

Healing Father Wounds: A Conversation with Mattie Montgomery on Finding True Identity in Christ

By | Healing, Relationships | No Comments

Over the course of my ministry, I’ve encountered countless individuals struggling with deep-seated pain stemming from father wounds. Recently, I had the privilege of sitting down with Mattie Montgomery, pastor of The Altar Fellowship in Tennessee, to discuss this critical issue affecting so many in our churches and communities today. Our conversation covered Mattie’s personal journey of loss, redemption, and discovering true identity in Christ – insights I believe will resonate deeply with many of you.

The Impact of Losing a Father at a Young Age

Mattie’s story begins with profound loss. He shared, “At eight years old, burying your father is kind of an indescribable experience.” His father, a college professor who had overcome tremendous odds growing up in poverty, passed away from cancer when Mattie was just a child. This early loss left Mattie grappling with questions no child should have to face:

“My dad’s not going to be here when I go on my first date, when I learned to drive a car, when I apply for colleges, he’s not going to be here when I get married. He’s not going to meet my kids.”

The weight of this reality led Mattie down a path of anger and rebellion in his youth. As he put it, “I had a great excuse to be angry at the world.” This manifested in fighting, trouble at school, and making life difficult for those around him.

Breaking the Cycle: From Grief to Destructive Behavior

Mattie’s experience resonates with my own journey and that of many others I’ve counseled. When father wounds aren’t properly addressed, grief often transitions from a natural season into a destructive cycle. I’ve seen this manifest in various ways:

  • Addiction and substance abuse
  • Involvement in occult practices seeking connection with lost loved ones
  • Self-sabotaging behaviors
  • Difficulty maintaining healthy relationships

As I shared with Mattie, “There’s so many people who come to our ministry that got heavily involved in occult practices that were connected to grief. So that’s when they’re like, ‘Oh, I went to the psychic medium because maybe then I could talk to my dad again.'”

The root of these behaviors often traces back to unresolved loss and a desperate search for identity and belonging.

Finding True Identity: The Father’s Heart Revealed

For Mattie, the turning point came during his college years. He described a profound encounter with God that shifted his entire perspective:

“God sort of backed me into this philosophical corner sitting on the steps of my dorm in the summer of 2006. And when I finally set this book down and said, I can’t argue anymore. I can’t run anymore. There’s no way out of this. But to recognize that Jesus is the only answer for me, it was like I’ve explained it before that I said it was waking up in a room full of strangers.”

This moment of surrender opened Mattie’s eyes to the reality of God’s presence and love in a way he had never experienced before. He realized that his identity wasn’t something he had to create or earn – it was a gift freely given by a loving heavenly Father.

Breaking Free from Performance-Based Christianity

One of the most powerful insights Mattie shared was about breaking free from a performance-based approach to faith. He explained:

“So much of what we call deliverance ministry is built on a false premise. The false premise is this: okay, I have Jesus. What else do I need?”

This resonates deeply with my own experience and what I’ve observed in many Christians. We often approach our relationship with God from a place of striving, thinking we need to earn His love or prove our worth. But as Mattie beautifully articulated:

“The truth is, I think so much of what drives deliverance or our pursuit of freedom comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of the ferocity of Jesus. What we experience of Christ is that He’s loving and gentle and patient and kind, but that’s not all He is.”

Understanding the Gospel: You Bring Nothing

This shift in perspective – from striving to receiving – is at the heart of truly understanding the gospel. As I shared during our conversation:

“Paganism is essentially there’s this deity and in order to appease this deity, I’m going to physically do something. So hey, we need rain for our crops. Let’s do a rain dance. I’m going to do something to appease this deity. And by that standard, a lot of Christians are pagans because they don’t understand the gospel is you bring nothing.”

The beautiful truth of the gospel is that we don’t have to perform or achieve to earn God’s love. We simply receive what Christ has already accomplished on our behalf.

Embracing Sonship: From Slaves to Heirs

Mattie highlighted a crucial distinction that many believers struggle to grasp – the difference between operating as a slave versus a son in God’s kingdom:

“The difference between a son and a slave is that a son inherits the house he’s building, but a slave doesn’t. And I think our issue in the church is that like the prodigal, we say, we’re happy just being servants.”

He went on to explain that while both sons and slaves may do similar work, the fundamental difference lies in inheritance. As sons and daughters of God, we’re not just building His kingdom, we’re building our own inheritance.

