
Spiritual Warfare

Urgent Warning: Prophetic Events Unfolding in Israel and Beyond

By | Spiritual Warfare, The Prophetic | No Comments

As a pastor and apostolic voice, I feel compelled to share an urgent message about the events unfolding in Israel and around the world. We are witnessing prophecy come to life before our eyes, and it’s crucial that we understand the times we’re living in and how to respond as believers.

Breaking News from Israel: Missiles and Ground Attacks

I just received word from my dear friend and fellow minister, Pastor Josh Hamstra, who is currently in Tel Aviv, Israel. He reported that Iran has launched hundreds of missiles towards Tel Aviv and other parts of Israel. Even more alarming, there are reports of ground attacks by terrorists in Jaffa.

Pastor Josh is currently in a bomb shelter with many others, including women and children. The situation is dire, but he remains strong in his faith. He shared a powerful message: what may look like judgment is actually protection. God is using these circumstances to position His people for their divine assignments.

Global Superstorms and Economic Turmoil

While the situation in Israel is grabbing headlines, there are other significant events occurring simultaneously that we must pay attention to:

1. The National Hurricane Center has reported multiple new hurricane formations.
2. U.S. ports have gone on strike, potentially causing major supply chain disruptions.
3. There are reports of widespread cellular network outages across the United States.

These events, happening concurrently, point to a time of great shaking and upheaval. But as believers, we must remember that God is still in control and working all things for His purposes.

The Prophetic Significance of October

I recently shared a prophecy about the month of October being pivotal for those who operate in the spirit. We’re seeing this unfold in real-time. The plans of the enemy are being revealed openly, just as the Lord showed me.

But there’s more to this prophecy. Many believers will enter the “birthing room” by the end of October, stepping into their next assignment before the enemy can fully initiate his plans. Personal prophecies will come to pass, and great doors of opportunity will open for those who have remained faithful.

Preparing for What’s Ahead: Practical and Spiritual Steps

In light of these events, it’s crucial that we prepare ourselves both practically and spiritually. Here are some steps I encourage you to take:

1. Stock up on Essentials

While we don’t operate in fear, we do exercise wisdom. Consider stocking up on non-perishable food items, water, and other essential supplies. This isn’t about panic buying, but about being prepared to care for your family and potentially help others in need.

2. Strengthen Your Spiritual Foundation

Now more than ever, we need to be grounded in God’s Word and walking closely with Him. Make prayer and Bible study a daily priority. If you don’t already have a regular prayer routine, start one today.

3. Discover and Step into Your Purpose

Many of you are being called to step into new assignments in this season. Whether it’s starting an online ministry, launching a business, or serving your community in a new way, now is the time to act on what God has placed in your heart.

4. Spread the Gospel

In times of uncertainty, people are more open to hearing about the hope found in Jesus. Be bold in sharing your faith and leading others to Christ. This is our greatest calling and most important task in these last days.

Understanding the Times: A Black Swan Event?

Recently, there’s been talk of a potential “Black Swan” event – an unforeseen occurrence with significant, far-reaching consequences. While we can’t predict exactly what will happen, we must be vigilant and discerning.

As believers, our ultimate hope isn’t in any earthly leader or system, but in Jesus Christ. No matter what happens in the political realm or on the world stage, we know that God’s purposes will prevail.

The Remnant is Rising

Despite the challenges we’re facing, I’m filled with hope and excitement for what God is doing. The American church as we’ve known it may be declining, but the remnant – those truly sold out for Jesus – is rising up.

We’re seeing a separation of the wheat from the tares, the real from the fake. The power of God is increasing to meet the challenges of our time. Just as Elijah faced off against the prophets of Baal, we’re in a showdown with the forces of darkness. But we know who wins in the end!

A Call to Action: Join the End-Time Army

As we navigate these turbulent times, I want to invite you to join me in being part of God’s end-time army. Here are some ways you can get involved:

1. Subscribe to my channel and stay connected for updates and teachings.
2. Pre-order my new book, “Inherit Your Freedom,” which will equip you for the days ahead.
3. Consider becoming a monthly partner to support our ministry efforts around the world.
4. Join us for upcoming events, like the Breakers Conference in Chicago.

Remember, we’re not just spectators in these last days – we’re active participants in God’s plan. It’s time to rise up, step into our divine assignments, and be the light in a darkening world.

Closing Thoughts: Hope in the Midst of Chaos

As we wrap up, I want to leave you with a message of hope. Yes, the world may be in turmoil, but our God is greater than any storm, any threat, any challenge we may face. He has positioned us for such a time as this.

Just as Jonah emerged from the belly of the whale to fulfill his divine assignment, many of you are about to be thrust into your greatest purpose. What looks like darkness and uncertainty is actually God’s way of positioning you for your finest hour.

Stand firm in your faith. Stay alert and vigilant. And most importantly, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.

Let’s press on together, knowing that our labor in the Lord is not in vain. The best is yet to come for those who remain faithful to the end.

God bless you, and remember – no matter what happens, Jesus is Lord!

Preorder Pastor Mike’s new book, Inherit Your Freedom, on Amazon today!

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spiritual lethargy

Prophetic Word: Overcoming Spiritual Lethargy

By | Spiritual Warfare, The Prophetic | No Comments

Lately, I’ve noticed a concerning trend sweeping across our communities. Many people are experiencing unprecedented levels of exhaustion, lethargy, and what social media has dubbed “couch rot.” This phenomenon goes beyond mere physical tiredness – it’s a spiritual attack designed to keep God’s people from fulfilling their divine purpose. Today, I want to share a powerful word that the Lord gave me for many of you who are struggling with this very issue.

The Enemy’s Attack on Your Energy and Purpose

Let me be clear: I believe the enemy is actively attacking many people with extreme fatigue, passivity, and a lack of motivation. This attack is so potent that it’s defying logical explanations – even those with healthy diets and exercise routines are finding themselves inexplicably drained. If you’re nodding your head right now, know that this message is for you.

Recognizing the Spiritual Battle

The first step in overcoming this attack is recognizing it for what it is – a spiritual battle. The enemy knows your potential and is doing everything in his power to keep you sidelined. But here’s the good news: the very fact that you’re under such intense attack is a testament to the threat you pose to the kingdom of darkness.

God’s Call: From Hard to Impossible

Now, let me share something that might surprise you: God has not called you to do hard things. Stay with me here – I know your life might feel incredibly difficult right now, but that’s not the end of the story. God hasn’t called you to hard things; He’s called you to impossible things.

The Difference Between Hard and Impossible

Here’s the key distinction:
– Hard things require more effort
– Impossible things require more faith

God isn’t asking you to try harder. He’s inviting you to step into the realm of faith, where the impossible becomes possible through His power.

Preparing for Upheaval: The Coming Months

In the next couple of months, we’re facing a significant decision here in the United States. Without going into specifics, I can tell you that we’re headed for some level of chaos regardless of the outcome. But here’s the paradox – it’s precisely in these moments of upheaval that God often draws forth His people into their greatest purpose.

