
Tough Questions

The Donkey, The Elephant, or The Dove: Choosing Kingdom Over Politics

By | Pop Culture, The Domino Revival Moive, The Domino Revival Movie, Tough Questions | No Comments

In a time of intense political division, many Christians find themselves caught between partisan loyalties. But what if there’s a higher calling that transcends political affiliations? This message explores the biblical principle of faithfulness and how it applies to our current cultural moment.

The Challenge of Christian Nationalism

In today’s politically charged environment, many church leaders are falling into a concerning pattern. Some pastors are bowing down to what could be called “the golden calf of Christian nationalism,” using political figures and parties to grow their churches. Whether it’s showing Donald Trump speeches or Kamala Harris videos from the pulpit, this approach misses the heart of the gospel message.

As the scripture reminds us, “kings and kingdoms will all pass away, but there’s something about the name of Jesus.” While there may be no United States in heaven, there should be heaven in the United States. Our primary allegiance must be to the Kingdom of God rather than any political party.

The Call to a Quiet Life

The Apostle Paul gives us profound wisdom in 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12: “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders.”

This counter-cultural instruction challenges our modern obsession with platform, influence, and visibility. In a world of constant striving and self-promotion, particularly in places like New York City, God calls us to something different – the pursuit of faithfulness in the ordinary.

Understanding Biblical Faithfulness

The Greek word “pistos” (faithful) appears throughout scripture as a fundamental characteristic of God Himself. 1 Corinthians 1:9 tells us, “God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”

This divine faithfulness should be reflected in our own lives. Just as God worked six days in creation and called it good before resting, we’re called to embrace work as part of our worship. The Sabbath isn’t meant to be an escape from work but rather the reward of work well done.

The Crisis of Consumer Christianity

One of the challenges facing the modern church is what could be called “consumer Christianity.” Like social media users constantly scrolling for the next dopamine hit, many Christians hop from church to church, seeking entertainment rather than commitment.

This approach misses the beauty of long-term faithfulness. In previous generations, it wasn’t uncommon for people to attend the same church for decades, creating deep roots and genuine community. This kind of faithfulness creates space for authentic relationships and real spiritual growth.

Working With Your Hands

The biblical instruction to “work with your hands” carries profound implications. Whether it’s office work, manual labor, or creative endeavors, our work should be done “as unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:23). This principle transforms even mundane tasks into acts of worship.

Many of today’s challenges, from anxiety to addiction, might find their solution in honest work. As the message points out, “Lust is the luxury of someone who’s not doing the will of the Father.” When we’re genuinely engaged in meaningful work, many of life’s temptations lose their appeal.

The Power of Small Beginnings

Success in God’s kingdom often starts with faithfulness in small things. As Luke 16:10 teaches, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”

This principle plays out throughout scripture. David wasn’t aspiring to be king when he faithfully tended his father’s sheep. His dedication to that humble task proved his readiness for greater responsibility. Similarly, if we aspire to lead a quiet life and keep our hands busy serving others, God may entrust us with greater influence.

Unity in Division

As we approach contentious political seasons, the church has an opportunity to demonstrate a different way. When the world is divided along racial, political, and social lines, the church can show true unity in Christ. As Galatians 3:28 reminds us, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

This unity isn’t based on political agreement but on our shared identity in Christ. It’s demonstrated through practical acts of love and service, like feeding the hungry and caring for the needy, rather than waiting for political solutions.

The Journey of Faithfulness: A Personal Testament

My own journey of faithfulness began in humble circumstances. Twenty-five years ago, my mother worked at White Castle, taking orders and making sliders, while I worked for the Chicago Water Department. Without a father in the house, we combined our incomes to pay the bills. My job involved what we called “grave digging” – excavating holes to replace water pipes.

As a full-time college student, I would put my textbooks in a garbage bag and throw them in the hole I was digging. I’d write study materials on my arm in marker so I could read while shoveling. Being the first person in my family to attend college, I was determined to be faithful with both my education and my work. The way I served in that hole was the same way I now serve in ministry – with complete dedication.

From Water Department to Stadium Events

During those early days, my mother and I scraped together enough money to attend a stadium event with a renowned preacher. Standing in the nosebleed section after waiting hours in line, my mother looked at me and said, “Dolittle” (my family nickname), “one day we’re going to go from up here to down there.” We were just a fast-food worker and a blue-collar worker dreaming in a stadium, but we were dreaming with faith.

Prophetic Fulfillment and Open Heavens

Recently, at a gathering in Kansas City Chiefs’ stadium, a prophecy by Bob Jones was shared about how the Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory would signal the rising of apostolic leaders in this generation. During this event, I received a prophetic word about conducting stadium events in America’s hardest cities.

This was further confirmed when prophet Jeremiah Johnson shared a word about “open heavens over the gates of hell.” This connects directly to Jesus’s promise that “the gates of hell shall not prevail” against His church (Matthew 16:18). It’s important to note that Jesus used the plural “gates,” suggesting there are multiple strongholds to be overcome in different cities – from San Francisco to Chicago to New York City.

Looking Forward: A Vision for Revival

The path forward isn’t found in political allegiance but in faithful presence. Whether through stadium events in major cities or quiet acts of service in local communities, the church’s mission remains the same – to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a broken world.

Just as R.W. Schambach sparked revival in Chicago through bold faith and action, we believe God is positioning the church for similar impact today. Our vision isn’t just for one-time events but for lasting transformation in our cities. We anticipate seeing measurable decreases in crime rates and tangible evidence of spiritual awakening in the neighborhoods we serve.

A Call to Kingdom-Minded Leadership

In today’s polarized environment, church leaders face unique temptations. Many are being invited to closed-door meetings with political figures from both parties, each seeking to leverage pastoral influence for political gain. However, true kingdom leadership requires maintaining the purity of our pulpits and refusing to bow to the idol of nationalism.

This doesn’t mean we disengage from civic responsibility – we should vote and participate in society. But our primary identity and message must remain rooted in the gospel rather than political affiliations. As we approach electoral seasons, we must remember that our unity in Christ transcends political divisions.


In a world fixated on political solutions, the church is called to demonstrate a different way. Through faithful presence, quiet service, and genuine community, we can show that the Kingdom of God transcends political divisions. As we navigate challenging times, may we remember that our ultimate allegiance isn’t to the donkey or the elephant, but to the dove – the Holy Spirit who unites and empowers God’s people for His purposes.

The call to faithfulness (pistos) isn’t always glamorous, but it’s the path to genuine impact. Whether we’re digging holes, serving customers, or leading congregations, our faithfulness in small things opens doors for greater influence. As we aspire to lead quiet lives, work with our hands, and build lasting community, we may find that God uses our faithfulness in ways we never imagined.

When the world erupts in division and strife, they will find in the church a different way – a community united across racial, social, and political lines by the love of Christ. This unity isn’t built through political agreement but through shared devotion to Jesus and practical demonstrations of love. In the end, it’s not about building our kingdom but participating in His, knowing that faithful service in the ordinary often precedes extraordinary impact for the Kingdom of God.

