
New Age

From Darkness to Light: Ex-Witches and LGBT Individuals Share Their Journey to Christ

By | Deliverance, Demons, New Age | No Comments

I’ve had the privilege of witnessing countless lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Recently, I sat down with three remarkable individuals who have powerful testimonies of leaving behind witchcraft and LGBT lifestyles to follow Jesus. In this blog post, we’ll explore their journeys and the profound truths they’ve discovered along the way.

Meet Our Guests

Before we dive into their stories, let me introduce you to our guests:

1. Naela Rose: An ex-blood witch who had a radical face-to-face encounter with Jesus
2. Richard (Richie): Came out of the LGBT lifestyle and now hosts the Redempt1on Podcast
3. Angela Scafidi: A former New Age practitioner and host of the “Heaven and Healing” podcast

Each of these individuals has a unique story of transformation, but they all share one thing in common: the life-changing power of Jesus Christ.

The Dark Reality of Blood Witchcraft

Naela’s story is particularly striking. As a former blood witch, she was deeply involved in occult practices that centered around the use of blood in rituals and spells. She explains:

“I was obsessed with blood. I mean, I was doing witchcraft and magic and spells with blood daily, and that was my life. I could manifest anything I wanted. I manifested my relationship with my ex. I manifested my house. I manifested the money I wanted, all using blood spells.”

This shocking revelation highlights the very real and dangerous nature of occult practices. Naela emphasizes that while these practices seemed to “work” in the short term, they came at a terrible cost:

“The devil will give you whatever you want, but of course you pay with your soul.”

The Counterfeit Gospel of the New Age Movement

Angela, a former New Age practitioner, sheds light on the deceptive nature of New Age spirituality. She explains how practices like yoga, astrology, and “womb magic” are actually counterfeits of true spiritual power.

Naela shared:

“There’s a whole movement called womb work and womb wisdom in the new age where women like me who were yoga teachers and who worshiped the goddess and the creation and the stars and just misplaced worship and devotion, the devil has used that to make these women obsessed with blood.”

This misplaced worship and fascination with blood rituals is a perversion of the true power found in the blood of Jesus Christ. As Christians, we understand that only the blood of Jesus has the power to cleanse, redeem, and give eternal life.

The Empty Promises of the LGBT Lifestyle

Richard shares his perspective on coming out of the LGBT lifestyle. He emphasizes the cyclical nature of constantly seeking identity and fulfillment:

“I see a lot of people, they get older. They’re not saying that marriage is called for everyone, but people who are older and they’re just so sad and oppressed, and then they start grooming other young men because they want that emotional or some kind of connection.”

This cycle of searching for identity and fulfillment outside of God’s design ultimately leads to emptiness and despair. Richard’s testimony highlights the freedom found in surrendering to Christ and finding one’s true identity in Him.

The Power of Surrender: Finding True Identity in Christ

A common theme among all three guests is the transformative power of surrendering to Jesus Christ. Richard emphasizes the importance of full surrender:

“There are stages and levels of surrender. So I just also want to encourage people to fully surrender. And when you fully surrender and die to yourself, that’s freedom. You truly have freedom. You truly have life, otherwise you’ll continue to go in cycles.”

This concept of dying to self and finding life in Christ is at the heart of the Gospel message. It’s a radical departure from the world’s emphasis on self-discovery and self-actualization.

Breaking Free from Spiritual Bondage

For those involved in witchcraft or New Age practices, breaking free often requires a deliberate renunciation of past involvement. Naela shares:

“When Jesus saved me, he gave me such a profound revelation of the blood of Jesus because I had been so obsessed with blood in the occult.”

This revelation of the power of Christ’s blood is crucial for those seeking deliverance from occult bondage. Believers need to understand that the blood of Jesus is more powerful than any demonic force or spiritual practice.

Finding Joy and Purpose in Christ

One of the most striking aspects of our conversation was the evident joy and purpose these individuals have found in Christ. Despite facing rejection and misunderstanding from their former communities, they radiate a peace and happiness that comes from knowing their true identity in God.

Angela explains:

“Happiness is synthetic. There’s a lot of enjoyment and synthetic things like that. Candy floss stuff or synthetic clothes are fine, but it’s not the real thing. You have something that’s authentic, organic. It has depth and quality and power.”

Joy is a powerful testimony to the transformative power of the Gospel. It stands in stark contrast to the temporary pleasures and fleeting happiness offered by the world.