Historical Precedents of Purpose in Chaos

Consider these biblical examples:
– David needed Goliath’s taunts to step into his destiny
– Joseph required a famine to rise to leadership in Egypt
– Daniel faced Nebuchadnezzar’s idol to showcase his faith

Many of you are cursing the very situations that God has designed to propel you into your destiny. That job loss? It might just be God removing your false destiny to align you with your true calling.

From Lethargy to Purpose: Embracing the Impossible

The lethargy and tiredness you’re experiencing? It’s not just a physical issue – it’s a spiritual wake-up call. The enemy is trying to immobilize you because he’s afraid of what will happen when you fully step into your God-given purpose.

Understanding the Enemy’s Strategy

The devil knows how to read a seed. Just as a farmer can distinguish between apple and pear seeds, the enemy can see your potential before it’s fully realized. He’s attacking you now because he knows what you’re capable of becoming.

Preparing for Your Finest Hour

Believe it or not, you’re just months away from stepping into the greatest significance of your life. But to get there, you need to shift your perspective from doing hard things to embracing the impossible through faith.

The Role of “Inherit Your Freedom”

This is why I wrote my book, “Inherit Your Freedom.” It’s not just a book – it’s a playbook for navigating the turbulent times ahead and stepping into your divine purpose. The overwhelming response to this book (over 40,000 pre-orders after a single livestream) confirms to me that God is preparing His people for something big.

Overcoming Physical and Spiritual Attacks

I want to be transparent with you – I’m currently in the midst of a water-only fast because I’ve been experiencing unprecedented attacks on my physical body. The enemy hates when we step out in faith and see miracles happen. But this opposition is just further confirmation that we’re on the right track.

The Power of Prayer and Fasting

If you’re feeling under attack, I encourage you to join me in prayer and fasting. Let’s stand together against the enemy’s schemes and declare God’s victory over our lives.

A Prayer for Healing and Breakthrough

Father, I thank you right now for supernatural healing from the top of their heads down to the soles of their feet. I cancel every assignment of the enemy by the blood of the Lamb. I speak to every demon of infirmity and sickness, commanding them to loose their hold in Jesus’ name.

Lord, I thank you for supernatural energy and strength upon strength in their bodies. Rejuvenate and restore your people. For those struggling with sleep, I declare an increase in both quality and duration of rest.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Embracing God’s Call to the Impossible

As we wrap up, I want to leave you with this final thought: God did not call you to do hard things. The world does hard things. God called you to do the impossible. And here’s the beautiful truth – impossible things don’t require more work; they require more reliance on Him.

Steps to Stepping Into Your Purpose

1. Recognize the spiritual nature of your fatigue
2. Shift your focus from hard work to impossible faith
3. Trust God’s process, even in chaotic times
4. Prepare your mind, spirit, and emotions for what’s ahead
5. Stand firm against the enemy’s attacks through prayer and fasting
6. Lean into God’s strength, not your own

Conclusion: Your Time is Now

You are on the brink of your finest hour. The very opposition you’re facing is proof of the threat you pose to the enemy’s kingdom. Don’t shrink back – lean in. Trust God. And watch as He does the impossible through you.

Remember, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

The world is waiting for you to step into your God-given purpose. It’s time to inherit your freedom and become the answer to the confusion and chaos around us. Your greatest impact lies just ahead. Are you ready to embrace the impossible?

Preorder Pastor Mike’s new book, Inherit Your Freedom, on Amazon today!

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Soul Ties

The Truth About Soul Ties: What They Are and How to Break Them

By | Relationships, Spiritual Warfare, Tough Questions | No Comments

I’ve encountered many spiritual phenomena over the years, but few are as misunderstood and potentially harmful as soul ties. In this post, I want to share with you my experiences and insights on this critical spiritual concept. I’ll explain what soul ties are, how they form, and most importantly, how to break unhealthy ones that may be holding you back.

What Are Soul Ties?

Soul ties are spiritual connections that form between people. These connections can be powerful and long-lasting, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and even our spiritual well-being. While the term “soul tie” isn’t explicitly used in scripture, the concept is evident throughout the Bible.

I’ve seen firsthand the impact of soul ties during my ministry. In fact, I recently witnessed a dramatic example during a mass deliverance service in Southern Indiana. As I approached a young woman, I received a vivid spiritual vision. I saw dozens of umbilical cord-like connections attached to her back. Immediately, I knew these represented ungodly soul ties that needed to be severed.

Types of Soul Ties: Godly vs. Ungodly

It’s crucial to understand that not all soul ties are negative. In fact, God designed certain soul ties to be beneficial and in line with His purposes. Let’s explore the two main types of soul ties:

Godly Soul Ties

Godly soul ties are spiritual connections that align with God’s design and purposes. These ties can be incredibly positive, fostering deep relationships and spiritual growth. Some examples from scripture include:

1. Jacob and Benjamin: In the book of Genesis, we see a strong familial connection between Jacob and his son Benjamin.

2. David and Jonathan: Perhaps one of the most famous examples, 1 Samuel describes how the souls of David and Jonathan were “knit together.”

These godly soul ties serve important purposes in our lives, such as:

– Strengthening marriages
– Deepening friendships
– Facilitating mentorship
– Fostering unity within the church

Ungodly Soul Ties

Where there is God’s design, there is often Satan’s perversion. Ungodly soul ties are spiritual connections that form outside of God’s intended purposes. These ties can be damaging, creating unhealthy attachments and spiritual bondage.

Ungodly soul ties often form through:

– Sexual relationships outside of marriage
– Abusive relationships
– Unhealthy emotional dependencies
– Occult practices

The young woman I encountered in Indiana is a perfect example. I later learned from her pastor that she had worked in the sex industry for years. This lifestyle had created numerous ungodly soul ties that were spiritually oppressing her.

How Soul Ties Form

Understanding how soul ties form is crucial for recognizing their presence in our lives and knowing how to address them. Let’s look at some common ways these spiritual connections are established:

1. Sexual Intimacy

God designed sexual intimacy to create a powerful bond between a husband and wife. This is a beautiful example of a godly soul tie. However, when sexual activity occurs outside of marriage, it can create ungodly soul ties. These connections can linger long after the physical relationship has ended, causing emotional and spiritual turmoil.

2. Deep Emotional Bonds

Close friendships and mentoring relationships can create positive soul ties. However, unhealthy emotional dependencies or manipulative relationships can form ungodly ties that drain us spiritually and emotionally.

3. Vows and Agreements

The words we speak have power. When we make vows or enter into agreements, especially those that go against God’s will, we can inadvertently create ungodly soul ties.

4. Trauma and Abuse

Experiencing trauma or abuse, especially at the hands of someone close to us, can create unhealthy soul ties. These ties often keep us bound to the pain and the person who caused it, even years later.

5. Spiritual Practices

Engaging in occult practices or certain New Age spiritualities can open us up to forming ungodly soul ties with spiritual entities or even other people involved in these practices.

