the pigs drowned? 

Great question! Once the demon-possessed pigs perished, the demons lost their physical bodies. As spirit beings, they aim to inhabit a body to fully manifest their evil intents through a person. 

Without a body, demons wander seeking their next victim. They look for legal rights to inhabit someone, often pursuing people in the same family line or with similar struggles. The passage shows demons’ persistence in finding embodiment. As believers, we must close every foothold so they have no place in us!

Q: When people are addicts, do they have familiar spirits? Are they all the same?

Addiction definitely opens the door to demonization. Mind-altering substances connect to sorcery, giving demons legal access. I believe each addicted person has multiple spirits including spirits of addiction, deception, confusion, and bondage. 

While the spirits target a person’s particular weakness, they operate similarly by compelling uncontrollable, destructive behaviors. To gain freedom, addicts must renounce their sins and cast out the demons influencing them. Deliverance removes the burden of addiction and empowers people to walk in holiness.

Q: I live with an angry, narcissistic spouse. How can I cast this spirit out of him?  

Attempting deliverance on unwilling people often increases resistance and aggression. While you can bind oppressive spiritual forces, the person must personally renounce their sin and evict the demons. 

Focus on being the best spouse possible, praying for your partner, and trusting God to draw their heart. Your love and consistency are the strongest testimonies to win them to Jesus. Let the Holy Spirit convict and transform; He alone can produce real change.

Q: Why did Jesus not cast the demon out of Judas?

Though Jesus certainly could have delivered Judas, He will never override our free will. Judas hardened his heart against Jesus then opened the door to Satan. Jesus always knew Judas would betray Him, but He never coerced or controlled Judas. 

While Jesus ardently desired a relationship with Judas, He allowed Judas to go his own way. We must extend the same grace to loved ones, praying faithfully while refusing to manipulate or force outcomes.

Q: How do I find out what I need deliverance from?  

Excellent question! First, examine areas where you’ve developed habitual sin. Addictions, compulsions, and bondages often indicate demonic influence. 

Also, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal generational sins that created legal access or traumatic events through which demons invaded your life. Renounce inherited sins and traumatic openings so demons lose their footing.

Finally, repent for any occult involvement that gave demons permission to enter, including new age practices, substances, entertainment, and porn. Return to Jesus and renounce activities granting demons access. As we reject enemy influence and align with Christ, He will evict these oppressive forces!

Q: How do I protect myself from my husband’s spirits because he’s addicted to porn?

The best advice I can give you is that you are not responsible for your husband’s sin. You are only accountable for your own vessel, so make sure you are not participating in or giving in to the same sin. Stay holy through the blood of Jesus. Pray for your husband, but don’t enable his addiction. Addicts often hate their addiction and want freedom.

Q: Why are disembodied spirits not in hell?

This may shock you, but Scripture shows Satan still has access to heaven. There will be a final judgment, but we’re not there yet. Rather than ask why spirits are not in hell, ask why you are not using your authority to send them to the abyss through deliverance.

Q: How can multiple people have the same spirit like Jezebel?

Demons are persons without a body. They take on a name, just like people do. Many demons go by the name “Jezebel.” It’s like how many humans are named “John.” The Jezebel spirit refers to demons that operate with the distinct characteristics of the biblical Jezebel.

Q: Is it normal for men to have a harder time with deliverance than women?

This is not a gender issue, but rather a pride issue. Men are often taught to suppress emotions and act tough, making it harder to admit they need deliverance. Pride blocks freedom, not male biology.

Q: Can demons hear your thoughts?

Demons are so familiar with human nature that they can discern our thoughts through observing our behaviors. Resist the devil and he will flee. Don’t become overly preoccupied with whether demons can literally hear thoughts.

Q: How do I make a demon manifest?

Deliverance demands personal holiness and obedience to God. Without a life of prayer, reading Scripture, worship, and moral purity, your authority over demons will be limited. Living holy is the key to moving in deliverance power.

Q: Can I perform deliverance without impartation or authority passed to me?

Yes, every Christian has the authority to cast out demons through the power of Jesus’ name. Deliverance comes through the impartation of the Holy Spirit, not a special prayer or ritual. That said, get trained and mentored by experienced deliverance ministers to learn practical skills.  One way you can do that is with my app, The Breakers, which has a deliverance course. 

Q: Why did I wake up at 3 AM nightly after self-deliverance?

