Many people are under the control of demonic entities that lie, manipulate, and deceive. These entities are called mind-binding spirits, and some refer to them as the octopus spirit. I’ve learned that demons find access points to invade human lives. Imagine a spirit that turns the head of someone and exercises control. This person, under the influence of an octopus spirit, doesn’t know why they do things they truly don’t want to do in their heart of hearts, but something is controlling them. For instance, many people deal with this type of spirit when it comes to perversion.
Pastor Mike Signorelli sat down to interview Jenny Weaver, founder of Core Group Mentorship, on the subject of marine spirits or octopus spirits.

Jenny Weaver
Where the Head Goes, The Body Goes
Jenny shared that demons have been studying humans for quite some time, and they know how to bring on an attack. Wherever the head goes, the body is going to go. So demons will get into the mind of a person as a way of controlling their bodies. This demon’s tentacle-like arms go into their ear gate to stop them from hearing the truth of the gospel. They go into the eye gate, controlling what they see, or the mouth gate, controlling what they speak. These octopus spirits control every aspect of people’s lives, from the way they sleep to the way they interact with their spouse.
If you cut off the tentacle of an octopus, it grows back. Therefore, you have to find the root. And if you don’t get to the root, it will continuously grow more fruit. You have fruit, but there’s a root somewhere. So mind-controlling spirits will try to get into the mind of a person because once they nest there, they have the person.
You Have The Mind of Christ
Philippians 2:5 says, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” God has given us an instruction. Our mind is supposed to match His mind; the mind that’s in Christ is supposed to be in you. You’re supposed to have God-like thoughts. You’re supposed to have your thoughts under the lordship of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
People are dealing with the spirit of insanity. They’re dealing with nonstop confusion. And they even know the truth of God. Some of them have received prophecy, some of them have had prophetic dreams. But then there’s double-mindedness because the mind of Christ is trying to compete with this demonic control. And what do they end up surrendering to almost every time? They resign themselves to the demonic. Maybe you’re heavily medicated, spending tens of thousands of dollars in therapy and nothing is changing.
The Root System
Here are some ways Jenny believes that people can come under the demonic influence of mind-controlling demons:
1. Secular music.
This is an open door for mind-controlling spirits because it sets your mind on the things of the world. The Bible says that those who walk after the Spirit set their mind on the things of the Spirit. But those who walk after the flesh set their mind on the things of the flesh, and they’ll go after those things. So when you’re listening to “Let’s get crunk,” or, “Twerk this, twerk that,” you’re opening up doors for these mind-binding spirits to come in.
2. Gossip.
People don’t even realize that gossiping is a sin. That isn’t a prayer request; it’s veiled gossip. That’s a sin.
3. Witchcraft.
Witchcraft isn’t identified by painting your nails black and wearing a witch hat over a cauldron. Witchcraft is identified by the acronym D.I.M. – domination, intimidation, and manipulation. The Bible talks about the works of the flesh, and it puts domination, intimidation, and manipulation in the category of bewitching and witchcraft.
4. Pharmakeia.
This is a Greek word used in the Bible that means “the use or the administering of drugs, poisoning, sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it.” I find that many people’s issues begin with recreational drug use. They open up these doorways that alter their mind. And even though there may be biological implications to what they’re suffering from, they need deliverance because it’s a spiritual issue.
Conclusion and Prayer
You can find freedom from marine spirits or octopus spirits today. But first, Jenny says, you need to surrender to Christ. You need to bend your knee to Him and come under the submission of God so that you can resist the devil, and he’ll flee. Pray this:
God, I’m turning away from [insert names of sins here]. I’m not going to participate in it any longer or be connected to it. God, I’m committing to you. I’m giving you my word. Lord, forgive me for I have not followed you the way that I need to. God, forgive where I have grown lukewarm or even cold in my walk with You. I used to be on fire, but I’m not on fire. I come to the end of myself today and I’m coming back to the heart of worship. I’m coming back to the foot of the cross. I thank you, Jesus, that you died for me. You rose again and you’re seated at the right hand of the Father. I submit my whole life to you now, every part of me, every relationship, I give you everything now, every single thing.
I command every mind-controlling demon to go to the pits of hell and never return again. I come for the very root of this thing and sever every tentacle, every other demon that is associated and has linked up with the mind-controlling demons. Go now in the name of Jesus as I submit myself fully to God. You must obey the word now and you must flee in the name of Jesus.
I have the mind of Christ. The peace of God will surround me and will guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus. I have a spirit of power, love, and of a sound and sober mind in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
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When I was very anointed and I had a witch stay in my house ,
I couldn’t think right and I would turn around and this person
Would be putting her fingers on her temples ..I would get up
When the Holy Spirit tell me and I found many leaning on my door
With there fingers to there head …it’s hits me only when I try to sleep
That was 18 years ago …