This truth has profound implications for how we approach our faith and purpose in life. Rather than living from a place of obligation or fear, we can operate from a place of security and belonging as beloved children of God.

Overcoming Father Wounds in Every Season of Life

One of the challenges with father wounds is that they can resurface in different seasons of life. As I shared from my own experience:

“Every season of your life has potential to unlock that father wound in another way because you can use it as an excuse.  You could say on your wedding day as you’re walking down the aisle, where’s my dad? Then the birth of your first kid, where’s my dad? Then you plant a church. Where’s my dad?”

The key is recognizing that our Heavenly Father is always present, even when our earthly fathers are absent. Mattie beautifully articulated this truth:

“Coming into that reality changed everything for me, recognizing that I had not just a heavenly father in a sentimental way, but in a practical way.  He had been protecting me, providing for me, and teaching me what I needed to know, when I needed to know.”

Living from Victory: The Power of Christ’s Triumph

As our conversation drew to a close, Mattie shared a powerful perspective on walking in the victory Christ has already won for us:

“In Colossians two, it says that Jesus disarmed every principality in power, and he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross. And so what I want to pray over you, is that the victory of Jesus would be made manifest in your life. That the power of the cross would become a reality you live in, not just an idea you consider.”

This shift from viewing our Christian walk as a constant battle to living from a place of already secured victory is transformative. It allows us to approach challenges with confidence, knowing that Christ has already overcome them on our behalf.

A Prayer for Healing and Freedom

Mattie concluded our time together with a powerful prayer for those struggling with father wounds and seeking true freedom in Christ. Here’s an excerpt:

“Father, I thank you for the blood of the Lamb that was shed on the cross. I thank you, God for the power for our forever freedom that was released there at the cross. God, I thank you not just for the cross, but I thank you for the life that was given there at the cross for our inheritance, for our deliverance, for our freedom, for our total healing.”

He went on to pray for instantaneous healing from years of trauma, for the manifestation of Christ’s victory in listeners’ lives, and for their lives to become trophies of God’s triumph.

Embracing Your True Identity in Christ

My conversation with Mattie Montgomery offers hope and practical insight for anyone struggling with father wounds or seeking a deeper understanding of their identity in Christ. The key takeaways include:

1. Recognizing how unresolved grief can lead to destructive cycles
2. Understanding that true identity comes from God, not our own efforts
3. Breaking free from performance-based Christianity
4. Embracing our position as sons and daughters, not slaves
5. Living from the victory Christ has already secured

If you’re wrestling with father wounds or questions of identity, I encourage you to meditate on these truths. Allow the reality of God’s love and your position as His beloved child to sink deep into your heart. Remember, you are not defined by your past experiences or family history.  You are defined by Christ’s finished work on the cross.

As you journey towards healing and freedom, surround yourself with a supportive community of believers who can speak truth into your life. And most importantly, cultivate a personal relationship with your Heavenly Father through prayer, Scripture, and quiet moments of reflection.

Your true identity and inheritance in Christ are waiting to be fully realized. Step into the freedom and purpose God has for you today.

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The Gifts of the Spirit: A Profound Treasure

By | Gifts of the Spirit, Healing, Miracles, Speaking in Tongues, The Holy Spirit, The Prophetic | No Comments

The gifts of the spirit are one of the most profound treasures a believer can possess, yet so many Christians struggle to understand and operate in them. During a recent revival meeting, I had the opportunity to dive deep into this topic and share some incredible stories from my own ministry journey. The gifts are not something we can earn through works, but are freely given manifestations of the Holy Spirit to be earnestly desired.

You Cannot Earn the Gifts

So many believers fall into the trap of thinking the gifts of the Spirit are rewards to be earned through fasting, giving, or other spiritual disciplines. But as I explained to a dear sister in my church, if the gift of tongues came after doing all those things, it would be called the rewards of the Spirit, not the gifts of the Spirit. The gifts are imparted sovereignly by God’s grace, not earned through our efforts.

In my experience, it’s often those who are the most generous givers who struggle the most to receive spiritual gifts for themselves. It can be hard for people whose identity is wrapped up in giving and serving others to simply receive something as a free gift from God. There’s an inherent identity struggle in understanding how we, as simple humans, could be empowered to operate in profound gifts like prophecy.

