The Sonya Massey Shooting: A Spiritual and Law Enforcement Perspective

In recent days, a tragic incident has captured national attention and sparked important conversations about police conduct, racial dynamics, and even spiritual warfare. The shooting death of Sonya Massey by a sheriff’s deputy in her own home has raised numerous questions and concerns. As a lead pastor committed to addressing challenging issues through a biblical lens, I recently sat down with Edwin Perez, a retired NYPD officer and fellow pastor at V1 Church, to discuss this event from both a law enforcement and spiritual perspective.

Understanding the Sonya Massey Incident: A Brief Overview

For those unfamiliar with the case, Sonya Massey called the police to her home, reporting concerns about a potential prowler. What should have been a routine call ended in tragedy when Massey was fatally shot by one of the responding officers. The incident was captured on body camera footage, allowing for public scrutiny of the events that transpired.

As we began our discussion, I emphasized the importance of addressing this issue: “Now, why are pastors talking about this? Not only is there a racial component, but also a supernatural one. There is a conversation unfolding right now on TikTok among Gen Z, and we’re going to look at some of the posts and comments about demons.”

Law Enforcement Protocol: What Should Have Happened?

Given Pastor Edwin Perez’s background in law enforcement, I asked him to provide insights into proper police procedures in situations like this. He explained:

“Depending on the nature of the call, it doesn’t seem like it was clear. But at that point, she gave all of the responses that were enough to say, okay, this scene is done with. So it should have really stopped right there.”

Perez went on to express confusion about why the officers continued to press the issue and ultimately entered Massey’s home: “I don’t even know what the rationale was. There’s not enough reasonable suspicion to go into the person’s house, especially if that individual is the 9-1-1 caller and making the claim.”

Escalation of Force: Examining the Officer’s Actions

As we delved deeper into the incident, we discussed the concerning escalation of force used by the officer. Perez highlighted several issues with the officer’s tactics:

1. Poor initial approach: “Even from the beginning of him going into the home, there are poor tactics. She’s allowed to go into her purse.”

2. Skipping levels of force: “As a police officer, we have certain use of deadly physical force, but there are certain levels that you go to. It seems that particular, this officer disregarded all the other levels and just went right for the deadly physical force.”

3. Improper use of lethal force: “I know from my training, I can’t speak to Illinois, but I know for New York City, we are trained to shoot center mass, so there is no shooting in the head.”

The Spiritual Component: Discernment and Demonic Influence

While the racial and procedural aspects of this case are significant, our conversation took an unexpected turn as we explored the spiritual implications being discussed online, particularly among Gen Z viewers on TikTok.

I shared some of the comments I had observed:

“She saw the devil in that man.”

“I don’t really believe in demons and stuff like that, but that video has me questioning.”

This led us to consider the possibility of demonic influence in such extreme acts of violence. As a pastor, I believe it’s crucial to address the spiritual realm when discussing events that seem to defy rational explanations.

Rebuking in Jesus’ Name: A Moment of Spiritual Discernment?

One of the most striking aspects of the incident was Massey’s use of spiritual language just before she was shot. I explained:

“She has the pot of boiling water, and then there’s this dialogue back and forth almost. And it seems as if the cop takes it as a provocation, but she says, I rebuke you in Jesus’ name.”

This moment has sparked significant discussion online, with many viewers, even those who don’t typically believe in the supernatural, questioning whether Massey sensed a spiritual threat.

I read a particularly poignant comment from TikTok:

“I am not religious. But for her to say, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus with no weapon, multiple feet away from the officer, and him immediately saying, you better effing not, I swear, I’ll shoot you in the effing face. And drawing his gun with intent to kill her makes me truly believe that she did see and felt evil in him.”

The Aftermath: Failure to Render Aid

Beyond the shooting itself, Perez pointed out another disturbing aspect of the incident – the officer’s failure to attempt any life-saving measures:

“The Illinois state law for whenever something like this happens, actually says, when the use of force by an officer causes injury to another, the officer will evaluate the subject’s physical condition and render first aid and request emergency medical assistance as soon as practical and safe to do so. The fact that he didn’t even do that was already against what he was taught in the academy.”

This disregard for established protocol further underscores the problematic nature of the officer’s actions throughout the encounter.

Spiritual Warfare: Recognizing the Battle

As we concluded our discussion, I emphasized the importance of recognizing the spiritual battle that underlies many of the conflicts we see in society:

“According to the book of Ephesians, we are in a spiritual battle. And there are not three teams. It’s not God, the devil, and us. It is we either choose we are 100% with Jesus Christ, or you are by default 100% with the devil.”

This perspective challenges us to look beyond surface-level explanations and consider the spiritual forces at work in situations of extreme violence and injustice.

A Wake-Up Call: Demons, God, and Spiritual Reality

While the Sonya Massey shooting is undoubtedly a tragedy, I believe God can use even the darkest moments to awaken people to spiritual realities. I shared my hope for how this incident might impact a generation:

“This to me is awakening a generation to the possibility that demons are real. And if demons are real, then that means God is real. And so I believe that God will take a tragedy like this that seems to have no meaning at all. And out of that cause people to open up the door to the possibility of the demonic, which would then lead to the next door, which is the angelic and God.”

Praying for Healing and Awakening

In light of this tragic event and its potential spiritual implications, I led a prayer for Sonya Massey’s family, our nation, and those who may be struggling with demonic influence:

“Heavenly Father, I pray right now for the United States of America as we prepare for Sonya Massey’s funeral. Lord, that in the midst of this, you would open the eyes of a generation to see that the spiritual realm is real. And Father, I thank you that You’re bringing freedom through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.  We thank You that even in the midst of these things that don’t make any sense, You can still get purpose from them. I pray for healing. I pray for restoration and peace in the midst of these difficult times. In Jesus name, amen.”

Finding Freedom and Deliverance

For those who resonated with the spiritual aspects of our discussion, I want to emphasize that there is hope and freedom available through Jesus Christ. If you find yourself struggling with dark impulses or sensing an evil presence in your life, know that deliverance is possible.

Our ministry regularly helps hundreds of people find freedom from spiritual bondage. We offer prayer support and ministry resources to those seeking to break free from demonic influence and find peace in Christ.

A Call for Awareness and Action

The Sonya Massey shooting serves as a stark reminder of the complex issues facing our society – from racial tensions and police conduct to the often-overlooked spiritual dimensions of human behavior.

As we approach turbulent times, including an upcoming election and increasing social division, let us not lose sight of the potential for revival and awakening. By acknowledging both the natural and supernatural forces at work in our world, we can better equip ourselves to be agents of positive change and bearers of God’s light in dark places.

I encourage you to share this message with others who may be seeking understanding or struggling with their own spiritual battles. Together, we can work towards a society that is both just and spiritually aware, guided by the love and truth of Jesus Christ.

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