
Current Events

The Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump – A Spiritual Perspective

By | Current Events, Spiritual Warfare | No Comments

As a pastor and spiritual leader, I felt compelled to address the recent shocking events that unfolded at a Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The assassination attempt on the former president has sent shockwaves through the nation. In this blog post, I’ll break down what happened, explore the spiritual implications, and discuss why this event may be a crucial turning point for our nation.

What We Know So Far

Just moments ago, during a rally in Pennsylvania, former President Donald Trump appeared to have been shot. Eyewitnesses report hearing a loud pop, followed by Trump grabbing his ear and quickly dropping to the ground. When he emerged, surrounded by Secret Service agents, blood was visible on his face and ear.

While details are still emerging, this incident represents a significant escalation in the political tensions gripping our nation. As of now, it seems that Trump is safe, but the implications of this event are far-reaching.

The Spiritual Battle Behind the Headlines

As Christians, we must understand that what we’re witnessing is not merely a political struggle. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12 that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

This assassination attempt, if confirmed, is a manifestation of a much deeper spiritual battle raging in the heavenly realms. We must open our eyes to discern what’s really happening behind the scenes.

Prophetic Warnings Coming to Pass

It’s worth noting that several respected prophetic voices in the body of Christ, including Perry Stone and Joseph Z, had recently warned of potential attempts on Trump’s life. This incident serves as a sobering reminder of the accuracy of modern-day prophecy and the importance of heeding these warnings.

As believers, we must stay attuned to what the Holy Spirit is saying through His prophets in these tumultuous times.

The Significance of Trump as a Target

We must ask ourselves: Why is Trump such a threat that someone would attempt to assassinate him? What does he represent that poses such a danger to certain powers and principalities?

While I’m not endorsing any political candidate, it’s crucial to understand the spiritual implications of Trump’s policies and positions, particularly regarding issues like support for Israel, pro-life stance, religious freedom, and traditional values.

These positions align with biblical principles and directly challenge many of the demonic agendas at work in our society today.

Discerning the Times: A Call to Spiritual Awareness

Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their inability to discern the signs of the times (Matthew 16:3). As His followers, we must not make the same mistake. This incident is a wake-up call for the body of Christ to:

1. Increase our prayer and intercession
2. Develop greater spiritual discernment
3. Prepare for intensified spiritual warfare
4. Stand firm in our faith and biblical values

The Battle Against Deception and Confusion

One of the hallmarks of satanic activity is deception. We’re living in an era where, as Isaiah 5:20 warns, “evil is called good and good is called evil.” This confusion is evident in many areas of society, including gender identity issues, moral relativism, redefinition of marriage and family, and attacks on religious freedom.

As believers, we must stand firm on the truth of God’s Word and not be swayed by the spirit of deception running rampant in our culture.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and Demonic Influence

A particularly concerning development is the increasing use of AI bots to manipulate public opinion. We’ve recently seen reports of Russia deploying AI bots across social media platforms to sway conversations and shape narratives.

This technological advancement presents a new frontier in spiritual warfare. Many believers may unknowingly be engaging with demonic forces masquerading as human opinions online. We must exercise extreme caution and discernment in our digital interactions.

A Call to Prayer and Intercession

In light of these events, I believe God is calling His people to a renewed focus on prayer and intercession. We must:

1. Pray for the safety and protection of our leaders, regardless of political affiliation
2. Intercede for our nation, asking God for mercy and revival
3. Pray for the exposure of hidden agendas and demonic schemes
4. Ask God for increased discernment and wisdom for His people

The Power of Unity in the Body of Christ

Jesus prayed for the unity of believers in John 17. In these divisive times, it’s more important than ever that we come together as the body of Christ. We must:

  • Focus on our shared faith in Christ
  • Avoid unnecessary divisions over non-essential issues
  • Love one another, even when we disagree
  • Present a united front against the forces of darkness

Preparing for Revival and Harvest

Despite the darkness we see, I believe God is preparing His church for a great revival and harvest of souls. We must stay alert and watchful.  We need to be ready to share the gospel at all times.  It’s important to cultivate a lifestyle of prayer and fasting and operate in the gifts of the Spirit, including prophecy and discernment.

The Importance of Spiritual Disciplines

In these challenging times, it’s crucial that we strengthen our spiritual lives through:

  • Regular Bible study and meditation
  • Consistent prayer and intercession
  • Fasting and self-denial
  • Active participation in a local church body

A Time for Bold Faith and Action

As we navigate these perilous times, God is calling His people to rise up with bold faith and decisive action. We must speak truth in love, even when it’s unpopular.
It is vital that we stand firm on biblical principles.  We need to be willing to suffer for our faith if necessary.  And we must trust in God’s sovereignty and ultimate victory.

A Pivotal Moment in History

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump marks a significant turning point in our nation’s history. As believers, we must recognize the spiritual implications of this event and respond accordingly.

Let us not be caught unaware or unprepared. Instead, let’s rise to the occasion, standing firm in our faith, interceding for our nation, and shining as lights in an increasingly dark world.