To Say Something

The gifts of the Spirit are often categorized into three groups of three – the first group enables us to “say something.” This includes prophecy, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. Consider how many times in Scripture, God instructed His spokespeople to quite literally “say something” – to speak forth His word and declare His messages.

I’ve seen the gift of tongues manifest in incredible ways, like the time my own prayer language sounded strikingly similar to ancient Italian as I interceded for my backslidden sister Sarah. The Holy Spirit was speaking into the very DNA and root system of her Italian heritage.

To Know Something

The second category allows us to “know something” beyond our natural abilities or circumstances. It includes the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, and discernment of spirits. Like Jesus knowing the Samaritan woman had five previous husbands, these gifts impart supernatural knowledge and insight.

I’ll never forget praying for a man who had the incredible gift of knowledge operating in his career field. As I prophesied over him about this advantage, I started getting words like “undercover” and “agent” – turns out, he was one of the highest-ranking FBI agents in America! The gifts allow us to know things in the supernatural realm that are impossible to know naturally.

To Do Something

The final three gifts – faith, healings, and miracles – empower us to “do something” beyond our human capacities and limitations. Every believer has a measure of faith, but those with a special gift of faith seem to create an atmosphere where others around them become emboldened to believe God for greater things.

I love to see healings and miracles in operation because they are such powerful demonstrations of God’s power and love. Like the woman who regrew the bones in her ear after I prayed for her hearing, or the many medical verifications we’ve received documenting miraculous healings of metal turning to bone and missing limbs being restored. The working of miracles is an incredible gift!

The Source of the Gifts

At the core, every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights above. While there are different administrations and operations of these gifts, it all flows from the same Spirit. We must honor the diversity in how these gifts manifest while remembering the Source is the same. As I shared about my journey of being misjudged and misunderstood early in my ministry, exercising honor and grace towards one another is crucial for creating an atmosphere where the gifts can flow freely.

Each Gift Unveils His Love

One of the most profound truths the Lord has taught me about spiritual gifts is that each one opens up a unique way for us to experience the love of Christ. When exercised properly, even a hard prophetic word or intense deliverance should be permeated with the unmistakable aroma and fragrance of the Father’s love.

Too often, Pentecostals and Charismatics have divorced the gifts from sound theology and the love of the Father. But these gifts originate from God’s heart of love! When I operate in deliverance and see hundreds being freed from demonic oppression, there is a tangible sense of the Father’s love saturating the atmosphere instead of darkness or foreboding. Each gift is intended to unveil Christ’s passionate love for His children in unique ways.

A Source of Restoration

At their core, the gifts of the spirit are meant to be tools of restoration, healing, and reconciliation – not punishment or condemnation. Even when I had to confront my former pastor’s infidelity and financial misdeeds, it wasn’t to “be right” but to create an opportunity for repentance and healing in the church.

I’ll never forget years later seeing that same pastor overcome by conviction, walking through a crowd of 1,000 people to ask me to walk him through deliverance as he recommitted his life to Jesus. Though it took over 15 years, the prophetic word created a path to redemption and restoration. The New Covenant gifts are always an expression of the Father’s heart to restore and redeem His children.

An Identity Issue

For many, a blockage to receiving and operating in spiritual gifts is an identity issue of feeling inadequate or ill-equipped. We look at the daunting manifestations of the miraculous and think “How could someone like me ever move in those kinds of gifts?” The beautiful truth is that it’s not about our qualifications – it’s about Christ being formed in us.

The greater our intimacy and love relationship with Jesus, the more naturally the gifts will begin to flow out of our lives. Like the disciples being clothed with power from on high after the outpouring at Pentecost, our identity is meant to be rooted in His indwelling presence. From that place, the gifts cease being strange phenomena and become natural outpourings of the Spirit who lives within us.


The gifts of the spirit are not rewards to be earned, but gifts of grace to be earnestly desired and stewarded for the glory of God and the edification of the church. They open up profound avenues for encountering the passionate love of the Father in fresh ways. And though the manifestations may look different, the Source is the same – the Holy Spirit working in and through us.

My prayer is that this teaching would stir up holy desire and impart fresh courage to the Body of Christ. Let’s yearn, not earn, for the profound treasures of the spirit that are meant to be normal, not novel. And may the gifts release the fragrance of the Father’s love everywhere they flow!


