From Darkness to Light: Ex-Witches and LGBT Individuals Share Their Journey to Christ

I’ve had the privilege of witnessing countless lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Recently, I sat down with three remarkable individuals who have powerful testimonies of leaving behind witchcraft and LGBT lifestyles to follow Jesus. In this blog post, we’ll explore their journeys and the profound truths they’ve discovered along the way.

Meet Our Guests

Before we dive into their stories, let me introduce you to our guests:

1. Naela Rose: An ex-blood witch who had a radical face-to-face encounter with Jesus
2. Richard (Richie): Came out of the LGBT lifestyle and now hosts the Redempt1on Podcast
3. Angela Scafidi: A former New Age practitioner and host of the “Heaven and Healing” podcast

Each of these individuals has a unique story of transformation, but they all share one thing in common: the life-changing power of Jesus Christ.

The Dark Reality of Blood Witchcraft

Naela’s story is particularly striking. As a former blood witch, she was deeply involved in occult practices that centered around the use of blood in rituals and spells. She explains:

“I was obsessed with blood. I mean, I was doing witchcraft and magic and spells with blood daily, and that was my life. I could manifest anything I wanted. I manifested my relationship with my ex. I manifested my house. I manifested the money I wanted, all using blood spells.”

This shocking revelation highlights the very real and dangerous nature of occult practices. Naela emphasizes that while these practices seemed to “work” in the short term, they came at a terrible cost:

“The devil will give you whatever you want, but of course you pay with your soul.”

The Counterfeit Gospel of the New Age Movement

Angela, a former New Age practitioner, sheds light on the deceptive nature of New Age spirituality. She explains how practices like yoga, astrology, and “womb magic” are actually counterfeits of true spiritual power.

Naela shared:

“There’s a whole movement called womb work and womb wisdom in the new age where women like me who were yoga teachers and who worshiped the goddess and the creation and the stars and just misplaced worship and devotion, the devil has used that to make these women obsessed with blood.”

This misplaced worship and fascination with blood rituals is a perversion of the true power found in the blood of Jesus Christ. As Christians, we understand that only the blood of Jesus has the power to cleanse, redeem, and give eternal life.

The Empty Promises of the LGBT Lifestyle

Richard shares his perspective on coming out of the LGBT lifestyle. He emphasizes the cyclical nature of constantly seeking identity and fulfillment:

“I see a lot of people, they get older. They’re not saying that marriage is called for everyone, but people who are older and they’re just so sad and oppressed, and then they start grooming other young men because they want that emotional or some kind of connection.”

This cycle of searching for identity and fulfillment outside of God’s design ultimately leads to emptiness and despair. Richard’s testimony highlights the freedom found in surrendering to Christ and finding one’s true identity in Him.

The Power of Surrender: Finding True Identity in Christ

A common theme among all three guests is the transformative power of surrendering to Jesus Christ. Richard emphasizes the importance of full surrender:

“There are stages and levels of surrender. So I just also want to encourage people to fully surrender. And when you fully surrender and die to yourself, that’s freedom. You truly have freedom. You truly have life, otherwise you’ll continue to go in cycles.”

This concept of dying to self and finding life in Christ is at the heart of the Gospel message. It’s a radical departure from the world’s emphasis on self-discovery and self-actualization.

Breaking Free from Spiritual Bondage

For those involved in witchcraft or New Age practices, breaking free often requires a deliberate renunciation of past involvement. Naela shares:

“When Jesus saved me, he gave me such a profound revelation of the blood of Jesus because I had been so obsessed with blood in the occult.”

This revelation of the power of Christ’s blood is crucial for those seeking deliverance from occult bondage. Believers need to understand that the blood of Jesus is more powerful than any demonic force or spiritual practice.

Finding Joy and Purpose in Christ

One of the most striking aspects of our conversation was the evident joy and purpose these individuals have found in Christ. Despite facing rejection and misunderstanding from their former communities, they radiate a peace and happiness that comes from knowing their true identity in God.

Angela explains:

“Happiness is synthetic. There’s a lot of enjoyment and synthetic things like that. Candy floss stuff or synthetic clothes are fine, but it’s not the real thing. You have something that’s authentic, organic. It has depth and quality and power.”

Joy is a powerful testimony to the transformative power of the Gospel. It stands in stark contrast to the temporary pleasures and fleeting happiness offered by the world.

The Burden of Self-Assigned Identity

As we discussed the struggles faced by many in our culture today, I shared an insight about the burden of self-assigned identity:

“Everybody’s trying to define themselves, and I think the burden of this generation is self-assigned identity. Because I’m a dad, I never had a dad. I had multiple stepdads. And so you want to make something of yourself. And that’s really what we’re seeing with the culture now, is I’m going to define myself as new age. I’m going to define myself within LGBT.”

This desire to create one’s own identity is ultimately exhausting and unfulfilling. In contrast, the Gospel offers us an inherited identity as children of God, freeing us from the endless cycle of self-definition.

A Message of Hope for Those Still Searching

To those still involved in witchcraft, New Age practices, or struggling with LGBT identity, our guests offer a message of hope. Nala encourages:

“If you are truly hungry for truth, you will arrive at Jesus Christ because he is truth. That’s literally one of his names. So I cried out for truth, and He’s like, here I am. So if you really, really want to know, just ask from your soul.”

Angela adds:

“Just allow yourself to embrace the idea of what if what we are saying is true. And all of this witchcraft, all this New Age stuff that I’ve been doing is not the way. Jesus is the way.”

Richard reminds us of God’s love:

“I just want to let you know that you are loved and that you’re seen and that you’re valued, that he loves you so much. Your identity is not that of an outcast. Your identity is not being alienated or feeling like you’re not seeing that you’re hidden. Your identity is that you’re son and daughter of the Lord, and He loves you so much.”

The Wild Adventure of Following Christ

As we concluded our time together, I shared a phrase that God gave me when we launched our church: to call those who say yes to Jesus “the wild ones.” Following Christ is not about losing your edge or becoming boring. It’s about embarking on the greatest adventure of your life.

Naela beautifully sums it up:

“There’s nothing more exciting than walking with Jesus and knowing God.”

When you accept the love of the Father, you wake up each day saying, “Abba, Papa, what adventure are we going to have today? What miracle are you going to do today?” This perspective breaks anxiety and fills us with anticipation for what God will do.

An Invitation to True Freedom

The testimonies of Naela, Richard, and Angela serve as powerful reminders of the transformative power of Jesus Christ. No matter your background – whether you’ve been involved in witchcraft, New Age practices, or struggled with LGBT identity – there is hope and freedom in Christ.

If you’re reading this and feeling a stirring in your heart, I encourage you to take that step of faith. Cry out to Jesus and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He is faithful to answer those who seek Him with a sincere heart.

Remember, in Christ, you are not losing yourself – you are finding your true self. You are becoming who you were always meant to be. The adventure of following Jesus is the most thrilling, fulfilling journey you could ever embark upon.

Are you ready to become one of the “wild ones” who say yes to Jesus? The invitation is open. The choice is yours. True freedom, joy, and purpose await you in Christ.

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