

Always Starting and Never Finishing? Spiritual Blockage Explained

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As a pastor and speaker, I’ve encountered countless individuals struggling to break free from generational patterns and fully embrace God’s calling on their lives. Today, I want to share some powerful insights from Genesis 11:31 that can help us understand why we often settle for less than God’s best and how we can push through to experience His complete blessing.

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – A Phrase That Never Should Have Been

We’ve all heard the phrase “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” But what if I told you this phrase should never have existed in the first place? God works generationally; one generation’s “no” can become the next generation’s curse. Conversely, one generation’s “yes” can unleash freedom for future generations.

Consider this: Your decision to surrender to Jesus fully has implications far beyond your own life. It transmits down through the generations, shaping the spiritual landscape for your children, grandchildren, and beyond.

Breaking the Cycle: My Personal Journey

Let me share a bit of my own story. My biological father was a murderer, and I didn’t inherit what most would consider a “nice” middle-class lifestyle. On one side of my family, we have Sicilian mob connections. On the other, we’re hillbillies from West Virginia. In other words, I come from a background steeped in “sin of every flavor.”

When I set out to start my own family, I faced a significant challenge: How do you become what you’ve never seen? Many of you can relate. You might be trying to be a loving father without ever having experienced one yourself. Or you’re striving to be a nurturing mother without that example in your own life.

Here’s the tricky part – we often make inner vows never to become like our parents, but the devil has a way of getting us to the same destination by a different route. I vowed never to cheat on my wife, yet I did. I swore I’d never become an addict, but I fell into addiction. The enemy knows us better than we know ourselves, and he’s been playing this game for thousands of generations.

The Power of Humility and God’s Grace

Let this serve as a reminder: If you’re a Christian, you did nothing to save yourself. All of our good works were like filthy rags before the King. We need to start there. If we’re going to have a competition in the local church, let it be a humility competition.

God’s Generational Plan: The Story of Terah and Abraham

Now, let’s dive into Genesis 11:31. It reads, “Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. But when they came to Harran, they settled there.”

The phrase should have been “the God of Terah, Abraham, and Isaac,” but something wasn’t completed in Terah’s generation. That assignment was then passed down to Abraham, who had to figure out how to be what he had never seen.

Settling for Less: The Danger of Partial Obedience

Terah set out for Canaan but settled in Harran – only halfway to his intended destination. This is a powerful metaphor for our spiritual lives. How many of us have made progress but settled for partial obedience?

Maybe you’re thinking, “Pastor, I drink less than I used to,” or “I’ve switched from cigarettes to vaping because it’s healthier.” Perhaps you’re saying, “I only relapse into pornography occasionally now.” But hear me clearly: If the devil can’t stop you completely, he’ll try to make you comfortable enough to settle for partial obedience.

The Holy Spirit is calling you not just away from what you used to be, but into what you’re supposed to be. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed – not partially free, but completely free.

The Blockage in Your Breakthrough: That Last 1%

Here’s a hard truth: 99% surrender and obedience is still 100% disobedience in God’s eyes. The blockage in your breakthrough might be that last 1% you’re holding onto. God wants to bring you over into 100% surrender. That’s where the favor is. That’s where the blessing flows.

You’re Never Too Old for God’s Purpose

Some might argue that Terah didn’t complete his journey because he was too old. But Scripture tells us he lived another 70 years after settling in Harran. Age is never an excuse with God. Just look at Smith Wigglesworth, a plumber who became a powerful healing evangelist in his retirement years.

Obedience is an accelerator. When you give God your complete “yes,” He can make up for lost time and put you right back on track as if you’d never messed up.

The Root of Settling: Idol Worship

Joshua 24:2 reveals the real reason Terah settled: “Long ago your ancestors, including Terah the father of Abraham and Nahor, lived beyond the Euphrates River and worshiped other gods.”

Terah’s settling was evidence of idol worship. He began worshiping other gods, and that spiritual compromise was passed down as an inheritance. This explains so much about our own struggles.

Faith: The Key to Fulfilling God’s Call

Hebrews 11:8 tells us, “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”

Faith is the key. When you feel anxiety, fear, or panic, what you reach for reveals what you worship. Many of us are like Terah, reaching for different “gods” for comfort in various situations. But true faith means reaching for the one true God in every circumstance.

