

Nativity Scene

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

By | Holidays, Tough Questions | No Comments

Should Christians celebrate mainstream holidays like Christmas and Halloween?  I take a very hard-line stance against Halloween, which you can watch more about here, in my video with Jenny Weaver “You Should Know This Before Celebrating Halloween” and my video with Julie Lopez, “Former Witch Exposes Halloween.”  If you would like a deep dive into my theology behind this, these two videos give the long form of my beliefs about why Halloween is not for Christians.  

Accept, Reject, or Redeem

When it comes to evaluating whether or not we participate in something as believers, we have three options: accept, reject, or redeem. When you examine the roots of Halloween, it’s irredeemable.  We cannot redeem something evil, dark, murderous, and demonic.  In my view, Halloween is something that we as believers should reject. 

When I made a public stance on this, I had a great deal of support from the Christian community.  I even had a viral quote that said, “My favorite Halloween tradition is casting out demons.”  But my stance on Christmas is different.  Even though Christmas has pagan roots, the heart of the Christmas celebration is the celebration of the birth of our Savior.  

The Difference is the Heart

The difference between Halloween and Christmas is the heart and intention behind the holiday.  So I do celebrate Christmas.  I believe that Jesus was born of a virgin in Bethlehem.  I believe He lived a sinless, perfect life and was crucified and rose on the third day. Was Jesus born on December 25?  No, probably not.  Is there a historical Jewish celebration or feast that co-exists with Christmas?  Not necessarily.   Even though the holiday has pagan origins, historically it was decided that they would celebrate Christ on this day.  So, this is again an opportunity where we have the choice to accept, reject, or redeem. I believe this falls into the category of redeem.  

Don’t Take Christ From Christmas

The world twists the time of the year and tries to call it the “holiday season.” because they want to delete Christ from Christmas.  Therefore, I think the most important thing Christians can do right now is celebrate Christmas!  There is a big difference between Halloween, which is overtly dark and demonic, and Christmas, which ubiquitously celebrates Christ.  

Nativity SceneOf course, you can get caught up in materialism during Christmas, which would mean you’re missing the mark.  If the greatest gift that you give to your kids is a toy and not the gift of salvation through Jesus, you should re-evaluate how you celebrate.  

Approach Christmas With Intention

We celebrate Christ during Christmas!  The whole world is celebrating Christmas, so let’s use it as an opportunity to celebrate Christ. While the world makes it about materialism and the worship of money, as the people of God, let’s make it about generosity.  While the world makes it about family, Jesus said His family is the one who does the will of His father.  So don’t make it about physical family, make it about your spiritual family.  Don’t make it all about material gifts and neglect the great gift of salvation!  

Approach this Christmas with intention and redeem it!  Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Further Resources

📺Pastor Mike discusses this as a part of a Q&A in the video Real Pastor Answers Questions About the Spirit Realm

📺You Should Know This Before Celebrating Halloween

📺Former Witch Exposes Halloween

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