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Has Church Become Just a Show? A Conversation with Isaiah Saldivar

By | Gifts of the Spirit, Healing, Miracles, Tough Questions | No Comments

Recently, I had the privilege of sitting down with my good friend Isaiah Saldivar to discuss a topic that has been weighing heavily on my heart – the lack of true miracles and the move of the Holy Spirit in many modern churches today. As pastors and leaders, Isaiah and I have witnessed firsthand how entertainment and gimmicks have too often replaced the authentic power and presence of God. In this candid conversation, we unpacked the root issues and cast a prophetic vision for the desperately needed revival of miracles in the Church.

The Crisis of Entertainment Over Miracles  

One of the first things Isaiah powerfully articulated was how “entertainment is the devil’s substitute for miracles.” So many churches have fallen into the trap of trying to attract people through flashy programming, dramas, and constant novelties rather than cultivating an atmosphere of supernatural power through prayer, preaching the uncompromised Word, and contending for authentic moves of the Holy Spirit.

As Isaiah stated, “If the power of the Holy Spirit isn’t moving, church is boring without the Holy Spirit. So if you keep people from being bored rather than taking the time in prayer, fasting, and repentance, we have to bring in entertainment.”

This stance struck a deep chord within me. How many times have we as leaders been guilty of prioritizing keeping people entertained over doing the hard, spiritually-demanding work of travailing in prayer for revival and breakthrough? Have we exchanged our birthright as Spirit-empowered believers for a bowl of “seeker-sensitive” soup?

The Consequences of a Powerless Church

As Isaiah aptly warned, the ramifications of a powerless, entertainment-driven church are dire. We are actively fueling the growth of the New Age movement as people, dissatisfied with the lack of the authentic supernatural, seek to fill that God-given void through unbiblical and demonic counterfeits. 

“So many of them were raised in the church,” Isaiah shared about many New Age influencers. “They got saved, and they didn’t see the power and the presence of God. So they said, ‘I’m going to go look for somewhere where I could fill this void.'”

Ouch. Those words stung because I know they ring true. We cannot afford to raise up another generation of church kids who never witness real miracles, signs, and wonders. If all they see is a watered-down, impotent gospel, can we be surprised when they slip into spiritual deception and apostasy?

Cultivating a Miracle Atmosphere

The solution, as Isaiah and I explored, is to get radical and intentional about creating an atmosphere conducive for miracles – in our churches, homes, and lives. We must return to the Acts model of being a people completely surrendered to the Holy Spirit’s power and devoted to prayer, the Word, and believing God for the supernatural.

Part of this is simply changing the current spiritual conversation. As I shared, “I felt the Lord saying that too many of my people are using conversations to complain…But I heard the Lord say when you change the conversation, I’ll change the atmosphere.” We need to become violent proclaimers of what God has done, is doing, and will do, creating a prophetic atmosphere that invites His miracle-working power.

Another key is being willing to step out in raw faith and obedience. I recounted the testimony of my wife Julie praying for a Muslim woman in a burqa who had an incurable skin disease. This woman gave us permission because she figured, “If your God can heal me, then pray for me.” We cannot let fear, doubt, or man’s limitations constrain us from obeying the Great Commission and daring to believe God for the impossible.

A Personal Commission

As our conversation came to a climax, I felt strongly impressed by the Lord to personally commission and ordain every listener to the work of being His miracle workers and revival harbingers. Too many sincere believers are waiting around for some future prophecy conference or impartation service to finally “get it” and start operating in power. 

But as I decreed, “Consider yourself commissioned. You are ordained…You already know more than they knew in the first century. You knew more than the 72 knew that Jesus sent out…Today is the day.”

We don’t need any more head knowledge or hype to get started. We already have the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the Name that is above every name. The only thing left is for us to start ruthlessly exercising the authority we’ve been given and putting the supernatural on display everywhere we go.

A Call to Miracles at the Movies

With this mandate burning in our hearts, Isaiah and I gladly made a faith proclamation about the theatrical premiere of my film “Miracles at the Movies” and its Holy Spirit outpouring potential. 

We left viewers with this rallying cry: “If you’ve already seen the movie, we still need you to go as a worker, bring a friend and family, but also be ready to pray for people…Go with the mentality that I’m here to work. I’m going to enjoy the movie, but I’m also here to work and to labor and to pray for people and to see deliverances and healings.”

Our aim is to see not just inspired movie-watchers, but tangible miracles manifesting in theaters across America as the ecclesia shows up filled with the Spirit and boldness to minister the Kingdom. No longer will powerless preferences and lukewarm Christianity be acceptable – it’s time to see the miracle-exploits of the Book of Acts realized before our very eyes!