Worship as Spiritual Warfare

Let me share a personal story about the power of faith and worship. As a teenager, my family faced eviction. Instead of panicking, I turned on worship music and began praising God. My mother joined me, and miraculously, while we were still worshiping, someone knocked on our door with a check for the exact amount we needed for rent.

Stop judging my worship if you don’t know my warfare. Worship has gotten me out of situations where no human hand could help. I refuse to worship other gods – I worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Switching from Plans to Commands

The American church often makes plans, but the true church obeys commands. It’s time to switch from our own plans to God’s commands. We don’t need a plan – we have a Savior who has the plan. He’s driving, and our job is to obey.

My journey into full-time ministry wasn’t about asking God to put me there. It was about being faithful with the harvest field right outside my front door. When I was faithful with that, He sent me to an even more challenging field in New York City.

The Power of “Nevertheless”

Jesus, facing the cross, prayed, “Let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but Yours be done.” That word “nevertheless” is the key to transition. It’s not that you don’t feel fear or reluctance – it’s what you do in the midst of those feelings that matters.

We need a “nevertheless” mindset. “I don’t want to evangelize… nevertheless.” “I don’t want to be generous with my finances… nevertheless.” It’s in these moments of choosing God’s will over our own that we step into our true destiny.

Breaking Family Patterns: Sometimes the Old Must Die

Acts 7:2-4 tells us that God appeared to Abraham while he was still in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Harran. God told him to leave his country and his people. But it wasn’t until after his father’s death that Abraham finally left Harran for Canaan.

Sometimes, the previous generations – or their ways of thinking – have to die for us to finish what God started in our bloodline. This isn’t about disrespecting our elders, but about breaking free from limiting patterns and beliefs that hold us back from God’s best.

Dream Bigger: A Personal Story of Faith

Let me close with a personal story that illustrates the power of dreaming bigger. Years ago, when we were struggling financially, I overheard my single mother in the kitchen, pounding her fist on the table and declaring, “Dream bigger, dream bigger!”

She later explained that as she was doing dishes, God challenged her to envision greater things for our family. “What if God could use our family to touch nations? What if God could use my son to preach?” The Holy Spirit kept prompting her to dream bigger.

Years later, I watched my mother’s face appear on movie screens across America in 2,000 theaters, encouraging single mothers to dream bigger. God had been faithful to that kitchen table declaration.

Your Call to Action: Dream Bigger and Go All the Way

It’s time for you to dream bigger. Good is the enemy of great. You are called to be an Abraham, to walk fully into your destiny. The generations that come after you will forever thank you for your “yes” to God.

I challenge you today: Make the decision to go 100% in the direction God has for you. Don’t stop halfway. Surrender all your thoughts, desires, and plans to Him. Declare with me: “Nevertheless, not my will, but Yours be done. I will dream bigger. I’ll go all the way. No turning back.”

Your obedience today could change the course of generations to come. Will you answer the call?


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Hearing God’s Voice: Seven Ways to Test a Voice

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Don’t believe everything you hear just because someone says it is a message from God; test it first to see if it really is! 1 John 4:1 (LB)

Anyone who wants to do God’s will can test this teaching and know whether it’s from God or whether I’m making it up. John 7:17 (Msg)

The Bible tells us that the heart is deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9). In other words, our hearts are unreliable and we cannot always trust what they’re telling us. So how, then, can we know if what we’re hearing is from God? In today’s episode, we’ll discuss seven ways you can test a voice to discern if it’s from God.


Luke 21:33 (NIV), Proverbs 12:19 (NLT), Galatians 1:8 (NLT)


Philippians 2:5 (NCV), 2 Corinthians 10:5 (GW), James 3:14-17 (NIV)


Ephesians 3:10 (NIV), Proverbs 11:9 (GN), Proverbs 11:14b (KJV)


Spiritual Gifts | Heart | Abilities | Personality | Experiences

Your SHAPE reveals significance!

Ephesians 2:10 (NIV), Romans 12:6 (LB)


John 21:22 (NIV), Romans 14:4 (NIV), Romans 14:10, 13 (Ph)



Conviction exposes what’s wrong, while condemnation attacks your value.

