From New Age to Christ: A Powerful Testimony of Deliverance with Angelamarie Scafidi

By July 24, 2024 New Age

I had the privilege of sitting down with Angelamarie Scafidi, a former New Age practitioner turned passionate follower of Jesus Christ. Her powerful testimony of deliverance from occult practices serves as a source of hope for those trapped in similar spiritual bondage.  Angelamarie shared her compelling journey from darkness to light and the transformative power of God’s love.

The Allure of the New Age: A Desperate Search for Comfort

Angelamarie’s journey into the world of New Age spirituality began with a tragedy – the unexpected death of her beloved grandmother. Raised in a loosely Catholic household without a strong foundation in biblical truth, Angelamarie found herself desperately seeking comfort and answers in the wake of her loss.

“I was just desperate,” Angelamarie recalls. “So I sought out a medium. She knew what my grandmom called me. She knew what my grandmom looked like. She was so accurate, and that was the door where I was like, she’s here and I can talk to her. I didn’t know that was a familiar spirit.”

This initial encounter with the supernatural opened the floodgates to a decade-long immersion in various New Age practices, including:

  • Mediumship and necromancy
  • Tarot card readings
  • Crystal healing
  • Yoga and chakra manipulation
  • Reiki energy work
  • Astrology and horoscopes

The Deception of Spiritual Counterfeits

As Angelamarie delved deeper into these practices, she experienced what seemed like spiritual growth and enlightenment. However, she was actually being drawn further away from the true source of life and healing – Jesus Christ.

“It’s almost like there’s a spiritual component to it that’s tethering you to the practice,” Angelamarie explains about her experience with yoga. “It’s not just stretching. It is [spiritual].”

This highlights a crucial truth for believers: the enemy often disguises his deceptions as sources of light and comfort. As Angelamarie puts it, “People always think it’s going to show up in the form of some satanic evil feeling thing. [But] witchcraft is all around us and we’re so desensitized to it because it’s so watered down in culture.”

The Dangers of Mixing Christianity with New Age Practices

One of the most insidious aspects of New Age spirituality is its ability to blend seamlessly with Christian terminology and concepts. Angelamarie shared how, even after her initial encounter with Jesus, she attempted to continue her New Age practices under a “Christian” guise.

“For about three months, I am still doing the podcast. But now I’m like, okay, how can I make this about God? So what I started to do was like, ‘Oh, this new Moon is a great time for you to figure out how you can manifest God’s plan.'”

This syncretism is particularly dangerous because it gives the illusion of spiritual growth while keeping individuals in bondage to demonic influences. As believers, we must be vigilant in discerning truth from counterfeit spirituality.

A Friend’s Faithful Intercession

Throughout Angelamarie’s journey in the New Age, she had a faithful Christian friend who never stopped praying for her salvation. This friend, Alyssa, had been interceding on her behalf for two decades.

“She was praying for me for two decades that I would be saved because she saw me go through the lust and the partying and the trauma and the men and the necromancy, all the things. And she just never gave up on me and she never left me.”

This powerful testament to the efficacy of persistent prayer should encourage all believers to continue interceding for their lost loved ones, no matter how far gone they may seem.

Jesus Saves

The turning point in Angelamarie’s life came in a moment of utter desperation. Despite years of New Age practices, she found herself more depressed and suicidal than ever before.

“I get to the end of myself, I hit that ceiling and I said, okay, I just want to die. And I’m on my kitchen floor and I’m like, Jesus, save me crying my eyes out. And I just said those three words.”

In that moment of surrender, Angelamarie experienced a supernatural deliverance from depression, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts. This dramatic encounter with the power of Christ set her on a path toward true freedom and healing.

Renouncing New Age Practices

Angelamarie’s journey out of the New Age wasn’t instantaneous. It required a deliberate process of renunciation and deliverance. She describes packing up thousands of dollars worth of New Age paraphernalia – crystals, cards, books, and decorations – and burning them all.

This act of renunciation is crucial for those seeking freedom from occult bondage. As Angelamarie explains, “You can’t mix the two. It’s oil and water, and it’s two kingdoms trying to make a kingdom of neutrality, which doesn’t exist. It’s the kingdom of light or the kingdom of dark.”

Stages of Surrender and Deliverance

An important aspect of Angelamarie’s testimony is the recognition that full surrender and deliverance often happen in stages. Even after her initial salvation experience, she needed further deliverance from lingering New Age influences.

“I have since been delivered and not just set free in the spirit, but set free in my soul because he did deliver me from all those things. But there was still stuff from the new age I needed to be completely delivered from, come out of complete agreement with.”

This process of ongoing sanctification and deliverance is an encouragement to believers who may be struggling with residual bondage or temptation. Freedom in Christ is a journey, not just a one-time event.

The Counterfeit Gospel of Self

One of the most profound insights Angela shared was the fundamental difference between New Age spirituality and true Christianity:

“New Age is all about encompassing light and love. That’s the language. And it seems so innocent and it seems so innocuous, and it seems so comforting… But it’s actually none of us are any good without Jesus. And he loves you so much that he wants you to have a revelation of this truth, that he is the only way, and you don’t need these other things to reach him.”

While New Age teaches self-empowerment and self-salvation, Christianity proclaims that true freedom comes through surrendering our lives to Christ. As she puts it, “Self is the shackle, okay? Jesus is the one that makes you free because he actually takes your life and gives you his life in you.”

Recognizing Spiritual Deception

As we wrapped up our conversation, Angelamarie emphasized the importance of spiritual discernment in a world saturated with New Age influences. From yoga classes to horoscope apps, the occult has become normalized in our culture.

“I would’ve never called myself a witch then with all the stuff that I was doing. I would’ve just called myself a spiritualist. I was that girl where it’s like, I’m not religious, I’m spiritual.”

This subtle infiltration of occult practices into mainstream culture highlights the need for strong biblical teaching and discernment among believers.

Hope for the Deceived

Despite the pervasiveness of New Age spirituality, there is hope on the horizon. Angelamarie believes we are witnessing a “New Age exodus” as more and more people become disillusioned with empty spiritual practices and encounter the true power of Jesus Christ.

“It’s because they’re hungry for the truth. And I always say that’s like they’re getting all the little “lowercase t” truth because they’re looking for the capital T. That’s his name. His name is Truth. Jesus’ name is Truth.”

Next Steps for Those Seeking Freedom

If you’ve been impacted by Angela’s testimony and are seeking freedom from New Age practices, here are some practical next steps:

1. Renounce all involvement in occult practices
2. Dispose of any New Age items or literature in your possession
3. Seek water baptism as a public declaration of your faith in Christ
4. Connect with a Bible-believing church for support and discipleship
5. Continue in prayer and studying God’s Word for ongoing deliverance and growth

Remember, as Angelamarie emphasized, “Jesus is the only one who can heal you. He is the only one that can make you free. He is salvation. His name is salvation. He is the deliverer.”

From Darkness to Light

Angelamarie Scafidi’s powerful testimony brings hope to those ensnared by New Age deception. Her journey from occult bondage to freedom in Christ reminds us of the transformative power of God’s love and the importance of persistent prayer.

As we navigate a culture increasingly saturated with spiritual counterfeits, may we cling to the truth of God’s Word and the person of Jesus Christ. For it is only in Him that we find true freedom, healing, and abundant life.

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