Remember, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31). No matter what challenges we face, our hope remains secure in Christ. Let us move forward with confidence, knowing that ultimate victory belongs to our Lord.

Will you join me in praying for our nation, for discernment, and for a great outpouring of God’s Spirit in these last days? The time is short, but our God is mighty. Let’s make every moment count for His kingdom.

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Breaking Through Demonic Resistance

By | Current Events, Demons | No Comments

Do you ever feel like you’re taking two steps forward, only to be pushed three steps back? Like there’s an invisible force resisting your progress in life? Many of you are experiencing that mental warfare right now, where nothing is physically holding you back, but an unseen resistance keeps you from moving forward.

I’ve been there. Even the Apostle Paul admitted to being “hindered by Satan” (1 Thessalonians 2:18) at times. If someone of Paul’s spiritual authority faced demonic resistance, we shouldn’t be surprised when we encounter it too. The reality is, when you’re doing something big for the Kingdom of God, you’ve got a target on your back.

The Source of Resistance

Sometimes the resistance we face is simply our own flesh or lack of understanding. But often, there’s a demonic element at play, seeking to discourage, tempt, and fill us with doubt and fear. The enemy wants to get inside our heads and convince us to destroy ourselves.

When I stepped out in faith to plant V1 Church in New York City, I experienced incredible resistance. We had barely enough to scrape by from week to week. On the eve of our move, I lacked the funds to secure our first apartment. It wasn’t until a prophetic friend handed me a check for the exact amount needed, with a note saying, “He split the seas so you can walk right through,” that provision came.

The Importance of Covenantal Relationships

One of the key solutions to overcoming demonic resistance is covenantal relationships, not just transactional ones. You can’t do it alone. Just as Jesus sent out the disciples two-by-two, we need each other.

My friend and fellow minister Evan Wilson and I have been through the trenches together. We’ve fought for each other, served each other selflessly, and given each other strength when the other was weak. True covenant says, “I will not leave, no matter what.”

The Power of Knowledge

When Jesus was tempted by Satan, He didn’t sing worship songs – He quoted Scripture, rightly divided. There’s power in knowing and speaking the truth of God’s Word. The enemy comes with lies and false narratives, but we can combat those lies with the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.

Evan and I have had to endure slander, gossip, and division. But we’ve gone back to the truth of what God said about our vision and calling. We’ve reminded each other of God’s promises when the lies tried to shake our faith.

The Importance of Identity

At the core, our ability to resist demonic resistance comes down to our identity in Christ. Paul didn’t see his title as “Apostle” but as “a servant of Christ Jesus” (Romans 1:1). My titles are “son” and “servant” – I represent the One whose righteousness covers me.

When we’re rooted in that servant identity, clothed in Christ’s righteousness, we realize the resistance isn’t against us personally but against the One we represent. The enemy hates the image of Jesus he sees in us. But we can stand firm, knowing our identity is in Him.

A Prophetic Prayer

Heavenly Father, I thank you for touching those who need this word supernaturally. May your grace and anointing cause them to break through every yoke of bondage. We cancel every demonic assignment against them in Jesus’ name.

Father, you are sovereign over their lives – the enemy is not. Release a breakthrough for them, a supernatural persistence to outlast the enemy’s resistance. Shift their identity to see themselves as ministers of the gospel, called to stand firm for the truth in this digital age.

Unite and connect them with a Spirit-led community to cheer them on and help them complete the journey you’ve called them to. Like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, may they declare, “We will not bow to the things of this world, but we will stand firm for the gospel.”

Thank you for giving us knowledge to combat the enemy’s lies and people to lock arms with in covenant relationship. We praise you for the victory in Jesus’ name! Amen.

The Invitation

If you’re experiencing demonic resistance in your life and calling, you’re not alone. Join a community of believers who can support, encourage, and fight alongside you. My friend Evan has an incredible Creator Academy designed to equip and empower Spirit-led content creators for the digital mission field.

I also have V1 College and The Breakers, communities where we’re doing this together – sharing insights, giving feedback, and strengthening one another for the assignment God has given us. Don’t try to go it alone. As iron sharpens iron, let’s lock arms and press forward into all God has called us to.

The same Holy Spirit in us is in you. If this word has resonated with you, let me know in the comments. And if you’re new here, hit subscribe – because it’s not about making anyone famous, but about being part of a family spurred on to our God-given destinies.

We’re made for more than a life of resistance and hindrance. It’s time to break through into the abundant life Jesus paid for us to walk in. Let’s do this together!


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The Prophetic Urgency to Become a Digital Tent Maker

By | Current Events, The Prophetic | No Comments

Over the years, the Lord has allowed me to build a significant online platform and reach millions around the world with the gospel. But this assignment wasn’t just for my own “ministry success.” I now believe it was preparation for an urgent mission – to raise up and equip an army of digital tent makers before a major storm hits the global economy.

A Shifting Financial Landscape

I’ll be upfront – my recent conversations with my friend Evan Wilson have been soaked in a sense of prophetic urgency. We’re eyewitnesses to patterns that cannot be ignored:

  • Major bank executives abruptly retiring in 2025-2026.
  • The U.S. dollar’s reign as the global reserve currency nearing its end.
  • Rapid AI proliferation displacing human workers across sectors.