The Burden of Self-Assigned Identity

As we discussed the struggles faced by many in our culture today, I shared an insight about the burden of self-assigned identity:

“Everybody’s trying to define themselves, and I think the burden of this generation is self-assigned identity. Because I’m a dad, I never had a dad. I had multiple stepdads. And so you want to make something of yourself. And that’s really what we’re seeing with the culture now, is I’m going to define myself as new age. I’m going to define myself within LGBT.”

This desire to create one’s own identity is ultimately exhausting and unfulfilling. In contrast, the Gospel offers us an inherited identity as children of God, freeing us from the endless cycle of self-definition.

A Message of Hope for Those Still Searching

To those still involved in witchcraft, New Age practices, or struggling with LGBT identity, our guests offer a message of hope. Nala encourages:

“If you are truly hungry for truth, you will arrive at Jesus Christ because he is truth. That’s literally one of his names. So I cried out for truth, and He’s like, here I am. So if you really, really want to know, just ask from your soul.”

Angela adds:

“Just allow yourself to embrace the idea of what if what we are saying is true. And all of this witchcraft, all this New Age stuff that I’ve been doing is not the way. Jesus is the way.”

Richard reminds us of God’s love:

“I just want to let you know that you are loved and that you’re seen and that you’re valued, that he loves you so much. Your identity is not that of an outcast. Your identity is not being alienated or feeling like you’re not seeing that you’re hidden. Your identity is that you’re son and daughter of the Lord, and He loves you so much.”

The Wild Adventure of Following Christ

As we concluded our time together, I shared a phrase that God gave me when we launched our church: to call those who say yes to Jesus “the wild ones.” Following Christ is not about losing your edge or becoming boring. It’s about embarking on the greatest adventure of your life.

Naela beautifully sums it up:

“There’s nothing more exciting than walking with Jesus and knowing God.”

When you accept the love of the Father, you wake up each day saying, “Abba, Papa, what adventure are we going to have today? What miracle are you going to do today?” This perspective breaks anxiety and fills us with anticipation for what God will do.

An Invitation to True Freedom

The testimonies of Naela, Richard, and Angela serve as powerful reminders of the transformative power of Jesus Christ. No matter your background – whether you’ve been involved in witchcraft, New Age practices, or struggled with LGBT identity – there is hope and freedom in Christ.

If you’re reading this and feeling a stirring in your heart, I encourage you to take that step of faith. Cry out to Jesus and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He is faithful to answer those who seek Him with a sincere heart.

Remember, in Christ, you are not losing yourself – you are finding your true self. You are becoming who you were always meant to be. The adventure of following Jesus is the most thrilling, fulfilling journey you could ever embark upon.

Are you ready to become one of the “wild ones” who say yes to Jesus? The invitation is open. The choice is yours. True freedom, joy, and purpose await you in Christ.

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From New Age to Christ: A Powerful Testimony of Deliverance with Angelamarie Scafidi

By | New Age | No Comments

I had the privilege of sitting down with Angelamarie Scafidi, a former New Age practitioner turned passionate follower of Jesus Christ. Her powerful testimony of deliverance from occult practices serves as a source of hope for those trapped in similar spiritual bondage.  Angelamarie shared her compelling journey from darkness to light and the transformative power of God’s love.

The Allure of the New Age: A Desperate Search for Comfort

Angelamarie’s journey into the world of New Age spirituality began with a tragedy – the unexpected death of her beloved grandmother. Raised in a loosely Catholic household without a strong foundation in biblical truth, Angelamarie found herself desperately seeking comfort and answers in the wake of her loss.

“I was just desperate,” Angelamarie recalls. “So I sought out a medium. She knew what my grandmom called me. She knew what my grandmom looked like. She was so accurate, and that was the door where I was like, she’s here and I can talk to her. I didn’t know that was a familiar spirit.”

This initial encounter with the supernatural opened the floodgates to a decade-long immersion in various New Age practices, including:

  • Mediumship and necromancy
  • Tarot card readings
  • Crystal healing
  • Yoga and chakra manipulation
  • Reiki energy work
  • Astrology and horoscopes

The Deception of Spiritual Counterfeits

As Angelamarie delved deeper into these practices, she experienced what seemed like spiritual growth and enlightenment. However, she was actually being drawn further away from the true source of life and healing – Jesus Christ.

“It’s almost like there’s a spiritual component to it that’s tethering you to the practice,” Angelamarie explains about her experience with yoga. “It’s not just stretching. It is [spiritual].”

