A Million Esthers Breaking Witchcraft & Shifting Nations with Lou Engle

As a pastor in New York City, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing extraordinary moves of God in recent years. But nothing could have prepared me for the profound encounter I recently had with prophetic voice Lou Engle. Our conversation revealed a divine convergence of spiritual streams that I believe will shape the future of our nation. In this blog post, I’ll share the key insights from our dialogue and why I’m convinced we’re on the cusp of a massive spiritual breakthrough.

The Power of the Blood Covenant

Lou Engle began our conversation by emphasizing the centrality of the blood covenant in this season. He shared a dream he received 20 years ago about a “great communion revival” that would break division among believers. Lou believes we’re entering a time when the power of Christ’s blood will manifest in unprecedented ways, bringing revival and awakening.

This resonated deeply with me, as I’ve been led to preach on the blood covenant in recent services. There’s a growing sense that the Church needs a fresh revelation of the power of Christ’s sacrifice. As Lou put it, “I don’t think we’ve had the kind of revelation that we need.” This hunger for deeper understanding is a sign of what’s to come.

New York City: The Heart of Revival

One of the most exciting aspects of our conversation was Lou’s sense of calling to New York City. He feels led to fast for 40 days in our city, from September 1st to October 9th. As he shared this, I was reminded of a prophetic word we recently received about New York being like the heart of the body of Christ for America.

I shared with Lou how we’ve seen incredible favor in the city, including filling Times Square for a massive evangelistic event. The coverage of this gathering went viral in multiple countries. Lou was visibly moved by this, recognizing it as a sign of the spiritual momentum building in our city.

There’s a sense that New York is both “ground zero for the demonic and the heavenly.” The spiritual battle is intense, but the potential for breakthrough is immense. As Lou put it, “New York City is like the heart to squeeze the blood through the body” of our nation.

Breaking the Power of Sexual Immorality

A significant portion of our conversation focused on Lou’s burden for seeing a breakthrough in the area of sexual morality, particularly regarding the LGBTQ+ community. He shared a prophetic word he received about a coming wave of salvation and transformation among this group.

Lou believes we’re in a season where the “Ishtar spirit” – associated with sexual immorality and gender confusion – is being confronted. He sees a parallel between the biblical story of Esther and the current cultural moment. Just as Esther was used by God to overthrow a spirit of death and save her nation, Lou believes God is raising up modern-day “Esthers” to break the power of sexual immorality and bring deliverance.

The Fall of Roe v. Wade and Its Prophetic Significance

Lou shared powerful testimony about his years of prayer and fasting for the overturning of Roe v. Wade. He recounted standing before the Supreme Court, pleading the blood of Jesus for 18 years. Lou believes the recent fall of Roe is not just a political victory, but a prophetic sign of greater breakthroughs to come.

He shared a dream he received in 2012 about two tornadoes threatening to destroy America, labeled with the letters “AHA” – representing abortion and the homosexual agenda. With the fall of Roe, Lou senses that we’re on the verge of seeing the second “tornado” toppled as well.

This perspective challenges us to see current events through a spiritual lens, recognizing the long-term impact of persistent prayer and prophetic declaration.

The Call for a Million Esthers

Perhaps the most stirring part of our conversation was Lou’s vision for mobilizing a million women to fast, pray, and break witchcraft off America. He’s organizing a massive gathering on October 12th, the Day of Atonement, believing it to be a pivotal moment for our nation.

Lou shared how this vision came to him in a moment of divine urgency. On April 13th (4/13), he felt compelled to “seize the defining moment” and begin mobilizing immediately. The confirmations he received, including a chance encounter with a woman reading a book called “The Esther Anointing,” left no doubt that this was a God-ordained mission.

As he shared these details, I was struck by the connection to our church’s name – V1 Church. In aviation, V1 represents the “go/no-go” point, the moment of decision where a pilot must commit to takeoff. It felt like a divine confirmation that we’re entering a season of no turning back.

A Divine Timeline Converging

Throughout our conversation, there was a palpable sense that we’re living in a moment of divine convergence. The very fact that Lou was sharing these insights at our church, just two doors down from a nightclub where people had been partying all night, seemed symbolic of the clash of kingdoms taking place.

I shared with Lou how we’ve been contending for breakthrough in New York City for the past decade, and how encouraged I was by his words. The recent filling of Times Square for our event feels like a precursor to even greater moves of God.

Lou affirmed this, reminding me that New York is a “gate city” – historically the entry point for immigrants and spiritually a place of both great darkness and great light. He emphasized the importance of “standing at the gates” in spiritual warfare, believing that as we do, “the gates of Hades will not prevail.”

A Call to Action

As we concluded our time together, I felt a weighty sense of responsibility to share this message far and wide. This is not a moment for passivity or mere spectating. As Lou put it, we’re either called to be “Mordecais” who release and support modern-day Esthers, or we’re called to be Esthers ourselves, stepping into the frontlines of spiritual battle.

To those reading this blog, I want to emphasize: You are not here by accident. The fact that you’re engaging with this message is a divine confirmation of your role in this unfolding story. Whether you’re called to attend the gathering on October 12th or to support it through prayer and fasting, your participation is crucial.

This is not a time for streaming from the sidelines or staying comfortable at home. We’re in a season that demands our full engagement and sacrifice. The spiritual stakes are too high for half-hearted commitment.

Seizing the Moment

As I reflect on my conversation with Lou Engle, I’m filled with a mixture of sobriety and excitement. The challenges before us are immense, but the potential for breakthrough is even greater. We’re standing at a V1 moment in history – a point of no return where we must commit to “taking off” in faith.

Let this blog post serve as a rallying cry. Whether you’re in New York City or reading this from across the globe, you have a part to play in this unfolding story. Let’s join together in prayer, fasting, and bold action. Let’s believe for the seemingly impossible – for sexual brokenness to be healed, for witchcraft to be broken, and for a great awakening to sweep our land.

The convergence is here. The defining moment has arrived. Will you answer the call?

Find out more about the Million Esthers event.

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