Signs of Ungodly Soul Ties

Recognizing the presence of ungodly soul ties in your life is the first step towards breaking free. Here are some common signs to watch for:

1. Obsessive thoughts about a person from your past
2. Difficulty moving on from a past relationship
3. Unexplained emotional turmoil
4. Recurring dreams about a specific person
5. Feeling spiritually oppressed or “stuck”
6. Inability to form healthy new relationships
7. Persistent feelings of shame or unworthiness

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s possible that ungodly soul ties are at work in your life. But don’t despair – there is hope and freedom available!

The Biblical Basis for Breaking Soul Ties

As we dive into the process of breaking ungodly soul ties, it’s important to ground our approach in scripture. While the term “soul tie” isn’t explicitly used in the Bible, the concept is clearly present.

1 Corinthians 6:16-17 (NIV) says, “Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, ‘The two will become one flesh.’ But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.”

This passage highlights the spiritual impact of sexual unions and the importance of being united with the Lord instead of ungodly connections.

Colossians 2:14 (NIV) tells us that Christ has “canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.”

This verse reminds us that through Christ, we have the power to break free from spiritual bondages, including ungodly soul ties.

How to Break Ungodly Soul Ties

Now that we understand what soul ties are and how they form, let’s discuss the process of breaking them. This is a spiritual battle, and we must approach it with the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). Here’s a step-by-step guide to breaking ungodly soul ties:

1. Confession

The first step is to confess the sin or situation that led to the ungodly soul tie. This means being honest with God about what happened. For example, you might say, “God, I confess that I had sex outside of marriage” or “Lord, I acknowledge that I formed an unhealthy emotional dependency on this person.”

1 John 1:9 (NIV) assures us, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

2. Repentance

Repentance goes beyond confession. It involves a genuine change of heart and a commitment to turn away from the sin or situation. This means making a firm decision not to repeat the behavior that led to the ungodly soul tie.

Acts 3:19 (NIV) encourages us, “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”

3. Renunciation

This is where the rubber meets the road in breaking ungodly soul ties. Renunciation involves verbally declaring your freedom from the ungodly connection. Remember, there is power in our words as believers.

Here’s an example of what this might sound like:

“In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce and break all ungodly soul ties formed with [person’s name] through [specific sin or situation]. I declare these ties severed and nullified by the blood of Jesus. I release [person’s name] to God and declare myself free from any ungodly influence or connection.”

4. Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a crucial part of the process, both for yourself and for the other person involved in the soul tie. This doesn’t mean excusing harmful behavior, but rather releasing the person to God and choosing not to hold onto bitterness or resentment.

Ephesians 4:32 (NIV) instructs us, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

5. Reclaiming Spiritual Territory

After breaking the ungodly soul tie, it’s important to reclaim that area of your life for God. This might involve dedicating your sexuality to God, committing to seek healthy relationships, or inviting the Holy Spirit to heal emotional wounds.

You could pray something like this:

“Heavenly Father, I invite You into every area of my life that was affected by this ungodly soul tie. Please heal my heart, renew my mind, and restore my spirit. I dedicate this part of my life to You and ask for Your guidance in forming healthy, godly connections moving forward.”

6. Ongoing Spiritual Maintenance

Breaking ungodly soul ties isn’t a one-time event – it’s an ongoing process of walking in freedom. Continue to guard your heart, mind, and spirit. Stay accountable to trusted spiritual mentors, and keep your focus on deepening your relationship with God.

The Power of Deliverance

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve witnessed the power of breaking ungodly soul ties during mass deliverance services. These events can be transformative, as people experience the tangible presence and power of God.

However, it’s important to remember that you don’t need to attend a special service to break ungodly soul ties. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you have been given authority to address these issues in your own life through prayer and the application of God’s Word.

Moving Forward in Freedom

Breaking ungodly soul ties is often just the beginning of a journey towards complete spiritual, emotional, and relational health. Here are some steps to help you maintain your freedom and grow in your faith:

1. Immerse yourself in scripture daily
2. Develop a consistent prayer life
3. Surround yourself with a supportive Christian community
4. Seek godly counsel when needed
5. Practice setting healthy boundaries in relationships
6. Pursue inner healing for any past traumas or wounds

Remember, the goal isn’t just to break free from ungodly ties, but to form healthy, godly connections that draw you closer to Christ and help you fulfill His purposes for your life.

Embracing Your Spiritual Freedom

Understanding and addressing ungodly soul ties is a critical part of walking in the fullness of what God has for you. By recognizing these unhealthy connections, taking steps to break them, and intentionally pursuing godly relationships, you can experience a new level of spiritual freedom and emotional well-being.

As you continue on this journey, remember the words of Galatians 5:1 (NIV): “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

You are not alone in this process. The Holy Spirit is with you, empowering you to break free from every ungodly soul tie and walk in the liberty that Christ has purchased for you. Embrace your freedom, and step into the abundant life God has prepared for you!

Preorder Pastor Mike’s new book, Inherit Your Freedom, on Amazon today!

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A Call for Unity and Reflection in the Body of Christ

By | Spiritual Warfare | No Comments

I feel compelled to address a deeply troubling incident that has shaken many of us to our core. Recently, there was an attack on Pastor Greg Locke’s family home, where shots were fired at his house, car, and even his daughter’s bedroom. This event has left me not just concerned, but righteously angry, and I believe it’s time for us as the body of Christ to have a serious conversation about our actions, words, and the spiritual implications of our behavior.

The Reality of Spiritual Warfare

Let me be clear: we are in a spiritual battle. The Bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. The enemy hates Greg Locke and his family, as he does all of God’s servants who are making an impact for the Kingdom. Regardless of personal opinions, thousands have come to Christ through Greg’s ministry, finding freedom from addiction and demonic oppression.

However, while we acknowledge the primary source of this attack as the enemy, we must also look inward at how we, as Christians, may be creating conditions that allow such violence to manifest.

The Danger of Toxic Discourse in Christian Circles

For months, I’ve been warning leaders in the body of Christ about the dangerous rhetoric I’ve observed, particularly in online spaces. The way some Christians talk about other believers, especially leaders, in comment sections and social media is deeply concerning. When I’ve brought this to the attention of some pastors, suggesting they correct and discipline such behavior, many brushed it off as insignificant.

But here’s the harsh truth: we are cooperating with demonic rhetoric when we engage in or allow such toxic discourse. When our conversations devolve into vitriolic, hateful speech about men and women of God, we activate a small percentage of mentally unstable individuals who may believe they’re justified in committing acts of violence.

Learning from Biblical Examples

We need to take a page from David’s book. Even when Saul was clearly in the wrong, David repented for even coming close to dishonoring him. He understood the gravity of spiritual authority and the anointing. We’re called to judge not, lest we be judged – meaning there are conditions and qualifications for how we should judge.