This highlights a crucial truth for believers: the enemy often disguises his deceptions as sources of light and comfort. As Angelamarie puts it, “People always think it’s going to show up in the form of some satanic evil feeling thing. [But] witchcraft is all around us and we’re so desensitized to it because it’s so watered down in culture.”

The Dangers of Mixing Christianity with New Age Practices

One of the most insidious aspects of New Age spirituality is its ability to blend seamlessly with Christian terminology and concepts. Angelamarie shared how, even after her initial encounter with Jesus, she attempted to continue her New Age practices under a “Christian” guise.

“For about three months, I am still doing the podcast. But now I’m like, okay, how can I make this about God? So what I started to do was like, ‘Oh, this new Moon is a great time for you to figure out how you can manifest God’s plan.'”

This syncretism is particularly dangerous because it gives the illusion of spiritual growth while keeping individuals in bondage to demonic influences. As believers, we must be vigilant in discerning truth from counterfeit spirituality.

A Friend’s Faithful Intercession

Throughout Angelamarie’s journey in the New Age, she had a faithful Christian friend who never stopped praying for her salvation. This friend, Alyssa, had been interceding on her behalf for two decades.

“She was praying for me for two decades that I would be saved because she saw me go through the lust and the partying and the trauma and the men and the necromancy, all the things. And she just never gave up on me and she never left me.”

This powerful testament to the efficacy of persistent prayer should encourage all believers to continue interceding for their lost loved ones, no matter how far gone they may seem.

Jesus Saves

The turning point in Angelamarie’s life came in a moment of utter desperation. Despite years of New Age practices, she found herself more depressed and suicidal than ever before.

“I get to the end of myself, I hit that ceiling and I said, okay, I just want to die. And I’m on my kitchen floor and I’m like, Jesus, save me crying my eyes out. And I just said those three words.”

In that moment of surrender, Angelamarie experienced a supernatural deliverance from depression, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts. This dramatic encounter with the power of Christ set her on a path toward true freedom and healing.

Renouncing New Age Practices

Angelamarie’s journey out of the New Age wasn’t instantaneous. It required a deliberate process of renunciation and deliverance. She describes packing up thousands of dollars worth of New Age paraphernalia – crystals, cards, books, and decorations – and burning them all.

This act of renunciation is crucial for those seeking freedom from occult bondage. As Angelamarie explains, “You can’t mix the two. It’s oil and water, and it’s two kingdoms trying to make a kingdom of neutrality, which doesn’t exist. It’s the kingdom of light or the kingdom of dark.”

Stages of Surrender and Deliverance

An important aspect of Angelamarie’s testimony is the recognition that full surrender and deliverance often happen in stages. Even after her initial salvation experience, she needed further deliverance from lingering New Age influences.

“I have since been delivered and not just set free in the spirit, but set free in my soul because he did deliver me from all those things. But there was still stuff from the new age I needed to be completely delivered from, come out of complete agreement with.”

This process of ongoing sanctification and deliverance is an encouragement to believers who may be struggling with residual bondage or temptation. Freedom in Christ is a journey, not just a one-time event.

The Counterfeit Gospel of Self

One of the most profound insights Angela shared was the fundamental difference between New Age spirituality and true Christianity:

“New Age is all about encompassing light and love. That’s the language. And it seems so innocent and it seems so innocuous, and it seems so comforting… But it’s actually none of us are any good without Jesus. And he loves you so much that he wants you to have a revelation of this truth, that he is the only way, and you don’t need these other things to reach him.”

While New Age teaches self-empowerment and self-salvation, Christianity proclaims that true freedom comes through surrendering our lives to Christ. As she puts it, “Self is the shackle, okay? Jesus is the one that makes you free because he actually takes your life and gives you his life in you.”

Recognizing Spiritual Deception

As we wrapped up our conversation, Angelamarie emphasized the importance of spiritual discernment in a world saturated with New Age influences. From yoga classes to horoscope apps, the occult has become normalized in our culture.

“I would’ve never called myself a witch then with all the stuff that I was doing. I would’ve just called myself a spiritualist. I was that girl where it’s like, I’m not religious, I’m spiritual.”

This subtle infiltration of occult practices into mainstream culture highlights the need for strong biblical teaching and discernment among believers.

Hope for the Deceived

Despite the pervasiveness of New Age spirituality, there is hope on the horizon. Angelamarie believes we are witnessing a “New Age exodus” as more and more people become disillusioned with empty spiritual practices and encounter the true power of Jesus Christ.

“It’s because they’re hungry for the truth. And I always say that’s like they’re getting all the little “lowercase t” truth because they’re looking for the capital T. That’s his name. His name is Truth. Jesus’ name is Truth.”