3 AM is known as the witching hour, a time of heightened demonic activity. You may be under spiritual attack from occult practitioners. Build up your spiritual armor through God’s Word, praise, and living righteously. Victory is yours in Christ.


I hope these Q&A highlights from the deliverance livestream provide biblical guidance and dispel misconceptions. Let me know if you have any other questions! The name of Jesus makes demons flee. Walk in the power of the Holy Spirit within you.

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New Days, Old Demons: A Conversation on Spiritual Warfare with Pastor Mark Driscoll

By | Current Events, Demons | No Comments

I recently had the honor of sitting down with Pastor Mark Driscoll to discuss spiritual warfare and ancient demonic spirits that are infiltrating modern society. Driscoll has been a leading voice exposing these dark forces through his new book New Days, Old Demons which released in the summer of 2023.

Our conversation focused on how ancient pagan idol worship is being revived today under the guise of progressive ideologies. Specifically, we see the resurgence of child sacrifice through abortion, sexual immorality, and confusion over gender roles – all trademarks of archaic cults like the worship of Baal and Asherah.

Revival of Child Sacrifice

Pastor Mark Driscoll

Child sacrifice was a common practice in ancient pagan religions, often done to secure favor from demonic spirits. Sadly, we see the same thing happening today through abortion, only now it’s state-funded and justified as “women’s healthcare.” As Driscoll said, “Pro-choice is the name of a demon.”

Just as in Old Testament times, today’s ruling authorities have partnered with pseudo-prophets spreading lies that abortion is acceptable or even virtuous. Scripture warns us that liars and sorcerers will not inherit God’s kingdom (Revelation 22:15), yet pro-abortion advocates are given platforms to spread their lethal message.

During COVID, this upside-down morality was on full display. As Driscoll noted, “We needed to close the church but keep the abortion clinics open because they’re essential. So worship was not essential, but murder was.”

The parallels between child sacrifice then and now are tragically clear. Powers and principalities have been deceiving people into believing the murder of infants is permissible, just as the worshipers of Molech shed innocent blood at their pagan altars.

Sexual Immorality Run Amok

Sexual sin often goes hand in hand with occult practices, numbing people’s consciences and allowing greater depravity. The Old Testament frequently mentions pagan fertility rituals being accompanied by temple prostitution and sexual orgies.

This is not unlike today, where America has plunged headfirst into an abyss of unbridled lust. Pornography, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and gender confusion have become normalized, celebrated, and even promoted to children.

It’s the same demonic spirit of Jezebel, who used her sexuality to manipulate and control others while draining their spiritual power. Sexual sin leaves people weakened and unable to fight evil.

Driscoll traced this back to King Solomon, who disobeyed God by accumulating 1,000 wives and concubines who worshiped false gods. “If you worship the wrong god, then you have power to do evil,” he explained. “If you worship the right God, you have power to do good.”

When we pursue sexual pleasure instead of God, we forfeit His supernatural ability to resist wickedness. The proliferation of sexual sin we see today is directly tied to exchanging the worship of the Creator for the worship of lust.

Gender Confusion and “Woke” Politics

Part and parcel with these ancient demonic spirits is an assault on gender and promotion of radical leftist ideologies. Driscoll stated it well: “Mutilation of children is not a left-right issue. It’s a good and evil issue.”

Supernatural forces are working overtime to blur the distinctions between men and women. Whether it’s transgenderism, pronoun policing, or claiming there are dozens of genders, the goal is dismantling God’s design for masculinity and femininity.

This has opened the door to the “Jezebel spirit” described in Driscoll’s book, which aims to control and castrate men while empowering women to usurp authority over them. Feminism and LGBTQ activism are just modern vessels being exploited by these ancient demons that despise God’s created order.

Make no mistake – progressive politics are greatly influenced by these satanic beings. “Woke” philosophies that sound enlightened on the surface have much deeper roots in the demonic realm.

Spiritual Warfare is Imperative

Confronting these dark agendas requires us to put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). The battle is not merely between opposing human factions – it is a cosmic clash of kingdoms.

Christians must engage in intercessory prayer and expose these ancient evils for what they are. Standing on God’s truth is the only way to dispel the lies.

This will provoke spiritual attacks, as evil spirits finance and empower those who do their bidding. But we must remember demons are defeated foes, and the risen Jesus has given believers authority to tread on serpents and scorpions (Luke 10:19).

God is still on the throne, no matter how depraved society becomes. When we align ourselves with His kingdom purposes, we can rest assured the forces of darkness will not prevail.