Order Pastor Mike’s new book, Inherit Your Freedom, on Amazon today!

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Soul Ties

The Truth About Soul Ties: What They Are and How to Break Them

By | Relationships, Spiritual Warfare, Tough Questions | No Comments

I’ve encountered many spiritual phenomena over the years, but few are as misunderstood and potentially harmful as soul ties. In this post, I want to share with you my experiences and insights on this critical spiritual concept. I’ll explain what soul ties are, how they form, and most importantly, how to break unhealthy ones that may be holding you back.

What Are Soul Ties?

Soul ties are spiritual connections that form between people. These connections can be powerful and long-lasting, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and even our spiritual well-being. While the term “soul tie” isn’t explicitly used in scripture, the concept is evident throughout the Bible.

I’ve seen firsthand the impact of soul ties during my ministry. In fact, I recently witnessed a dramatic example during a mass deliverance service in Southern Indiana. As I approached a young woman, I received a vivid spiritual vision. I saw dozens of umbilical cord-like connections attached to her back. Immediately, I knew these represented ungodly soul ties that needed to be severed.

Types of Soul Ties: Godly vs. Ungodly

It’s crucial to understand that not all soul ties are negative. In fact, God designed certain soul ties to be beneficial and in line with His purposes. Let’s explore the two main types of soul ties:

Godly Soul Ties

Godly soul ties are spiritual connections that align with God’s design and purposes. These ties can be incredibly positive, fostering deep relationships and spiritual growth. Some examples from scripture include:

1. Jacob and Benjamin: In the book of Genesis, we see a strong familial connection between Jacob and his son Benjamin.

2. David and Jonathan: Perhaps one of the most famous examples, 1 Samuel describes how the souls of David and Jonathan were “knit together.”

These godly soul ties serve important purposes in our lives, such as:

– Strengthening marriages
– Deepening friendships
– Facilitating mentorship
– Fostering unity within the church

Ungodly Soul Ties

Where there is God’s design, there is often Satan’s perversion. Ungodly soul ties are spiritual connections that form outside of God’s intended purposes. These ties can be damaging, creating unhealthy attachments and spiritual bondage.

Ungodly soul ties often form through:

– Sexual relationships outside of marriage
– Abusive relationships
– Unhealthy emotional dependencies
– Occult practices

The young woman I encountered in Indiana is a perfect example. I later learned from her pastor that she had worked in the sex industry for years. This lifestyle had created numerous ungodly soul ties that were spiritually oppressing her.

How Soul Ties Form

Understanding how soul ties form is crucial for recognizing their presence in our lives and knowing how to address them. Let’s look at some common ways these spiritual connections are established:

1. Sexual Intimacy

God designed sexual intimacy to create a powerful bond between a husband and wife. This is a beautiful example of a godly soul tie. However, when sexual activity occurs outside of marriage, it can create ungodly soul ties. These connections can linger long after the physical relationship has ended, causing emotional and spiritual turmoil.

2. Deep Emotional Bonds

Close friendships and mentoring relationships can create positive soul ties. However, unhealthy emotional dependencies or manipulative relationships can form ungodly ties that drain us spiritually and emotionally.

3. Vows and Agreements

The words we speak have power. When we make vows or enter into agreements, especially those that go against God’s will, we can inadvertently create ungodly soul ties.

4. Trauma and Abuse

Experiencing trauma or abuse, especially at the hands of someone close to us, can create unhealthy soul ties. These ties often keep us bound to the pain and the person who caused it, even years later.

5. Spiritual Practices

Engaging in occult practices or certain New Age spiritualities can open us up to forming ungodly soul ties with spiritual entities or even other people involved in these practices.

Signs of Ungodly Soul Ties

Recognizing the presence of ungodly soul ties in your life is the first step towards breaking free. Here are some common signs to watch for:

1. Obsessive thoughts about a person from your past
2. Difficulty moving on from a past relationship
3. Unexplained emotional turmoil
4. Recurring dreams about a specific person
5. Feeling spiritually oppressed or “stuck”
6. Inability to form healthy new relationships
7. Persistent feelings of shame or unworthiness

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s possible that ungodly soul ties are at work in your life. But don’t despair – there is hope and freedom available!

The Biblical Basis for Breaking Soul Ties

As we dive into the process of breaking ungodly soul ties, it’s important to ground our approach in scripture. While the term “soul tie” isn’t explicitly used in the Bible, the concept is clearly present.

1 Corinthians 6:16-17 (NIV) says, “Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, ‘The two will become one flesh.’ But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.”

This passage highlights the spiritual impact of sexual unions and the importance of being united with the Lord instead of ungodly connections.

Colossians 2:14 (NIV) tells us that Christ has “canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.”

This verse reminds us that through Christ, we have the power to break free from spiritual bondages, including ungodly soul ties.

How to Break Ungodly Soul Ties

Now that we understand what soul ties are and how they form, let’s discuss the process of breaking them. This is a spiritual battle, and we must approach it with the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). Here’s a step-by-step guide to breaking ungodly soul ties:

1. Confession

The first step is to confess the sin or situation that led to the ungodly soul tie. This means being honest with God about what happened. For example, you might say, “God, I confess that I had sex outside of marriage” or “Lord, I acknowledge that I formed an unhealthy emotional dependency on this person.”

1 John 1:9 (NIV) assures us, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

2. Repentance

Repentance goes beyond confession. It involves a genuine change of heart and a commitment to turn away from the sin or situation. This means making a firm decision not to repeat the behavior that led to the ungodly soul tie.

Acts 3:19 (NIV) encourages us, “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”

3. Renunciation

This is where the rubber meets the road in breaking ungodly soul ties. Renunciation involves verbally declaring your freedom from the ungodly connection. Remember, there is power in our words as believers.

Here’s an example of what this might sound like:

“In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce and break all ungodly soul ties formed with [person’s name] through [specific sin or situation]. I declare these ties severed and nullified by the blood of Jesus. I release [person’s name] to God and declare myself free from any ungodly influence or connection.”

4. Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a crucial part of the process, both for yourself and for the other person involved in the soul tie. This doesn’t mean excusing harmful behavior, but rather releasing the person to God and choosing not to hold onto bitterness or resentment.

Ephesians 4:32 (NIV) instructs us, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

5. Reclaiming Spiritual Territory

After breaking the ungodly soul tie, it’s important to reclaim that area of your life for God. This might involve dedicating your sexuality to God, committing to seek healthy relationships, or inviting the Holy Spirit to heal emotional wounds.

You could pray something like this:

“Heavenly Father, I invite You into every area of my life that was affected by this ungodly soul tie. Please heal my heart, renew my mind, and restore my spirit. I dedicate this part of my life to You and ask for Your guidance in forming healthy, godly connections moving forward.”

6. Ongoing Spiritual Maintenance

Breaking ungodly soul ties isn’t a one-time event – it’s an ongoing process of walking in freedom. Continue to guard your heart, mind, and spirit. Stay accountable to trusted spiritual mentors, and keep your focus on deepening your relationship with God.