Next Steps for Those Seeking Freedom

If you’ve been impacted by Angela’s testimony and are seeking freedom from New Age practices, here are some practical next steps:

1. Renounce all involvement in occult practices
2. Dispose of any New Age items or literature in your possession
3. Seek water baptism as a public declaration of your faith in Christ
4. Connect with a Bible-believing church for support and discipleship
5. Continue in prayer and studying God’s Word for ongoing deliverance and growth

Remember, as Angelamarie emphasized, “Jesus is the only one who can heal you. He is the only one that can make you free. He is salvation. His name is salvation. He is the deliverer.”

From Darkness to Light

Angelamarie Scafidi’s powerful testimony brings hope to those ensnared by New Age deception. Her journey from occult bondage to freedom in Christ reminds us of the transformative power of God’s love and the importance of persistent prayer.

As we navigate a culture increasingly saturated with spiritual counterfeits, may we cling to the truth of God’s Word and the person of Jesus Christ. For it is only in Him that we find true freedom, healing, and abundant life.

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Mcdonald’s Giving Tarot Readings? The Rise of Astrology and the Occult in Mainstream Culture

By | Demons, New Age | No Comments

Astrology and other occult practices like tarot card reading have become increasingly mainstream in recent years. Major brands are now openly embracing and promoting these practices in very overt ways. As a Christian, I find this deeply troubling and believe we must return to God’s Word for guidance. My goal is to expose these deceptive practices and equip fellow believers with discernment.

The Shocking Partnerships Between Brands and the Occult

We have recently seen some shocking partnerships between fast food brands and astrology/tarot practices. For example, McDonald’s offered discounted menu items on specific dates based on a current astrological phenomenon called “Mercury in retrograde.” They also partnered with a TikTok tarot card reader named Madame Adam to provide McDonald’s-themed tarot readings. 

Del Taco similarly offered astrology-based deals during the “Mercury in retrograde” periods this year. Their website promotes turning this “negative time” into a “win-win” with special deals. Dole went even further by publishing 12 zodiac-themed salad recipes for National Salad Month. Each salad supposedly appeals to the personality traits associated with each astrological sign.

There is clearly a double standard here. These companies celebrate astrology and tarot without controversy. Yet other brands like Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby are vilified by mainstream culture for exalting Christian values. The occult influence has now moved from subtle to overt.

The Rise of Astrology and Occultism in Our Culture

A Newsweek article traces the rise of astrology and occult practices in our culture today. Millions of people, including those who consider themselves non-religious, now look to astrology and tarot readings for life guidance. Being a Christian with biblical morals is viewed as controversial. But mainstream brands can now openly promote astrology without much backlash.

For example, I visited a bookstore in Brooklyn that had no Bibles or Christian books in the religion section. Yet it was filled with materials on astrology, tarot, and other spiritual practices. This shows how hostile our culture has become to biblical truth.

The article in Newsweek even admits that food brands are latching onto astrology for marketing purposes. They don’t necessarily believe it. But they know appearing “cool” and “progressive” sells products to impressionable consumers. This further confirms that financial gain, not genuine belief, is motivating much of this promotion.

Biblical Perspective on Astrology and Occult Practices

As Christians, we must filter these trends through the lens of Scripture. The Bible expressly forbids occult practices like astrology, tarot, and sorcery. These are not harmless hobbies but fundamentally deceptive spiritually.

For instance, Isaiah 47:13-14 says:

“You are wearied with your many counsels; Let now the astrologers, the stargazers,And the monthly prognosticators stand up and save you From what shall come upon you. Behold, they shall be as stubble, The fire shall burn them; They shall not deliver themselves…” (NKJV)

The prophet pronounces God’s judgment on those who practice astrology and other occult arts. They will ultimately be burned up like worthless stubble, unable to save themselves.

In Daniel 4:7, King Nebuchadnezzar called on his astrologers and sorcerers to interpret his dream. But they were unable to do so, unlike Daniel who had the true gift from God. This shows astrology is a counterfeit and worthless spiritual practice.

One danger of astrology and tarot is they introduce people to the demonic realm. Even if started innocently, these practices open the door to deeper occult involvement and demonic oppression. I have personally prayed for deliverance for many people previously involved in these things.

The Rise of Perversion as a Sign of Coming Revival

The rise of perversion often precedes true revival. The enemy only promotes his false version so strongly when he knows God is about to move in power. 