To the natural eye, these seem like simply economic or technological trends. But to those with spiritual discernment, these are signposts marking an inescapable transition on the horizon. An entire system is changing before our eyes.

Just as I warned my staff years ago to “save money” because I sensed something coming before the pandemic, I’m now getting that same gut-punch from the Lord: “Get ready – but saving alone won’t be enough this time.”  

We need additional streams of income and provision models tailored to this new digital landscape. In other words, we need an army of digital tent makers.

The Rise of the Digital Tent Maker

In the book of Acts, the apostle Paul was a tent maker by trade. This allowed him to earn income as he traveled, funding his ministry activities through his own skills and labor. It was the original “business as mission” model.

What if modern-day ministers embraced the same entrepreneurial priority – using legitimate online business activities to provide for themselves while taking the gospel to penetrate new digital territories?

I’m witnessing it happen already through the digital platform God has allowed me to steward. Everyday believers from all walks of life – from mothers and mechanics to teachers and tradesmen – are replacing or supplementing their incomes online. Through consistent content creation, sheer discipline, and Internet-based businesses, they’re becoming modern tentmakers.

Some have been able to leave secular jobs behind completely, like the French woman I met earning a full income from making “soaking music” broadcasts on YouTube! Others use their additional income to invest in missions, support other ministries and kingdom callings, or provide for their families while working from home.  

My heart burns with a vision to raise up and multiply these types of digital tent makers over the next 18 months and beyond. To see one hundred, one thousand, or more Christian content creators, teachers, preachers, and entrepreneurial evangelists operating in abundance and economic freedom. To occupy online spaces and digital territories for the Kingdom instead of merely consuming what’s fed to us.

This isn’t about chasing online fame or wealth for wealth’s sake. It’s about utilizing ethical, innovative income models to strategically reach people with the hope of Jesus – just as Paul used tent making pragmatically to fund his church planting labors.

Embracing Your Digital Tent Making Assignment  

Of course, the journey won’t be easy – any God-assigned goal worth achieving will require diligence and tenacity. My friend Evan and I have put in 9 years of grinding, filming videos daily, and learning on the front lines what works and what doesn’t online.

But you can accelerate the process by receiving the lessons we’ve learned. That’s why we’ve created a free video training to download, unpacking 6 proven strategies tailored specifically to this season’s social media algorithms and digital trends.

I’m calling you to become more than a passive content consumer. Shift your identity to that of a producer, a creator, a digital tent maker forging your own way supported by legitimate online business models and revenue streams.

Let our testimonies awaken your hunger to join this rising breed of entrepreneurs preaching the good news of the Kingdom through lifestyle, education, and digital media.    

This is a divine moment – a sifting between those merely observing and those radically embracing the new landscapes opening up before us. Receive this prophetic urgency. Quit delaying for “perfect circumstances.” If you’ve heard the Lord’s clarity on this subject, I’m inviting you to act now through faithful, bold obedience.

The days of containment and limitation are over. 2024 and beyond beckon a sending of digital tent makers reaching homes, cities and nations previously inaccessible to us.

It’s time to awaken to your full Kingdom assignment and potential. Let’s be found ready for that moment together.


I’d love to help you get started! 

Take our FREE Webinar + PDF with Algorithm Tips here:

Or, join the Breakers Creator Academy for only $30/mo if you use this link now:

New Days, Old Demons: A Conversation on Spiritual Warfare with Pastor Mark Driscoll

By | Current Events, Demons | No Comments

I recently had the honor of sitting down with Pastor Mark Driscoll to discuss spiritual warfare and ancient demonic spirits that are infiltrating modern society. Driscoll has been a leading voice exposing these dark forces through his new book New Days, Old Demons which released in the summer of 2023.

Our conversation focused on how ancient pagan idol worship is being revived today under the guise of progressive ideologies. Specifically, we see the resurgence of child sacrifice through abortion, sexual immorality, and confusion over gender roles – all trademarks of archaic cults like the worship of Baal and Asherah.

Revival of Child Sacrifice

Pastor Mark Driscoll

Child sacrifice was a common practice in ancient pagan religions, often done to secure favor from demonic spirits. Sadly, we see the same thing happening today through abortion, only now it’s state-funded and justified as “women’s healthcare.” As Driscoll said, “Pro-choice is the name of a demon.”

Just as in Old Testament times, today’s ruling authorities have partnered with pseudo-prophets spreading lies that abortion is acceptable or even virtuous. Scripture warns us that liars and sorcerers will not inherit God’s kingdom (Revelation 22:15), yet pro-abortion advocates are given platforms to spread their lethal message.

During COVID, this upside-down morality was on full display. As Driscoll noted, “We needed to close the church but keep the abortion clinics open because they’re essential. So worship was not essential, but murder was.”

The parallels between child sacrifice then and now are tragically clear. Powers and principalities have been deceiving people into believing the murder of infants is permissible, just as the worshipers of Molech shed innocent blood at their pagan altars.