The Power of Deliverance

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve witnessed the power of breaking ungodly soul ties during mass deliverance services. These events can be transformative, as people experience the tangible presence and power of God.

However, it’s important to remember that you don’t need to attend a special service to break ungodly soul ties. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you have been given authority to address these issues in your own life through prayer and the application of God’s Word.

Moving Forward in Freedom

Breaking ungodly soul ties is often just the beginning of a journey towards complete spiritual, emotional, and relational health. Here are some steps to help you maintain your freedom and grow in your faith:

1. Immerse yourself in scripture daily
2. Develop a consistent prayer life
3. Surround yourself with a supportive Christian community
4. Seek godly counsel when needed
5. Practice setting healthy boundaries in relationships
6. Pursue inner healing for any past traumas or wounds

Remember, the goal isn’t just to break free from ungodly ties, but to form healthy, godly connections that draw you closer to Christ and help you fulfill His purposes for your life.

Embracing Your Spiritual Freedom

Understanding and addressing ungodly soul ties is a critical part of walking in the fullness of what God has for you. By recognizing these unhealthy connections, taking steps to break them, and intentionally pursuing godly relationships, you can experience a new level of spiritual freedom and emotional well-being.

As you continue on this journey, remember the words of Galatians 5:1 (NIV): “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

You are not alone in this process. The Holy Spirit is with you, empowering you to break free from every ungodly soul tie and walk in the liberty that Christ has purchased for you. Embrace your freedom, and step into the abundant life God has prepared for you!

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Someone reaching out for help

The Hidden Truth Behind Gen Z’s Mental Health Crisis: A Pastor’s Perspective

By | Spiritual Warfare, Tough Questions | No Comments

As a lead pastor who has conducted too many funerals, I’ve witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of mental health struggles, particularly among our youth. With suicide rates skyrocketing, especially in Gen Z, it’s clear that we need more than just religious programming – we need a genuine encounter with Jesus Christ. In this post, I’ll share insights from my recent conversation with Jacob Coyne about the mental health crisis facing our younger generations and how we can address it through faith, community, and understanding.

The Alarming Rise of Mental Health Issues in Gen Z

When I embarked on the Domino Revival tour, I was shocked to discover how many young people, including pastors’ children and church staff, were secretly contemplating suicide. This revelation led me to ask: How can we preach abundant life from the pulpit while our audience silently struggles with thoughts of ending their lives?

The root of this crisis lies in several factors:

  1. Lack of purpose and vision
  2. Societal pressures and expectations
  3. The impact of social media and digital culture
  4. Spiritual warfare and demonic influence

Addressing the Elephant in the Room: Suicide in the Church

Jacob Coyne, founder of  Stay Here, a mental health organization, emphasized the importance of openly discussing suicide and mental health issues in our churches. He shared a powerful statistic: “Four out of five teens struggling with suicidal thoughts will be honest about it if given the opportunity to confess.”

This highlights the crucial need for creating safe spaces within our congregations where people can openly share their struggles without fear of judgment or shame.

The Power of Vulnerability and Community

During our conversation, Jacob shared a poignant story about a pastor’s daughter who was planning to take her life but found hope through an altar call addressing suicide. This underscores the importance of bringing these topics into the light and providing opportunities for healing and connection.

As church leaders, we must:

  1. Regularly address mental health issues from the pulpit
  2. Provide resources and support for those struggling
  3. Create a culture of openness and acceptance
  4. Equip our congregation to recognize and respond to signs of mental distress

Understanding the Spiritual Battle Behind Mental Health

While it’s essential to address the psychological and social aspects of mental health, we can’t ignore the spiritual dimension. Jacob pointed out that suicidal thoughts often have a demonic component, as they go against our natural instinct for self-preservation.

However, it’s crucial to approach this topic with wisdom and balance. Not every mental health struggle is demonic, and we must be careful not to stigmatize those who are suffering.

The Holistic Approach to Mental Health and Healing

As we discussed during the broadcast, addressing mental health requires a multi-faceted approach:

  • Spiritual warfare and deliverance
  • Biblical counseling and therapy
  • Physical health and wellness (diet, exercise, sleep)
  • Community support and accountability

I shared my personal experience of dealing with depression and trauma, emphasizing that healing often requires a combination of spiritual, emotional, and physical interventions.

The Role of Scripture and Sound Doctrine

One of the key points we touched on was the importance of grounding our faith in sound doctrine and a deep understanding of Scripture. I shared my own journey from preaching at 15 to becoming an atheist, and how a solid theological foundation ultimately brought me back to faith.

For Gen Z, who are seeking authenticity and truth, it’s crucial that we provide:

  • In-depth Bible teaching
  • Apologetics and rational foundations for faith
  • Opportunities to wrestle with difficult questions
  • A faith that engages both the heart and the mind

Breaking the Cycle of Negative Thinking

During our conversation, we discussed the power of our thoughts and words. The Bible tells us that “life and death are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21), and this is particularly relevant when it comes to mental health.

As leaders and mentors, we need to help our youth recognize negative thought patterns, replace lies with biblical truth, speak life over themselves and others, and cultivate a positive, faith-filled mindset

The Impact of Culture and Media on Mental Health

We can’t ignore the influence of popular culture and media on our young people’s mental health. From music lyrics to social media, Gen Z is constantly bombarded with messages that can reinforce feelings of hopelessness and despair.

As a church, we need to educate our youth about media discernment.  We also need to provide positive alternatives and role models and engage with culture in a way that brings light and hope.  We also must equip families to have meaningful conversations about these issues

Hope for the Future: A Prophetic Generation Rising

Despite the challenges, I believe that Gen Z has a unique calling and purpose. As we discussed during the broadcast, there’s a prophetic anointing on this generation that the enemy is trying to snuff out through mental health struggles.

But as the darkness increases, so does the potential for light. We’re seeing a hunger for authenticity, truth, and genuine encounters with God among our youth. This gives me hope that we’re on the cusp of a powerful move of God that will bring healing and restoration to this generation.

Practical Steps for Churches and Individuals

As we wrap up, I want to offer some practical steps that churches and individuals can take to address the mental health crisis:

  • Create safe spaces for open discussions about mental health
  • Offer regular training for leaders and congregation members on recognizing and responding to mental health issues
  • Develop partnerships with Christian counselors and mental health professionals
  • Implement mentoring programs that pair older believers with younger ones
  • Encourage a culture of vulnerability and authenticity within the church
  • Provide resources and support for families dealing with mental health challenges
  • Regularly pray for and minister to those struggling with mental health issues

A Call to Action

The mental health crisis facing Gen Z is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted response. As the body of Christ, we have a unique opportunity and responsibility to offer hope, healing, and purpose to a generation in desperate need.

Let’s commit to breaking the silence surrounding mental health, creating environments where people can find true freedom in Christ, and equipping our youth with the tools they need to overcome. Together, we can see a generation rise up that not only survives but thrives, fulfilling their God-given destiny and bringing revival to our world.