This happened in the 1960s, often called the “Occult Explosion,” leading up to the Jesus Movement revival in the 1970s. I believe we may be on the cusp of another great revival today. That is why we are seeing such an upsurge in astrology and other new-age practices. 

The enemy’s strategy is to desensitize people, especially youth, to the occult, as if it’s normal and mainstream. But we must stay grounded in God’s Word and avoid partnering with these practices in any way. The tide is turning. A Third Great Awakening has already begun in the hearts of hungry believers. Let’s keep praying, sharing the Gospel, and exposing the fruitless works of darkness all around us. Jesus will emerge victorious, and every knee shall bow!


What we endorse or oppose spiritually impacts our lives more than we realize. The Bible clearly prohibits astrology, tarot cards, and other forms of sorcery. But the popularity of these practices shows biblical morality declining in our culture today. 

Yet I believe a Great Awakening is coming that will bring millions to Christ. The enemy is terrified by what God wants to do, so he proliferates cheap counterfeits. But they will burn up like chaff when Jesus returns. 

As Christians, we must stay rooted in God’s Word for discernment (Hebrews 5:14). Test everything carefully against Scripture, even when it’s promoted by huge brands and celebrities. Our loyalty belongs to Christ alone. Keep praying for revival and exposing these deceptions, saints. Our King shall reign forever!

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The Dangers of the New Age Movement

By | New Age | No Comments

The New Age movement is on the rise, and it’s seducing countless well-meaning people into its web of deception. With its promises of inner peace, harmony, and mystical power, New Age practices seem enticing on the surface. But beneath the veneer lies great spiritual danger. 

There are several core beliefs of the New Age movement, each holding its own danger. 

Counterfeit Community

New Age practices offer counterfeit community and belonging, preying on people’s natural desire for meaningful relationships. Whereas traditional churches have a pastor on stage delivering a sermon, New Age meetings often sit in a circle as “equals” – creating a sense of community. But this community leads people away from Jesus rather than towards him.

Denial of Divinity

Tracing the history and spread of the New Age, it is connected to Eastern mysticism and emphasizes attaining secret spiritual knowledge. According to New Age thinking, humanity’s core problem is not sin but ignorance. We must become “enlightened” and evolve to a higher state of cosmic consciousness. This leaves no room for a personal, loving God or Jesus as savior. New Agers may admire Jesus as a moral teacher, but not as divine. Shockingly, this denial of Christ’s divinity is the very spirit of antichrist warned about in the Bible. 

New Over Old

Other core New Age beliefs include pantheism (the idea that everything is God – people, animals, trees, etc.), optimism in a coming new world order, and the power of human minds to create reality through thoughts, beliefs, and meditation. New Agers are constantly seeking the “new” in place of the “old,” not realizing that God’s truth stands unchanged throughout the ages. Worst of all, New Agers believe human beings can achieve god-like powers and blessings by tapping into their inner divinity. In truth, there is no good in mankind apart from Christ!


Tragically, celebrities like Oprah Winfrey have popularized New Age mysticism by endorsing practices like vision boards and “manifesting.” This is deception, for any power or blessing not flowing from Jesus will ultimately prove burdensome. Satan does “bless” those who fall into New Age bondage – but these blessings lead people away from their only true hope.

While New Age practices seem innocent on the surface, they open doors to demonic oppression by rejecting Jesus Christ and his salvation. As evidence, watch this disturbing video footage of demonic manifestations and deliverances taking place outdoors in a rainstorm. You will see people doubled over, groaning, coughing, and writhing uncontrollably as demons are cast out of them. This shocking footage proves how New Age involvement – no matter how sophisticated – gives Satan direct access to human lives.


In summary, these are the things to be aware of with the New Age movement:

  • It offers a counterfeit community while drawing people away from true church community in Christ.
  • It taps into humanity’s desire for spiritual significance apart from the God of the Bible. 
  • It is fundamentally anti-Christ, denying Jesus as savior.
  • It teaches the divinity of mankind and the power of human thoughts to shape reality. 
  • Its practices open doorways for demons to enter people’s lives and wreak havoc.
  • It “blesses” people with success but these blessings become snares drawing them into deeper deception.

The wise person will avoid the New Age like poison. Jesus alone forgives our sins, transforms our lives by his Spirit, and satisfies our deepest longings. While New Age practices may seem exciting or enlightening, Christians must cling to the unchanging rock of God’s Word and engage in spiritual warfare through prayer. The battle rages as Satan promotes his false religion of self-divinization! May we stand firm until the day of Christ’s return, when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess His lordship.

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