Sexual Immorality Run Amok

Sexual sin often goes hand in hand with occult practices, numbing people’s consciences and allowing greater depravity. The Old Testament frequently mentions pagan fertility rituals being accompanied by temple prostitution and sexual orgies.

This is not unlike today, where America has plunged headfirst into an abyss of unbridled lust. Pornography, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and gender confusion have become normalized, celebrated, and even promoted to children.

It’s the same demonic spirit of Jezebel, who used her sexuality to manipulate and control others while draining their spiritual power. Sexual sin leaves people weakened and unable to fight evil.

Driscoll traced this back to King Solomon, who disobeyed God by accumulating 1,000 wives and concubines who worshiped false gods. “If you worship the wrong god, then you have power to do evil,” he explained. “If you worship the right God, you have power to do good.”

When we pursue sexual pleasure instead of God, we forfeit His supernatural ability to resist wickedness. The proliferation of sexual sin we see today is directly tied to exchanging the worship of the Creator for the worship of lust.

Gender Confusion and “Woke” Politics

Part and parcel with these ancient demonic spirits is an assault on gender and promotion of radical leftist ideologies. Driscoll stated it well: “Mutilation of children is not a left-right issue. It’s a good and evil issue.”

Supernatural forces are working overtime to blur the distinctions between men and women. Whether it’s transgenderism, pronoun policing, or claiming there are dozens of genders, the goal is dismantling God’s design for masculinity and femininity.

This has opened the door to the “Jezebel spirit” described in Driscoll’s book, which aims to control and castrate men while empowering women to usurp authority over them. Feminism and LGBTQ activism are just modern vessels being exploited by these ancient demons that despise God’s created order.

Make no mistake – progressive politics are greatly influenced by these satanic beings. “Woke” philosophies that sound enlightened on the surface have much deeper roots in the demonic realm.

Spiritual Warfare is Imperative

Confronting these dark agendas requires us to put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). The battle is not merely between opposing human factions – it is a cosmic clash of kingdoms.

Christians must engage in intercessory prayer and expose these ancient evils for what they are. Standing on God’s truth is the only way to dispel the lies.

This will provoke spiritual attacks, as evil spirits finance and empower those who do their bidding. But we must remember demons are defeated foes, and the risen Jesus has given believers authority to tread on serpents and scorpions (Luke 10:19).

God is still on the throne, no matter how depraved society becomes. When we align ourselves with His kingdom purposes, we can rest assured the forces of darkness will not prevail.

I’m very grateful to Pastor Mark for shining a light on these urgent matters. I hope these insights will spur all of us to greater prayer awareness and spiritual boldness in these times of demonic resurgence.

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Is The Holy Spirit Warning You As Well?

By | Current Events, The Prophetic | 4 Comments

I’ve noticed that the Holy Spirit will warn a group of people, and sometimes people will think you’re crazy. Sometimes, people will feel that you’ve lost your mind or are operating out of fear, but know that the Holy Spirit is warning you. I believe that things are unfolding on the earth right now, and it’s more important than ever that we have our ears open to what the Lord would be saying. Many people ignore instinct and then it’s too late. 

Be Ready for “Suddenly”

The Lord kept showing me the word “suddenly.” There’s going to be a sudden change, a sudden shift. There will be things that happen suddenly in government, in food supply chains, in the financial market, and in real estate. We must be aware. 

The Bible talks about suddenly all the time. We read in Matthew 24:40 about how two people will be walking, and then suddenly, one will be caught up, and the other will remain. Think about how suddenly there was a lockdown. Suddenly, these things begin to transpire, and as they come to pass, we’re caught up and unprepared. And it’s to the detriment of our family, friends, and circles. And so the Holy Spirit has probably been convicting and speaking to you.

Remove Delay

The thing about suddenly is that the Lord always will give us time for preparation and always ensure that His people are not going to be lacking. And so, what does that mean for you? That means if the Lord told you to do something, you must do it. So, if the Lord told you to start a business, you need to start the business. If the Lord told you to start a ministry, you need to get accountability, get oversight, and begin to make that a ministry.

If the Lord told you to do something, I feel strongly that He said, “Tell my people to remove delay.” There’s going to be a window of opportunity, which you are in right now, but when things transpire, you’re going to realize you didn’t have as much time as you thought you would have. I see the Lord trying to help His people avoid regret.

The Lord spoke to some of you before the last pandemic, but you ignored him then. What God is saying right now is, “Remove delay. You ignored me last time. Do not ignore me again.” And yet, some of you think you may still have more time. And the Lord says, “You do not have as much time as you think you have.” This warning is an act of mercy on behalf of God. The Lord is being merciful by even giving us the opportunity. This is not your gut or your instinct; it’s the Holy Spirit telling you to get your house in order, make arrangements, and line things up. He keeps telling me repeatedly, “This is not you; this is me. This is not you; this is me.” 

Obey First, Then The Door Opens

Some reading this may have a level of fear. You may ask, What will happen when I start to do what God called me to do? What’s going to happen when I finally say yes? Don’t wait for the door to open and then obey; you obey, and then the door opens. Stop calculating it by your own understanding. Stop trying to figure it out with your own wisdom. You obey, and then the door opens. This is the way of the Spirit, and many are too carnal in their thinking.  