Remember, if you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. You are loved, valued, and have a purpose. Choose to stay, choose to live, and let’s believe together for a brighter future.

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When to End the Relationship: Biblical Wisdom for Couples

By | Marriage, Relationships, Singleness, Tough Questions | No Comments

I’ve seen firsthand the challenges that couples face in their marriages. My wife Julie and I had an open conversation about relationships, sharing our own experiences and the biblical wisdom we’ve gained over the years. I want to share some key insights from our discussion to help couples navigate the complexities of marriage and understand when to fight for their relationship and when it might be time to let go.

The Power of Shared Stories in Strengthening Relationships

One of the most important things I’ve learned in my marriage is the power of revisiting our origin story. I always encourage couples to go back to where it all started. Why? Because your relationship didn’t begin with problems – it began with love, attraction, and a desire to be together.

I often tell couples, “Go back to your story. Where did it all start? Because it didn’t start that way. It didn’t start wrong.” My wife Julie adds to this, saying, “We’ve learned to laugh about some of the hardest things that we ever went through.”

This practice of reminiscing about your relationship’s beginnings can help you reconnect and remember why you chose each other in the first place. It’s a powerful tool for overcoming current challenges by drawing strength from your shared history.

Navigating Personality Clashes in Marriage

In our own marriage, Julie and I have had to navigate significant personality differences. I’m a go-getter, always working on something, while Julie enjoys quieter, more relaxed activities. We’ve had to learn how to bridge these differences and appreciate each other’s unique qualities.

I remember times when I’ve put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt, ready to just relax, and Julie’s reaction is priceless. She’s like, “Oh my gosh, what did I do to you?” We’ve learned to laugh about these differences and turn them into opportunities for bonding rather than conflict.

The Role of Intimacy in Strengthening Marriages

I believe it’s crucial to address the importance of a healthy sex life in marriage, even though it’s often considered a taboo topic. In my experience counseling couples, I’ve seen how a fulfilling intimate life can solve many marital problems.

I often tell couples, “There’s a lot of things that suddenly disappear in a relationship when you have a good love life.” It’s important to prioritize your intimate relationship and communicate openly about your desires and needs.

To the men out there, I want to emphasize this: if you want your personal sexual satisfaction to increase, focus on increasing hers. Make it about her, find out what she wants, and don’t judge or criticize. This selfless approach can transform your intimate life and, by extension, your entire relationship.

Addressing Gender Roles and Expectations in Modern Marriages

Over the years, Julie and I have experimented with different approaches to gender roles in our marriage. We started with a very modern, egalitarian approach, but we’ve found that shifting towards a more traditional dynamic has actually helped alleviate some tensions in our relationship.

However, I want to emphasize that every couple needs to find the balance that works best for them. The key is to have open discussions about your expectations and roles, and be willing to adjust as needed.

The Importance of External Support and Counseling

I can’t stress enough the value of seeking external support when facing marital challenges. Julie and I have benefited greatly from marriage counseling, and I encourage all couples not to hesitate in seeking professional help.

I often say, “Sometimes you are right, but a prophet in his hometown is without honor.” Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to help you see and address your issues. I caution against relying solely on family members for advice, as they may be biased. Instead, seek guidance from trusted, godly couples or professional counselors who can provide objective insights.

Dealing with In-Law Relationships

In-law relationships can be tricky, and Julie and I have had our fair share of challenges in this area. My advice is to try to win them over with kindness when possible. However, I also recognize that sometimes setting boundaries is necessary.

I tell couples, “You got to go to your spouse and you have to set boundaries and say, ‘You know what? You are not married to your mom. You’re married to me, and we’re going to have to set boundaries.'” It’s crucial to present a united front with your spouse when dealing with in-law issues.

The Power of Forgiveness and Reconciliation

I want to be transparent about the struggles Julie and I have faced in our own marriage. We’ve dealt with issues like anger, trust, and even periods of intense dislike for each other. Julie has shared how there were times when she would feel dread just hearing my car pull into the driveway.

But our story is a testament to the power of forgiveness and the possibility of reconciliation. Even in the darkest times, we held onto a vision of what our marriage could be. It takes work, commitment, and a willingness to forgive, but healing and restoration are possible.

Practical Tips for Strengthening Your Marriage

Based on our experiences and the wisdom we’ve gained, here are some practical tips I offer to couples looking to strengthen their relationships:

1. Regularly revisit your origin story as a couple
2. Find ways to have fun together, even if you have different interests
3. Prioritize your intimate life and communicate openly about it
4. Seek external support and counseling when needed
5. Set appropriate boundaries with in-laws and extended family
6. Practice forgiveness and maintain a vision for reconciliation
7. Address issues of pride and learn to fight a negative spirit with its opposite
8. Be willing to adapt and compromise in your roles within the marriage

Hope for Every Marriage

I want to leave you with a message of hope. Yes, marriage can be difficult, but it is also the most rewarding relationship you can have apart from your relationship with Jesus Christ. Every couple faces challenges, but with the right approach and a commitment to each other, you can build a relationship that not only endures but thrives.

Remember, the grass isn’t greener on the other side – it’s greener where you water it. Invest in your marriage, be willing to work through the tough times, and you’ll reap the rewards of a strong, joyful, and lasting relationship.

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Catholic priest serving the eucharist

The 7 Key Differences Between Catholicism and Protestant Christianity

By | Bible Study, Tough Questions | No Comments

As a pastor and church planter, I’ve discussed the differences between Catholicism and Protestant Christianity countless times. Recently, I joined ministers Isaiah Saldivar, Pastor Vlad Savchuk, and Apostle Alexander Pagani for an in-depth conversation on this topic. I’ll share my perspective on the seven key differences we identified, drawing from our discussion and my experiences as a Protestant pastor with Italian Catholic roots.

We do not intend this discussion to cause division or belittle anyone’s faith. Our ultimate goal aims to point people to the truth found in Jesus. We believe examining these differences can help believers grow in their understanding of God’s Word and deepen their relationship with Him.

We must approach this topic with humility. Sincere believers exist in both Catholic and Protestant traditions. We don’t seek to judge or condemn but to encourage thoughtful reflection on biblical teachings. As we explore these differences, I invite you to consider them prayerfully in light of Scripture. Always seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in your pursuit of truth.

We’ll examine various doctrines and practices, comparing them to our understanding of biblical teachings. We hope this examination will deepen your appreciation of the gospel and strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

1. Praying to Saints: A Controversial Practice

One of the most significant differences between Catholicism and Protestant Christianity is the practice of praying to saints. As Protestants, we believe that prayer should be directed solely to God. The Bible instructs us to pray to the Father through Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Catholics, on the other hand, teach that there’s value in praying to deceased saints who can intercede on our behalf. This practice, however, is not found in scripture. In fact, it could be seen as a form of necromancy, which is prohibited in the Bible.

From my perspective, this practice undermines the sufficiency of Christ as our mediator. As 1 Timothy 2:5 states, “There is one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.” By praying to saints, we risk creating a spiritual hierarchy that isn’t supported by scripture.