Unfortunately, we’ve normalized a culture of gossip, call-outs, and cancellations within the church. This level of hateful discourse is unprecedented. In previous decades, people kept their opinions to themselves or discussed them privately. Now, with the advent of social media and online platforms, negative opinions are broadcast widely, often without consideration of the consequences.

The Spiritual Root of Digital Assassination

What we’re witnessing is nothing short of digital assassination, or as my friend Apostle Alexander Pagani calls it, “digital lynching.” This behavior isn’t just harmful – it’s demonic. The spirit behind these attacks is the same one that crucified Christ and martyred the apostles. It’s just manifesting through words in our modern context.

We need to understand that when we engage in this kind of talk for years, it’s only a matter of time before it crosses over from the digital realm to the physical. The fruit of our words should be love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness – not violence.

A Call to Repentance and Responsibility

As leaders, we bear a significant responsibility. We are shepherds over God’s people, and if we’re discipling them in gossip, slander, and character assassination, that’s on us. We need to be bridge builders, with our words seasoned with salt, bringing healing and reconciliation.

I’m calling on every Christian, especially leaders, to repent. If you’ve ever put your mouth on a man or woman of God to speak ill of them, it’s time to ask for forgiveness. We need a Davidic moment where we say, “God, if I’ve dishonored in any way, let this start with me.”

The Power of Intercession and Prophecy

In the midst of this darkness, God is still speaking to His prophets. My 17-year-old daughter, who has a prophetic gift, had a vision and dream the night before the attack on the Locke family. She saw a house being shot at and was so affected that she declared Psalm 91 twice before going to sleep. When she woke up and saw the pictures Pastor Greg posted, she was shocked at the similarity.

This tells me that God was activating prayer warriors and intercessors on behalf of the Locke family even before the attack occurred. No weapon formed against us shall prosper, but that doesn’t mean weapons won’t be formed – it means they won’t ultimately succeed.

Getting Back to the Basics of Faith

We need to return to the fundamentals of our faith. Too many Christians are spending more time scrolling through social media than reading the Scriptures. The Bible washes us, conforms our minds to the Kingdom, convicts us, and shines a light on hidden areas of our lives. When we prioritize online content over God’s Word, we open ourselves up to deception and ungodly influence.

It’s time to ask ourselves: Are our ears garbage cans for gossip, or are they attuned to the voice of God? We can’t listen to both the voice of the Lord and the voices of those who spread division and strife.

A Time for Unity and Focusing on Our True Mission

Instead of criticizing and tearing down other believers, we should be focusing on winning the lost to Christ at any cost. How can we justify destroying others when Jesus came so that we might have life, and have it more abundantly? We need to cooperate with God’s plan for abundant life, not with the enemy’s agenda of death and destruction.

It’s telling that those who are quick to criticize fellow believers often don’t bring the same energy to opposing other belief systems that are clearly antithetical to Christianity. This reveals the spirit by which they’re operating.

Moving Forward in Faith and Love

Despite these challenges, I believe God is doing something powerful in this season. He’s raising up an army to break every chain, and the enemy is fighting back because he sees what’s coming. That’s why my recent book, “Inherit Your Freedom,” along with books by other ministers like Pastor Vlad, Isaiah Saldivar, and Alexander Pagani, are gaining traction even before their release.

We’re at a crucial juncture, and it’s time for the body of Christ to rise up, get equipped, and stand united against the schemes of the enemy. Let’s commit to being known not as critics, but as faithful Bible teachers, loving spouses and parents, and reconcilers in the body of Christ.

 A Prayer for Healing and Protection

As we move forward, let’s pray for the Locke family and all those who have been affected by this attack. Let’s pray for healing from trauma, protection from fear, and the cancellation of every assignment of the enemy. Most importantly, let’s pray that God will take what the enemy meant for harm and turn it around for good.

Remember, we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. As we stand together in faith and unity, we can overcome these attacks and see a powerful move of God in our generation. The enemy may be fighting, but an army is rising up, and we will not be silenced or deterred from our mission to spread the love and truth of Christ to a world in desperate need.

Preorder Pastor Mike’s new book, Inherit Your Freedom, on Amazon today!

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Someone reaching out for help

The Hidden Truth Behind Gen Z’s Mental Health Crisis: A Pastor’s Perspective

By | Spiritual Warfare, Tough Questions | No Comments

As a lead pastor who has conducted too many funerals, I’ve witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of mental health struggles, particularly among our youth. With suicide rates skyrocketing, especially in Gen Z, it’s clear that we need more than just religious programming – we need a genuine encounter with Jesus Christ. In this post, I’ll share insights from my recent conversation with Jacob Coyne about the mental health crisis facing our younger generations and how we can address it through faith, community, and understanding.

The Alarming Rise of Mental Health Issues in Gen Z

When I embarked on the Domino Revival tour, I was shocked to discover how many young people, including pastors’ children and church staff, were secretly contemplating suicide. This revelation led me to ask: How can we preach abundant life from the pulpit while our audience silently struggles with thoughts of ending their lives?

The root of this crisis lies in several factors:

  1. Lack of purpose and vision
  2. Societal pressures and expectations
  3. The impact of social media and digital culture
  4. Spiritual warfare and demonic influence

Addressing the Elephant in the Room: Suicide in the Church

Jacob Coyne, founder of  Stay Here, a mental health organization, emphasized the importance of openly discussing suicide and mental health issues in our churches. He shared a powerful statistic: “Four out of five teens struggling with suicidal thoughts will be honest about it if given the opportunity to confess.”

This highlights the crucial need for creating safe spaces within our congregations where people can openly share their struggles without fear of judgment or shame.

The Power of Vulnerability and Community

During our conversation, Jacob shared a poignant story about a pastor’s daughter who was planning to take her life but found hope through an altar call addressing suicide. This underscores the importance of bringing these topics into the light and providing opportunities for healing and connection.

As church leaders, we must:

  1. Regularly address mental health issues from the pulpit
  2. Provide resources and support for those struggling
  3. Create a culture of openness and acceptance
  4. Equip our congregation to recognize and respond to signs of mental distress

Understanding the Spiritual Battle Behind Mental Health

While it’s essential to address the psychological and social aspects of mental health, we can’t ignore the spiritual dimension. Jacob pointed out that suicidal thoughts often have a demonic component, as they go against our natural instinct for self-preservation.

However, it’s crucial to approach this topic with wisdom and balance. Not every mental health struggle is demonic, and we must be careful not to stigmatize those who are suffering.

The Holistic Approach to Mental Health and Healing

As we discussed during the broadcast, addressing mental health requires a multi-faceted approach:

  • Spiritual warfare and deliverance
  • Biblical counseling and therapy
  • Physical health and wellness (diet, exercise, sleep)
  • Community support and accountability

I shared my personal experience of dealing with depression and trauma, emphasizing that healing often requires a combination of spiritual, emotional, and physical interventions.

