How to Deal with Narcissism

Narcissistic abuse can be insidious and devastating. Whether it’s a romantic partner, family member, boss, or even a pastor exhibiting toxic narcissistic traits, being on the receiving end of manipulation, control, and lack of empathy is deeply wounding. In this blog post, we’ll explore the hallmarks of narcissistic behavior and how to break free from its grip, drawing wisdom from the Bible.

Understanding the Narcissistic Mindset 

There are several core attributes of narcissism that enable abuse:

  1. Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance

Narcissists believe they are uniquely special and more important than others.  Narcissists consider themselves special and deserving of special treatment.

  1. Sense of Entitlement

They have an unreasonable expectation that others should prioritize their needs and wants, no matter how outrageous. They believe they deserve special treatment.

  1. Exploiting Others

Narcissists shamelessly take advantage of people to achieve their goals, with no empathy or remorse. They exploit others without guilt or shame.

  1. Lack of Accountability 

Highly resistant to admitting fault, narcissists almost always shift blame to others when problems arise.  Narcissists have a tendency to turn the blame on other people.

  1. Need for Excessive Admiration

Narcissists are endlessly hungry for praise, adulation, and having their egos stroked.  They need a constant, steady stream of applause and recognition to keep their ego inflated.

Recognizing these toxic patterns is crucial for protecting yourself and breaking free from their grip.

Setting Firm Boundaries

One of the key strategies highlighted is the necessity of establishing and enforcing firm personal boundaries with the narcissist.  Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is crucial.  Narcissists often try to disregard or violate personal boundaries.

Specific boundary-setting tips include:

  • Communicate limits clearly and assertively, with no ambiguity.
  • Follow through with stated consequences if boundaries are violated. 
  • Resist the temptation to justify or over-explain your boundaries.
  • Enlist support from others to reinforce boundaries when needed.
  • Disengage or limit contact if boundaries continue to be disrespected.

Maintaining strong boundaries is vital for reclaiming your sense of self-worth and no longer allowing the narcissist to control or manipulate you.

Breaking Soul Ties

One key part of breaking free from narcissistic control involves severing soul ties.  I believe the Lord wants to sever soul ties, ties of manipulation, ties of control, and domineering.

These unhealthy soul ties are likened to lingering spiritual umbilical cords to past abusive situations or relationships that continue poisoning your spirit if not decisively cut off. Renouncing these soul ties can be profoundly healing for breaking the incessant soul-draining effects of narcissistic abuse.

Emotional Detachment and Self-Care

To limit a narcissist’s ability to trigger you emotionally, cultivating an emotionally detached mindset is advised.  Emotional detachment is a valuable tool when dealing with a narcissist.

Strategies like the “gray rock method” of giving narcissists no reaction to feed off of, creating physical distance, and avoiding engaging with provocations are recommended for self-protection.

Additionally, self-care practices are paramount for replenishing your depleted emotional reserves. Prioritize supportive relationships, personal interests, exercise, professional counseling help, and more for fortifying your well-being.

When to Walk Away

In some cases, completely separating from a narcissistic individual may be the healthiest recourse, especially if the narcissist’s behavior is causing significant emotional or psychological distress despite attempts to address it.

Signs it’s time to exit the situation include persistently violating boundaries, escalating abuse, being unable to practice self-care, and putting your overall safety at risk. You deserve to prioritize your mental health and safety.

By studying the narcissistic patterns outlined, learning to set boundaries, severing unhealthy ties, practicing self-care, and knowing when to remove yourself, you can reclaim your voice and inherent worth that narcissistic abuse seeks to erode. The road is difficult, but profound freedom and healing await.


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