2. The Eucharist vs. Communion: Understanding Transubstantiation

Another major difference lies in the understanding of communion. In Catholicism, the doctrine of transubstantiation teaches that the bread and wine literally become the body and blood of Christ during the Eucharist. This is seen as a re-presentation of Christ’s sacrifice.

As Protestants, we view communion as symbolic. We believe that when Christ said, “It is finished” on the cross, He meant it literally. The idea that a priest can repeatedly “crucify” Christ through the Eucharist is, in our view, problematic.

I believe this doctrine can inadvertently diminish the role of the Holy Spirit. Instead of recognizing Christ dwelling within believers through the Holy Spirit, it can lead to an overemphasis on external, physical representations.

3. Confession: To Priest or to God?

In Catholicism, confessing sins to a priest is a sacrament. Catholics believe that priests have been given authority by Christ to forgive sins, based on their interpretation of John 20:21-23.

As Protestants, we believe in the priesthood of all believers and that confession should be made directly to God. While James 5:16 encourages us to confess our sins to one another, this is for accountability and support, not for forgiveness, which comes from God alone.

This practice, in my view, can create an unnecessary intermediary between the believer and God. It may also lead to a dependence on human authority rather than fostering a direct relationship with God.

4. Holy Relics: Objects of Veneration or Idolatry?

The Catholic Church places significant importance on holy relics – objects associated with saints or Christ himself. These might include the rosary, crucifixes, holy water, or statues of saints.

As Protestants, we’re cautious about such practices, seeing them as potential violations of the second commandment against creating or worshiping idols. While God can use physical objects (as seen in scripture with items like Paul’s handkerchiefs), we believe it’s problematic when these objects become the focus of veneration or are seen as means to draw closer to God.

In my pastoral experience, I’ve seen how easily well-intentioned practices can slip into idolatry. Our focus should always be on Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit, not on physical objects.

5. The Afterlife: Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory

A significant theological difference between Catholicism and Protestantism is the concept of purgatory. Catholics believe in an intermediate state where souls undergo purification before entering heaven.

As Protestants, we believe that upon death, believers go directly to be with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8), while unbelievers face judgment. We don’t find biblical support for a “middle ground” or waiting room.

This doctrine of purgatory can lead to practices like praying for the dead or giving financial donations to speed up a soul’s purification. From a Protestant perspective, these practices can detract from the sufficiency of Christ’s atonement and potentially exploit people’s grief for financial gain.

6. Salvation: Faith Alone or Faith Plus Works?

Perhaps the most crucial difference lies in our understanding of salvation. The Catholic Church teaches that salvation involves faith, baptism, good works, and remaining in good standing with the church.

As Protestants, we believe in salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Ephesians 2:8-9 clearly states, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”

This difference is not just theological hair-splitting. It impacts how believers view their relationship with God and can significantly affect their spiritual and emotional well-being. In my pastoral work, I’ve seen how a works-based understanding of salvation often leads to guilt, shame, and a constant feeling of inadequacy.

7. Baptism: Sacrament of Salvation or Symbol of Faith?

Finally, there’s a significant difference in how we view baptism. In Catholicism, baptism is seen as a sacrament that cleanses original sin, which is why infants are baptized.

As Protestants, we view baptism as a public declaration of faith, performed after a person has made a conscious decision to follow Christ. We don’t believe baptism itself saves a person or washes away original sin – only the blood of Jesus can do that.

This difference reflects our broader understanding of salvation and the nature of faith. We believe that faith must be personal and conscious, not something that can be imparted to an infant who cannot yet understand or choose.

Conclusion: Bridging the Gap with Love and Understanding

As I reflect on these differences, I’m reminded of the importance of approaching these discussions with love, respect, and a commitment to biblical truth. While we may disagree with Catholic doctrine on these points, it’s crucial to remember that many sincere believers are found within the Catholic Church.

My hope in sharing these differences is not to create division, but to foster understanding and encourage all believers to examine their faith in light of scripture. As Protestant Christians, we believe in the principle of Sola Scriptura – that the Bible is our ultimate authority in matters of faith and practice.

At the same time, we must be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Many beautiful traditions and practices within Catholicism can enrich our faith when properly understood and aligned with scripture. For instance, the emphasis on community, the reverence for God’s holiness, and the rich history of theological reflection are all aspects we can appreciate and learn from.

As we navigate these differences, let’s do so with grace, always seeking to point people to the sufficiency of Christ and the transforming power of the gospel. After all, what unites us – our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior – is far greater than what divides us.

In the end, our goal should be to foster a vibrant, personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit and grounded in the truth of God’s Word. That, I believe, is the heart of true Christian faith, whether Catholic or Protestant.

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Feeling Exhausted for No Reason?

By | Tough Questions | No Comments

As I’ve traveled the world speaking to audiences of hundreds and even thousands, I’ve noticed an alarming trend. When I ask people if they’ve been feeling unusually tired or exhausted lately, over 90% raise their hands. This pattern crosses countries and cultures, signaling a widespread issue that needs to be addressed. Today, I want to share some prophetic insights into this exhaustion epidemic and offer hope for those struggling.

The Many Faces of Exhaustion

First, let’s acknowledge the various ways exhaustion manifests in our lives. Some of you have changed your diet or workout habits but still feel drained. Others are juggling multiple jobs or raising children, leaving you perpetually tired. For some, it’s toxic relationships or addictions that sap your energy.

Many of you tell me you don’t want to read the Bible, pray, or engage in activities you once enjoyed. You feel passive instead of aggressive, withdrawn instead of social. Life has lost its color, feeling more like a black and white existence.

If this resonates with you, know that you’re not alone. The exhaustion you’re experiencing is real and widespread.

The Spiritual Root of Exhaustion

As I prayed about this issue, the Lord revealed something profound. Many of us are not truly waiting on Him. We’re waiting for our circumstances to change or for other people to show up in our lives. But the Bible says in Isaiah 40:31, “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

This is a gentle rebuke from the Lord. Some of you single folks are waiting for a mate instead of waiting on God. Some married individuals are waiting for their spouse to change rather than seeking God first. We need to realign our focus and learn to truly wait on the Lord.

The Power of Community

Another crucial aspect of overcoming exhaustion is recognizing our need for community. Remember the story of Moses during the battle with the Amalekites? As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites prevailed, but when he lowered them, they began to lose. Aaron and Hur had to support Moses’ hands to ensure victory.

Many of you are trying to hold your own hands up, thinking you can win the battle alone. But God designed us to need each other. You need your own “Aaron and Hur” to support you when you’re weak.

Some of you resist this idea, saying, “It’s just me and the Lord.” But don’t let past wounds of rejection stop you from reaching out for help. The body of Christ is meant to support one another. Who are the people in your life lifting your hands when you’re too weak to do it yourself?

The Enemy’s Strategy

Now, let me share something crucial. The exhaustion many of you are experiencing is actually a spiritual attack. The enemy is afraid of what you’re about to do in the next season of your life. You have books inside you, videos to create, ministries to birth, songs to write. What you’re about to make will shape a new future, and the devil is desperately trying to stop you.

