The Prophetic Urgency to Become a Digital Tent Maker

Over the years, the Lord has allowed me to build a significant online platform and reach millions around the world with the gospel. But this assignment wasn’t just for my own “ministry success.” I now believe it was preparation for an urgent mission – to raise up and equip an army of digital tent makers before a major storm hits the global economy.

A Shifting Financial Landscape

I’ll be upfront – my recent conversations with my friend Evan Wilson have been soaked in a sense of prophetic urgency. We’re eyewitnesses to patterns that cannot be ignored:

  • Major bank executives abruptly retiring in 2025-2026.
  • The U.S. dollar’s reign as the global reserve currency nearing its end.
  • Rapid AI proliferation displacing human workers across sectors.

To the natural eye, these seem like simply economic or technological trends. But to those with spiritual discernment, these are signposts marking an inescapable transition on the horizon. An entire system is changing before our eyes.

Just as I warned my staff years ago to “save money” because I sensed something coming before the pandemic, I’m now getting that same gut-punch from the Lord: “Get ready – but saving alone won’t be enough this time.”  

We need additional streams of income and provision models tailored to this new digital landscape. In other words, we need an army of digital tent makers.

The Rise of the Digital Tent Maker

In the book of Acts, the apostle Paul was a tent maker by trade. This allowed him to earn income as he traveled, funding his ministry activities through his own skills and labor. It was the original “business as mission” model.

What if modern-day ministers embraced the same entrepreneurial priority – using legitimate online business activities to provide for themselves while taking the gospel to penetrate new digital territories?

I’m witnessing it happen already through the digital platform God has allowed me to steward. Everyday believers from all walks of life – from mothers and mechanics to teachers and tradesmen – are replacing or supplementing their incomes online. Through consistent content creation, sheer discipline, and Internet-based businesses, they’re becoming modern tentmakers.

Some have been able to leave secular jobs behind completely, like the French woman I met earning a full income from making “soaking music” broadcasts on YouTube! Others use their additional income to invest in missions, support other ministries and kingdom callings, or provide for their families while working from home.  

My heart burns with a vision to raise up and multiply these types of digital tent makers over the next 18 months and beyond. To see one hundred, one thousand, or more Christian content creators, teachers, preachers, and entrepreneurial evangelists operating in abundance and economic freedom. To occupy online spaces and digital territories for the Kingdom instead of merely consuming what’s fed to us.

This isn’t about chasing online fame or wealth for wealth’s sake. It’s about utilizing ethical, innovative income models to strategically reach people with the hope of Jesus – just as Paul used tent making pragmatically to fund his church planting labors.

Embracing Your Digital Tent Making Assignment  

Of course, the journey won’t be easy – any God-assigned goal worth achieving will require diligence and tenacity. My friend Evan and I have put in 9 years of grinding, filming videos daily, and learning on the front lines what works and what doesn’t online.

But you can accelerate the process by receiving the lessons we’ve learned. That’s why we’ve created a free video training to download, unpacking 6 proven strategies tailored specifically to this season’s social media algorithms and digital trends.

I’m calling you to become more than a passive content consumer. Shift your identity to that of a producer, a creator, a digital tent maker forging your own way supported by legitimate online business models and revenue streams.

Let our testimonies awaken your hunger to join this rising breed of entrepreneurs preaching the good news of the Kingdom through lifestyle, education, and digital media.    

This is a divine moment – a sifting between those merely observing and those radically embracing the new landscapes opening up before us. Receive this prophetic urgency. Quit delaying for “perfect circumstances.” If you’ve heard the Lord’s clarity on this subject, I’m inviting you to act now through faithful, bold obedience.

The days of containment and limitation are over. 2024 and beyond beckon a sending of digital tent makers reaching homes, cities and nations previously inaccessible to us.

It’s time to awaken to your full Kingdom assignment and potential. Let’s be found ready for that moment together.


I’d love to help you get started! 

Take our FREE Webinar + PDF with Algorithm Tips here:

Or, join the Breakers Creator Academy for only $30/mo if you use this link now:

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