You have to move, and then God will open the door. You have to obey, and then God will be faithful and reciprocate. As you begin to speak, advance, and move by faith, the Lord will open the door as you step out.

For some reading this, the Lord told you places to go, and you have not gone. He showed you places to move, and you have not moved. He’s told you things to sell, and you have not sold them. Some of you have been told by Him to leave churches, leave ministries, get under new leaders, or find new accountability, and you haven’t done it yet. And the Lord’s saying, “It’s time to move.”  

Silencing The Tormenting Voice

Some voices have been tormenting you. Some people have been speaking against you, and the Lord says, “I’m giving you the ability to outlast. I’m going to bring you to a place where you no longer hear the taunts of their voice, a place where you no longer hear their naysaying, criticism, and backbiting.”  

Who Are the Abrahams?

When God told me to go to New York City, I sold my house in Indiana and began to prepare to go to New York City. I needed $3,000 to move into my apartment in New York City, but I did not have the money. Now, mind you, I’m a normal, rational human being. The night before I was supposed to leave, I told my family, “We’re going to New York City.” A bit later that night, I met a friend of mine. He had no idea I was short on money and said, “The Lord told me to write a check.” He handed me an envelope. I opened it, and the card said, “The Lord split the sea so you can walk right through.” Inside the card was the exact amount we needed to move and start the next chapter of our ministry. 

I was willing to make myself a fool for Jesus. I had everything packed up. I had the U-Haul but didn’t even have the money to move into the apartment on the other side. It came in the final hour before I went to bed that night. And this is the word of the Lord to somebody: The Lord is pleased by faith. He is displeased by doubt, fear, and human wisdom. I hear the Lord asking, “Who will operate in faith? Who are the Abrahams of this generation? Who will go a different path and walk a different way? Who are the Sarahs that will rise up in faith like never before?” 

Go Back To What He Already Told You

I heard the Lord say, “Mike, tell them to stop negotiating with me, but be obedient.” Don’t make a deal with God. Some of you say, “God, if you do this, I’ll do this.” Who are you to manipulate God? Who are you to tell God what He can and cannot do? I hear the Lord telling me to tell somebody, “Go back to what I already told you.” Some of you ask for fresh vision, but the Lord says, “No, I desire that you would return to the previous vision. I want you to return to what I already told you and do it. Go back to your journals, go back to your notebooks, go back to your voice memo recordings. Go back to the times I spoke to you,” says the Lord, “and do the very thing. Now is the time to return and be faithful to what I told you.” 

Combatting The Spirit of Abortion

I see the spirit of abortion in some of those reading this prophetic word. God conceived something in you.   Do not kill that which God conceived. Don’t let your husband, your friends, your neighbors, or your region kill it, because the Lord conceived a dream in you. God Almighty gave you that dream, and if you let it continue to be developed, if you continue to let it grow, that dream will feed you. That dream will care for you and cause you to enter higher places of influence. But sometimes you have to tell people, “You don’t have the right to kill my baby. You don’t have the right to kill that which God conceived!” 

When you think about the days in which Jesus was born, there was a decree to kill all the firstborn males. In Moses’ day, there was also a decree to kill firstborn males. There are times when the spirit of the enemy in the earth tries to kill. 

What does a firstborn male represent? A firstborn represents faith. It’s the baby of promise. Once you have your first child, having second, third, or fourth is easier. You know you’re able. But there’s something about the firstborn. That’s why God gave Jesus his only begotten Son. Why? It represents faith. There was no plan B. 

The Lord’s saying, “Kill your backup plan. Don’t kill my baby. Kill your plan B, but don’t kill my baby. Kill off the other options, but don’t kill off the thing that requires faith. I gave you that!” The Lord wants to impart faith right now. Faith is the evidence of things hoped for and the substance of things not seen. The Holy Spirit has already been telling you it’s time. Please don’t delay, don’t back down, don’t listen to their voices anymore. Listen to the voice of the Lord. I don’t care if I have enough money. I don’t care if people believe in me. I don’t care if people think it’ll work. God told me to do it. It has to work. 

Remove Saul’s Armor

I saw a vision of Saul’s armor. When David went to kill Goliath, he did what the Lord told him to do, but King Saul put armor on him as a false form of protection because Saul didn’t have faith. I see many children of God wearing Saul’s armor. Somebody put an expectation on you that was not God’s expectation. Somebody told you you shouldn’t do something because they were afraid to do it. You’re wearing somebody else’s fear right now and don’t even realize it. Somebody told you it wasn’t possible.  

Some people wear titles and opinions from other people. You wear names that they placed on you. I see the Lord taking name tags off. What does that mean? It means that you were called rebellious when you were submitted, unhealed when you were healed, and triggered and traumatized when you were whole.

The Lord says, “I’m taking off the names now, and you’re going to wear my name.” I see women whose last name is not their maiden name, but the Lord says, “I’m taking you back, and I’m giving you my name as well. You will bear my name.” Some of you have taken on the name of ministries, and the Lord says, “I’m taking that ministry name off of you, and I’m giving you my name.” But you’ve got to step in now. You can’t back down or back up.