This is why you can scroll on your phone all night but struggle to read the Bible or pray. The attack is spiritual and focused on preventing you from stepping into your purpose. It’s time to recognize this strategy and fight back.

Breaking the Cycle of Self-Sabotage

As my friend Evan pointed out during our conversation, many of us are caught in a cycle of self-sabotage. We’re actually afraid of success because failure is familiar. Trauma and struggle have become comfortable, and the prospect of stepping into God’s perfect will for our lives is terrifying.

But here’s the truth: you are not lazy or permanently exhausted. You’re just not walking in your purpose yet. When you step into your calling and begin ministering to others, you’ll find a new source of energy. The Bible says that when you refresh others, you yourself will be refreshed.

Steps Toward Breakthrough

So how do we break free from this exhaustion and step into our purpose? Here are some key steps:

1. Realign your focus: Start truly waiting on the Lord instead of waiting for circumstances to change.

2. Embrace community: Find your “Aaron and Hur” who will support you when you’re weak.

3. Recognize spiritual attacks: Understand that your exhaustion may be an enemy strategy to prevent you from fulfilling your calling.

4. Face your fears: Confront your fear of success and break the cycle of self-sabotage.

5. Step into your purpose: Begin using your gifts to minister to others, even if you don’t feel ready.

A Prayer for Breakthrough

Let me pray for you right now:

“Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for healing PTSD and relational trauma from the past. I break the power of every spirit of self-sabotage in Jesus’ name. Lord, strengthen marriages, heal physical ailments, and open new doors of opportunity. We crucify our flesh and die to our own will. Release supernatural joy and encouragement, Lord. Breathe fresh air into our lungs and give us a second wind. Turn our walking into running, and our running into flying as your wind lifts us up. In Jesus’ mighty name, amen.”

A Call to Action

I want to challenge you:

1. If you feel called to online ministry, consider joining our Creator Academy. It’s an incredible community of people supporting and encouraging each other as they share the gospel online.

2. If you’re in the New York City, Miami, or Chicagoland area, join us this Sunday at V1 Church. My friend Ruslan and I will be addressing father wounds and fatherlessness.

3. Mark your calendars for the Breakers Conference in Chicago on October 26th. It’s going to be a powerful time of equipping and encouragement.

Whatever you choose, remember that you’re not meant to do this alone. God is bringing His people together in new and powerful ways. Don’t let exhaustion, fear, or past hurts keep you isolated. Step into the community and purpose God has for you.

Together, we can overcome this epidemic of exhaustion and step into the fullness of what God has for us. I believe in you, and I can’t wait to see what God does through you as you break free from exhaustion and embrace your calling.


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Has Church Become Just a Show? A Conversation with Isaiah Saldivar

By | Gifts of the Spirit, Healing, Miracles, Tough Questions | No Comments

Recently, I had the privilege of sitting down with my good friend Isaiah Saldivar to discuss a topic that has been weighing heavily on my heart – the lack of true miracles and the move of the Holy Spirit in many modern churches today. As pastors and leaders, Isaiah and I have witnessed firsthand how entertainment and gimmicks have too often replaced the authentic power and presence of God. In this candid conversation, we unpacked the root issues and cast a prophetic vision for the desperately needed revival of miracles in the Church.

The Crisis of Entertainment Over Miracles  

One of the first things Isaiah powerfully articulated was how “entertainment is the devil’s substitute for miracles.” So many churches have fallen into the trap of trying to attract people through flashy programming, dramas, and constant novelties rather than cultivating an atmosphere of supernatural power through prayer, preaching the uncompromised Word, and contending for authentic moves of the Holy Spirit.

As Isaiah stated, “If the power of the Holy Spirit isn’t moving, church is boring without the Holy Spirit. So if you keep people from being bored rather than taking the time in prayer, fasting, and repentance, we have to bring in entertainment.”

This stance struck a deep chord within me. How many times have we as leaders been guilty of prioritizing keeping people entertained over doing the hard, spiritually-demanding work of travailing in prayer for revival and breakthrough? Have we exchanged our birthright as Spirit-empowered believers for a bowl of “seeker-sensitive” soup?

The Consequences of a Powerless Church

As Isaiah aptly warned, the ramifications of a powerless, entertainment-driven church are dire. We are actively fueling the growth of the New Age movement as people, dissatisfied with the lack of the authentic supernatural, seek to fill that God-given void through unbiblical and demonic counterfeits. 

“So many of them were raised in the church,” Isaiah shared about many New Age influencers. “They got saved, and they didn’t see the power and the presence of God. So they said, ‘I’m going to go look for somewhere where I could fill this void.'”

Ouch. Those words stung because I know they ring true. We cannot afford to raise up another generation of church kids who never witness real miracles, signs, and wonders. If all they see is a watered-down, impotent gospel, can we be surprised when they slip into spiritual deception and apostasy?

Cultivating a Miracle Atmosphere

The solution, as Isaiah and I explored, is to get radical and intentional about creating an atmosphere conducive for miracles – in our churches, homes, and lives. We must return to the Acts model of being a people completely surrendered to the Holy Spirit’s power and devoted to prayer, the Word, and believing God for the supernatural.

Part of this is simply changing the current spiritual conversation. As I shared, “I felt the Lord saying that too many of my people are using conversations to complain…But I heard the Lord say when you change the conversation, I’ll change the atmosphere.” We need to become violent proclaimers of what God has done, is doing, and will do, creating a prophetic atmosphere that invites His miracle-working power.

Another key is being willing to step out in raw faith and obedience. I recounted the testimony of my wife Julie praying for a Muslim woman in a burqa who had an incurable skin disease. This woman gave us permission because she figured, “If your God can heal me, then pray for me.” We cannot let fear, doubt, or man’s limitations constrain us from obeying the Great Commission and daring to believe God for the impossible.

A Personal Commission

As our conversation came to a climax, I felt strongly impressed by the Lord to personally commission and ordain every listener to the work of being His miracle workers and revival harbingers. Too many sincere believers are waiting around for some future prophecy conference or impartation service to finally “get it” and start operating in power. 

But as I decreed, “Consider yourself commissioned. You are ordained…You already know more than they knew in the first century. You knew more than the 72 knew that Jesus sent out…Today is the day.”

We don’t need any more head knowledge or hype to get started. We already have the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the Name that is above every name. The only thing left is for us to start ruthlessly exercising the authority we’ve been given and putting the supernatural on display everywhere we go.

A Call to Miracles at the Movies

With this mandate burning in our hearts, Isaiah and I gladly made a faith proclamation about the theatrical premiere of my film “Miracles at the Movies” and its Holy Spirit outpouring potential. 

We left viewers with this rallying cry: “If you’ve already seen the movie, we still need you to go as a worker, bring a friend and family, but also be ready to pray for people…Go with the mentality that I’m here to work. I’m going to enjoy the movie, but I’m also here to work and to labor and to pray for people and to see deliverances and healings.”