The Role of Scripture and Sound Doctrine

One of the key points we touched on was the importance of grounding our faith in sound doctrine and a deep understanding of Scripture. I shared my own journey from preaching at 15 to becoming an atheist, and how a solid theological foundation ultimately brought me back to faith.

For Gen Z, who are seeking authenticity and truth, it’s crucial that we provide:

  • In-depth Bible teaching
  • Apologetics and rational foundations for faith
  • Opportunities to wrestle with difficult questions
  • A faith that engages both the heart and the mind

Breaking the Cycle of Negative Thinking

During our conversation, we discussed the power of our thoughts and words. The Bible tells us that “life and death are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21), and this is particularly relevant when it comes to mental health.

As leaders and mentors, we need to help our youth recognize negative thought patterns, replace lies with biblical truth, speak life over themselves and others, and cultivate a positive, faith-filled mindset

The Impact of Culture and Media on Mental Health

We can’t ignore the influence of popular culture and media on our young people’s mental health. From music lyrics to social media, Gen Z is constantly bombarded with messages that can reinforce feelings of hopelessness and despair.

As a church, we need to educate our youth about media discernment.  We also need to provide positive alternatives and role models and engage with culture in a way that brings light and hope.  We also must equip families to have meaningful conversations about these issues

Hope for the Future: A Prophetic Generation Rising

Despite the challenges, I believe that Gen Z has a unique calling and purpose. As we discussed during the broadcast, there’s a prophetic anointing on this generation that the enemy is trying to snuff out through mental health struggles.

But as the darkness increases, so does the potential for light. We’re seeing a hunger for authenticity, truth, and genuine encounters with God among our youth. This gives me hope that we’re on the cusp of a powerful move of God that will bring healing and restoration to this generation.

Practical Steps for Churches and Individuals

As we wrap up, I want to offer some practical steps that churches and individuals can take to address the mental health crisis:

  • Create safe spaces for open discussions about mental health
  • Offer regular training for leaders and congregation members on recognizing and responding to mental health issues
  • Develop partnerships with Christian counselors and mental health professionals
  • Implement mentoring programs that pair older believers with younger ones
  • Encourage a culture of vulnerability and authenticity within the church
  • Provide resources and support for families dealing with mental health challenges
  • Regularly pray for and minister to those struggling with mental health issues

A Call to Action

The mental health crisis facing Gen Z is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted response. As the body of Christ, we have a unique opportunity and responsibility to offer hope, healing, and purpose to a generation in desperate need.

Let’s commit to breaking the silence surrounding mental health, creating environments where people can find true freedom in Christ, and equipping our youth with the tools they need to overcome. Together, we can see a generation rise up that not only survives but thrives, fulfilling their God-given destiny and bringing revival to our world.

Remember, if you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. You are loved, valued, and have a purpose. Choose to stay, choose to live, and let’s believe together for a brighter future.

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The Sonya Massey Shooting: A Spiritual and Law Enforcement Perspective

By | Current Events, Demons, Spiritual Warfare | No Comments

In recent days, a tragic incident has captured national attention and sparked important conversations about police conduct, racial dynamics, and even spiritual warfare. The shooting death of Sonya Massey by a sheriff’s deputy in her own home has raised numerous questions and concerns. As a lead pastor committed to addressing challenging issues through a biblical lens, I recently sat down with Edwin Perez, a retired NYPD officer and fellow pastor at V1 Church, to discuss this event from both a law enforcement and spiritual perspective.

Understanding the Sonya Massey Incident: A Brief Overview

For those unfamiliar with the case, Sonya Massey called the police to her home, reporting concerns about a potential prowler. What should have been a routine call ended in tragedy when Massey was fatally shot by one of the responding officers. The incident was captured on body camera footage, allowing for public scrutiny of the events that transpired.

As we began our discussion, I emphasized the importance of addressing this issue: “Now, why are pastors talking about this? Not only is there a racial component, but also a supernatural one. There is a conversation unfolding right now on TikTok among Gen Z, and we’re going to look at some of the posts and comments about demons.”

Law Enforcement Protocol: What Should Have Happened?

Given Pastor Edwin Perez’s background in law enforcement, I asked him to provide insights into proper police procedures in situations like this. He explained:

“Depending on the nature of the call, it doesn’t seem like it was clear. But at that point, she gave all of the responses that were enough to say, okay, this scene is done with. So it should have really stopped right there.”

Perez went on to express confusion about why the officers continued to press the issue and ultimately entered Massey’s home: “I don’t even know what the rationale was. There’s not enough reasonable suspicion to go into the person’s house, especially if that individual is the 9-1-1 caller and making the claim.”

Escalation of Force: Examining the Officer’s Actions

As we delved deeper into the incident, we discussed the concerning escalation of force used by the officer. Perez highlighted several issues with the officer’s tactics:

1. Poor initial approach: “Even from the beginning of him going into the home, there are poor tactics. She’s allowed to go into her purse.”

2. Skipping levels of force: “As a police officer, we have certain use of deadly physical force, but there are certain levels that you go to. It seems that particular, this officer disregarded all the other levels and just went right for the deadly physical force.”

3. Improper use of lethal force: “I know from my training, I can’t speak to Illinois, but I know for New York City, we are trained to shoot center mass, so there is no shooting in the head.”

The Spiritual Component: Discernment and Demonic Influence

While the racial and procedural aspects of this case are significant, our conversation took an unexpected turn as we explored the spiritual implications being discussed online, particularly among Gen Z viewers on TikTok.

I shared some of the comments I had observed:

“She saw the devil in that man.”

“I don’t really believe in demons and stuff like that, but that video has me questioning.”

This led us to consider the possibility of demonic influence in such extreme acts of violence. As a pastor, I believe it’s crucial to address the spiritual realm when discussing events that seem to defy rational explanations.

Rebuking in Jesus’ Name: A Moment of Spiritual Discernment?

One of the most striking aspects of the incident was Massey’s use of spiritual language just before she was shot. I explained:

“She has the pot of boiling water, and then there’s this dialogue back and forth almost. And it seems as if the cop takes it as a provocation, but she says, I rebuke you in Jesus’ name.”

This moment has sparked significant discussion online, with many viewers, even those who don’t typically believe in the supernatural, questioning whether Massey sensed a spiritual threat.

I read a particularly poignant comment from TikTok:

“I am not religious. But for her to say, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus with no weapon, multiple feet away from the officer, and him immediately saying, you better effing not, I swear, I’ll shoot you in the effing face. And drawing his gun with intent to kill her makes me truly believe that she did see and felt evil in him.”

The Aftermath: Failure to Render Aid

Beyond the shooting itself, Perez pointed out another disturbing aspect of the incident – the officer’s failure to attempt any life-saving measures:

“The Illinois state law for whenever something like this happens, actually says, when the use of force by an officer causes injury to another, the officer will evaluate the subject’s physical condition and render first aid and request emergency medical assistance as soon as practical and safe to do so. The fact that he didn’t even do that was already against what he was taught in the academy.”

