Domino Day


A Complete Guide for Hosting Your April 11th Event

Date: Friday, April 11

Start Time: 7:00 PM local time

Film Duration: 1 hour 32 min

Welcome to the Domino Day Church Host Toolkit! This resource is designed to help you host a powerful and impactful screening of “The Domino Revival” film on April 11th. While we’ve provided guidelines and suggestions based on prior screenings, we understand that each church is unique. We encourage you to adapt these recommendations to fit your specific congregation, facility, and ministry style. The framework presented here is flexible—customize it to align with your church’s culture, available resources, and the needs of your community. Our prayer is that this toolkit serves as a helpful starting point as you prepare to participate in this nationwide movement of revival and spiritual awakening!

Before the Screening

Technical Requirements:

  • High-speed internet connection
  • Compatible streaming device (Smart TV, laptop with HDMI, etc.)
  • Audio system sufficient for your venue size
  • Select a streaming service to view the film – tap here to view options

Creating the Ideal Streaming Environment

Room Setup:

  • Comfortable seating arranged with clear sightlines to the screen
  • Dimmed lighting capabilities
  • Ensure proper ventilation for larger crowds

Technical Setup:

  • Test your A/V equipment at least 48 hours before the event
  • Set volume at a level that reaches the back row without being overwhelming
  • Consider having a technical support person designated for the evening
  • Have backup equipment if possible (spare HDMI cables, extension cords)

Hospitality Preparation:

  • Welcome station with greeters at all entrances
  • Name tags for staff/volunteers to be easily identified
  • Simple refreshments if possible (water, coffee, light snacks)
  • Prepare visitor information cards to collect contact details
Play Video

Promoting Your Event

Digital Promotion:

  • Use provided social media graphics on church platforms
  • Create a Facebook event and encourage sharing
  • Email your congregation with details and encouragement to bring friends
  • Add the event to your church website

Physical Promotion:

  • Display posters in high-traffic areas of your church
  • Distribute invitation cards to congregation members (10 per family)
  • Consider local community bulletin boards for posters

Announcement Strategy:

  • Make Sunday announcements for 2-3 weeks prior
  • Equip small group leaders with information to share
  • Personal invitations are most effective – encourage your congregation

During the Event


  • 5:30 PM: Team arrival and prayer
  • 6:00 PM: Final A/V checks and environment setup
  • 6:30 PM: Doors open, welcome team in place
  • 7:00 PM: Welcome and brief introduction (5 minutes max)
  • 7:05 PM: Begin film screening
  • [End time]: Post-screening ministry and response time


  • Station greeters at parking lot, doors, and hallways
  • Play worship music as people enter the building
  • Have ushers available to help people find seats
  • Consider having a brief word of welcome from the pastor


  • Have prayer team members praying throughout the film
  • Station ushers discreetly at exits and sides of room

After the Event


Immediate Response:

  • Brief (3-5 minute)  reflection on the film’s message
  • Clear, simple explanation of how to respond to what they’ve seen
  • Soft worship music in background

Ministry Stations:

  • Designated prayer areas with trained prayer teams
  • Information table / resource area for those wanting to learn more

Response Options:

  • Altar call for those wanting to accept Christ
  • Prayer stations for those needing prayer

Church Host Map


Register on Eventbrite so we can connect with you! If you are a ministry or church that would like to host a public screening for the movie, select “My Church Would Like to Host a Screening.” If you would like to host a private screening, select “I Would Like to Host a Private Screening.”

As a host, your church location will be added to our map. We will send as many people as possible to your location. This is an unprecedented opportunity before Easter to reach your community with a movie that has already caused tens of thousands to cancel suicides, accept Christ, and be disciples.

Whether you are a church or an individual, you can access the movie through the following streaming platforms: Prime Video, Apple TV, Youtube Movies, Google Movies, and Fandango at Home.  

Check out our map to find the nearest screening! If you can’t find one near you, consider hosting a private screening.