Rise in Faith

The Lord wants me to tell you that the promise is much bigger than the pain. What is on the other side of the sacrifice is much more significant than what you sacrifice. The Lord wants to give back three and fourfold, but you have to be willing to take Isaac up to the mountain and kill the son of promise. Why? Because it represents faith. God is not accepting sacrifices that don’t require faith. 

You may feel weary or tired. Maybe you’ve been going through it. The Lord says, “No, you’re weary from listening to man’s fear, doubt, and ways, but I’ll renew your strength. Just rise up in faith. I’ll renew your mind.”  

Unusual Miracles

As you begin to do that, you will see the supernatural realm open up to you like never before. This is a time of unusual miracles. Why? Because when you begin to operate in faith, the Lord will confirm you and your situation. He will show you the signs. You’ll start to have visions. Things will come into alignment. 

The most potent spiritual experience you can have is obedience to Jesus Christ. As soon as you obey Jesus Christ, you’ll take a coin out of a fish’s mouth to pay for your taxes. There’s going to be supernatural financial provision. There’s going to be supernatural healing, strength upon strength. 

The Sacrifice and Restoration

There is a reward for faithfulness and obedience, which is the way of obedience. Elijah told the widow, “Give me your little oil and a bit of flour.” You thought that you were going to make one more meal for yourself and your son, and then you were going to die. But when God touches it with His multiplying power, He will cause it to be never-ending. There’s something about the supernatural realm and sacrificial giving. The sacrifice is different for everyone. But whatever the Lord asks you to give, if you will provide it and step out in faith, He will multiply it.  

I was raised in trailer parks on welfare. We moved eight and nine times in a year when I was a kid. So when I became a man and bought my own house, that house represented security and safety. Ten years ago, the Lord told me to give up my house. He said, “Mike, it’s no longer a house. It’s a replacement for my shelter and my comfort. At first, it was your house, but now it’s an idol. I want you to give it to me.” I said, “Lord, how could you ask me to give my house up to go into ministry? I’ve never had a house. My childhood was so dysfunctional. Finally, I have my own house!” And the Lord said, “You’re either building the house of God or your own house.”  

So I walked away from my home. Ten years later, the Lord has restored what I gave up. When you let go of what’s in your hand, He’ll release what’s in His hand. You can’t even contain the blessing, but it will always come in the form of sacrifice.


Who are you to tell God what you won’t do? Put a yes in your spirit. If He told you to go, you better leave right now. If He told you to start something, start something right now.

Stop thinking it’s you. When you start making decisions out of faith, it’s impossible for that not to be the voice of the Holy Spirit because Satan will never ask you to do something in faith. 


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A Prophetic Word for Women in Ministry with Jeremiah Johnson

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From Darkness to Light: Ex-Witches and LGBT Individuals Share Their Journey to Christ

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I've had the privilege of witnessing countless lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Recently, I sat down with three remarkable individuals who have powerful testimonies of leaving behind…

The Power of the Blood: 7 Ways to Break Demonic Curses and Find Freedom

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As a pastor and deliverance minister, I've witnessed countless lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Today, I want to share with you a powerful message about the blood…

Stop Explaining Yourself to Demons: The Power of Silence in Spiritual Warfare

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As a pastor and spiritual leader, I've encountered countless situations where believers find themselves trapped in cycles of explanation and justification. Today, I want to share a powerful revelation that…

From New Age to Christ: A Powerful Testimony of Deliverance with Angelamarie Scafidi

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I had the privilege of sitting down with Angelamarie Scafidi, a former New Age practitioner turned passionate follower of Jesus Christ. Her powerful testimony of deliverance from occult practices serves…


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The Biblical Truth About Aliens (with Dr. Hugh Ross)

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From Darkness to Light: Ex-Witches and LGBT Individuals Share Their Journey to Christ

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I've had the privilege of witnessing countless lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Recently, I sat down with three remarkable individuals who have powerful testimonies of leaving behind…

The Power of the Blood: 7 Ways to Break Demonic Curses and Find Freedom

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As a pastor and deliverance minister, I've witnessed countless lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Today, I want to share with you a powerful message about the blood…

Stop Explaining Yourself to Demons: The Power of Silence in Spiritual Warfare

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As a pastor and spiritual leader, I've encountered countless situations where believers find themselves trapped in cycles of explanation and justification. Today, I want to share a powerful revelation that…

From New Age to Christ: A Powerful Testimony of Deliverance with Angelamarie Scafidi

| New Age | No Comments
I had the privilege of sitting down with Angelamarie Scafidi, a former New Age practitioner turned passionate follower of Jesus Christ. Her powerful testimony of deliverance from occult practices serves…


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Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) The Antichrist?