This disregard for established protocol further underscores the problematic nature of the officer’s actions throughout the encounter.

Spiritual Warfare: Recognizing the Battle

As we concluded our discussion, I emphasized the importance of recognizing the spiritual battle that underlies many of the conflicts we see in society:

“According to the book of Ephesians, we are in a spiritual battle. And there are not three teams. It’s not God, the devil, and us. It is we either choose we are 100% with Jesus Christ, or you are by default 100% with the devil.”

This perspective challenges us to look beyond surface-level explanations and consider the spiritual forces at work in situations of extreme violence and injustice.

A Wake-Up Call: Demons, God, and Spiritual Reality

While the Sonya Massey shooting is undoubtedly a tragedy, I believe God can use even the darkest moments to awaken people to spiritual realities. I shared my hope for how this incident might impact a generation:

“This to me is awakening a generation to the possibility that demons are real. And if demons are real, then that means God is real. And so I believe that God will take a tragedy like this that seems to have no meaning at all. And out of that cause people to open up the door to the possibility of the demonic, which would then lead to the next door, which is the angelic and God.”

Praying for Healing and Awakening

In light of this tragic event and its potential spiritual implications, I led a prayer for Sonya Massey’s family, our nation, and those who may be struggling with demonic influence:

“Heavenly Father, I pray right now for the United States of America as we prepare for Sonya Massey’s funeral. Lord, that in the midst of this, you would open the eyes of a generation to see that the spiritual realm is real. And Father, I thank you that You’re bringing freedom through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.  We thank You that even in the midst of these things that don’t make any sense, You can still get purpose from them. I pray for healing. I pray for restoration and peace in the midst of these difficult times. In Jesus name, amen.”

Finding Freedom and Deliverance

For those who resonated with the spiritual aspects of our discussion, I want to emphasize that there is hope and freedom available through Jesus Christ. If you find yourself struggling with dark impulses or sensing an evil presence in your life, know that deliverance is possible.

Our ministry regularly helps hundreds of people find freedom from spiritual bondage. We offer prayer support and ministry resources to those seeking to break free from demonic influence and find peace in Christ.

A Call for Awareness and Action

The Sonya Massey shooting serves as a stark reminder of the complex issues facing our society – from racial tensions and police conduct to the often-overlooked spiritual dimensions of human behavior.

As we approach turbulent times, including an upcoming election and increasing social division, let us not lose sight of the potential for revival and awakening. By acknowledging both the natural and supernatural forces at work in our world, we can better equip ourselves to be agents of positive change and bearers of God’s light in dark places.

I encourage you to share this message with others who may be seeking understanding or struggling with their own spiritual battles. Together, we can work towards a society that is both just and spiritually aware, guided by the love and truth of Jesus Christ.

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The Power of the Blood: 7 Ways to Break Demonic Curses and Find Freedom

By | Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare | No Comments

As a pastor and deliverance minister, I’ve witnessed countless lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Today, I want to share with you a powerful message about the blood of Jesus and how it can break demonic curses in your life. This teaching is based on a recent sermon I delivered, and I believe it will revolutionize your understanding of spiritual warfare and deliverance.

The Spiritual Battle We Face

Before we dive into the specifics of how the blood of Jesus breaks curses, it’s crucial to understand the nature of the spiritual battle we’re engaged in. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

This battle is real, and it’s happening all around us. The enemy is constantly seeking to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). But here’s the good news: Jesus has already won the victory on the cross, and His blood is the key to our freedom.

The Seven Sheddings of Jesus’ Blood

In the Old Testament, we see that the blood of sacrificial animals was sprinkled seven different ways. This foreshadowed the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Let’s explore the seven ways Jesus shed His blood and how each one brings freedom and deliverance:

1. Gethsemane: Freedom from Anxiety and Fear

In Luke 22:44, we read that Jesus sweat drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane. This represents His internal struggle and the immense pressure He faced. When we apply the blood of Jesus to our minds, we can find freedom from anxiety, fear, and mental torment.

Prayer point: Place your hand on your mind and declare, “Anxiety, go in Jesus’ name. Fear, loose my mind in Jesus’ name. I plead the blood over my mind.”

2. The Crown of Thorns: Complete Mental Freedom

Matthew 27:29 describes how a crown of thorns was placed on Jesus’ head. This caused His blood to flow 360 degrees around His head, symbolizing complete mental freedom. No area of your mind is beyond the reach of Christ’s healing power.

Declare: “I receive complete mental freedom through the blood of Jesus.”

3. The High Priest’s House: Healing from Church Hurt

In Mark 14:65, we see Jesus bleeding at the high priest’s house. This provision addresses the pain and hurt many have experienced within the church. If you’ve been wounded by leaders or fellow believers, know that Jesus made a way for your healing.

Prayer: “Lord, I release forgiveness for those who have hurt me in the church. I receive your healing for church hurt.”

4. The Plucking of His Beard: Strength to Endure Rejection

Isaiah 50:6 prophesied that the Messiah’s beard would be plucked out. This painful experience represents the rejection Jesus faced. Through His blood, we can find the strength to endure rejection and remain faithful to our calling.

Declare: “I am unoffendable because I am crucified with Christ. Rejection has no power over me.”

5. Scourging by Pilate: Freedom in the Political Arena

John 19:1 recounts how Jesus was scourged by Pilate, a political leader. This shedding of blood provides us with favor and freedom in the realm of government and politics. We can influence our society for God’s kingdom.

Prayer: “Lord, give me favor with leaders and authorities. Use me to bring Your kingdom influence into the political sphere.”

6. Nails in His Hands and Feet: Redemption of Our Actions

Psalm 22:16 prophetically describes the piercing of Jesus’ hands and feet. This blood redemption transforms our actions. What was once used for sin can now be used for God’s glory.

Declare: “My hands and feet are redeemed by the blood of Jesus. I use them to advance God’s kingdom.”

7. The Spear in His Side: Continual Cleansing and Renewal

John 19:34 tells us that blood and water flowed from Jesus’ side when pierced with a spear. This dual flow represents both permanent cleansing (blood) and daily renewal (water). We can walk in purity and freshness every day.

Prayer: “Thank You, Jesus, for Your blood that cleanses me once and for all, and for Your Spirit that renews me daily.”

Breaking the Power of Addiction and Demonic Bondage

One of the most powerful moments in our service came when people began bringing forward their drugs, alcohol, and paraphernalia. This act of surrender opened the door for true deliverance. If you’re struggling with addiction, know that the blood of Jesus is more powerful than any substance or demonic stronghold.

Key truth: The blood of Jesus provides a greater “high” than any counterfeit comfort the enemy offers.

Steps to Freedom:

1. Acknowledge your need for deliverance
2. Surrender the addictive substances or behaviors to God
3. Renounce any agreements made with the enemy
4. Receive the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood
5. Walk in the newfound freedom, relying on the Holy Spirit’s strength

The Importance of Forgiveness in Deliverance

Unforgiveness is one of the main footholds the enemy uses to maintain control in our lives. Jesus’ blood provides the power to forgive even the deepest hurts and offenses. When we forgive, we break the chains that bind us to our past and open the door for complete deliverance.