I don’t know about you, but after this powerful dialogue, I am ruined for anything less than the full, radical, miracle-laden gospel of Jesus Christ. Entertainment, gimmicks, and religious games must be abandoned. We were created to walk in ceaseless intimacy with our heavenly Father and put His unlimited might on display.

So my earnest appeal to you is this – don’t be satisfied with anything less than God’s immediate, tangible presence and a lifestyle of consistent supernatural manifestation. Uncompromisingly contend for the biblical norms of healing, deliverance, prophecy, and every spiritual gift to operate freely through your life.

The world is watching, either to be impacted by the transforming power of the Kingdom or to be further inoculated by our man-made religion. The choice is ours – but I pray we would corporately make the only logical decision as sons and daughters who carry the very Spirit of the Living God.


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The Truth About Faith Healing: Exposing What’s Real and What’s Not

By | Healing, Tough Questions | No Comments

Faith healers are known for packing out stadiums and captivating audiences for decades with claims of possessing divine gifts to miraculously cure the sick and suffering. But are these grandiose displays real or just manipulative parlor tricks meant to line their pockets and fuel their celebrity? 

As someone who has personally prayed for physical healing for many people around the world, I wanted to take an honest, in-depth look at what the Bible truly says about supernatural healing as well as expose the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to these famous faith healers.

The Biblical Basis for Healing

First and foremost, it is clear in Scripture that physical healing was included in Christ’s atonement on the cross. Popular verses like Isaiah 53:4-5, 1 Peter 2:24, and Matthew 8:17 clearly communicate that Jesus bore our sicknesses, diseases, pains, and sorrows when He suffered and died for us. 

Isaiah 53:4-5 (NLT) says, “Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.”

So faith healers are indeed correct in establishing a biblical basis for believing in supernatural divine healing. The problem arises, however, when many Christians choose to downplay, ignore, or rationalize away the clear validity of these verses. 

Opponents of miraculous healing in the modern church will often argue that God doesn’t seem to be doing such things anymore, at least not with the frequency and ease that is apparent in biblical times. Or they will emphasize that we should see sickness as part of God’s sovereign plan for teaching us lessons or humility. Others will contend that divine healing was only meant for the early church and serves no real purpose now that we have advanced medicine and technology.

But limiting God’s manifest power and miraculous healing in our current day and age due to our own theological frameworks or personal experiences (or lack thereof) simply does not line up with what Scripture promises regarding signs, wonders, and spiritual gifts being poured out till the end of the age. It reveals a lack of childlike faith in the supernatural, as well as the influence of Enlightenment rationalism on the modern church.

So as far as the basis for faith healing goes, the famous faith healers are indeed correct in their stance, despite being wrong on other issues, as we will discuss.

What About the Failed Healings?

 One of the biggest criticisms and pieces of skeptical “evidence” brought against faith healers is that many people claim they were not actually healed at their events despite the televised proclamations of random strangers being cured. Follow-up stories reveal people still suffering from their diseases weeks later, or even dying shortly after an event.

This is certainly a valid concern, as it can seem quite deceptive if not an outright scam. However, when you understand that ministers are simply praying the “prayer of faith” as the Bible instructs in places like James 5:14-15, then it makes more sense. Nowhere does Scripture promise that everyone prayed for will automatically and instantly be healed.

There are certainly many variables involved: the recipient’s own faith and openness, God’s sovereign timing, the minister’s accuracy in discerning God’s will for that person, etc. But at the very least, they are attempting to operate in biblical healing, even if not executed perfectly with pure motives.

Also, consider biblical examples of healings that were not successful every time:

  • Jesus Himself sometimes encountered people whose lack of faith seemed to hinder their healing, like in Mark 6:5 where it says “he could do no mighty work” in his hometown. 
  • The early apostles saw healings and miracles as well as defeats. Paul mentions in 2 Corinthians 12 enduring some type of infirmity. And his coworker Epaphroditus fell ill as noted in Philippians 2.
  • Even the highly esteemed prophet Elisha did not heal everyone he prayed for in 2 Kings 5. But he kept persisting in faith despite any failures.

So lack of 100% success should not entirely negate faith healers’ motives and sincerity, even if they are overly optimistic or reckless at times when “claiming” healing. Let’s be gracious while still discerning.

