Evangelist Daniel Chand | The Mike Signorelli Podcast

By October 10, 2019 Uncategorized
Audio PlayerWalking Like Jesus is the Evangelistic Ministry of Daniel Chand. Daniel is married to his wife Tanya and together they have one daughter, Zarah.
As a Full-Time Evangelist he travels extensively across the nations preaching the good news of Jesus Christ, and together they have a heart to equip the Saints for the work of the ministry.

Prior to accepting Jesus, Daniel was on track to becoming a professional boxer. He lived a life of addictions, violence & negativity. He was due to be convicted to an 8 year imprisonment. Whilst Daniel was in this dark stage, the love of God broke into Daniels life and this led to his powerful conversion.

Not long after his salvation, Daniel would find people to pray for on the streets just as Jesus did and he began to see the sick healed and people surrendering their lives to Jesus in shopping centres, churches and even in hospitals.

Daniel enrolled and graduated at the Reinhard Bonnke School of Evangelism. It was from that point Walking Like Jesus was birthed and Daniel was catapulted into the ministry at the age of 21.

Walking Like Jesus (WLJ) is now a leading voice within Europe in the sphere of Evangelism. Having formed great relationships with a wide range of denominations and well-established churches in the UK. WLJ works in conjunction with a number of Christian media outlets such as TBN UK, Revelation TV, and GOD TV.
If you want more information, please visit the website www.walkinglikejesus.org

Mike Signorelli is the lead pastor and founder of V1 Church based in New York. Subscribe now so you never miss an episode! Tap the links below to receive exclusive content and take your mind from chaos to clarity.
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