Prayer for forgiveness: “Lord, I choose to forgive (name the person) for (specific offense). I release them and myself from the bondage of unforgiveness. I receive Your forgiveness and healing in exchange.”

Activating the Gifts of the Spirit

As we experience deliverance and freedom through the blood of Jesus, we’re also empowered to walk in the gifts of the Spirit. The same power that breaks chains also equips us for ministry. Here are some of the gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:

– Prophecy
– Healing
– Words of wisdom and knowledge
– Discerning of spirits
– Speaking in tongues
– Interpretation of tongues

If you haven’t received the baptism of the Holy Spirit or the gift of tongues, simply ask God to fill you afresh. Open your mouth in faith and begin to speak, trusting that the Holy Spirit will give you utterance.

Testimonies of Healing and Deliverance

Throughout our service, we witnessed numerous healings and deliverances. People were set free from chronic illnesses, addictions, and demonic oppression. Here are a few examples:

– Neuropathy healed
– Tumors and cysts dissolved
– Mental health conditions improved
– Addictions broken instantly

Remember, these miracles aren’t limited to a church service. The same power is available to you right now as you read this blog post. Reach out in faith and receive your healing and deliverance.

The Power of Agreement in Prayer

One powerful moment in our service was when we had people FaceTime their sick friends and family members. We joined our faith together and prayed for healing, even for those who weren’t physically present. This demonstrates the power of agreement in prayer (Matthew 18:19-20).

Action step: Find a prayer partner or join a prayer group to increase your faith and effectiveness in intercession.

Becoming a Vessel for God’s Power

As we conclude, I want to emphasize that God is calling you to be more than just a recipient of His power. He wants to use you as a vessel to bring deliverance and healing to others. Here are some steps to prepare yourself:

1. Stay filled with the Holy Spirit through prayer and worship
2. Study and meditate on God’s Word
3. Practice using the gifts of the Spirit
4. Be willing to step out in faith and minister to others
5. Maintain a lifestyle of holiness and surrender

Conclusion: Walking in Freedom and Power

The blood of Jesus is our ultimate weapon against the enemy’s schemes. Through His seven-fold shedding of blood, we have access to complete freedom and victory in every area of life. As you apply these truths and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, you’ll experience a new level of authority and effectiveness in spiritual warfare.

Remember, the same Jesus who set captives free 2,000 years ago is alive and active today. His blood has not lost its power. Whether you need deliverance from addiction, healing from sickness, or activation in the gifts of the Spirit, it’s all available to you through the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

I encourage you to take some time now to reflect on what you’ve read. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas where you need to apply the blood of Jesus. Then, step out in faith and begin to walk in the freedom and power that is rightfully yours as a child of God.

Let’s pray:

“Heavenly Father, thank You for the powerful blood of Jesus that cleanses, delivers, and empowers us. I apply the blood of Jesus to every area of my life right now. Break every chain, heal every wound, and activate Your gifts within me. I choose to walk in freedom and authority, bringing Your kingdom wherever I go. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Now, go forth in the power of the Holy Spirit, knowing that you are covered by the blood of Jesus. The enemy is under your feet, and greater things are yet to come!

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Stop Explaining Yourself to Demons: The Power of Silence in Spiritual Warfare

By | Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare | No Comments

As a pastor and spiritual leader, I’ve encountered countless situations where believers find themselves trapped in cycles of explanation and justification. Today, I want to share a powerful revelation that could transform your spiritual walk: Stop explaining yourself to demons.

The Trap of Casting Pearls Before Swine

Matthew 7:6 warns us, “Do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample you.” Many of us quote this verse without considering its full implications. The consequence isn’t just being misunderstood – it’s being trampled. Some of you keep getting trampled by people you’re explaining yourself to. It’s not just that you’re misunderstood; you’re being fought and physically hurt by them.

The devil will often solicit you to explain yourself, and then use those very explanations against you. It’s a spiritual trap designed to keep you in bondage and exhaust you emotionally.

Recognizing Demons in Human Form

One of the most challenging aspects of spiritual warfare is recognizing that we’re not always dealing with people, but with demons using human bodies as vessels. You might think you’re talking to family members or coworkers, but you’re actually having full-blown conversations with demons who have used their physical body as a vehicle to sabotage your next level.

This is why it’s crucial to develop spiritual discernment. Not every conversation is what it appears to be on the surface.

The Power of Silence in Spiritual Warfare

Some of you need to embrace this truth: Silence is a statement. In our eagerness to explain ourselves, we often forget that silence can be more powerful than words.

Remember, everything you say can and will be used against you in the court of heaven. This is the time to say less but to do more. Walk it out. Don’t talk about it. Don’t explain it. Don’t look for their affirmation. If the Lord told you to do it, do it.

Breaking Unhealthy Soul Ties

Many believers struggle with unhealthy soul ties – spiritual connections that bind us to people, places, or things in ways that hinder our spiritual growth. These soul ties can be formed through various means, including:

1. Inappropriate sexual relationships
2. Emotional dependencies
3. Unhealthy spiritual affiliations

To break free from these ties, we need to:

1. Recognize the unhealthy connection
2. Repent for any sin involved in forming the tie
3. Renounce the connection in Jesus’ name
4. Release forgiveness to those involved
5. Receive God’s healing and restoration

Remember, physical intimacy produces spiritual soul ties. This is why God’s design for sexual relationships is within the covenant of marriage.

The Danger of Secondhand Offense

One of the most insidious ways the enemy works is through secondhand offense. Some of you are in bondage to someone else’s misinterpretation or offense. You’ve become infected by getting too close to emotionally and spiritually sick people.

Just as you wouldn’t get close to someone with a contagious physical illness, you need to be cautious about who you allow to influence you spiritually and emotionally.

Shifting from Moses to Joshua: Embracing Decisive Action

In the Bible, we see a stark contrast between Moses’ leadership style and Joshua’s. Moses often found himself explaining and justifying to the people, which led to exhaustion. Joshua, on the other hand, took decisive action based on God’s commands, regardless of popular opinion.

Some of you need to shift from constantly explaining yourself like Moses to executing God’s will like Joshua. It’s time to stop dragging people with you who can’t go where God is calling you to go.

Unity in Christ

Acts 2 describes the disciples gathered in the upper room, in one mind and one accord. This unity was crucial for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. However, not everyone can be part of your upper room experience.

Some people in your life may not be committed to unity or to fulfilling Christ’s prayer that we would be one. It’s okay to recognize this and adjust your relationships accordingly.

Practical Steps to Move in Silence

1. Redirect your words: Instead of explaining to people, talk to God.
2. Set healthy boundaries: You don’t have to entertain every conversation, even with family.
3. Fast from social media: Reduce your exposure to others’ offenses and drama.
4. Study the Word: Ground yourself in Scripture rather than others’ opinions.
5. Pray in tongues: Utilize this spiritual gift to communicate mysteries to God.

