Urgent Prophetic Word: A Call To Fervent Prayer

By April 18, 2024 Prayer, The Prophetic

As I sat down to record another broadcast, the Holy Spirit stirred something deep within me with an overwhelming sense of urgency. I had to drop everything and go live immediately to deliver this critically important prophetic word from the Lord. If you’re watching the replay or reading this after the fact, it’s not too late – God is rallying His people into focused prayer like never before.

A Pivotal Window of Permission

I truly believe we are in the final moments of a special window where God is giving us permission to deal with matters through prayer. He is enabling intercessors to do deep spiritual work, granting us the authority to take dominion, step in, rearrange, reallocate, and restructure things in the spiritual realm.

Something profound is happening in the earth right now. I hear the Lord clearly saying, “It doesn’t have to go this way. If the righteous will rise up, it can go another way.” We still have a chance to change the trajectory through concerted prayer. Can you feel that stirring in your spirit like when John the Baptist leapt in Elizabeth’s womb? The spiritual wombs of intercessors are leaping, conceiving something new – there is still time to deal with this situation through wholehearted prayer.

An Urgency to Pray

Some of you have backed off from fervent prayer recently. Maybe you faced disappointments or unanswered prayers that led to frustration with God. But the Lord is saying, “My will was done, and now I need you to participate in my will through passionate intercession.”

I saw a sobering reality – two cries are arising. The first is the cry of the remnant church, the intercessors treading the narrow path. But then I saw a second cry, the cry of humanity experiencing turmoil and destruction across many borders. This is not going to be an easy season – we are entering a period of difficulty.

The Lord impressed on me, “Take care of your affairs.” By the time the devastation materializes in the natural realm, it will be too late for many. But in the spiritual realm, there is still an opportunity to pray through, contending for breakthroughs. As you persevere through opposition in prayer, you will begin to see immediate releases – properties, opportunities, relationships, and more. But only for those who pray!

A Realignment and Release for Intercessors

God is going to align together those who diligently pray -Business people, entrepreneurs, ministry leaders, and all who prioritize the secret place will unite across borders. The Lord declared, “I will separate those who pray from those who do not pray.”

To those who pray, the Lord promises to release heavenly strategy, wisdom, revelation, and prophetic insights to avert dangers. He will multiply your efforts exponentially – not just a one-to-five increase, but one act will be multiplied by ten! As you have been faithful with tithes and first fruits, God will release a tenfold multiplication into your life, but for the sake of His kingdom cause.

You Have Lost Touch with the Call

The Lord gave me a sobering word: “You have lost touch with the command. You have lost touch with the call, but I have desired more of you. I will give you diverse gifts, but I will require much from you.”

Some of you have been carrying divine assignments like smooth stones in your pockets, but you haven’t released them toward the giants you face. It’s time to take out those prophetic words, books, songs, and sermons you’ve been sitting on and send them forth, for the spirit of fear has been tormenting you, vexing you at night to keep you silent.

But the Lord promises, “I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.” Your first assignment is to war against the spirit of fear blanketing the earth and keeping God’s people hostage.

A Coming Boldness Like the Martyrs

Many have been afraid to speak up – afraid to share with family, bosses, or co-workers. But like Esther, God is summoning you to boldness, for on the other side of your voice is the liberation of nations! You must break through fear and speak life, for you cannot operate in fear and faith simultaneously.

The Lord is breaking the spell of Jezebel – the spirits of accusation, manipulation, control, and deception being released against you. He is delivering you from the soothsayer’s spells and removing barriers like cotton from your ears so you can walk in clarity and confidence like never before.

As boldness rises, the Lord says, “Even as martyrs, there will be a spirit of martyrdom in the earth…those who bow only to Me will never bow to man or man-made systems.” An unstoppable company is emerging who will say, “I will do whatever it takes” to see the Lord’s purposes fulfilled, no matter the cost.

An Invitation to Join the Army

After receiving this powerful, eye-opening word, I’m going to pray for you, asking the Lord to impart fresh boldness and confidence. But then we must move forward together in obedience! I’m raising up an army, not just building an audience.

This is a pivotal time, and Jesus’ return is drawing near. I’m all in, doing everything I can to spread this life-giving message and see revival blaze across the earth. But I need you to join me, church! Let’s lock arms as pray-ers and doers of the Word.  Together, we’ll see nations shaken and the Kingdom of God accelerated in this critical hour.

Are you ready to rise up as one of the unstoppable ones? The call has gone out – now is our time to respond!


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