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From Darkness to Light: Ex-Witches and LGBT Individuals Share Their Journey to Christ

| Deliverance, Demons, New Age | No Comments
I've had the privilege of witnessing countless lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Recently, I sat down with three remarkable individuals who have powerful testimonies of leaving behind…

The Power of the Blood: 7 Ways to Break Demonic Curses and Find Freedom

| Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare | No Comments
As a pastor and deliverance minister, I've witnessed countless lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Today, I want to share with you a powerful message about the blood…

Stop Explaining Yourself to Demons: The Power of Silence in Spiritual Warfare

| Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare | No Comments
As a pastor and spiritual leader, I've encountered countless situations where believers find themselves trapped in cycles of explanation and justification. Today, I want to share a powerful revelation that…

From New Age to Christ: A Powerful Testimony of Deliverance with Angelamarie Scafidi

| New Age | No Comments
I had the privilege of sitting down with Angelamarie Scafidi, a former New Age practitioner turned passionate follower of Jesus Christ. Her powerful testimony of deliverance from occult practices serves…


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Why Do Pastors Keep Cheating?

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Why do pastors keep cheating?  We have seen it all over the news recently – affair after affair by high-profile mega-church pastors.  I myself am a local church pastor of a multi-site church with locations in Brooklyn, Long Island, and Northwest Indiana/Chicago area, named one of America’s fastest-growing churches. When I see these stories unfold in the news, it breaks my heart, so I want to speak about it from the heart and perspective of a fellow pastor.  

Man being photographedIn my perspective, there are two conditions that create the context for infidelity among lead pastors, especially those who pastor large churches:  

1. An Extreme Need for Comfort  

When you’re a pastor, every single thing you do and say is scrutinized, judged, criticized, and gossiped about. Then when you go home, you talk about church and church people with your wife and family. There’s no relief from the pressures of church life.  Therefore you create a situation where 100% of your life is the work of ministry.  This causes depletion.  Therefore you are in extreme need of comfort. The high demands can mean don’t ever have an off day because you don’t ever “clock out.”  Now hear me – this does not excuse sin.  It only explains explain the context for how sin happens.  

2. The First Class Experience

First ClassThe second factor is what I like to call “the first-class experience.” Pastors who are in celebrity positions can create a false reality where eventually they start to think that the world is afirst-class experience. If you’ve ever flown first class before, you know that it’s a high-level experience.  The seats are larger and more comfortable, and the section is in the front for quick on and off access. In the back, everybody eats peanuts, but in first class you get a full hot meal.  There are two different sets of rules – a set for first-class and a set for everybody else.  

Many churches have a deeply ingrained honor culture. In trying to honor the pastor, they give him a preferred parking spot, seat him and his family in front, they feed him between services, and all manner of “first class” experiences.  It can all be a good thing, because their pastor’s life is more difficult and the honor culture seeks to alleviate some of the pressure and pain. Conversely, this first-class treatment can be blown out of proportion.  This preferred experience can plant a seed of exemption where a pastor begins to believe that the rules that apply to everyone else don’t apply to him.  

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.”  When a pastor does not guard his or her heart and there’s an extreme need for comfort, it is an explosive combination. Then, combine it with the first-class mentality that exempts you from normal life.  Eventually, you feel exempt not just from normal life, but from the commands of God.

In John 14:15, Jesus says, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (ESV).  A lot of pastors who are in sin have learned how to confess their sin but never repent of it.  Even though they may have the honor of the crowds, a special parking spot, a special seat, and first-class plane tickets, they’re not exempt from Jesus’ commandments.  

Pastor sitting on altarJohn 14:16-17 (ESV)

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.

God has promised a helper, the Holy Spirit, to abide with us forever.  You can have an accountability partner and still sin.  It is possible to be in the same hotel, even the same hotel room, as your accountability partner and still sin. But you can’t deceive the Spirit of Truth or lie to the Holy Spirit.  

A lot of pastors in sin are ministering out of a gift and not out of a relationship with Jesus.  Preaching is a gift.  Teaching is a gift.  But a relationship with God will cause you to not want to grieve the Holy Spirit.  Because even if an accountability partner doesn’t find out about your sin, the Holy Spirit knows and will be grieved.  

As I think about all of the recent pastors in the news, my heart is heavy. As a pastor myself, I want to walk in humility.  I have to worship.  I have get before God and depend on the Holy Spirit. I have to feed the poor (without taking a photo of it for Instagram).  All of that plays a part in humility. The higher you go, the more you have to decrease.  

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How To Defeat the Jezebel Spirit

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Today we are talking about how to defeat the spirit of Jezebel.  In the Old Testament, Queen Jezebel was the wife of King Ahab, the king of Israel. Ahab “did evil in the sight of the Lord, more than all who were before him” (1 Kings 16:30, ESV).  The two of them were responsible for promoting the worship of false gods and creating a culture that was completely anti-God, where evil was celebrated and righteousness was abhorred.

ControlThe Fight Against Jezebel

The Bible does not give us permission to fight people – not your spouse, your boss, your siblings, or your mama.  But it does say, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:10-11, ESV).

The Open Door

We’ve been given battle-ready armor so that we can fight principalities, powers, and spirits.  Now, there are behaviors and attitudes that are sometimes just flesh, not a demon.  But unrepentant sin can turn into the demonic.  Unrepented sin opens a door.  If I leave the front door open to my house for a little bit, a squirrel or a dog might come in.  But if I leave the door open for a long enough period of time, something even worse will come in.  