What Motives Fuel Faith Healers?

This brings up the next subtle but important point – that perhaps not everything is as altruistic as it seems in the world of televangelists and stadium faith healers. Some may indeed start with sincere motives to see the sick healed and Christ glorified through miraculous signs. But the fame, acclaim, and fortune that comes along can corrupt into selfish ambition over time.

If you track the trajectories of the biggest name faith healers, you will notice gradual but discernible shifts from praise focused on God towards praise designated to their “special anointing.” Claims often become more grandiose over time as well to keep audience excitement and donations flowing.

While only the Lord can judge motives, it does at least appear that greed for money and influence creeps in to cloud the purity of these ministries in many cases. And the actual lifestyle choices of famous faith healers certainly call into question how devoted they are to Christ’s kingdom versus their own comfort and benefit.

Perhaps the church should be wary of placing too much glory on individual people as being “healing superstars” versus giving all praise to God. If the vessel gets full of itself, it damages its capacity.

Again we must use wisdom and discernment when judging motives, not blanket cynicism. Avoid simplistic binary thinking when examining faith healing claims and the complex people behind them.

Does God Still Heal Supernaturally Today?

This brings us to the crucial theological question – does God still heal people supernaturally today? Or are these faith healers relying on psychological manipulation and hype to con their audiences?

From a purely biblical perspective, the gift of healing was considered active throughout the New Testament church era. In 1 Corinthians 12, it is listed alongside other still-functional gifts like teaching, tongues, and prophesy. And there are no clear indications of it ceasing.

However, from a rational perspective, many believers in Reformed and other intellectual traditions would contend genuine faith healing ended with the apostles and the age of miracles. If God still healed so tangibly, wouldn’t it be obvious and even scientifically verifiable?

Yet this imposes a very limited perspective on an Almighty God. Limiting His ability to heal based on its detectability within a naturalistic framework forgets a core truth: His ways are higher than our ways. We cannot presume to dictate how and when God manifests in power.

Jesus Himself marveled in Matthew 13:58 at people’s unbelief hindering His miracles. He healed in unexpected, even seemingly foolish ways like putting mud on blind eyes. He didn’t submit to predictable controlled laboratory conditions. Yet it cannot be denied He supernaturally restored sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, and mobility to the lame.

Attempting to intellectually explain away divine healing power robs God of His mystery and wonder. It imposes the arrogance of human reason upon the Creator Himself. 

Throughout church history we see reports of miraculous healings popping up in the most unlikely places and people – obscure monks and nuns, missionary stories from third-world revivals, and everyday believers praying the prayer of faith over sickness. 

Healing evades tidy explanations or formulas. But those with childlike, experiential faith encounter the risen Christ and His literal healing touch even today.

Unconventional Methods

This leads to the next thought – unconventional healing methods used by faith healers. Things like leg lengthening, healing via punching or slapping, strategic yelling during prayer, and so-called “drunkenness in the Spirit” where people fall down laughing or shaking.

At face value, these methods seem highly odd and open to criticism as manipulative. But consider biblical precedent for God working through unorthodox means:

  • Jesus spitting in mud and putting it on a blind man’s eyes to heal him (John 9:6)
  • The pool of Bethesda that God stirred healing waters in (John 5:4)
  • Peter’s shadow passing over the sick and healing them (Acts 5:15)
  • Paul’s handkerchiefs that healed people remotely (Acts 19:12)
  • Prophetic symbolic actions like Elisha instructing Naaman the leper to wash in the Jordan river 7 times (2 Kings 5:10).

While we should avoid blindly accepting every gimmick out there, an open heart recognizes that the Spirit moves however He pleases. Methods that seem foolish or scandalous to man’s wisdom may be Holy Spirit-inspired.

Its also true that things like over-excited falling under God’s power described biblically (ex: Ezekiel 1:28, Daniel 8:17-18) can be mimicked deceptively. Spiritual counterfeits do not negate true moves of God that may look similar on the surface.

Again wisdom and discernment are key. Examine the fruit over time, not just surface appearance. And emphasize humility versus hype in doing God’s works (1 Thessalonians 2:6). The goal is drawing all people to Jesus, not a man or ministry.