I’m very grateful to Pastor Mark for shining a light on these urgent matters. I hope these insights will spur all of us to greater prayer awareness and spiritual boldness in these times of demonic resurgence.

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Is Your Mind Being Controlled? What You Need to Know About Marine Spirits, With Jenny Weaver

By | Deliverance, Demons | One Comment

Many people are under the control of demonic entities that lie, manipulate, and deceive. These entities are called mind-binding spirits, and some refer to them as the octopus spirit. I’ve learned that demons find access points to invade human lives. Imagine a spirit that turns the head of someone and exercises control. This person, under the influence of an octopus spirit, doesn’t know why they do things they truly don’t want to do in their heart of hearts, but something is controlling them. For instance, many people deal with this type of spirit when it comes to perversion.

Pastor Mike Signorelli sat down to interview Jenny Weaver, founder of Core Group Mentorship, on the subject of marine spirits or octopus spirits.

Jenny Weaver

Jenny Weaver

Where the Head Goes, The Body Goes

Jenny shared that demons have been studying humans for quite some time, and they know how to bring on an attack. Wherever the head goes, the body is going to go. So demons will get into the mind of a person as a way of controlling their bodies. This demon’s tentacle-like arms go into their ear gate to stop them from hearing the truth of the gospel. They go into the eye gate, controlling what they see, or the mouth gate, controlling what they speak. These octopus spirits control every aspect of people’s lives, from the way they sleep to the way they interact with their spouse.

If you cut off the tentacle of an octopus, it grows back. Therefore, you have to find the root. And if you don’t get to the root, it will continuously grow more fruit. You have fruit, but there’s a root somewhere. So mind-controlling spirits will try to get into the mind of a person because once they nest there, they have the person.

You Have The Mind of Christ

Philippians 2:5 says, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” God has given us an instruction. Our mind is supposed to match His mind; the mind that’s in Christ is supposed to be in you. You’re supposed to have God-like thoughts. You’re supposed to have your thoughts under the lordship of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

People are dealing with the spirit of insanity. They’re dealing with nonstop confusion. And they even know the truth of God. Some of them have received prophecy, some of them have had prophetic dreams. But then there’s double-mindedness because the mind of Christ is trying to compete with this demonic control. And what do they end up surrendering to almost every time? They resign themselves to the demonic. Maybe you’re heavily medicated, spending tens of thousands of dollars in therapy and nothing is changing.

The Root System

Here are some ways Jenny believes that people can come under the demonic influence of mind-controlling demons:

1. Secular music. 

This is an open door for mind-controlling spirits because it sets your mind on the things of the world. The Bible says that those who walk after the Spirit set their mind on the things of the Spirit. But those who walk after the flesh set their mind on the things of the flesh, and they’ll go after those things. So when you’re listening to “Let’s get crunk,” or, “Twerk this, twerk that,” you’re opening up doors for these mind-binding spirits to come in.

2. Gossip.

People don’t even realize that gossiping is a sin. That isn’t a prayer request; it’s veiled gossip. That’s a sin.

3. Witchcraft.

Witchcraft isn’t identified by painting your nails black and wearing a witch hat over a cauldron. Witchcraft is identified by the acronym D.I.M. – domination, intimidation, and manipulation. The Bible talks about the works of the flesh, and it puts domination, intimidation, and manipulation in the category of bewitching and witchcraft.

4. Pharmakeia.

This is a Greek word used in the Bible that means “the use or the administering of drugs, poisoning, sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it.” I find that many people’s issues begin with recreational drug use. They open up these doorways that alter their mind. And even though there may be biological implications to what they’re suffering from, they need deliverance because it’s a spiritual issue.

Conclusion and Prayer

You can find freedom from marine spirits or octopus spirits today. But first, Jenny says, you need to surrender to Christ. You need to bend your knee to Him and come under the submission of God so that you can resist the devil, and he’ll flee. Pray this:

God, I’m turning away from [insert names of sins here]. I’m not going to participate in it any longer or be connected to it. God, I’m committing to you. I’m giving you my word. Lord, forgive me for I have not followed you the way that I need to. God, forgive where I have grown lukewarm or even cold in my walk with You. I used to be on fire, but I’m not on fire. I come to the end of myself today and I’m coming back to the heart of worship. I’m coming back to the foot of the cross. I thank you, Jesus, that you died for me. You rose again and you’re seated at the right hand of the Father. I submit my whole life to you now, every part of me, every relationship, I give you everything now, every single thing.