Romans 8:1 (NLT), Revelation 3:19 (Amp), Revelation 12:10 (NIV)


We need God’s presence in the midst of fear and uncertainty.


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10 Ways to Hear God’s Voice

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1.Realize you were born for a relationship with God. It’s the primary reason you were created. Many people ask the question, “What’s my purpose?” Here’s the primary answer, according to scripture—to be in relationship and continual conversation with God.

In the book of Genesis, God creates Adam for relationship with Him. This is the default mode of humanity! You were literally created for the purpose of being in a relationship with God where He speaks to you, listens to you, and provides deep connection. 

James 4:8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.

2. Check your motive for wanting to hear God’s voice. You cannot fully realize your purpose until getting a heart check at your motive. 

Proverbs 21:2 Every way of a man is right in His own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart.

1 Thessalonians 2:4 But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the Gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts. 

3.Readjust your expectations. Don’t just expect to hear from God.

In 1 Kings 19:11 Elijah, the great prophet of God, experienced the WIND, EARTHQUAKE, and FIRE…then it was actually in a small, still voice that God used to speak to him. 

You might be in a season of wind, then a season of shaking, then a season of burning up, all so that you can hear the still small voice of God. Sometimes God will separate you from the emotional experiences to show you how reliable His voice really is. (listen to the podcast audio of this teaching here) 

4.Sharpen your hearing with humility.

Phillipians 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves.

You’ll hear God’s voice most clearly when you are trying to hear it for someone else! If you don’t particularly hear God for yourself, you may experience breakthrough asking Him to speak to you an encouraging word for someone else! 

5.Don’t try to force it.  The best way to get new information from God is to be obedient to what He has already told you. Re-read that! 

6.God Communicates through many forms, but often uses your mind. 

Philippians 4:8 Whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things. 

7.Renew Your Mind 

If God is primarily speaking to you through your mind, it is very important for your thought life to be in alignment with His word. Renew your mind by praying, reading scripture, and setting your thoughts on Him

8.Interpret the Written Word with the Living Word. The Holy Spirit teaches all things (John 14:26). This is why reading scripture with the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of you is such a different experience. He will teach you all things, give you fresh revelation and insights, and help you unlock the mysteries of scripture. 

9.Learn God’s character to discern His voice. He will never contradict his word. The more time you spend seeing how God has acted in circumstances across History, the more aquatinted you’ll become with His loving goodness. 

10.Set aside time to intentionally listen.

Prayer is a dialogue, not a monologue. This means that your prayer time should include listening time. He’s speaking too!

There’s noise …let’s take time to listen now…drop a comment with what God said to you!


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How to Overcome Stress

By | Development, Leadership | One Comment

Over 70% of Americans report that that struggle with this one thing.


Symptoms include: mind racing, insomnia, fatigue, irritability, anger. These are physical or psychological effects of STRESS according to the American Institute of Stress *yes, this actually exists. 

Stress comes into all our lives to varying degrees. So what causes it and why do we experience stress? Here are the top causes:

  1. Work
  2. Finances
  3. Relationships
  4. Health
  5. Media Overload 

How, as Christians, should we deal with stress? Today, we are going to discuss four ways to overcome stress. 


Psalm 32:2

Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of guilt, whose lives are lived in complete honesty!

You cannot address a problem you’re unwilling to admit. Death among men is primarily greater because we won’t admit there’s a problem. We don’t go to the doctor. We won’t seek biblical counsel from a pastor. We won’t seek advice from a connect group leader.

Admit there’s a problem, not just that you’re stressed (there’s a difference!) 


Cigarette style solutions: do you have cigarette style solutions? Maybe you do and don’t realize it. This is the science behind a cigarette: it simultaneously speeds up your heart rate while sending signals to your brain that you’re calming down. It’s deceptive. 

What’s a cigarette solution to stress? Something that tells your mind you’re feeling better while destroying some other part of you! BOOM!!

Oh, that new relationship —that’s a cigarette solution. You never resolved the issues of the last relationship. This is signaling to your mind that you’re feeling better, but how you do relationships is destroying you. 

Oh, the way you just spent your money—that’s a cigarette solution. It just made you feel better to have retail therapy, but while your mind feels better, your budget is being destroyed. 