Stepping Out in Faith for Healing Prayer

In closing, how should all these insights on faith healers impact our approach to supernatural healing today? Here are some key takeaways:

  • Stand firmly on the biblical foundation of Christ as Healer and texts instructing us to pray for the sick. Do not allow modern unbelief or bad examples to sway you from God’s character and promises.
  • When praying for others’ healing, keep the focus on Jesus’ power versus your own methods or abilities. Yield to the Spirit’s guidance in prayers rather than ritualistic religion.
  • Have faith not just for one-time healing events, but ongoing ministry to the sick & suffering. Persist despite any discouragements and trust God’s timing.
  • Avoid the pursuit of personal glory or superficial hype when seeing divine healings. Deflect praise towards God alone.
  • Maintain humility & teachability along with bold faith. Avoid cynicism as well as naivety in discernment. Examine fruit while embracing mystery.
  • Share testimony freely of healings & miracles you witness, both immediate and progressive. This builds faith in others for God’s supernatural kingdom reality.

Divine healing ultimately defies human control or formula. It flows from compassionate surrender to the Spirit’s unpredictable movement. Like Jesus, weep in prayer for those suffering, then speak & command sickness to flee in childlike confidence.

The truth is Jesus Christ is still a healing Savior. His resurrection power did not cease 2000 years ago as some wrongly claim. May we contend in faith and prayer to see the sick made well for His glory.

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Supernatural Healing As Evangelism (The Breakers Challenge)

By | Deliverance, Evangelism, Healing, Miracles, The Breakers Challenge | No Comments

Many Christians claim that miracles happen when they pray: physical bodies are healed, minds are restored, and even diseases like cancer completely disappear.  But many non-Christians claim that these stories are fabricated, or even worse, intentionally made up by ministers to prey on innocent people.  I’m going to teach you how to pray for the sick and how God uses Supernatural healing as evangelism to reach the Lost, including your unbelieving friends and family members.

Luke 13:11-13

And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.” And He laid His hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God.


When The Issue Is Rooted In The Demonic 

When you pray for healing because you’re praying for physical healing but in fact you need to pray that that spirit is removed okay now I’m going to show you.  if you’ve prayed for people to be healed and they have not been healed maybe you are praying for a physical healing but instead you needed to deal with the Demonic so I want to show you what Acts actually happens when you begin to deal with it on that level

There have been instances when people come to me for prayer when I discerned that they needed deliverance so I begin to cast those demons out.  As I cast the demons out, the person began to experience physical healing as well.  Many people go to churches for years, or see psychologists and therapists, or see physical therapists or doctors, but they will not deal with it on the level of the demonic. 

When The Issues Is Simply Physical

There are other instances when people simply need a physical healing.  Their infirmity is not the result of the demonic.  Their physical issue is simply an issue of injury, or wear and tear to the body.  One time I prayed for a woman who, afterwards told me she had a dream that she came in the prayer line and pulled her leg braces off and danced before the Lord.  When she came for prayer she already had expectation for the miracle God would do. As I laid my hand on her head and began to pray, she began shouting and celebrating.  She reached down and grabbed her leg brace and ripped it off, then handed me her cane and started dancing wildly. God put a holy expectation inside of her.  

The Source Of Your Authority 

Matthew 10:1

And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.

You have authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal every disease and every affliction.  Jesus was a rabbi who had followers called disciples.  Those disciples became Apostles, and those Apostles established the first century church.  Miracles have happened from before Jesus to the time of Jesus. But what Jesus did was establish a covenant so that now we gain access to receive authority over unclean spirits and to cast them out and to heal. This is EVERY disease – diseases that there are medicines and treatments for, and diseases that medical science simply cannot heal. 

It means every affliction.  What is an affliction? It means aches and pains. Sometimes people have things wrong with their intestines or have issues with their GI tract and doctors can’t discover what is this affliction is.  Oftentimes it’s connected to trauma, unforgiveness, or pain from the past. But God says he’s given us authority over every affliction. That means there’s no disease, no affliction, and no demon that you do not have authority over.  


I’d like to pray for you:

In the mighty name of Jesus, deaf ears open now, under the sound of my voice. Increase hearing now, in the name of Jesus.  Every spirit of infirmity, every spirit of sickness, I command you to come out of their body now. Loose them and let them go. I break your power right now in the name of Jesus, and I command you to come out of them right now  in the name of Jesus.  Father, I thank you that it’s done.  Amen.  

Jesus still heals.  He still delivers.  He still sets free. 

Further Resources

📝 Does God Still Perform Miracles

📝 Bible Verses About Healing

📺 Casting Out Demons for Beginners

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