I command every mind-controlling demon to go to the pits of hell and never return again. I come for the very root of this thing and sever every tentacle, every other demon that is associated and has linked up with the mind-controlling demons. Go now in the name of Jesus as I submit myself fully to God. You must obey the word now and you must flee in the name of Jesus.

I have the mind of Christ. The peace of God will surround me and will guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus. I have a spirit of power, love, and of a sound and sober mind in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

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The TRUE Origins of the Nephilim with Apostle Alexander Pagani

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The mysterious origins of the Nephilim, often debated and seldom explored within the church, have become a subject of discussion in contemporary Christian circles. In a recent exploration of this intriguing topic, best-selling author, digital creator, pastor, and preacher Apostle Alexander Pagani engaged in a conversation shedding light on the Nephilim with Pastor Mike Signorelli.

Apostle Alexander Pagani

Apostle Alexander Pagani

Before delving into the discourse, it’s essential to establish that beliefs regarding the existence of a pre-Adamite race do not impact salvation. This conversation revolves around scriptural interpretations, providing an interesting dialogue rather than a doctrinal necessity.

The Origins of the Demonic Realm

Apostle Pagani introduces the discussion by connecting the Nephilim to Ephesians 6, where principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places are addressed. According to Pagani, understanding the Nephilim involves acknowledging the belief that the sons of God intermingled with human daughters, leading to a broader understanding of the demonic realm and multiple angelic rebellions.

Apostle Pagani introduces the concept of hybridization, drawing parallels with the Holy Spirit overshadowing Mary during the conception of Christ. He terms this phenomenon “Theo Anthropo,” emphasizing the dual nature of Jesus as both fully God and fully man. This, according to Pagani, aligns with the idea of angels mating with humans.

The biblical reference to the Nephilim in Genesis 6:4 is brought into focus, describing them as the offspring of the union between the sons of God and human daughters—heroes of old, men of renown.

Angelic Rebellions

The discussion then delves into angelic rebellions, starting with the morning stars rejoicing and the sons of God singing for joy at the time of creation. Pagani posits that this pre-fall state changed with the first angelic rebellion led by Lucifer, resulting in the creation of hell. The subsequent rebellion, as mentioned in Genesis 6, involves the sons of God, also referred to as watchers.

According to Pagani, these fallen sons of God shared forbidden knowledge and technology with humanity, creating a unique second rebellion. He suggests that these angels, originally created to help govern the earth, fell in love with the newly created female species, leading to a distinct rebellion.

The conversation explores the idea that angels possess free will and emotions, emphasizing that their ability to choose to serve is an expression of their love for God. 

Angels Unaware

They then delve into the idea that, according to New Testament scriptures, believers can entertain angels unaware. This phrase, not disputed among theologians, suggests the possibility of engaging in full human dialogues with angels without recognizing their celestial nature.

Drawing parallels from biblical examples, such as Abraham’s interaction with the Lord and two angels in Genesis, the conversation emphasizes the tangible interactions between celestial beings and humans. Even unbelievers in Sodom engaged in dialogues with angels, highlighting the complex dynamics between different realms.

The discourse then navigates into the New Testament, where Paul speaks figuratively about women covering themselves not only as a display of submission but also “because of the angels.” This phrase raises questions about the ongoing free will of angels and the potential for rebellion, emphasizing that angels, including Michael and Gabriel, still retain the opportunity to rebel, although scripture suggests they never will.

The Watchers

The logical progression leads to the discussion of angels observing the newly created species—humans, particularly the female, referred to as the “Woo man.” The rarity of this creation increases its value in the eyes of the sons of God. This unique species, capable of procreation in the image and likeness of God, becomes a point of curiosity and, eventually, obsession for the watchers.

The sons of God, captivated by the concept of family and covenant, choose to leave their heavenly abode and descend to Earth. Here, we delve into the idea that marriage, often considered an earthly institution, originated on Earth and was later incorporated into heavenly concepts.

Addressing the Western evangelical view of angels as immaterial beings, the article emphasizes the tangible interaction between extraterrestrial entities and the physical domain. It challenges misconceptions about angels and promotes a Middle Eastern perspective when interpreting scripture.

As the discussion unfolds, Pastor Mike and Apostle Pagani explore parallels between the resurrected Jesus and the potential anatomy of angels, adding layers of complexity to the overall exploration. The descent of the sons of God to Earth becomes a pivotal point in understanding the genesis of the Nephilim and the intricate interplay between celestial beings and humanity.

