Deliverance ministry has become increasingly mainstream in recent years, even being depicted in major Hollywood films. Yet dangerous misconceptions about deliverance persist. In this interview, I have the supreme honor of speaking with deliverance pioneer Apostle John Eckhardt to set the record straight. We discuss foundational prayers and principles for effective deliverance.
Introducing Apostle John Eckhardt
Apostle John Eckhardt is a father of deliverance ministry. When I first got involved with deliverance in the 1990s, I turned to Apostle John for wisdom. Apostle John graciously trained Pastor Mike despite his young age, equipping him for deliverance ministry.
This interview promises to impart some of that same wisdom to us today. Apostle John has decades of experience casting out demons and setting captives free. He is also a prolific author, with books like Prayers That Rout Demons teaching foundational deliverance principles. Let’s glean some of his hard-earned insights.
The Nature of the Demonic Realm
Apostle John first explains that demons have names and unique functions, just as described in Scripture. Some are more wicked or “high-ranking” than others. But all are subject to the authority of Jesus’ name. As believers, we have power over every demonic entity.
Some of the most common spirits Apostle John encounters in deliverance include spirits of rejection, rebellion, bitterness, lust, pride, and fear. These demons often work together in groups. For example, rejection can open the door for lust or pride to take root. Identifying the root issue is key.
His bestselling book Prayers That Rout Demons contains sample prayers targeting each of these areas. By using our authority to forcibly evict demons in Jesus’ name, we can find freedom. But passivity and unrepentant sin gives demons legal access to remain in our lives.
The Power of Self-Deliverance
After being trained by Apostle John, I was shocked to manifest demons during self-deliverance. This prompted a discussion about self-deliverance. Apostle John confirms that self-deliverance is biblically valid and important for maintaining freedom.
Jesus told us to first remove the plank from our own eye before helping others (Matthew 7:5). This implies dealing with our own demons before setting others free. While we can seek deliverance ministers for help, learning to exercise authority over the enemy personally is vital.
Self-deliverance primes us to walk in consistent freedom. Through renouncing sin, breaking curses, and audibly commanding demons to leave in Jesus’ name, we can evict the enemy from our lives. Of course, not all demons leave automatically or easily. Deliverance is often a lifestyle and process over time. But self-deliverance equips us for the journey.
Breaking Curses and Legal Rights
Building on this topic, I asked Apostle John about overcoming curses and legal rights. He explains that demonic curses give demons a foot in the door. Sins like bitterness or witchcraft involvement can allow demons to stubbornly remain in a person’s life.
Even after renouncing the sin, any resulting curses must also be broken in Jesus’ name, removing the enemy’s legal access. Jesus’ death and resurrection redeem us from every curse. But we must verbally activate that redemption through faith.
When deliverance seems hindered, curses may be the culprit. We should ask Holy Spirit to reveal any areas where the enemy has legal rights. Once identified, curses can be broken, shutting the door to further demonic control.
Maintaining Order in Deliverance Ministry
Given the rise of deliverance ministry today, I asked Apostle John for wisdom. He wants to ensure this new generation practices deliverance with Biblical order, not chaos. Apostle John offers several valuable recommendations.
First, build a solid Biblical foundation and get trained by reputable ministers who walk in wisdom. Remain submitted to good local church leadership and accountable relationships. Don’t go off as a renegade minister without oversight or covering.
Also, keep deliverance simple – no gimmicks, just exercise authority in Jesus’ name with compassion. Rely on gifts of the Spirit while staying grounded in the Word. Maintain holiness and a lifestyle of prayer, worship, and obedience. Demons hate holy believers walking in genuine authority.
Finally, integrate deliverance into the full context of Christian ministry. Deliverance works hand-in-hand with preaching the gospel, healing the sick, and operating in all the Spirit’s gifts. Let love and the Word guide every aspect of deliverance.
Prophesying a New Move of God
In closing, Apostle John prophesies that God is releasing “new things” in this season. New authority, favor, revelation, and more are coming to equip believers for revival. A fresh prophetic wind will blow. The old religious structures will crumble.
God is anointing new voices and new generations to go further than ever before. There will be new worship, new songs, new miracles, new salvations! The prophets are arising with kingdom declarations on their lips!
Get ready for the new move of the Spirit. Our King of Glory is doing unprecedented wonders in the Earth!
Key Takeaways
Here are some key takeaways from Apostle John Eckhardt’s wisdom and prophetic insights:
- Deliverance ministry centers on exercising Jesus’ authority to evict demons in His name.
- Self-deliverance is vital for walking in consistent freedom and victory.
- Solid Biblical foundation protects against deliverance errors and excess. Stay submitted.
- Break all curses and legal rights giving demons access to someone’s life.
- Demons hate holy believers operating in genuine Spirit-led authority and power.
- A fresh prophetic move of God’s Spirit is coming with new miracles and revival.
Apostle John’s decades of deliverance ministry experience shine through this interview. May we apply these lessons to see captives set free and revival blaze across the nations!
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