A Call for Unity and Reflection in the Body of Christ

By September 4, 2024 Spiritual Warfare

I feel compelled to address a deeply troubling incident that has shaken many of us to our core. Recently, there was an attack on Pastor Greg Locke’s family home, where shots were fired at his house, car, and even his daughter’s bedroom. This event has left me not just concerned, but righteously angry, and I believe it’s time for us as the body of Christ to have a serious conversation about our actions, words, and the spiritual implications of our behavior.

The Reality of Spiritual Warfare

Let me be clear: we are in a spiritual battle. The Bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. The enemy hates Greg Locke and his family, as he does all of God’s servants who are making an impact for the Kingdom. Regardless of personal opinions, thousands have come to Christ through Greg’s ministry, finding freedom from addiction and demonic oppression.

However, while we acknowledge the primary source of this attack as the enemy, we must also look inward at how we, as Christians, may be creating conditions that allow such violence to manifest.

The Danger of Toxic Discourse in Christian Circles

For months, I’ve been warning leaders in the body of Christ about the dangerous rhetoric I’ve observed, particularly in online spaces. The way some Christians talk about other believers, especially leaders, in comment sections and social media is deeply concerning. When I’ve brought this to the attention of some pastors, suggesting they correct and discipline such behavior, many brushed it off as insignificant.

But here’s the harsh truth: we are cooperating with demonic rhetoric when we engage in or allow such toxic discourse. When our conversations devolve into vitriolic, hateful speech about men and women of God, we activate a small percentage of mentally unstable individuals who may believe they’re justified in committing acts of violence.

Learning from Biblical Examples

We need to take a page from David’s book. Even when Saul was clearly in the wrong, David repented for even coming close to dishonoring him. He understood the gravity of spiritual authority and the anointing. We’re called to judge not, lest we be judged – meaning there are conditions and qualifications for how we should judge.

Unfortunately, we’ve normalized a culture of gossip, call-outs, and cancellations within the church. This level of hateful discourse is unprecedented. In previous decades, people kept their opinions to themselves or discussed them privately. Now, with the advent of social media and online platforms, negative opinions are broadcast widely, often without consideration of the consequences.

The Spiritual Root of Digital Assassination

What we’re witnessing is nothing short of digital assassination, or as my friend Apostle Alexander Pagani calls it, “digital lynching.” This behavior isn’t just harmful – it’s demonic. The spirit behind these attacks is the same one that crucified Christ and martyred the apostles. It’s just manifesting through words in our modern context.

We need to understand that when we engage in this kind of talk for years, it’s only a matter of time before it crosses over from the digital realm to the physical. The fruit of our words should be love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness – not violence.

A Call to Repentance and Responsibility

As leaders, we bear a significant responsibility. We are shepherds over God’s people, and if we’re discipling them in gossip, slander, and character assassination, that’s on us. We need to be bridge builders, with our words seasoned with salt, bringing healing and reconciliation.

I’m calling on every Christian, especially leaders, to repent. If you’ve ever put your mouth on a man or woman of God to speak ill of them, it’s time to ask for forgiveness. We need a Davidic moment where we say, “God, if I’ve dishonored in any way, let this start with me.”

The Power of Intercession and Prophecy

In the midst of this darkness, God is still speaking to His prophets. My 17-year-old daughter, who has a prophetic gift, had a vision and dream the night before the attack on the Locke family. She saw a house being shot at and was so affected that she declared Psalm 91 twice before going to sleep. When she woke up and saw the pictures Pastor Greg posted, she was shocked at the similarity.

This tells me that God was activating prayer warriors and intercessors on behalf of the Locke family even before the attack occurred. No weapon formed against us shall prosper, but that doesn’t mean weapons won’t be formed – it means they won’t ultimately succeed.

Getting Back to the Basics of Faith

We need to return to the fundamentals of our faith. Too many Christians are spending more time scrolling through social media than reading the Scriptures. The Bible washes us, conforms our minds to the Kingdom, convicts us, and shines a light on hidden areas of our lives. When we prioritize online content over God’s Word, we open ourselves up to deception and ungodly influence.

It’s time to ask ourselves: Are our ears garbage cans for gossip, or are they attuned to the voice of God? We can’t listen to both the voice of the Lord and the voices of those who spread division and strife.

A Time for Unity and Focusing on Our True Mission

Instead of criticizing and tearing down other believers, we should be focusing on winning the lost to Christ at any cost. How can we justify destroying others when Jesus came so that we might have life, and have it more abundantly? We need to cooperate with God’s plan for abundant life, not with the enemy’s agenda of death and destruction.

It’s telling that those who are quick to criticize fellow believers often don’t bring the same energy to opposing other belief systems that are clearly antithetical to Christianity. This reveals the spirit by which they’re operating.

Moving Forward in Faith and Love

Despite these challenges, I believe God is doing something powerful in this season. He’s raising up an army to break every chain, and the enemy is fighting back because he sees what’s coming. That’s why my recent book, “Inherit Your Freedom,” along with books by other ministers like Pastor Vlad, Isaiah Saldivar, and Alexander Pagani, are gaining traction even before their release.

We’re at a crucial juncture, and it’s time for the body of Christ to rise up, get equipped, and stand united against the schemes of the enemy. Let’s commit to being known not as critics, but as faithful Bible teachers, loving spouses and parents, and reconcilers in the body of Christ.

 A Prayer for Healing and Protection

As we move forward, let’s pray for the Locke family and all those who have been affected by this attack. Let’s pray for healing from trauma, protection from fear, and the cancellation of every assignment of the enemy. Most importantly, let’s pray that God will take what the enemy meant for harm and turn it around for good.

Remember, we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. As we stand together in faith and unity, we can overcome these attacks and see a powerful move of God in our generation. The enemy may be fighting, but an army is rising up, and we will not be silenced or deterred from our mission to spread the love and truth of Christ to a world in desperate need.

Preorder Pastor Mike’s new book, Inherit Your Freedom, on Amazon today! https://linktw.in/bkCPju

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