Giants & Misconceptions

As we traverse through the biblical narrative, we address the misconception surrounding giants like Goliath. Dismissing the notion that these beings could be associated with conditions like gigantism or disability, we emphasize the supernatural characteristics of the Nephilim, distinct from any physical deformity.

The scriptural accounts point to the existence of giants in the post-flood era, referred to as “Rephaim” or “Zuzim.” These beings are considered derivatives of the Nephilim, maintaining a genetic connection but exhibiting variations in their hybrid nature.

The narrative weaves through the descendants of Cain and their increasing darkness, eventually leading to the rise of these post-flood giants. The term “Rephaim” signifies a copy of a copy, indicating a genetic lineage with a majority human composition yet retaining traces of the Nephilim’s divine ancestry.

Examining biblical figures like Ogg, we find the continuation of this genetic strain. Ogg, a giant king, adds another layer to the multifaceted tapestry of Nephilim descendants. His significant stature, combined with references in archeology, suggests a scale beyond the ordinary human dimensions.

Divine Intervention?

God’s instructions to Abraham regarding the conquest of Canaan shed light on the specific targeting of the land inhabited by these giants. The land promised to Abraham was not merely a random geographical area but a strategic strip, a hotspot of Nephilim activity.

The concept of wiping out these beings, often criticized as genocide, is reinterpreted as a divine intervention to eliminate a genetic strain not of earthly origin. The focus shifts from conventional ethical debates to a recognition of the necessity to curtail the resurgence of these hybrid extraterrestrial entities.

The narrative confronts Western interpretations that tend to downplay the supernatural elements, asserting that the biblical accounts speak of an otherworldly species rather than human deformities. The giants, existing as a constant threat to the divine plan, necessitated extraordinary measures to ensure the preservation of humanity’s intended genetic purity.

As we unravel the layers of biblical history, it becomes evident that the giants were not confined to isolated incidents but persisted, requiring divine intervention to maintain the integrity of the human bloodline. The intricate interplay of genetics, divine purpose, and the ongoing battle against these Nephilim descendants forms a compelling narrative that challenges traditional perspectives and prompts a deeper exploration of biblical mysteries.

Going back to the aftermath of the flood, as God wipes out the Nephilim and genetically modified sentient beings, we see the emergence of unregistered spirits, decommissioned and left to wander the earth. These entities, once part of the unauthorized hybrid experiment, become what we now refer to as demons. Their existence is tied to the prince of the power of the air, operating under the rule of fallen angels and principalities.

The term “heroes of old,” used in the Bible, aligns with the Greek concept of demigods. These were beings with a mix of divine and earthly origins, echoing stories found in various mythologies. The Bible, in presenting these narratives, doesn’t dismiss them as fables but underscores a deeper truth behind the myths. It invites us to consider the possibility that similar beings existed, and their stories are reflections of historical events.

Myths Vs. Fables

This exploration challenges us to distinguish between myths (exaggerated truths) and fables (lies). The ancient cities and structures, discovered by modern archaeology, corroborate with indigenous accounts, acknowledging the presence of advanced civilizations predating known histories. The precision in construction and technological aspects suggests a level of knowledge that goes beyond conventional human capabilities.


In summary, the law of only mentions emphasizes the uniqueness of certain biblical narratives, such as Samson’s story, and prompts us to delve deeper into their underlying truths. The existence of demi-gods and advanced civilizations, while often dismissed as myth, aligns with biblical accounts and archaeological findings, urging us to reconsider our understanding of history and the supernatural.

Pastor Mike and Apostle Pagani discuss the supernatural occurrences in Mark chapter five. They delve into the concept that demons could be disembodied spirits of the Nephilim, drawing connections from biblical narratives. The discussion touches on fallen angels, possession, and the unique desires of demons and Nephilim.

As they navigate through the intricacies of the topic, they emphasize the importance of understanding spiritual authority and deliverance. The conversation also extends to the idea that Christians can house decommissioned spirits and the need to exercise authority through Christ. In light of this, we encourage readers to seek deliverance and spiritual freedom.

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A Prophetic Word for Women in Ministry with Jeremiah Johnson

By | Current Events, Demons, Pop Culture, Tough Questions | No Comments

🖥 Find out more about Jeremiah Johnson’s ministry here.

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