The lie of cigarettes is that you FEEL better while the carcinogens are killing you. The lie of most of our solutions to stress is that they are making us FEEL better while they’re ruining our lives!

The price we pay for the feeling is greater than the cost of the stress we sought relief from. 

Psalm 107:28-30

Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distresses. He caused the storm to be still, so that the waves of the sea were hushed/ Then they were glad because they were quiet, so He guided them to their desired haven. 

Notice the revelation in this scripture: I cried out to the Lord FIRST. Then I allowed Him to bring me out (this is the hardest part for us). Then He guided me to safety.


1 Corinthians 10:31

whatever we do, we do it for the glory of God. The way we live makes God look good when we glory Him in our actions. 

Stress takes our energy and causes brain fog. 

In Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, he addressed this mind/body connection. He advised them to take care of their bodies because our bodies are a living temple (like a mobile church), a dwelling place for the Spirit of Christ. 

When we were children, the most natural thing was free movement. We danced at the marriage conference, something spiritual was connected to something physical. 

I’ve seen people cry in workouts because the physical movement was connected to the release of mental stress. Mental stress can even manifest as physical ailments. 

Jesus described being a true believer as coming into a child-like Kingdom…I think part of the restoration is the restoration of free movement. 

You are 25% less likely to develop depression or anxiety, according to the Anxiety ND Depression Association of America, if you regularly exercise. 

One of the most spiritual things you can do is go for a vigorous prayer walk.


We are spiritual beings have a physical experience, not physical beings have a spiritual experience. 

We live in a spiritual war zone. The most important battle is spiritual because what we see is temporary, but the unseen, spiritual world is eternal! The real war is over eternal territory. 

You must be armed with scripture. Something I want to make a regular question between V1 Church people is, “what’s your scripture?!” 

When someone is telling you about what they’re going through…what they’re stressed about, “What’s your scripture?!” 

Remember we said that a cigarette sends a signal to your mind that things are better, but wreaks havoc on your body? 

Scripture is the opposite….you declare scripture even when your mind still isn’t right and things begin to align in your life. Sometimes your mind is the LAST thing to get the signal when scripture is being declared….but God didn’t ask us to figure it out, He asked us to align with HIS thoughts, HIS ways.

We conform our thoughts, we mold our mind, to His thoughts.

Let’s go through the four steps together now. 

Take a moment with God.

ADMIT to Him what’s stressing you out. Stop making excuses, and just cry out to God. He knows, and He’s there listening.

Next step, REPENT! Stop medicating the wrong way. Examine all the ways you use to distract yourself from stress and make yourself feel temporarily better. Now give those over to the Lord.

Next, CONFESS that you are going to take care of yourself! You are valuable, and the world needs you. So feel free to invest in yourself (guilty moms etc. You are WORTH it!!) You can not care for others the way God asks you to if you yourself are not well cared for.

And finally, DECLARE HIS WORD! Find some scriptures to hang on to, and repeat to yourself when you are struggling. Print them out, post them in your office, your car, your bathroom mirror. Find ways to remind yourself of His truths throughout your day.


This free ebook resource, “New Year, New Me” will take you from chaos to clarity.

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Overcome Self-Pity

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In John 21, Jesus comes back from death and invites the disciples to breakfast. They had all recently failed him. They scattered out of fear before the crucifixion. They had returned back to the mundane after the crucifixion, even though they spent three years in ministry training, witnessing the majestic. 

But what I love so much about John 21 is that Jesus never mentions any of that…He simply invites them back to the table when He returns. He prepares food for them and then invites them back to a place of intimacy and provision. He invites them back to the place for proximity. He invites them back to family. After breakfast, Jesus asks Peter, “Do you love me?” …and then proceeds to give Peter his next assignment. 

Isn’t it just like Jesus to give you another assignment after failure? Isn’t it just like Jesus to refuse to allow you to default back to the mediocrity of your old life? 

I failed marriage and I failed fatherhood—BUT GOD. He keeps inviting me back to the table. He keeps giving me new assignments. He keeps honoring me while I become what He’s honoring in faith. I don’t know who this is for, but Jesus always makes it harder for us to go back to the life we left to follow Him. The best is waiting for you at the table. Come eat.

After this Jesus revealed himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias, and he revealed himself in this way. Simon Peter, Thomas (called the Twin), Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples were together. 

Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We will go with you.” They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. Just as day was breaking, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to them, “Children, do you have any fish?” They answered him, “No.” He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish. That disciple whom Jesus loved therefore said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment, for he was stripped for work, and threw himself into the sea. The other disciples came in the boat, dragging the net full of fish, for they were not far from the land, but about a hundred yards off.

When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and bread. Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.” So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, 153 of them. And although there were so many, the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” Now none of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord.

(John 21:1-13)

Do you love me? FEED MY SHEEP. 

Jesus is putting something on display. He is feeding them breakfast. Jesus is inviting them to the table….and asking that they now invite others to the table. When Jesus appeared they didn’t recognize it was Jesus, but they obeyed… 

Peter and the disciples were going to be sent out to groups of people that would not know Jesus, but will obey and respond to the call. 

Jesus is inviting us back to the table with him…. 

But He is also asking us: will you continue to invite people back to YOUR table when they reject you? When they gossip about you? When they hurt you?

Peter, if you love me, love people the way I love you.

The disciples may not have listened to a carpenter tell them how to be fishermen. Sometimes we have our own mind made up. We are so secure in how WE do things, in how WE do ministry, but if we will be fishermen who are willing to listen to a carpenter, and put our nets down on the other side, we will have more than we can contain.

Jesus is always inviting us to the table. He keeps inviting us back. 

Jesus intentionally did not mention to Peter his failure. As a matter of fact, previously, He sent an angel messenger to tell His disciples and ALSO tell Peter, I am risen! In other words, look Peter right in the eyes and say, “Peter, your ministry isn’t over, it’s just getting started!” Jesus is risen!!

Breakfast is a ritual. Jesus invited Peter back to the ritual.

Sometimes, we are too busy striving to honor the ritual, too busy trying to make it happen for ourselves that we forgot the ritual. You’re not too busy for church…you’re striving too much to stop for the ritual. 

Working hard without Jesus hardly works. Obedience to Jesus always carries bigger results than hard work without obedience.  

Self pity occurs when we are more concerned with what we think we should have than what God already gave us. 

Self pity occurs when we are more concerned with what we want to do than the mission right in front of us. 

Self pity is a barrier to progress. It’s easier to return back to something familiar, to mediocrity. To go back to breakfast and miss the ritual.  But you can’t even be good at your old life. You old life doesn’t satisfy. 

JESUS in His mercy comes TO YOU. 

Even when JESUS is attempting to save you, you won’t be able to recognize its HIM DOING IT. Jesus is trying to use CHURCH and PASTORS but you can’t recognize HIM.

The disciples couldn’t recognize Jesus, but they obeyed. Sometimes you can’t tell it’s Jesus, but you still need to OBEY.

How do you get freedom from self pity?



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10 Enemies of Process

By | Development, Video | One Comment

10 enemies of process.

1. Self Pity

2. Fear

3. Counterfeit Vision

4. Compromise

5. Shame

6. Haters

7. Comfort

8. Impatience (False Start)

9. Inconsistency (faithfulness) You’ll be eating faithfulness while you’ll be sitting at the table with inconsistency

10. Selfishness


This free ebook resource, “New Year, New Me” will take you from chaos to clarity.

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How to Simplify Systems for Personal Growth

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But how many times do you get distracted in a typical day? Ten? Fifty? A hundred? Research indicates that the average worker is distracted once every three minutes. We’re swimming upstream against a flood of emails, notifications, texts, and drop-in visitors. You just can’t be productive in that environment.

The good news is that regaining your focus is easier than you think. Just a few simple practices can slam the door on interruptions and give you the focused time you need for high-leverage work. These are things you can start doing right now, today.

Here’s what’s you’ll gain from this episode—

  • Practical tips for creating “alone zone” for deep work.
  • The practice of “meeting free Thursdays” and how it’s impacted our business.
  • Apps and sites that can help you block distractions.
  • The types of food scientifically proven to increase mental acuity.
  • The scientific link between music and problem solving.
  • The best methods for timing breaks to keep your mind fresh.
  • How to use your the one tool you use the most as a firewall against unwanted meetings and visitors.

Plus, our producers surprised us with a pop quiz about our favorite productivity hacks. It was a ton of fun!