Our aim is to see not just inspired movie-watchers, but tangible miracles manifesting in theaters across America as the ecclesia shows up filled with the Spirit and boldness to minister the Kingdom. No longer will powerless preferences and lukewarm Christianity be acceptable – it’s time to see the miracle-exploits of the Book of Acts realized before our very eyes!


I don’t know about you, but after this powerful dialogue, I am ruined for anything less than the full, radical, miracle-laden gospel of Jesus Christ. Entertainment, gimmicks, and religious games must be abandoned. We were created to walk in ceaseless intimacy with our heavenly Father and put His unlimited might on display.

So my earnest appeal to you is this – don’t be satisfied with anything less than God’s immediate, tangible presence and a lifestyle of consistent supernatural manifestation. Uncompromisingly contend for the biblical norms of healing, deliverance, prophecy, and every spiritual gift to operate freely through your life.

The world is watching, either to be impacted by the transforming power of the Kingdom or to be further inoculated by our man-made religion. The choice is ours – but I pray we would corporately make the only logical decision as sons and daughters who carry the very Spirit of the Living God.


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How to Know If You’re Under Spiritual Attack (Spiritual or Natural?)

By | Deliverance, Tough Questions | No Comments

Spiritual warfare is an inescapable reality for every believer seeking to advance God’s Kingdom. The enemy will employ various tactics to try to hinder, discourage, and entrap us. However, we have been given authority in Christ to overcome every scheme of the devil. Today, we’re diving into the topic of spiritual warfare – how to recognize spiritual attacks and break free from ungodly soul ties. Apostle Ryan LeStrange joins me and we’re going to share profound wisdom from our years of experience in deliverance ministry.

Recognizing Spiritual Attacks

Apostle Ryan LeStrange

The first sign of a spiritual attack, according to Apostle LeStrange, is being drawn back into things God has already delivered you from. “If you were once bound by alcoholism, but now find yourself justifying ‘just two drinks,’ that could indicate an enemy attack trying to re-entrap you,” he explains. Other telltale signs include losing your desire for intimacy with God, feeling overwhelmed by lethargy or oppressive heaviness, and having cloudiness where things that were once crystal clear are now uncertain.

Some spiritual attacks manifest as extreme physical fatigue, even when you’re not physiologically depleted. This draining force can be the enemy’s attempt to hinder you from stepping into your next level of assignment and destiny. The more you’re advancing God’s Kingdom, the more resistance you’ll face.

Apostle LeStrange adds, “Attacks can be confirmation of effectiveness, that we are being effective in our momentum, in our movement for God.” So if you’re facing surprising opposition, it could signify you’re making spiritual strides that threaten the enemy’s territory.

The Danger of Soul Ties

One major doorway for spiritual attack is the forming of ungodly soul ties. Soul ties are spiritual connections, often formed through sexual intimacy or other deep bonds of intimacy where “two become one.” Even non-physical sexual ties, like pornography, can create soul ties that need to be severed.

“Intimacy forms a soul tie,” Apostle LeStrange explains. “Sex is covenant language, covenant activity. If you’ve got one guy that’s had 10 sexual partners and each of them has had 5 sexual partners, you’ve got 50 people involved that potentially there’s all these soul ties with.”

These ties can enable demonic access and influence in someone’s life, like “a lock that is allowing that demon to stay there, or a door that’s allowing it and other demons to pass in and out,” as he describes. Soul ties don’t just form from sex either – they can result from any intimate relationship where we entrust part of our soul and emotions to another person.

Breaking Soul Ties

So how do you break an ungodly soul tie? Apostle LeStrange’s advice: “Pray something like ‘Lord, I break any ungodly soul ties with (name the person), in Jesus’ name. I disconnect from them and apply the blood of Jesus over my soul, mind, will and emotions.'” He stresses it may take persistence – keep renouncing the ties until you’re completely free.

For some people, breaking soul ties is an ongoing process of rewiring thought patterns and neural pathways. Sometimes you even need to go to the extent of rewiring your physical brain, which would be the equivalency of getting six-pack abs. It takes time. It’s not an instantaneous thing.

My own testimony highlights this process.  I took myself through a process and I think it kind of makes you more effective. I don’t know who this is for right now, but sometimes you speak with more authority in the realm that you have brought yourself through because you’re basically looking at somebody and taking them on a journey you took yourself on.

The Journey to Freedom

A key encouragement: Don’t be discouraged by the process! Even we face opposition and moments of vulnerability at times. There will still be times the enemy tries to pop up and attack.

What matters is that you persist and stay the course. The greater your effectiveness for God’s Kingdom, the more confirming attacks may come. Some of my most miraculous meetings happened during periods of tremendous weariness and vulnerability.  When I’ve had nothing left to give, God has reminded me that it’s Him doing the ministering, not me.  

Apostle LeStrange reiterated this perspective: “When we are going through that process and be really yielding to God and saying, ‘Lord, I love you and I give you my yes no matter what I feel, no matter what the warfare is like I give you my yes,’ God can breathe on that and use that in a significant way.”

The path to freedom starts with you, then impacts many through you. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that. Jesus says in John 15, “You have not chosen me. I chose you that you would bear fruit that remains.”

Persevering Through the Process 

So how do you persevere through the process of overcoming spiritual attacks and breaking soul ties? Here are some key principles:

1) Renew your mind consistently with the Word of God.  Apostle LeStrange emphasizes, “Meditate on scriptures, speak them, ponder them, pray over them until they get down in your heart and you begin to think differently.”

2) Align yourself with counselors and ministers who can provide supportive prayer and spiritual covering. Sometimes you may need somebody else to pray for you because your own faith level is buried under heaviness.  

3) Persistently break soul ties and cast out demons in Jesus’ name. Don’t be discouraged if freedoms comes gradually.  The devil is really persistent. Trauma is really persistent. But we need to get to the place saying, “I’m in God’s process and my growth comes in stages, my freedom is coming in stages,” and realize God is walking with me through the process.”

4) Invite the Holy Spirit’s help. I love to pray in the Spirit because it releases the help of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will begin to speak to me and show me how to occupy my freedom.

5) Focus on serving and loving others, not just introspection. I’m trying to OutServe my spouse. We tell hardcore warfare mamas, take all that energy and invest it into their hubby.  Care about what they care about.

The victories in your life will often manifest in the midst of spiritual warfare. God hears your ‘yes’ and God’s going to breathe on you. So keep pressing through the process – greater fruitfulness and miracles await!

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The Power to Cast Out Demons: Walking in Your Divine Purpose

By | Deliverance, Demons, Tough Questions | No Comments

For part 1 of this blog, click here

As believers, we all have access to the same Holy Spirit power that Jesus operated in to set the captives free. It’s time we walk in our divine purpose as believers and commissioned Breakers [for more information on The Breakers course, click here]

Confronting Sin through True Repentance

The first step in the deliverance process is confronting sin. Merely confessing sins is not enough. We need true repentance that produces lasting heart transformation. Repentance goes beyond feeling guilty – it’s actively changing your mind and purpose when you gain new knowledge of God’s ways. 

