Soul Ties: Learn the Real Truth

By July 30, 2024 Deliverance

Over the past decades of ministry, I’ve encountered countless individuals struggling with unseen spiritual bonds. These connections, known as soul ties, can profoundly impact our lives, relationships, and spiritual well-being. In this blog post, I’ll share my insights on soul ties, including real-life examples from my ministry, biblical foundations, and practical steps for breaking unhealthy soul ties.

The Reality of Soul Ties: A Powerful Demonstration

Let me start by sharing a remarkable experience from a mass deliverance service I conducted in Southern Indiana. Among the hundreds of people seeking freedom that day, one young woman stood out dramatically.

As I approached her, the Holy Spirit granted me a vivid spiritual vision. I saw dozens of umbilical cords connected to her back, representing numerous soul ties. Guided by divine prompting, I began to sever these ungodly soul ties. The result was nothing short of extraordinary.

“I break and release you from your past right now. I cut every ungodly soul tie off of you now,” I declared with authority. The young woman’s physical reaction was immediate and intense, demonstrating the very real spiritual work taking place.

What makes this story even more compelling is the twist that came the next day. While teaching a group of pastors, I learned from this woman’s pastor that she had been a sex worker for years – a fact I couldn’t have known during the deliverance. This revelation served as a powerful confirmation of the reality and impact of soul ties.

Understanding Soul Ties: Godly vs. Ungodly Connections

To truly grasp the concept of soul ties, we need to understand that they come in two forms: godly and ungodly. Let’s explore each type:

Godly Soul Ties: Divine Connections

Godly soul ties are spiritual connections that align with God’s purposes and design. The Bible provides us with clear examples:

1. Jacob and Benjamin: In the book of Genesis, we see a deep, godly connection between Jacob and his son Benjamin.

2. David and Jonathan: Perhaps one of the most famous examples, their souls were “knit together” in a bond of friendship and loyalty.

These godly soul ties serve important purposes in our lives, including:

  • Ministry partnerships
  • Business relationships rooted in faith
  • The covenant of marriage
  • Connections within the local church, particularly with your lead pastor

Ungodly Soul Ties: The Perversion of Divine Design

Wherever there is God’s purpose through God’s design, there is Satan’s perversion through sin.  Just as there are godly soul ties, there exist ungodly ones. These are the result of breaking God’s design and engaging in activities contrary to His will. The most common way ungodly soul ties form is through sexual relationships outside of marriage.

God designed sex to create a powerful bond within the covenant of marriage. When this act occurs outside of its intended context, it can result in an ungodly soul tie. These connections can lead to:

  • Emotional baggage from past relationships
  • Difficulty moving on from unhealthy relationships
  • Unexplained attachments to people from your past
  • Recurring patterns of sin or destructive behavior

The Power of Deliverance: Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties

Now that we understand the nature of soul ties, let’s discuss how to break free from ungodly ones. The process involves three crucial steps:

1. Confession of Sin

The first step in breaking ungodly soul ties is to acknowledge and confess the sin that led to their formation. This might involve admitting to fornication, adultery, or other sexual sins outside of marriage.

2. Repentance

True repentance goes beyond mere confession. It involves a genuine change of heart and a commitment to turn away from sin. When you repent, you’re making a decision never to engage in that behavior again.

3. Renunciation

This final step is perhaps the most powerful. Renunciation involves speaking out and actively rejecting the ungodly soul tie. This step is rooted in the power of the spoken word, which we see throughout Scripture.

The Importance of Spoken Renunciation

You might wonder why speaking out is so crucial in breaking soul ties. Here’s why:

  • God’s Creative Power: When God spoke, He created. “Let there be light,” He said, and it was so. Our words, spoken with faith and authority, carry creative power.
  • Kingdom Principles: In a kingdom, laws are established and contracts are broken through spoken decrees. As believers adopted into God’s royal family, our words carry authority.
  • Spiritual Warfare: When casting out demons, we do so by speaking in Jesus’ name. Our spoken words are powerful weapons in spiritual battles.

When you receive the authority of Christ as a believer, you must speak and decree. Your words carry power because you are adopted into a royal family.

Practical Steps for Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties

If you believe you have ungodly soul ties that need to be broken, here’s a practical guide to follow:

1. Identify the Ungodly Soul Ties: Reflect on your past relationships and experiences. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any ungodly connections.

2. Confess: Admit to God the specific sins that led to these soul ties. Be honest and thorough.

3. Repent: Make a firm decision to turn away from these sins. Ask God for the strength to live differently.

4. Renounce: Speak out loud, rejecting each ungodly soul tie. You might say something like, “In the name of Jesus, I renounce and break the ungodly soul tie with [person’s name] formed through [specific sin]. I declare myself free from this connection.”

5. Pray for Healing: Ask God to heal any wounds left by these broken soul ties and to fill those spaces with His love and truth.

6. Seek Support: Consider talking to a trusted pastor or Christian counselor who can provide additional guidance and prayer support.

The Transformative Power of Breaking Soul Ties

The impact of breaking ungodly soul ties can be profound. Many people report feeling a sense of freedom, lightness, and renewed clarity after going through this process. They often find it easier to move forward in their lives and relationships, free from the weight of past connections.

Maintaining Your Freedom

Once you’ve broken ungodly soul ties, it’s crucial to maintain your freedom. Here are some tips:

1. Stay Vigilant: Be aware of potential situations that could lead to forming new ungodly soul ties.

2. Guard Your Heart: Be intentional about the relationships you form and the level of emotional and physical intimacy you engage in.

3. Stay Rooted in Scripture: Regular Bible study will help you discern God’s will and resist temptation.

4. Pray Consistently: Maintain a strong prayer life to stay connected to God and sensitive to His guidance.

5. Seek Accountability: Have trusted friends or mentors who can support you in your journey of freedom.

Embracing God’s Design for Connections

Understanding and addressing soul ties is a crucial aspect of our spiritual growth and emotional health. By recognizing the difference between godly and ungodly soul ties, we can cultivate life-giving relationships while breaking free from harmful connections.

Remember, as believers, we have been given authority in Christ. We have the power to break ungodly soul ties and walk in the freedom God intends for us. Whether you’re dealing with the aftermath of past relationships or seeking to build healthier connections in the future, the principles we’ve discussed can guide you toward greater spiritual and emotional wholeness.

I encourage you to take some time to reflect on your own life. Are there any ungodly soul ties that you need to address? If so, don’t hesitate to go through the steps we’ve outlined. Remember, confession, repentance, and renunciation are powerful tools in breaking these bonds.

As we conclude, I want to remind you that you’re not alone in this journey. May you experience the liberating power of God as you break ungodly soul ties and embrace the connections He has designed for your life. Remember, your best days are ahead, and in Christ, you have the authority to speak freedom into existence. Let’s continue to grow together in our understanding and application of these powerful spiritual truths.

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