Urgent Warning: Prophetic Events Unfolding in Israel and Beyond

As a pastor and apostolic voice, I feel compelled to share an urgent message about the events unfolding in Israel and around the world. We are witnessing prophecy come to life before our eyes, and it’s crucial that we understand the times we’re living in and how to respond as believers.

Breaking News from Israel: Missiles and Ground Attacks

I just received word from my dear friend and fellow minister, Pastor Josh Hamstra, who is currently in Tel Aviv, Israel. He reported that Iran has launched hundreds of missiles towards Tel Aviv and other parts of Israel. Even more alarming, there are reports of ground attacks by terrorists in Jaffa.

Pastor Josh is currently in a bomb shelter with many others, including women and children. The situation is dire, but he remains strong in his faith. He shared a powerful message: what may look like judgment is actually protection. God is using these circumstances to position His people for their divine assignments.

Global Superstorms and Economic Turmoil

While the situation in Israel is grabbing headlines, there are other significant events occurring simultaneously that we must pay attention to:

1. The National Hurricane Center has reported multiple new hurricane formations.
2. U.S. ports have gone on strike, potentially causing major supply chain disruptions.
3. There are reports of widespread cellular network outages across the United States.

These events, happening concurrently, point to a time of great shaking and upheaval. But as believers, we must remember that God is still in control and working all things for His purposes.

The Prophetic Significance of October

I recently shared a prophecy about the month of October being pivotal for those who operate in the spirit. We’re seeing this unfold in real-time. The plans of the enemy are being revealed openly, just as the Lord showed me.

But there’s more to this prophecy. Many believers will enter the “birthing room” by the end of October, stepping into their next assignment before the enemy can fully initiate his plans. Personal prophecies will come to pass, and great doors of opportunity will open for those who have remained faithful.

Preparing for What’s Ahead: Practical and Spiritual Steps

In light of these events, it’s crucial that we prepare ourselves both practically and spiritually. Here are some steps I encourage you to take:

1. Stock up on Essentials

While we don’t operate in fear, we do exercise wisdom. Consider stocking up on non-perishable food items, water, and other essential supplies. This isn’t about panic buying, but about being prepared to care for your family and potentially help others in need.

2. Strengthen Your Spiritual Foundation

Now more than ever, we need to be grounded in God’s Word and walking closely with Him. Make prayer and Bible study a daily priority. If you don’t already have a regular prayer routine, start one today.

3. Discover and Step into Your Purpose

Many of you are being called to step into new assignments in this season. Whether it’s starting an online ministry, launching a business, or serving your community in a new way, now is the time to act on what God has placed in your heart.

4. Spread the Gospel

In times of uncertainty, people are more open to hearing about the hope found in Jesus. Be bold in sharing your faith and leading others to Christ. This is our greatest calling and most important task in these last days.

Understanding the Times: A Black Swan Event?

Recently, there’s been talk of a potential “Black Swan” event – an unforeseen occurrence with significant, far-reaching consequences. While we can’t predict exactly what will happen, we must be vigilant and discerning.

As believers, our ultimate hope isn’t in any earthly leader or system, but in Jesus Christ. No matter what happens in the political realm or on the world stage, we know that God’s purposes will prevail.

The Remnant is Rising

Despite the challenges we’re facing, I’m filled with hope and excitement for what God is doing. The American church as we’ve known it may be declining, but the remnant – those truly sold out for Jesus – is rising up.

We’re seeing a separation of the wheat from the tares, the real from the fake. The power of God is increasing to meet the challenges of our time. Just as Elijah faced off against the prophets of Baal, we’re in a showdown with the forces of darkness. But we know who wins in the end!

A Call to Action: Join the End-Time Army

As we navigate these turbulent times, I want to invite you to join me in being part of God’s end-time army. Here are some ways you can get involved:

1. Subscribe to my channel and stay connected for updates and teachings.
2. Pre-order my new book, “Inherit Your Freedom,” which will equip you for the days ahead.
3. Consider becoming a monthly partner to support our ministry efforts around the world.
4. Join us for upcoming events, like the Breakers Conference in Chicago.

Remember, we’re not just spectators in these last days – we’re active participants in God’s plan. It’s time to rise up, step into our divine assignments, and be the light in a darkening world.

Closing Thoughts: Hope in the Midst of Chaos

As we wrap up, I want to leave you with a message of hope. Yes, the world may be in turmoil, but our God is greater than any storm, any threat, any challenge we may face. He has positioned us for such a time as this.

Just as Jonah emerged from the belly of the whale to fulfill his divine assignment, many of you are about to be thrust into your greatest purpose. What looks like darkness and uncertainty is actually God’s way of positioning you for your finest hour.

Stand firm in your faith. Stay alert and vigilant. And most importantly, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.

Let’s press on together, knowing that our labor in the Lord is not in vain. The best is yet to come for those who remain faithful to the end.

God bless you, and remember – no matter what happens, Jesus is Lord!

Preorder Pastor Mike’s new book, Inherit Your Freedom, on Amazon today! https://linktw.in/bkCPju

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