A Prayer to Break Free from Explanations

If you’re ready to break free from the cycle of explanation and embrace the power of silence, join me in this prayer:

“Heavenly Father, I thank you for this revelation. I forgive those who have misunderstood or misjudged me. I release the offense and bitterness. I sever every ungodly soul tie. I bind every monitoring spirit, every spirit of pride and haughtiness, every spirit of Leviathan, every spirit of divination, witchcraft, and mind control in the name of Jesus.

I command these spirits to go to the abyss, to outer darkness now in Jesus’ name, never to return. Father, cancel every assignment of strife in my life by the blood of Jesus. Release joy and peace that surpass all understanding to cover me and my home.

Lord, teach me to be a student of your Word, to hear your prophetic words but not to share them carelessly. Help me move in silence and power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Embracing Your Identity as a Breaker

God has called many of you to be breakers in this generation – those who break chains, break through obstacles, and break demonic powers. As a breaker, you may often feel out of place in old environments and relationships. That’s okay. You’re not called to fit in; you’re called to break through.

Remember, what you feed grows, and what you starve dies. By embracing silence and redirecting your words to God, you’re starving the enemy’s plans and feeding your spiritual growth.

I encourage you to download the Breakers mobile app for free training in deliverance, healing, evangelism, and supernatural ministry. And if you’re able, join us at the Breakers Conference in Chicago this October.

Let’s commit to moving in silence, power, and purpose. The enemy may have overplayed his hand, but God is raising up an army of breakers who will not be silenced or sidelined. Will you join us?

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The Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump – A Spiritual Perspective

By | Current Events, Spiritual Warfare | No Comments

As a pastor and spiritual leader, I felt compelled to address the recent shocking events that unfolded at a Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The assassination attempt on the former president has sent shockwaves through the nation. In this blog post, I’ll break down what happened, explore the spiritual implications, and discuss why this event may be a crucial turning point for our nation.

What We Know So Far

Just moments ago, during a rally in Pennsylvania, former President Donald Trump appeared to have been shot. Eyewitnesses report hearing a loud pop, followed by Trump grabbing his ear and quickly dropping to the ground. When he emerged, surrounded by Secret Service agents, blood was visible on his face and ear.

While details are still emerging, this incident represents a significant escalation in the political tensions gripping our nation. As of now, it seems that Trump is safe, but the implications of this event are far-reaching.

The Spiritual Battle Behind the Headlines

As Christians, we must understand that what we’re witnessing is not merely a political struggle. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12 that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

This assassination attempt, if confirmed, is a manifestation of a much deeper spiritual battle raging in the heavenly realms. We must open our eyes to discern what’s really happening behind the scenes.

Prophetic Warnings Coming to Pass

It’s worth noting that several respected prophetic voices in the body of Christ, including Perry Stone and Joseph Z, had recently warned of potential attempts on Trump’s life. This incident serves as a sobering reminder of the accuracy of modern-day prophecy and the importance of heeding these warnings.

As believers, we must stay attuned to what the Holy Spirit is saying through His prophets in these tumultuous times.

The Significance of Trump as a Target

We must ask ourselves: Why is Trump such a threat that someone would attempt to assassinate him? What does he represent that poses such a danger to certain powers and principalities?

While I’m not endorsing any political candidate, it’s crucial to understand the spiritual implications of Trump’s policies and positions, particularly regarding issues like support for Israel, pro-life stance, religious freedom, and traditional values.

These positions align with biblical principles and directly challenge many of the demonic agendas at work in our society today.

Discerning the Times: A Call to Spiritual Awareness

Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their inability to discern the signs of the times (Matthew 16:3). As His followers, we must not make the same mistake. This incident is a wake-up call for the body of Christ to:

1. Increase our prayer and intercession
2. Develop greater spiritual discernment
3. Prepare for intensified spiritual warfare
4. Stand firm in our faith and biblical values

The Battle Against Deception and Confusion

One of the hallmarks of satanic activity is deception. We’re living in an era where, as Isaiah 5:20 warns, “evil is called good and good is called evil.” This confusion is evident in many areas of society, including gender identity issues, moral relativism, redefinition of marriage and family, and attacks on religious freedom.

As believers, we must stand firm on the truth of God’s Word and not be swayed by the spirit of deception running rampant in our culture.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and Demonic Influence

A particularly concerning development is the increasing use of AI bots to manipulate public opinion. We’ve recently seen reports of Russia deploying AI bots across social media platforms to sway conversations and shape narratives.

This technological advancement presents a new frontier in spiritual warfare. Many believers may unknowingly be engaging with demonic forces masquerading as human opinions online. We must exercise extreme caution and discernment in our digital interactions.

A Call to Prayer and Intercession

In light of these events, I believe God is calling His people to a renewed focus on prayer and intercession. We must:

1. Pray for the safety and protection of our leaders, regardless of political affiliation
2. Intercede for our nation, asking God for mercy and revival
3. Pray for the exposure of hidden agendas and demonic schemes
4. Ask God for increased discernment and wisdom for His people

The Power of Unity in the Body of Christ

Jesus prayed for the unity of believers in John 17. In these divisive times, it’s more important than ever that we come together as the body of Christ. We must:

  • Focus on our shared faith in Christ
  • Avoid unnecessary divisions over non-essential issues
  • Love one another, even when we disagree
  • Present a united front against the forces of darkness

Preparing for Revival and Harvest

Despite the darkness we see, I believe God is preparing His church for a great revival and harvest of souls. We must stay alert and watchful.  We need to be ready to share the gospel at all times.  It’s important to cultivate a lifestyle of prayer and fasting and operate in the gifts of the Spirit, including prophecy and discernment.

The Importance of Spiritual Disciplines

In these challenging times, it’s crucial that we strengthen our spiritual lives through:

  • Regular Bible study and meditation
  • Consistent prayer and intercession
  • Fasting and self-denial
  • Active participation in a local church body

A Time for Bold Faith and Action

As we navigate these perilous times, God is calling His people to rise up with bold faith and decisive action. We must speak truth in love, even when it’s unpopular.
It is vital that we stand firm on biblical principles.  We need to be willing to suffer for our faith if necessary.  And we must trust in God’s sovereignty and ultimate victory.

A Pivotal Moment in History

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump marks a significant turning point in our nation’s history. As believers, we must recognize the spiritual implications of this event and respond accordingly.

Let us not be caught unaware or unprepared. Instead, let’s rise to the occasion, standing firm in our faith, interceding for our nation, and shining as lights in an increasingly dark world.

Remember, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31). No matter what challenges we face, our hope remains secure in Christ. Let us move forward with confidence, knowing that ultimate victory belongs to our Lord.

Will you join me in praying for our nation, for discernment, and for a great outpouring of God’s Spirit in these last days? The time is short, but our God is mighty. Let’s make every moment count for His kingdom.

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