Generational Curses

If you persist in sinful, prideful, narcissistic, controlling, haughty behavior, you will open a door to the demonic.  Some have generational curses and have inherited a Jezebel spirit.  If you’ve always been domineering and controlling, perhaps it is due to a generational curse.  And this spirit is not relegated to a male or a female – anyone can have a Jezebel spirit.  

Regardless of how the Jezebel spirit arrived, we have the authority to defeat it.  This is a spiritual battle.  Based on 1 Kings 18, here are three ways to defeat Jezebel.  

1. Come out of hiding.  

The spirit of Jezebel will cause you to go into hiding.  Those who are under the influence of someone with a Jezebel spirit will often feel like they can’t tell anyone what is happening to them.  They are in abusive, toxic, narcissistic relationships and yet keep it secret.  

hiding1 Kings 18:13 

Has it not been told my lord what I did when Jezebel killed the prophets of the Lord, how I hid a hundred men of the Lord’s prophets by fifties in a cave and fed them with bread and water?

Expose the Jezebel Spirit

In this verse, we hear how the prophet Obadiah tells Elijah how he began to hide other prophets because they were scared of Jezebel.  The spirit Jezebel will cause even people who know God’s ways to go into hiding.  This applies to people under the influence of spiritual leaders who have Jezebel spirits, as well as those in abusive marriages.  Most people who suffer under a Jezebel spirit refuse to believe that their suffering is even real because they hide behind an illusion that all is well.  A Jezebel spirit can turn someone’s good intentions into accusations.  Wrongdoing needs to be exposed, and a Jezebel spirit does not take kindly to exposure.  

A common tactic of someone operating under a Jezebel spirit is to turn the wrongdoing back onto the person who is trying to expose it.  This person will make the innocent party feel dirty, guilty, or as if they were the offending party.  When the enemy is exposed, he tries to silence you and make you go into hiding.  The only way to find freedom is to come out of hiding.  

2. Reclaim your identity. 

1 Kings 18:17

When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, “Is it you, you troubler of Israel?” And he answered, “I have not troubled Israel, but you have, and your father’s house, because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and followed the Baals. Now therefore send and gather all Israel to me at Mount Carmel, and the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.”

There’s a battle over identity.  Ahab tried to call Elijah a troubler.  Elijah had to respond back and say, “Wait a second, I’m not the troubler, you’re the troubler.”  If you’ve been under the influence of a Jezebel spirit for very long, you will forget who you really are.  Has your spouse in your abusive marriage called you stupid when you’re not stupid?  Have you gone to a church that said you couldn’t sing even though you can sing? Have they said you couldn’t preach even though you can preach? Have they said you couldn’t prophesy even though you can prophesy? 

Your True Identity

Jezebel will try to tell you you’re nothing, you’re no one. You have to respond back to that spirit with a firm knowledge of who you are in Christ:

  • No longer a slave, but God’s child and an heir (Galatians 4:7) 
  • God’s special possession (1 Peter 2:9-10) 
  • Seated with God in heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:6) 
  • A new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)
  • Complete in Him (Colossians 2:10) 
  • Set apart (Hebrews 10:10) 
  • Set apart and appointed (Jeremiah 1:5) 
  • More than a conqueror (Romans 8:37) 

These are just a few of the things God has called us that define our identity.  You need to write down your true identity and put it on your mirror so every morning when you go to the bathroom you’re reminded of who you are.  

Don’t Forget Who You Are 

Controlling, narcissistic people will make you forget who you truly are.  Their influence will distract you from the things you love, the things that make you uniquely you, and the gifts and talents that God has placed inside you to be shared with the world for His glory.  Jezebel is a seductress and will try to make you forget who you really are.  A Jezebel spirit is so manipulative and controlling, that it will even affect the way a person dresses, the way they wear their makeup, and style their hair.   

3. Stick with your choice no matter the consequence.  

1 Kings 19:20

So Ahab sent to all the people of Israel and gathered the prophets together at Mount Carmel. And Elijah came near to all the people and said, “How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.” And the people did not answer him a word.

Stick with your choice.  People will begin to come to my church and tell me they go to their old church for one service and then my church for another service.  Why is that?  Because they have been made to feel guilty for leaving.  This is an example of a Jezebel spirit at work.  They are stuck between two choices.  

Someone under the influence of a Jezebel spirit fears the opinions of that person.  They are afraid of the consequences and what will happen when Jezebel finds out.  A toxic, controlling, narcissistic person can make the life of the people under their control a living nightmare.  So it’s natural that the person being controlled would fear the repercussions of their choice.  You’ve got to be willing to stick with your choice, no matter what happens. A Jezebel will be critical of your choice and even discredit it. Jezebel’s criticism of your choice is a confirmation that you made the right choice! 

In Conclusion

Defeat Jezebel by coming out of hiding, reclaiming your true identity, and sticking with your choice.  You cannot serve two masters – you have to serve the Lord. 

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