Stop Explaining Yourself to Demons: The Power of Silence in Spiritual Warfare

As a pastor and spiritual leader, I’ve encountered countless situations where believers find themselves trapped in cycles of explanation and justification. Today, I want to share a powerful revelation that could transform your spiritual walk: Stop explaining yourself to demons.

The Trap of Casting Pearls Before Swine

Matthew 7:6 warns us, “Do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample you.” Many of us quote this verse without considering its full implications. The consequence isn’t just being misunderstood – it’s being trampled. Some of you keep getting trampled by people you’re explaining yourself to. It’s not just that you’re misunderstood; you’re being fought and physically hurt by them.

The devil will often solicit you to explain yourself, and then use those very explanations against you. It’s a spiritual trap designed to keep you in bondage and exhaust you emotionally.

Recognizing Demons in Human Form

One of the most challenging aspects of spiritual warfare is recognizing that we’re not always dealing with people, but with demons using human bodies as vessels. You might think you’re talking to family members or coworkers, but you’re actually having full-blown conversations with demons who have used their physical body as a vehicle to sabotage your next level.

This is why it’s crucial to develop spiritual discernment. Not every conversation is what it appears to be on the surface.

The Power of Silence in Spiritual Warfare

Some of you need to embrace this truth: Silence is a statement. In our eagerness to explain ourselves, we often forget that silence can be more powerful than words.

Remember, everything you say can and will be used against you in the court of heaven. This is the time to say less but to do more. Walk it out. Don’t talk about it. Don’t explain it. Don’t look for their affirmation. If the Lord told you to do it, do it.

Breaking Unhealthy Soul Ties

Many believers struggle with unhealthy soul ties – spiritual connections that bind us to people, places, or things in ways that hinder our spiritual growth. These soul ties can be formed through various means, including:

1. Inappropriate sexual relationships
2. Emotional dependencies
3. Unhealthy spiritual affiliations

To break free from these ties, we need to:

1. Recognize the unhealthy connection
2. Repent for any sin involved in forming the tie
3. Renounce the connection in Jesus’ name
4. Release forgiveness to those involved
5. Receive God’s healing and restoration

Remember, physical intimacy produces spiritual soul ties. This is why God’s design for sexual relationships is within the covenant of marriage.

The Danger of Secondhand Offense

One of the most insidious ways the enemy works is through secondhand offense. Some of you are in bondage to someone else’s misinterpretation or offense. You’ve become infected by getting too close to emotionally and spiritually sick people.

Just as you wouldn’t get close to someone with a contagious physical illness, you need to be cautious about who you allow to influence you spiritually and emotionally.

Shifting from Moses to Joshua: Embracing Decisive Action

In the Bible, we see a stark contrast between Moses’ leadership style and Joshua’s. Moses often found himself explaining and justifying to the people, which led to exhaustion. Joshua, on the other hand, took decisive action based on God’s commands, regardless of popular opinion.

Some of you need to shift from constantly explaining yourself like Moses to executing God’s will like Joshua. It’s time to stop dragging people with you who can’t go where God is calling you to go.

Unity in Christ

Acts 2 describes the disciples gathered in the upper room, in one mind and one accord. This unity was crucial for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. However, not everyone can be part of your upper room experience.

Some people in your life may not be committed to unity or to fulfilling Christ’s prayer that we would be one. It’s okay to recognize this and adjust your relationships accordingly.

Practical Steps to Move in Silence

1. Redirect your words: Instead of explaining to people, talk to God.
2. Set healthy boundaries: You don’t have to entertain every conversation, even with family.
3. Fast from social media: Reduce your exposure to others’ offenses and drama.
4. Study the Word: Ground yourself in Scripture rather than others’ opinions.
5. Pray in tongues: Utilize this spiritual gift to communicate mysteries to God.

A Prayer to Break Free from Explanations

If you’re ready to break free from the cycle of explanation and embrace the power of silence, join me in this prayer:

“Heavenly Father, I thank you for this revelation. I forgive those who have misunderstood or misjudged me. I release the offense and bitterness. I sever every ungodly soul tie. I bind every monitoring spirit, every spirit of pride and haughtiness, every spirit of Leviathan, every spirit of divination, witchcraft, and mind control in the name of Jesus.

I command these spirits to go to the abyss, to outer darkness now in Jesus’ name, never to return. Father, cancel every assignment of strife in my life by the blood of Jesus. Release joy and peace that surpass all understanding to cover me and my home.

Lord, teach me to be a student of your Word, to hear your prophetic words but not to share them carelessly. Help me move in silence and power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Embracing Your Identity as a Breaker

God has called many of you to be breakers in this generation – those who break chains, break through obstacles, and break demonic powers. As a breaker, you may often feel out of place in old environments and relationships. That’s okay. You’re not called to fit in; you’re called to break through.

Remember, what you feed grows, and what you starve dies. By embracing silence and redirecting your words to God, you’re starving the enemy’s plans and feeding your spiritual growth.

I encourage you to download the Breakers mobile app for free training in deliverance, healing, evangelism, and supernatural ministry. And if you’re able, join us at the Breakers Conference in Chicago this October.

Let’s commit to moving in silence, power, and purpose. The enemy may have overplayed his hand, but God is raising up an army of breakers who will not be silenced or sidelined. Will you join us?

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