After you listen, we hope you’ll choose at least one or two of these simple practices and start using them today. You’ll be amazed at how it will boost your productivity.


This free ebook resource, “New Year, New Me” will take you from chaos to clarity.

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Default Mode: Do You Want to Get Well?

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I want to start this post by taking you back 2000 years ago to a pool called Bethesda, beside which is a man who has been unwell, an invalid, for 38 years. This man lies beside the pool and watches as others go into it and receive healing while he sits there at the edge day after day after day.

Fast forward 2000 years and you see you, phone in hand. You’re scrolling through Instagram loving the post of the couple who just bought their forever home while you’re still living in a 600 square foot apartment, or the post of your best friend who just got engaged while you’re still single but so very desperate to mingle, or the post of that V1 Dream Team member who recently surrendered his life to Christ and has experienced radical growth and freedom while you’re still searching for yours after all these years of following Him.

And what happens next is the same thing that happened 2000 years ago, Jesus walks up to you, just as He walked up to the invalid, opens His mouth and asks, “Do you want to get well?” Now I can’t be positive but at this point I’m sure both you and the invalid are offended, because you would think the answer to this question would be an automatic yes. However, the invalid’s response was not yes, but an excuse: “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.” What would your response be if Jesus came up to you and asked you, “Do you want to buy a house?” Would your response be, “Yes,” or, “Well I live in the most expensive city in the US?” If He asked, “Do you want to get married?” Would your response be, “Yes,” or, “There are no good, Christian men?” If Jesus asked if you want to be set free would you respond, “Yes,” or would your response be, “My pastor doesn’t have time for me?”

When you are in default mode you will not even take the opportunity to get well.

People who are in default mode, when asked if they want to get well, will always have an excuse. But thank Jesus He doesn’t take our excuses when we offer them! We can give Him an infinite amount of excuses, reasons, for why we can’t “get well” but even in the midst of all of those excuses Jesus can still deliver the cure, because the details of your circumstance really do not matter to Jesus. They do not stop His ability to heal. Jesus told the man to pick up his mat and walk and he did it despite his circumstances and excuses.

But the first step to getting free is to get real. We have this idea that we have to clean ourselves up first, that we have to make ourselves a candidate for the cure. This story of the man at the pool disproves that. This man didn’t put on his Sunday best and show up to church so that he qualified for his healing. No, Jesus came to him in his funk and He will come to you in yours because you are loved by Jesus despite everything that you do and you will never be able to fathom the extent of His Goodness in your life!

Some of you still don’t believe me because you have too much religion in your heart and not enough relationship with Jesus. Religion can only change your behavior, not your heart. You’re disqualifying yourself from the miracle because you think you haven’t done enough: you haven’t fasted enough, read His Word enough, you still have alcohol in your system, whatever it is. Let me rock your whole perspective on that: when asked who healed him, the former invalid didn’t even know Jesus’s name! Jesus wants to radically change your life before you even really know who He is! Now I do believe that belief is a prerequisite to a miracle, but sometimes in God’s goodness, even while we haven’t figured it all out, He just wants to overwhelm us with His goodness.

It is not your works that will heal you. Default mode has made you predictable. The enemy knows what you’re going to do next. He knew the invalid would just sit and wait by the pool just like he knows your default when life gets tough is to stress eat, down some alcohol, spend money you don’t have, etc. But thankfully God knows the x-factor: your destiny, your purpose. You want to get out of that predictable default mode, become unpredictable and reach your destiny? Actually do what Jesus is telling you to do! Do that early morning workout instead of hitting the snooze button five times! Invest in yourself so you can learn the skills that will get you a job that you actually love! Plant yourself and serve in your local church because #gafftapesaveslives and you are more likely to receive healing and freedom in serving than you are in a meeting with your pastor!

Lastly and most importantly: stop sinning. Healing the man at the pool of Bethesda was a miracle, but another miracle happens when Jesus tells you to stop sinning and you do it. Despite the fact that the miracle of walking and the miracle of stopping sinning require the same amount of obedience most Christians will believe in the miracle of walking, but not the miracle of being able to stop sinning. Yet the purpose of every miracle is, “Stop sinning.” Do not use your freedom to run back into the bowels of hell, back into default mode, but into the arms of your Savior.


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