This involves renouncing selfish behaviors and anything that partners with demons. We can’t just want freedom from demons – we must hate the sin that gave them access in the first place. Deliverance without repentance leaves the door wide open for demons to return. When we repent, it legally cancels their access.

Breaking Generational Curses 

The next phase in deliverance is identifying and breaking any generational curses that have taken root in our bloodline. Demons gain access through 10 primary sources:

  1. Willful, unrepentant sin
  2. Occult practices 
  3. Inherited family iniquity
  4. Unforgiveness 
  5. Unhealed wounds and trauma
  6. False religions
  7. Ungodly soul ties
  8. Curses spoken over our lives
  9. Addictions
  10. Fears and phobias

As we thoroughly examine our past and family history, the Holy Spirit will bring revelation of what needs to be broken. We must verbally cancel any contracts and renounce activities that allowed demons to gain legal rights. The sins of our ancestors can’t be ignored; they open doors that require active shutting.

Casting Out the Demons

After doing the groundwork of repentance and breaking curses, casting out demons itself becomes much easier. Their legal rights have been revoked! We can boldly command them to leave in Jesus’ name, sending them to the abyss. 

Deliverance is not a special gift reserved for elite believers – it’s the birthright of every Spirit-filled Christian. We all have access to the resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead. There’s no need for more training or to wait for ordination. We develop authority through hands-on practice as we step out in boldness. 

Activate Your Divine Purpose  

God desires to use every one of His children in the deliverance ministry. There are countless people afflicted and oppressed who need freedom – including unsaved loved ones, coworkers, friends, and strangers in public places. Don’t wait for them to come to you; take the deliverance power of Christ out into your everyday world. Hospitals, prisons, schools, streets, businesses – the commission is unlimited.

We have the same Holy Spirit who enabled Jesus to cast out demons with a word. As we repent of sin, break curses, and cast out evil spirits, we fulfill our divine purpose as Breakers and change agents in this hurting world. No matter your background, experience, or education, if you’re a born-again follower of Christ, you have everything needed to confront the forces of darkness. It’s time to walk in boldness, step into your authority, and do the greater works promised in Scripture!

Your key takeaways are the absolute necessity of repentance preceding deliverance, the diverse ways generational curses operate, and our authority as believers to cast out demons through the Spirit’s power. May we apply these insights, stepping into our true identity and purpose as breakers! The world is waiting for the manifested sons and daughters of God to arise.

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Why Do Demons Come Back After Deliverance?

By | Deliverance, Demons, Tough Questions | No Comments

Have you ever experienced deliverance from demonic oppression, only to find yourself struggling with the same issues again later on? You’re not alone. Many believers have gone through deliverance and casting out of demons, yet found themselves in bondage again soon after. 

I want to provide crucial insight into why demons can return after deliverance. Understanding the reasons why will equip you to stand strong when the enemy tries to regain ground in your life.

Emotional Trauma Gives Demons Legal Ground

One of the most common reasons demons return is unresolved emotional trauma. New York City is known for the critters that lurk in the walls and underground – rats.  My city has a major rat problem, partly because of the garbage accumulation on streets without alleys. No matter how many rats you remove, if the trash remains, it creates a breeding ground that attracts more rats.  

In the same way, casting out demons deals with the “rats,” but if you don’t take out the “trash” of emotional wounds and trauma, it gives demons legal rights to keep entering your life. Deliverance is meant to work hand in hand with inner healing, counseling, repentance, and renewing the mind.  Removing demons through deliverance doesn’t eliminate the need to work through root issues that give them access.

So if you’ve gone through deliverance, take time for honest self-reflection. Is there any unforgiveness, bitterness, rage, rejection, or other emotional trauma you haven’t resolved? These can provide footholds for demons to return. Bring these areas to Jesus, ask Him to reveal roots that need healing, and seek biblical counseling. Removing debris clears out breeding grounds so demons have no place to inhabit.

You Have a God-Given Purpose and Destiny

Another eye-opening reason for demons returning is simply that you have a major purpose and destiny from God. The enemy wants to do anything possible to prevent you from fulfilling your calling.

Therefore, the degree of spiritual warfare and demonic attack you face is an indicator of how powerfully God wants to use you! The devil would not waste time harassing people who pose no threat to his kingdom. But when he sees you have an anointing that could change lives, he pulls out all the stops to discourage and immobilize you. 

Start to see the battles you face as confirmation of who you are and how God wants to use you for His glory. Persevere in the power of the Holy Spirit knowing your struggles mean you are called and equipped to do damage to the enemy’s kingdom through fulfilling your God-given assignment. Lean into Jesus and let Him fight for you as you walk out your purpose. The enemy wouldn’t be bothering you if you weren’t a serious threat!

Some Demons Pretend to Leave

When doing deliverance ministry, we have to remember that demons are deceitful. Sometimes a demon will pretend to leave during deliverance, and the person manifests relief. But upon closer discernment, it becomes clear the demons actually remained. 

As Jesus said, Satan is the father of lies! Demons can put on quite a show and fool people into thinking they left, when in reality they are lying low, waiting for the next opportunity. 

This is why we must rely fully on the Holy Spirit, not just formulas and rituals. Trusting discernment from the Holy Spirit rather than assuming the demons are gone is key. Pay attention to any check in your spirit indicating more work may be needed. Don’t be deceived by demonic tricks – only the Holy Spirit truly knows if they have left.

You Must Resist Demons After Deliverance 

Getting free of demons through deliverance is just the starting point. Maintaining freedom requires learning to stand your ground against them. We must resist the enemy so he will flee (James 4:7). We can’t be passive; we must fight back!

Practical ways to resist include reading Scripture out loud, praying in the Spirit, declaring God’s truths aloud, and renouncing any footholds the enemy tries to use against you. Put on worship music to fill the atmosphere with praise. Don’t give demons any place in your thought life, conversations, or decisions.

The battles won’t end after deliverance; you must keep resisting actively. But the more you fight back, the more victory you will walk in! Submit to God wholeheartedly and keep your sword (the Word of God) sharp through studying Scripture. Embrace the fights knowing you are called and empowered to win them!

Surround Yourself with Others Who Will Stand with You

Finally, we can’t fight alone. We need trusted brothers and sisters in Christ to stand in agreement with us. There is exponential power when even just two or three join together in Jesus’ name.

David defeated Goliath alone, but later he needed help from his mighty friend Abishai to defeat Goliath’s brothers. Humility requires recognizing you need support. Seek out wise, seasoned believers who can fight alongside you in prayer and encouragement.

And know that as you change, God often brings new spheres of relationships with those who can run at your pace. Don’t isolate; God’s army advances together. The enemy wants to make you feel alone, but you have comrades in arms. Stand firm together and victory is assured!


The next time you face demonic oppression after deliverance, remember these insights. Deal with emotional wounds that give demons legal rights. See the attack as a compliment confirming your destiny. Remember demons lie and pretend to leave. Commit to actively resisting through God’s Word and Spirit. And surround yourself with trusted believers who will fight with you. Jesus is with you, and His power ensures you will walk in ultimate victory!

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